Message - 19
Religion And The Origin Of Evil
Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer
On 21st November 1952
All religions are pathways to God. and no one should arrogate that his religion is
the best.In fact, religion is a matter of man's own inner consciousness. This inner
consciousness can be aroused in two ways: by man's contact with external
phenomena, through scriptures, association with good and saintly people and
masters. Secondly, by man's own individual quest for something that can be
satisfy his soul.
Religion is a matter of the heart. When the heart is awakened,the desire to know
the secrets of the universe and probe into the problems of life becomes keener
and keener. It is difficult for a man to be satisfied with bread alone. He needs
divine nectar and that is supplied by religion, which chains him to God and the
world beyond the precincts of the earth plane.
Religion should be understood in its essence. It is the ritual side of religion that
causes seperation and iconoclasm. To know the truth, one must dive deep in to
the experiences of life in utter disregard of one's own gain, in the pure spirit of
enquiry and investigation. When man searches for truth, in this way, he will notice
that all religions as taught by the prophets, saints and sagesare universal in their
teachingsand application, with as the object of life and righteousness as the main
factor. GOD speaks through the chosen ones, with same voice and the same object
viz.., to enlighten mankind and show them the way to His kingdom.
Religion binds man to GHod. It gives him a philosophy, which satisfies both the
hunger of his heart as well as gives him strength and vitality to fight the battle of
life bravely and successfully.
No man can live without religion. It is the fulcrum of life, the soul's prop, and the
searchlight in the dim, dismal horizon of man's creation. God is all Light, Love and
Beauty. He is absolute. There is no duality in divinity. There is no relativity in God's
conception. He is One without second. He is Timeless, Spaceless, causeless,Motionless.
But this divine absoluteness is missed by man, who is finite and who measures all
things, with the dim light of his own reasoning faculty. His reasons gives birth to the
ideas of relativity, dimensions etc...
No evil exists in the Godhead. But man creats it in his finite nature. This is the origin
of evil. It is not permanent, or it is the outcome of man, who is finite. The minute he
becomes perfect and reaches Godhead, the evil disappears. It is nescience, ignorance
and therfore not premanent. God alone is the Reality and all life should be taken as
a real phenomenon, to be overcome and conquered by the forces of the spirit within.
Discard the world and its temptations. Seek refuge in God. He is both within and without.