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Offline SS91

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« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2005, 03:16:10 PM »
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  • God is the creator of this universe.

    He is the only true God;

    there is no other God beside him.

    He is eternal, spiritual, infinite, the store of all good,

     all joy, without parts, without form, one without a second,

    the ruler of all, all-pervading, omniscient, almighty,

    merciful, all-holy and the saviour of sinners.

    His worship alone leads to happiness in this world and the next.

    Love and reverence for him, an exclusive faith in him,

     praying and singing to him spiritually with these feelings

    and doing the things pleasing to him constitute His true worship.

    To worship and pray to images and other created objects is not a

    true mode of divine adoration.

    God does not incarnate himself and there is no one book which has

    been directly revealed by God or is wholly infallible.

    All men are His children;

    therefore they should behave towards each other as

    brethren without distinction.


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline mata

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #16 on: October 16, 2005, 07:33:38 PM »
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  • Respected Brothers,

    Thank you for the replies.

    My personal reflection tells me that God is not omnipresent. So I would like to understand the reason you think it to be so.

    Where God exists there is the light of knowledge, understanding, love, wisdom, truth etc

    Can you tell me then, if God is everywhere and in everything as you suggest, why is there such unhappiness and suffering in the world?

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #17 on: October 17, 2005, 11:21:15 PM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    Mata dear you are absolutely absolutely right and that is what every human being is doing and searching for..... and the answer to its question - whosoever gets it helps him for his liberation.

    Everyone's perception is Unique and in that uniqueness all get their unique questions and answers too.  


    OM SAI RAM!!!
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Praveen P V S

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #18 on: October 18, 2005, 09:11:06 PM »
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  • Welcome Mata ji,

    The question you asked is really a very interesting one.
    And the answer for it will always be a very vauge one irrespective of how close it is to the truth. So any answer can be a very weak one unless we have a base to speak and rely on. And that base is Sai Baba over here. I Believe in Baba and some one else might believe in someone else but in reality we all want a wall(Baba) to rest on when we are exhausted.

    If I knew the reality then I might have beacome a Bhrahma Gyani, alas i am not. It is just the quest for truth the every one should thrive for and reaching it is the ultimate goal.

    Every one in this forum believe in Baba and they depend on him. And believe it or not baba also responds to us in a similar way helping us. Its our belief that is moving all of us forward.
    Now you might as well ask that when Baba is there every where then why doesn't he clear the clouds in every ones life.

    To be frank will we care to listen to any one if we knew that every thing in this world is perfect, if only happines prevailed, will we know that value of light if darkness was not there, the answer will be a big "NO".

    Baba is present every where, he has given us this body and mind to know and follow the right path, the way towards truth. The reason for you being a student of Rajyoga and I being a decilple of Baba is one and the same. To know the truth and reach god. Its true he is every where but wants us to fight for ourselves so that we become capable to know the truth.

    Can we understand the beauty of Mathamatics without understanding numbers. We will understand the beauty and cause of maths only if we know the basics in it. Its only then that we will be able to comprehand it. Similarly how can we know and understand God without earning to basic virute to know. So thats the reason why God wants us to face this world so that we can understand the reality and its beauty. He is beyond our understanding but not unachievable. He is alaways with us, but he wants us to give it a try, if we dont succeed then we can look at him and he will look back at us to help us. Its as simple as that.

    If this answer doesn;t satisfy you.  Look at Baba...
    Baba is great and full of love.. He will surely show you a way where you can really comprehend the answer.

    I love you Baba.
    I love you Baba.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #19 on: October 18, 2005, 09:26:05 PM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    Praveen Bhai you have bowled me all over as simple as that.

    Nice and compact reply coming out of those basics you are talking of and that is MY BABA SAI.

    You are in our Divine Union. While I was writing this post I came across this message :

    Before undertaking any action, answers should be found for the five questions - who, when, where, what and how. People today act without concern for these considerations. Everyone must rely on his own judgement using his powers of observation and discretion. There is a divine power in every limb and organ of the body. This divine potency is called Angirasa. The name is derived from the fact that the Divine is present in every Anga (limb) as Rasa (life sustaining essence). There is no need to search for the Divine outside yourself. You are Divine. All your powers are Divine potencies.  

    OM SAI RAM!!!

    « Last Edit: October 18, 2005, 09:29:13 PM by Ramesh Ramnani »
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline mata

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #20 on: October 19, 2005, 12:21:43 PM »
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  • Respected Brother Praveen PVS,

    You wrote:

    "Can we understand the beauty of Mathamatics without understanding numbers. We will understand the beauty and cause of maths only if we know the basics in it. Its only then that we will be able to comprehand it. Similarly how can we know and understand God without earning to basic virute[what is virute?] to know."

    It is the desire to understand that led me to Raj Yoga the path of knowledge.

    In Raj Yoga the myth of omnipresence is dispelled through the understanding of the creators and their creation. This is the understanding of the parts played of the mother and father; the teacher and the satguru.

    May I ask, do you see God as incoporeal or coporeal?

    Can you tell me if in your teaching you have the concept of Golden Age; Silver Age; Copper Age; Iron Age and Confluence Age?

    It would be good to understand the points on which we agree and also to understand and respect any differences.

    Once again may I say I do not wish to cause any offence if there is anything controversial in these posts.


    Offline Astrid

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #21 on: October 19, 2005, 12:56:22 PM »
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  • Sai Ram

    Mata, dear, none of your posts is offending, don't worry. See, BABA SAI's approach is not an analytical but a holistic one - and so is ours as HIS devotees. Such teachings are better understood with the heart than with the mind. I may be phantasising, but I presume it was a nudge from your heart that brought you here. So may I refer you to the Shri Sai Satcharita? You will find in there the meaning as well as the means of what BABA SAI taught and continues to teach. And while reading you may understand that your question

    "... do you see God as incorporeal or corporeal?" - we can only answer it with "Yes."



    Restless was my heart till it found rest in THEE
    Restless was my heart till it found rest in THEE

    Offline mata

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #22 on: October 19, 2005, 02:30:13 PM »
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  • Respected Brother Astrid,

    When you say teachings are better understood from the heart than the mind, do you mean the heart of the enlightened mind, or the heart of emotion.

    When there is realisation of a spiritual truth through the intellect, my heart is filled with appreciation and love for the one who enabled me to "see". However this is quite different from "blind faith" which is not based on understanding but on following or repeating spiritual teachings without understanding.

    So do you mean the heart of the intellect, or the heart of emotion?

    Offline Astrid

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #23 on: October 19, 2005, 03:15:41 PM »
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  • Sai Ram

    Mata, my dear, I mean the heart of soul.
    (Have you read my post on the different bodies of man - this same topic, page 1)?


    Oh, I happen to be your sister[;)][:)]

    Restless was my heart till it found rest in THEE
    Restless was my heart till it found rest in THEE

    Offline Praveen P V S

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #24 on: October 19, 2005, 03:40:08 PM »
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  • Dear Ramesh Bhai thank you for taking me into the Divine Union. [:)]

    Dear Mata ji,
    Comming to your question, I want to make it clear that its not my teaching but just my perspective which I believe in. These are just my simple understandings that life has thought me. And frankly your are not at all hurting any sentiments.[:)]
    Your question is like asking can you see air????

    I can say that though we cannot see air but still its our life giver and sustainer. Similarly GOD(Baba) may not be visible, may or may not have any physical form but still he is the life giver and sustainer. We can not surely deny this simple fact that still we cannot control LIFE and DEATH, and unknowingly every one uses the word FATE, clearly showing the Part Played by KARMA theory.

    I certainly dont know about what might have happened in all those ages but one thing i surely know is that, if I do anything good it will surely yeild some good results and if I do anything bad that will yeild just the opposite. I am not speaking about Karma here but a simple truth.
    If we do a problem in a right way then we will reach the correct answer and if we use a wrong approch then surely we will end up with a wrong answer. So here if we have a doubt we can consult our GURU (Baba) who will show us the right approch to solve it. Its as simple as it. Baba is our GURU here showing us the way to reach the ultimate(Which is still unknown to me) Enlightenment.

    Here I would like to state the fact the Nature by itself is not perfect every thing in this world tends toward perfection but are not perfect. So I think we can never clearly state when can one reach the state of enlightenment, I even dont know what it is like. But I am sure that all of us in here are aiming at IT.
    They might be many ways one might reach it, diciples like me, or students like you, are sailing on the same river but on different boats. And looking to reach the same destination.
    So dear Mata ji, the answer wether we will reach it or not depends on the Type of Boat we take (Faith/Understanding) and type of GUIDE(Baba/ anyone else)will matter.

    I believe Faith (Faith is always blind) with understanding (without any EGO) will take us on the right path.

    Please apologise me if I have hurt any of your feelings.[:)]

    I love you Baba.
    I love you Baba.

    Offline drkalaga

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #25 on: October 19, 2005, 03:57:18 PM »
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  • Dear Mataji,

    I have only one answer to your basic question (Why is there so much suffering in this world?) Please read on.

    Hindu scriptures call this age as "Kaliyuga", an age where goodness, righteousness and justice limp on one leg. This yuga is not yours or mine; it is ordained by The Lord (Vishnu). It is defined by the constant struggle between good and evil. It is also defined by the presence and guidance of Saints like Shirdi Saibaba and Ramana Maharishi who came here to guide us through this treacherous jungle called "reality".

    Someone earlier mentioned that we are ourselves to blame for this decadence we see in this world. He is right. As a race, we are responsible to the suffering we see outside. Even the cleanest man will get 'dirt' on him while he walks on the 'dusty roads'. Know what I mean? We become affected by the cruelty and evil we see around us. Society is a collective entity. On the outside it seems as if it does not follow any specific norm; actually it does. That is, the Rule of The Lord. Nothing happens on this earth without His wish. Lord Krishna tells this clearly in The Gita. This entire reality we see is just a huge, drama enacted by Him and we are just players. Do you understand?

    Sai Himself said that all we see around us is ephimeral or "maya" (illusion). The bonds and ties that bind us are all set by our own Karma and Divine Disposition. HE is the writer, producer, director of the movie we are seeing here as "life".  

    Even Professor Einstien remarked that trying to know God's reasoning is impossible. It is beyond our limited intellect. But as Shirdi Saibaba and Ramana Maharishi said we can "experience" that wisdom by reaching the meditative stage known as "enlightenment" or "self-realization". And, above all, please remember that GOD as an entity is not a quantitative thing fit for analysis or dissection. You cannot analyze something that is beyond your intellect. Can you define God with an equation? No. We just believe and seek the JOY that pours forth from that belief.

    Please feel free to engage us in interesting dialogues. Om Sai Ram!

    = Sriram Kalaga

    Dr. Sriram Kalaga
    Jacksonville, Florida, USA
    Dr. Sriram Kalaga
    Joplin, Missouri, USA

    Offline Praveen P V S

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #26 on: October 19, 2005, 04:13:43 PM »
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  • Dear Sriram ji,

    That was an exceptional answer, it is true that we cannot comprehend the enormity of GOD with our intellect and analysis. He is beyond any comprehension. I would like to add that if He is Paramathma and we all are his children then, we too posses the same qualities as he has. Baba is our final abode where we merge into him and become him. We are in an age where every one of us should tend towards their base quaulities (Love, Peace, Harmony, Truth) which are also Baba's qualities. Our quest for these qualities will lead us on the right path, the Path of Baba.

    I love you Baba.
    I love you Baba.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #27 on: October 21, 2005, 01:12:59 AM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    What is Life?
    What is life?
    This question,
    I was asking and asking.
    But nobody was there
    who could answer it properly.
    It troubled me,
    Took away my comfort
    and left me to weep.
    A long time had passed,
    But I was still unable to find the answer.
    Wandering here and there
    in search of it,
    I‘d asked many what really was it,
    But I hadn’t got a satisfied answer.
    Somebody said it was full of sorrows,
    And others said no;
    it was full of joy and pleasure.

    Then I went to the sages to get an answer,
    They preached it was mere illusion,
    An illusion like the bubble of water,
    Listening all this I got confused.
    Then I asked it from my soul,
    And the answer was loud and clear,

    “Life is a gift of God.
    Use it for the welfare of all beings, and
    Take the blessings of Thee.”

    After getting such an answer,
    this question has never troubled me.
    Because I knew the real door,
    Where the answer of all such questions
    can be explored.

    OM SAI RAM!!!
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #28 on: October 21, 2005, 01:49:32 AM »
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  • Sairam Praveen ........Exceptionally quoted
    <<Here I would like to state the fact the Nature by itself is not perfect every thing in this world tends toward perfection but are not perfect. So I think we can never clearly state when can one reach the state of enlightenment, I even dont know what it is like. But I am sure that all of us in here are aiming at IT.
    They might be many ways one might reach it, diciples like me, or students like you, are sailing on the same river but on different boats. And looking to reach the same destination.
    So dear Mata ji, the answer wether we will reach it or not depends on the Type of Boat we take (Faith/Understanding) and type of GUIDE(Baba/ anyone else)will matter.

    I believe Faith (Faith is always blind) with understanding (without any EGO) will take us on the right path.

    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

    Offline Dipika

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #29 on: October 21, 2005, 02:51:08 AM »
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  • This Celestial Song was sung by Lord Krishna.

    Whatever happened, it happened for good.
    Whatever is happening, is happening for good.
    Whatever that will happen, it will be for good.
    What have you lost for which you cry?
    What did you bring with you, which you have lost?
    What did you produce, which has destroyed?
    You did not bring anything when you were born.
    Whatever you have, you have received from Him.
    Whatever you will give, you will give to Him.
    You came empty handed and

    you will go the same way.

    Whatever is yours today was somebody else’s yesterday and  will be somebody else’s tomorrow.

    Change is the law of the universe.
    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal


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