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Live by Faith, Not by Sight
« on: March 31, 2007, 12:39:55 AM »
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  • Do you feel like you are experiencing roadblocks to your dreams?
    Do you feel like you are striving for something but it just seems
    to elude you?

    Maybe you are a little discouraged and confused about what God
    wants for you. Do you wonder if God has a plan for your life? And
    if He does, why does it remain unfulfilled?

    There may be a multitude of thoughts running through your mind as
    you continue day in and day out, repeating the same mundane tasks
    over and over again, wondering if things will ever change.

    You may be frustrated and wondering what your purpose is. Jesus
    said, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who
    believes,” (Mark 9:23) and He also said, “According to your
    faith, be it done unto you.” (Matt 9:29)

    Friends, we must believe without a doubt that we will have good
    things in life, that we will be guided to the right situations at
    the right times, and that we really will see our dreams
    manifested. We will, if we believe because our faith can move

    God has a wonderful plan for each of His children according to
    his or her own unique gifts and abilities. (Jeremiah 29:11)
    Therefore, we must trust that God is working all things for our
    benefit according to His plan. (Romans 8:28) It really is just a
    matter of faith.

    The Bible says, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God,
    for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a
    rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Heb 11:6)

    I love the part where it says, “Believe that He is.” Believe that
    He is what? Our Heavenly Father and God Almighty! The author of
    the entire universe. The greatest force that has ever existed.
    And, He knows right where you are. Every hair on your head is
    numbered. (Luke 12:7) If you don’t have any hair, don’t worry,
    your fuzz is probably numbered.

    Living the abundant and prosperous Christian life is really just
    a matter of getting out of God’s way. Quit trying to always
    figure things out. Turn off the reasoning and let Him do His work
    in you, through you, and for you, making you perfect and
    complete, lacking nothing.

    Psalms 18:29 says, “In your strength I can crush an army; with my
    God I can scale any wall.” (NLT)

    Decide to have faith in any given situation. Believe everything will
    work out fine no matter
    what things may look like. As Christians, we live by faith, not
    by sight. (2 Cor 5:7) After all, God is the final authority in
    any given situation and He knows exactly what He wants to do in
    your life.


    Daniel N. Brown is the publisher of the "Living the Abundant and Prosperous Christian Life" Newsletter. A free weekly publication that teaches people how to live the abundant and prosperous Christian life. Receieve a free copy of Dan's 14 page report entitled, "5 Biblical Keys to Outrageous Prosperity," when you sign up.

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