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Offline antonyanil

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Theoretical devotion Vs Practical devotion
« on: March 09, 2014, 12:45:41 AM »
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  • Theoretical devotion Vs Practical devotion
    Theory Helps in Practice in course of time

    O Learned and Devoted Servants of God,

    The Gita says ‘svalpa mapyasya dharmasya…’. It means that something is better than nothing. Based on this point, our traditional customs are built up, which should not be mocked as illogical and blind. Our tradition says that you should offer any food or drink to God before you enjoy it. Offering to God is theoretical and not practical. You should not say that the theoretical step is useless. Offering to God develops your theoretical devotion to God. Of course, theory does not yield any fruit.

    But, theory on constant theoretical practice of offering in long time at least has a chance of generating the practical offering. The theory follows the soul even after death, which may result in practice in the next birth. Practical devotion yields real fruits, but theoretical devotion leads to practical devotion in course of time. Without theory, there is no practical. The practical sacrifice is very difficult for the ordinary human beings without the ripening of spiritual knowledge. The offering of food to the statues and photos generates the theoretical devotion, which in course of time results in the practical offering of food to some deserving person in the name of God.

    God exists in the human incarnation. God also identifies Himself with the devotees and therefore, there is no difference between God and God’s devotee. God is also pleased when you offer the food to hungry poor people in the name of God.
    Universal Spirituality for World Peace


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