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The Unimaginable Entity is Accepted by Science
« on: December 25, 2012, 05:42:59 AM »
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  • The Unimaginable Entity is Accepted by Science

    Scientists need not negate the unimaginable God saying that everything is imaginable or explicable. They refuse miracles, which are unimaginable events indicating the unimaginable God. But the same scientists agree with the concept of infinite space, which has an unimaginable boundary. Hence, the existence of an unimaginable entity is practically agreed upon by science. The unimaginable boundary of space or universe, is itself God. Space or vacuum is not ‘nothing’ since ‘nothing’ never exists. Space is subtle energy and is something that bends around objects as per the Special Theory of Relativity. The imaginable space ends at its boundary. That unimaginable boundary of space is itself God. To understand this, consider this example. Water ends at the boundary of the ocean. Land, which is different from water, appears at its boundary. Similarly, the unimaginable God, Who is different from imaginable space, appears at the boundary of the imaginable space.

    Another example is that if you follow the track of smoke to its source, it ends at its boundary. At this boundary itself, there is fire, which is different from smoke and is the generator of smoke. Similarly, this space ends at its boundary, the unimaginable God, who is its generator.
    It is important to note that space should not exist in its generator, i.e. the unimaginable God. If space were to exist in God, it would mean that it existed before its generation. This is impossible. Therefore, God does not have space or spatial dimensions in Him. You cannot imagine anything having no spatial dimensions, even if you concentrate for a million years. Hence, God is always unimaginable.
     The Soul is Imaginable


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