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Author Topic: The importance of logical analysis in the spiritual path  (Read 3675 times)

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The importance of logical analysis in the spiritual path
« on: August 04, 2017, 12:56:25 PM »
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  • The scripture in Hinduism given by God is in the form of three sacred books (Prasthana Traya): 1) the Veda, 2) the Brahma Sutras and 3) the Gita. All the three books insist the systematic scientific or logical analysis everywhere before accepting the concept from the scripture and warn against blind following without analysis.

    Let us take the Veda. The Veda is preserved by recitation and based on this simple fact, we cannot take the Veda with perfect guarantee of lacking insertions. A group of reciting scholars might have become selfish and inserted some concepts with mutual consent by passing group resolutions! You need not doubt that the Vedic hymn in the Vedic meter cannot be composed by a scholar of Sanskrit.

    The poet, Kalidasa, composed a Vedic hymn in the Vedic meter exactly looking as the original Vedic hymn in the drama called as ‘Shaakuntalam’. In the fourth act, while giving farewell to Shakuntala, this hymn was created by Kalidasa in the context of giving blessings to her by the sage (Ami Vedih Paritah...). I Myself composed hundreds of the Vedic hymns in the Vedic meters in My childhood with the accent (swara) also marked. Hence, composing the Vedic hymns in the Vedic meters is not impossible for a Sanskrit scholar.

    Therefore, God, the author of the Veda Himself suggests the test by analysis before taking conclusions as observed in the following Vedic statements:

    1) (Vedanta Vijnana Sunishchitaarthaah...) It means that you have to test the Veda by Vijnana, which is the scientific analysis. Vijnana means scientific analysis, which is the same as logical analysis. Science and logic are one and the same.

    2) The scientific or logical analysis is the characteristic of intelligence or buddhi. This is proved in the Vedic statements regarding Panchakosha. After stating that mind is great, it is stated that Buddhi or logical analysis is great (Vijnanam Brahmeti...).

    3) The scientific analysis should be done before doing the practical sacrifice or even any worldly action (Vijnanam Yajnam Tanute Karmaani...).

    4) Scientific analysis should be done by angels or devotees even in Nivrutti (Vijnanam Devaah...). The angels, souls in the energetic bodies, surround the energetic incarnation like Vishnu or Shiva in the upper world. The devotees, souls in materialized bodies, surround the human incarnation like Krishna and Shankara in this world. Therefore, the word angels stand for devotees in this world.

    5) Blind following of the Scripture without analysis, results in a blind man leading several other blind men falling in a well (Andhenaiva neeyamaanaah...). Absence of Buddhi or logical analysis is the blindness.

    The Brahma Sutras written by sage Vyasa (considered to be Kala avataara of God) is also full of logical analysis only. In almost all the Sutras reasoning is given like: since He is the source of Scripture (Shastra Yonitvaat), since correlation can be done (Tattu Samanvayaat…), since it is impossible to say that He is the soul (Netaronupapatteh) etc. In one Brahma Sutra, it is said that logic or reasoning is inevitable because if you say that logic is to be avoided since it is endless, this rejection of logic is also based on the reason that logic is endless, which is logic in itself (Tarkaapratishthanaat netichet evamapyavimokshaprasangah). The Brahma Sutras are the total logical analysis of the Veda (Upanishats).

    The Gita also says that the Brahma Sutras give final conclusions through logical analysis called ‘hetu’ (Brahmasutrapadaih...). At the end of the Gita, Lord says that Arjuna should analyse all the statements of the Gita without neglecting any, before taking the decision, without any force from His side (Vimrushyaitat...). In fact, the Gita starts with Buddhi Yoga, the logical analysis, by which only one can attain God (Dadami Buddhi Yogam...).


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