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« Reply #30 on: October 21, 2005, 02:54:00 AM »
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  • The Inscrutable Power of Maya

    Baba's words were always short, pithy, deep, full of meaning, efficient and well-balanced. He was ever content and never cared for anything. He said, "Though I have become a Fakir, have no house or wife, and though leaving off all cares, I have stayed at one place, the inevitable Maya teases Me often. Though I forgot Myself I cannot forget Her. She always envelops Me.This Maya (illusive power) of the Lord (Shri Hari) teases God Brahma and others; then what to speak of a poor Fakir like Me? Those who take refuge in the Lord wil be freed from Her clutches with his grace".

    In such terms Baba spoke about the power of Maya. Lord Shri Krishna has said to Uddhava in the Bhagwat that the Saints are His living forms; and see what Baba had said for the welfare of His devotees: "Those who are fortunate and whose demerits have vanished; take to My worship. If you always say 'Sai, Sai' I shall take you over the seven seas; believe in these words, and you will be certainly benefited. I do not need any paraphernalia of worship - either eight-fold or sixteen-fold. I rest there where there is full devotion".

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #31 on: October 21, 2005, 02:54:48 AM »
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  • Importance of Human Birth

    In this wonderful universe, God has created billions (84 lacs according to Hindusastra calculation) of creatures or beings (including Gods, demigods, insects, beasts and men) inhabiting heaven, hell, earth, ocean, sky and other intermediate regions. Of these, those creatures or souls, whose merits preponderate, go to heaven and live there till they enjoy the fruits of their actions, and when this is done, they are cast down while those souls, whose sins or demerits preponderate, go down to hell, and suffer the consequences of their misdeeds for so long a time as they deserve. When their merits and demerits balance each other, they are born on earth as human beings, and are given a chance to work out their salvation. Ultimately when their merits and demerits both drop down (are got rid of) completely, they get their deliverance and become free. To put the matter in a nutshell, souls get their births or transmigrations according to their deeds and intelligence (development of their minds).
    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    « Last Edit: October 21, 2005, 02:56:30 AM by diPika »
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #32 on: October 22, 2005, 07:35:46 PM »
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  • Knowing God  

    God, as all the scriptures and the Saints have said, is nameless and unknowable. Then how can we know God? The answer is that Absolute is not knowable, yet makes Himself known by manifesting Himself as Light and Sound Principle.

    Most religions tell us that the creation began from these primal manifestations. Now the Divine Light and the Divine Sound or Word may be contacted by rising above the physical consciousness. They exist in a latent form in all of us. Our Goal must, therefore, be to contact them and develop them within us.

    To do this, we through meditation learn to withdraw our soul to its seat behind and between the eyes. Having once contacted the inner Light and Sound, we can progress towards their Source, passing from plane to plane until we reach God.

    God is Absolute. Nobody can ever know Him. God when comes into action, creates all beings, sentient or insentient, and controls them. Our physical bodies work so long we are in the body, but we cannot run away out of it through the open eyes, ears, nose and mouth etc. That God-in action Power is called Word or Naam or Kalma etc. It controls our souls in the body. When that power is drawn, our souls leave the body. Breathing goes out of the body but cannot remain outside.

    Some power pushes it back into the body. That God inaction Power controls the whole of the creation. That is called God.

    God is the Supreme Law working in all creation seen or unseen. He cannot be seen or heard in His Absolute Form, but when He came into Expression, He manifested in the form of Naam—the Divine Light and holy Sound Principle.

     The lowest links of this Divine Principle are available in the human body which can be experienced by rising above body consciousness with the help of the Living Master.


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline mata

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #33 on: October 23, 2005, 03:08:03 PM »
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  • Respected Brothers and Sisters,

    This computer has been out of action so I have been unable to read the posts for a few days. The feeling I have from this thread and as a newcomer to the forum is one of love and acceptance from all of you. So thank you for your responses and willingness to discuss aspects of spiritual knowledge.

    I wish to study your responses before replying


    Offline mata

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #34 on: October 23, 2005, 04:10:26 PM »
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  • Respected Sister Astrid,

     We have read  your post from page one. We agree that once there is identification with the body then the soul is forgotten and we get lead by physical desires.

    When we are led or pulled by our emotions then we are not using the  intellect but are led by the mind, and that is like the wild horse out of control.

     The divine intellect that has the ability to make decisions, to understand, to discern etc. becomes obsolete.The mind becomes the master instead of the servant.

    We are in agreement that it is lack of awareness that causes man to be led by his base instincts instead of making decisions in life based upon the divine intellect. (Krishna in the Mahabharat shows us the clarity of a Divine Godly intellect)So we have to learn to think in a different way.

    Now with respect there is a big jump from here into saying that God is onmipresent, so I still ask how you get to this conclusion?.

    It would make more sense in todays world to say that Raven or Maya is omnipresent because that is what we are witnessing in the world. Degradation, irreligiousness, unrighteousness, the vices, conflict and so on.

    The religious fathers have come and gone. Abrahmam, Buddha, Christ, Guru Nanek, Shankrachariya Mohammed and so on.Their teaching of surrender, peace, love, compassion etc has been heard by the world , yet, degradation continues.


    As you say " our awareness is veiled" . So does it not suggest that we need something different.

    In Raj Yoga the Father tells us that one of the biggest mistakes in the scriptures is to consider God to be omnipresent.To say he in the pebbles and stones is to defame Him. To say he is in the animals worms and so on is to defame him.These are merely misunderstandings that have arisen as a consequence of a limited understand, a literal interpretation.

     On the path of knowledge, on the unlimited subtle level, these terms refer to the type of intellect of the soul. So for example an animal like intellect is one who follows the desires of the body.A stone like intellect is one who is unable to imbibe spiritual knowledge.

    If the world is to return to a Golden Age where man lives in peace and harmony does it not seem logical that the incoporeal father of all souls will enter the world to teach his children the way to return home?

    How can the Godfather be omnipresent?

    Where would his children find him if he was everywhere?

    I ask these questions but also have respect for your path.


    Offline mata

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #35 on: October 23, 2005, 04:32:04 PM »
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  • Respected Praveen PVS,

    You have not hurt any feeling at all. Are we not all children of God and students of truth just sharing with each other. It seems so.

    God is the life giver/the creator and sustainer as you say. The knowledge of the Trimurti shows us the different tasks and roles the father plays.When ,where, how, and why he comes. Actually he gives his own introduction, no one else can do this.

    As for the different ages, in the Golden Age and Silver age there is happiness, in the Copper Age and Iron Age there is degradation which leads deeper and deeper into unhappiness. Then in the Confluence Age there is the meeting of the Ocean of Knowledge with the rivers of knowledge. The Father and the children meet.Sangamyug is now.

    As for the enlightenment you speak of, we have a word Man mana bhav, this is where the thoughts of the children become the same as the fathers. It is a high destination, the aim being liberation whilst in the body.

    Faith as you say is important, faith in Baba and faith in the divine intellect.

    Offline mata

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #36 on: October 23, 2005, 05:12:11 PM »
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  • Respected drkalanga,

    We agree this is Kaliyuga, the age of darkness and ignorance. What is interesting is that in this Age we also have many Gurus in the world, Teachers, Sages etc. You have your respected Guru we have the Father, Teacher and Satguru the only one who can teach Raj Yoga.

    So it is good that we can respect each others path and share spirituality.

    You say,
    "Even the cleanest man will get dirt on him if he walks on the dusty roads"

    Yes this is true, we become coloured by the company we keep, we understand each other.

    You say
    " nothing happens on this earth without his [Lord Krishna's] wish.

    This is an interesting point, are you saying on one hand, the drama is predestined, yet we also have to make choices, or, are you saying we have no choice?

    Certainly we see God as the director of the drama, but in Raj Yoga He comes at His appointed time and place to return his children to a state of purity. He comes to purify the impure. To do this he gives us knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of creation.It is this deep knowledge that purifies the intellect.

    We also follow the teaching on the law of karma and now is the time for the settlement of karmic accounts.

    You say to "follow God's reasoning is impossible" yet we are told that this is the elevated aim "the children should drown their thoughts in the fathers thoughts" this is the Man mana bhav we wrote about in an earlier post. It's all about following the one father.

    In Raj Yoga the incoporeal incarnates in the coporeal. Shiv is the name of the incoporeal, Baba is the coporeal chariot, then we have Shivbaba, but it is always Shiv who teaches.

    It is good to have this dialogue.

    Perhaps you could explain how you see the drama wheel, how many births we take etc? Is this in your teaching?


    Offline mata

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #37 on: October 23, 2005, 05:24:16 PM »
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  • Respected PVS,

    You say
    "we cannot comprehend God with our intellect and analysis"

    Is it not true that we cannot comprehend the Father with our ordinary mind and intellect, but with the gift of the divine intellect, which is opened through knowledge, we are able to catch glimpses of the truth.

     This has been my experience through studying the knowledge of Raj Yoga. The thoughts become engaged in deep spiritual churning of knowledge, so the mind becomes subtle. This especially happens at amrit vela (from 2.00am)then deep realisations occur.

    The qualities you speak of "love peace harmony truth", are also the qualities of the mother. In Raj Yoga the mother and father are recognised. We also aspire to imbibe these qualities of the soul.So we have much in common.

    Offline Astrid

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #38 on: October 24, 2005, 04:47:33 AM »
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  • Sai Ram

    Mata, dear brother, glad your computer is functioning again and thank you for all your replies. So let's continue and let me first of all say what a pleasure it is to have this discussion with you.

    You say: <<Where would his children find him if he was everywhere?

    I ask these questions but also have respect for your path.>>

    It is so interesting that starting from the same question we arrive at opposite - most likely only seemingly opposite - conclusions. You see, over the years of my spiritual search I've come to find that the only place I will ever find God (or, to be frank and honest the tiny little aspect of God I am able to get a glimpse of) is right inside me - and inside my fellow humans and all of creation which makes us one. The degree of realisation may differ, but this does not mean that the divine is not there. And once I've found HIM there, that spark that is, that we will always find, the road opens up to greater realisation. We can choose the path of knowledge or the path of love (or that of action) and somewhere on our way we may even discover that all these seemingly different paths may simply be lanes of the same road, because love will lead to knowledgde, knowledge will lead to love and both will have their effect on our actions. (This may be my feminine holistic reasoning which may seem opposed to your masculine analytical one, and it takes both to get us further.)
    We agree on the importance of the Sadguru - and we consider SAI BABA our Sadguru.

    This leads me to ask you that same question: Where are we supposed to find God if not inside? And if it is true that God is the Creator how could it ever be possible that there's not some of HIM in everything, which I mean with omnipresence ...?

    May you be blessed always.

    Om Sai Ram


    Restless was my heart till it found rest in THEE
    Restless was my heart till it found rest in THEE

    Offline drkalaga

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #39 on: October 24, 2005, 09:47:42 AM »
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  • Namaste, my dear Mataji,

    Thanks for your spirited reply and continuing discussion.
    To answer your queries:

    1. God has given us "Buddhi" (intellect) to discern right from wrong and be aware of what is real and what is unreal. Yes, that intellect allows us to make choices. In other words, Free Will. And it is those actions we committ through the free will that generates our "Sanchita Karma" -- effects of deeds of this life.

    2. Sai says that we will have as many births as needed to do away with all of our Karma (both Prarabhdha and Sanchita). The former relates to the effects of our past misdeeds. Each life or birth is an opportunity to become closer to Him and chip away at our karmic debts so that we can ultimately be free.  

    As per my understanding, only our births are pre-destined; not the acts we do in that life.

    Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi (I hope you have heard of Him) always said that the primary source of mortal ignorance stems from the fact that our ego makes us feel as if we are the Doers of all things in life. We are not.

    You speak of Raj Yoga and I believe it is one of the many Yogic Paths available to humans to reach Salvation. The primary ones are Bhakti Yoga (devotion), Jnana Yoga (wisdom) and Karma Yoga (actions). Lord Krishna says that the last named one is intended for people who are otherwise unable to practice bhakti or seek knowledge. In Kaliyuga, scriptures speak of the path via a Sadguru and Saint. That is where Shirdi Saibaba comes in.

    Once you understand the concept of a master (and Samartha Sadguru, menaing the Capable Master), we do not need anything else. I personally feel that one does not require any other book or yoga or method to learn. SAI and Sai alone is enough.


    = Sriram

    Originally posted by mata

    Respected drkalaga,

    We agree this is Kaliyuga, the age of darkness and ignorance. What is interesting is that in this Age we also have many Gurus in the world, Teachers, Sages etc. You have your respected Guru we have the Father, Teacher and Satguru the only one who can teach Raj Yoga.

    So it is good that we can respect each others path and share spirituality.

    You say, "Even the cleanest man will get dirt on him if he walks on the dusty roads" Yes this is true, we become coloured by the company we keep, we understand each other.

    You say " nothing happens on this earth without his [Lord Krishna's] wish.

    This is an interesting point, are you saying on one hand, the drama is predestined, yet we also have to make choices, or, are you saying we have no choice?

    Certainly we see God as the director of the drama, but in Raj Yoga He comes at His appointed time and place to return his children to a state of purity. He comes to purify the impure. To do this he gives us knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of creation.It is this deep knowledge that purifies the intellect.

    We also follow the teaching on the law of karma and now is the time for the settlement of karmic accounts.

    You say to "follow God's reasoning is impossible" yet we are told that this is the elevated aim "the children should drown their thoughts in the fathers thoughts" this is the Man mana bhav we wrote about in an earlier post. It's all about following the one father.

    In Raj Yoga the incoporeal incarnates in the coporeal. Shiv is the name of the incoporeal, Baba is the coporeal chariot, then we have Shivbaba, but it is always Shiv who teaches.

    It is good to have this dialogue.

    Perhaps you could explain how you see the drama wheel, how many births we take etc? Is this in your teaching?

    Dr. Sriram Kalaga
    Jacksonville, Florida, USA
    Dr. Sriram Kalaga
    Joplin, Missouri, USA

    Offline Praveen P V S

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #40 on: October 24, 2005, 03:52:19 PM »
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  • Dear Mata ji, it was indeed nice to see your replies filled with a lot of meaning. I really appreciate your interest and quest for truth.

    Yes we have much in common, as our goals are same and the approach is also parallel, but our ideologies and understanding of truth might differ.
    I would like to qoute here your lines which reminds me of a friend who was also a Raj Yoga follower.

    /// This has been my experience through studying the knowledge of Raj Yoga. The thoughts become engaged in deep spiritual churning of knowledge, so the mind becomes subtle. This especially happens at amrit vela (from 2.00am)then deep realisations occur.

    This shows that the mind can concentrate on any thing and reach subtle Consciousness when it is away from distubences both internal and external. Here I would like to highlight the reason behind reading of Holy scriputres like (Satcharitra). Its a means of cleansing our soul and a tool to control our mind and invoke our divine intellect. All through Satchritra ,Baba clearly demonstrates the need of Bhakthi(Devotion) and understanding.

    He indirecly points out that when This Bhakthi and Understanding gets coupled with Shradha(Concentration) and Saburi(Patience) one will be able to reach the state of Subtle consciouseness, irrespective of where and what we are doing.

    See this shows again that we have a lot in common (our destination)but the roads that we are taking is just a little different.

    I love you Baba.
    I love you Baba.

    Offline mata

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #41 on: October 25, 2005, 03:45:53 PM »
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  • Respected Brother Praveen PVS

    This is indeed an interesting topic, our paths are different and so it is good to have a discussion in a climate of mutual respect. On your path you read scriptures, on the path of Raj Yoga we churn on the living knowledge that is being spoken now. The scriptures are from the past about the events taking place now.

    You say with regard to the reading of scriptures,
    “It’s a means of cleansing our soul and a tool to control our mind and invoke our divine intellect”

    However the scriptures were written from memory after the religious fathers had left their bodies. Needless to say one religious father says one thing another religious father says another thing. The scriptures may be followed yet still the world sinks into deeper and deeper conflict and degradation. No religious father has been able to end falsehood and bring about a world of peace and happiness.

    Are not the practices on the path of devotion more or less the same?

    In Raj Yoga the path of knowledge, the family path, the Father has said in the murli (flute of knowledge) all the religious scriptures and mythological stories are reminders of events that have taken place in the confluence age.(the confluence age is now, the age between kaliyug and satyug)

    Thank you for your perspective on this topic.


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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #42 on: October 25, 2005, 03:59:13 PM »
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  • The World’s History Repeats Itself

    The history and geography of the world repeats identically every 5000 years. This teaching is based on spiritual knowledge passed on by the Supreme Soul Shiva in the confluence age. This is but the teachings of the true Gita as taught by Shiva through Brahma. This narrative relates the World’s Eternal Drama and gives the history of the four ages, its peoples, the coming of the religious leaders and the emerging religions. It shares the spiritual and physical history of souls and the growth in population. I am not an authority on other scriptures although I am familiar with them. I will share this teaching without making comparisons unless there are commonalties.
    Cycle and the Ages. The world drama is eternal and repeats itself identically every 5000 years. Each cycle has four equal ages consisting of 1250 years each. The ages starting from a major reference point are Golden, Silver, Copper and Iron, and also known in Hindi as Satyug, Treta, Dwapar and Kaliyug. There is a small era of approximately 100 years that overlaps the very end of the iron age and is called the confluence age or Sangam Yug. According to the teachings of Raja Yoga, the overlap is now in progress. The confluence age is very auspicious and will be discussed in much detail and hence the reason a reference point is chosen rather than saying the origin or beginning of the world drama. This conforms to the knowledge that there is no beginning or end and the concept of the eternal world drama.

    Purity of the Soul. The new cycle or kalpa begins with the birth of Shri Krishna, the purest and highest among the deities and mankind. He is the first prince of Satyug. This age is characteristic of the highest level of purity of the soul which is 16 Celestial degrees complete or 100 per cent purity. At the end of the Golden age or 1250 years, the Silver age begins. At this time, the level of purity of the soul has declined to 14 Celestial degrees, the soul having lost some purity and accumulated an equal amount of impurity. At the end of the Silver age the degree of purity of the soul is further reduced to 10-12 Celestial degrees. What this means is that after the gold and silver ages or 2500 years, the purity of the soul has been reduced by 4 to 6 Celestial degrees and is now down to about 67 per cent purity. The level of purity continues to decline through the copper age and reaches about 4 to 6 Celestial degrees at the beginning of the iron age. By the end of the iron age, the purity of the soul is somewhere nearing zero Celestial degrees. This says that the soul’s intellect decreases from one of gold at the beginning of the cycle to one of stone at the end of the cycle. The 4 quadrants of the Swastika represent this decline in a clockwise direction as seen in the drama wheel and this is the origin and purpose of the Swastika. It is to be noted that after 3000 years in the cycle, the coming of Jesus the Christ made such a massive impact that the dating was zeroed and hence the BC and AD concept started.

    Births, Lifespan, Ages and Population. In the Golden age, the maximum number of births a soul can have is eight. This means that the average lifespan of a person is 150 years. In the Silver age, the maximum number of births possible is 12, giving an average lifespan of 100 years. The maximum number of births are 21 and 42 respectively in the copper and iron ages and the lifespans are reduced drastically as each age is 1250 years. There is one birth in the confluence age making it a total or possible maximum of 84 births in a cycle. The population at the beginning of the Golden age is about 900 thousand and the population at the end of the golden age is approximately 20 million. The population at the end of the Silver age is about 330 million. In 1600 AD, the population was about 500 million, the slow growth resulted from losses due to Noah’s flood at the beginning of the copper age. In 1800 AD it was 1000 million, in 1930AD it was 2000 million, in 1950AD it was 2390 million, in 1966 AD it was 3200 million, in 1980AD it was 4414 million and in 1995 it was about 5550 million. Yes, in the last 100 years the world’s population has more than doubled.

    The Confluence Age. The transition period between the iron and golden ages is called the confluence age. In English, the iron age sounds ordinary, normal and routine, but the mention of Kaliyuga, the Hindi translation for the iron age, brings a sense of caution and fear. Kaliyug brings to bear a period in the cycle when irreligiousness and unrighteousness prevailed and where there is great deceit and treachery even from the most trusted. This feeling of mistrust was propagated by the many stories and myths written by those whom we believe to know better and whom we honoured and worshipped. Some of the history got diluted from hand-me down stories in the family heirloom. These were considered as deep secrets. The confluence age is the most elevated and auspicious period in the cycle as it is the period of realization and transformation of ordinary man into deities. This is the period where spirituality is on the rise and the elevated teaching of the Supreme assists man to make effort to conquer the five main vices of anger, greed, ego, lust and attachment. This is no ordinary achievement. This elevated teachings enables one to change from vicious to virtuous, from devilish to divine and impure to pure. In sangam yug, it is said that both man and the elements must change from tamopradhan to satopradhan. It is to change from ordinary man (nar) to an elevated man (Narayan) or deity. For those who receive this realization, they know this era to be the confluence age or as it is written in the Gita, "Purushottam Sangam Yuga", the most auspicious age. For others, it is still the iron age or Kaliyuga.

    Confluence Age and Festivals. All the major Hindu religious festivals have their origin in the confluence age and their roots are the embodiment of spirituality. The first, Shivratri is the incarnation of the Supreme Soul Shiva into Brahma. Here Shiva is the name of God and "ratri" means night. Night here means the dark ages of copper and iron where irreligiousness prevailed and unrighteousness was propagated by the vices of anger, greed, ego, lust and attachment. These five vices are known as, maya, evil, satan or Rawan. Shiva teaches gyan (knowledge), yoga (remembrance), dharna (inculcation) and seva (service) through Brahma, hence the creation of Brahmins, mouth-born progenies of Brahma. This is the reason that Brahma is unmistakably referred to as the Creator, but it is Shiva who creates Brahmins through the mouth of Brahma. This teaching of Shiva is really the knowledge as written in the Gita. Yes, the Gita was spoken by Shiva through Brahma in the confluence age, but it was written in the beginning of the copper age some 2500 years later by Gita Vyas. It is for this reason that the next festival is celebrated as Gita Jayanti. Saraswati, the adopted daughter of Brahma, imbibed this teaching and assisted Brahma in the establishment of the new world order and the destruction of the old kaliyugi world. For this Saraswati Jayanti is quietly celebrated next and preceding Holi. In fact, Holi is the celebration of purity and Holika represents the burning of the vices and this old Kaliyugi world. The next festival is Nau Ratum and this signifies the Shakti Power of Durga in her nine forms. This is the true meaning of "Shiv Shakti" as it represents the combined form of purity and divinity, taking the energy and sustenance from the Supreme Soul Shiva, to destroy the demon forces of evil. This is the reason Saraswati is shown riding a lion and Durga a tiger. Symbolically, they have tamed the ferocity of the animals to their original peaceful nature. Then Raksha Bandhan is to take a vow of purity with Shiva, demonstrating complete purity. At this stage, these confluence age festivals represents the purification of all souls as well as the elements. Here the stage is set for the re-creation and establishment of the new world and Dashera is then celebrated signifying the conquest of the ten vices, five male and five female. The new world is then ready for the birth of the first Prince of Satyug, Shri Krishna, and this is celebrated as Krishen Janamastami. Radha is born a few years later as the first Princess of Satyug. Divali is then celebrated as the coronation of Lakshmi and Narayan as the first Empress and Emperor of Satyug and this event marks the official beginning the golden age as 01-01-01, meaning the first day of the first month of the first year of the golden age. This is about 25 years from the start of the new cycle. This is the reason Divali is celebrated as the beginning of a new year. It is to be noted that the childhood days of Lakshmi and Narayan is that of Radha and Krishna. In reality, Saraswati and Brahma, Radha and Krishna are but the same souls, but in successive births. In married form, Radha and Krishna becomes Lakshmi and Narayan. Looking at it in terms of births, Radha and Krishna have their first births in Satyug and their eighty-fourth birth in Kaliyug as Saraswati and Brahma. Vishnu and Mahalakshmi each represent the dual form of Lakshmi and Narayan. The month of Kartic is the most auspicious because it represents transformation, newness, re-creation and change from the old to the new. Kartic means to wash away the vices by bathing with the knowledge of the Gita for purification and it is only symbolic that you bathe with the water of the Ganges.

    Births and Ages. The Golden age represents the Sun Dynasty also called Suryavanshi. Here, because the maximum possible number of births is eight, there are eight successive dynasties ruled by Lakshmi and Narayan "the First" through "the Eighth". Then the cycle enters the Moon Dynasty or Chandravanshi. Here the rule is now handed down to Ram and Sita " the First to the Twelfth". They rule through the twelve kingdoms as there is a maximum of twelve births in the silver age. Note here, the subtle title change from Emperors and Empresses to Kings and Queens and Dynasties to Kingdoms. But even more subtly is the change from the female name as the lead to the second position as in "Radha and Krishna" and "Lakshmi and Narayan "to that of "Ram and Sita". This emphasizes the decline in the level of purity with titles. Then enters the copper age when Abraham started his rule introducing spiritual law and order. This introduction subtly points out that immorality was in the increase and purity was on the decrease. The deities were changing from being viceless and were now becoming more vicious in successive births as the cycle progressed.

    Major Religions of the Cycle. The first religion in the cycle is the Original Ancient Deity Religion known as the "Adi Sanatan Devi Devata Dharma". This religion had it seed in the Supreme Soul Shiva and its roots in the Brahmin Clan that was created by Shiva through Brahma. In fact the sun and moon dynasties had one religion in the deity religion, one language in "Pure Hindi", one dynasty or one government with no ministers, no advisors and no opposition, and one people. Governance was the combined form of Spirituality and Administration. Everything was pure or satopradhan and everything was in abundance. This period was known as Paradise, Heaven, the Land of Jeevanmukti, Satyug or Ram Rajya. These two ages of gold and silver are known as the Kingdom of Rama. The two ages of copper and iron are known as the Kingdom of Rawan, Hell or Rawan Rajya. At the end of the silver age and the beginning of the copper age, the vices first entered the cycle. Yes, "Heaven and Hell" are the two halves of the Kalpa and exists right here on earth. It is at beginning of the copper age the other religions emerged. There are four main religions that emerged and it is from these thousands others sprang up. The four main religions in order of appearance are the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Christians and the Moslems. All others are some derivative in the main four. The Hindus had its roots in the Deity religion, whereas the Christians and Moslems had their roots in Abraham and stricter demarcation on these were placed by Jesus the Christ and Prophet Mohammed. It is in the beginning of the copper age that the path of devotion(Bhakti) started. Bhakti is known as the Night of Brahma, whereas knowledge is the Day of Brahma. Disinterest or Viragya existed in the confluence age. Today, there are literally thousands of branches of other religions that have emerged from the main four tubes and the original ancient Deity religion is completely forgotten and unheard off.

    Spiritual and Physical Entropy. Entropy is the natural process where orderly things become disorderly, if not maintained or sustained. Even when transforming energy from one form into another, some is not converted because of inefficiency and this energy is considered waste or pollution. The entire physical environment has degenerated and is now impure because of both entropy and man’s greed. The physical world is undergoing massive changes because of the effects of the hole in the ozone layer, potential global warming, forest devastation, infertile soil, and pollution of the air, sea and land. This is physical entropy. Similarly the soul has become very impure because of the vices and this is called spiritual entropy or degradation of the soul. At this time in the cycle, both the environment and the soul are lame, degraded and impure and neither can help each other. It is at this time that the Supreme incarnates and in an incognito way silently and secretly destroys the vices with the help of his children who have gotten the realization. Nature reacts in catastrophic and cataclysmic ways to rejuvenate the environment through natural calamities, earthquakes, plagues and most of all being uncooperative in the service to man. The events describes fully Armageddon (Rev 16:16) also called the Mahabharat war. The knowledge of the Gita is the incognito and subtle way to destroy Rawan, whereas the Mahabharat war is the physical way to destroy Rawan and it is the essence of Holika. The Mahabharat war is the gateway to the land of liberation(mukti) and the life of liberation(jeevanmukti), the golden age. This is the dawn of the golden age, the start of a new cycle.

    Purification of the soul. There are two ways to cleanse the soul. One is to make effort by living a life of purity in thoughts, words and actions through the pilgrimage of remembrance of the Father. That is to perform "kartic snaan" with the knowledge of the Gita and inspire the Mahabharat war which is the war of the vices and virtues. The other is to face the wrath of "Judgment Day" or " Dharamraj" at the end of the cycle. All souls must be purified before returning to Soul’s World or Paramdham, the abode of all souls as well as the Supreme Soul. The souls are seated numberwise in soul’s world or Paramdham according to their level of purity and effort made before purification. This is called the Souls Tree. The souls then come down numberwise to play their part on earth and can take a maximum of 84 births depending on the time in the cycle they make their first entry. This is called the Tree of Human Beings or The Kalpa Tree. There are approximately 5.5 billion souls.

    . The Eternal World Drama is cyclical and repeats itself identically every 5000 years. After the rule of Lakshmi and Narayan and Ram and Sita in the Golden and Silver ages that lasts 2500 years, Abraham, Buddha, Christ and Mohammed and Shankaracharya will return with their following and the cycle will continue to repeat itself identically, as we know from the time of Abraham. We are nearing the end of this cycle. Nostradamus together with many others have predicted the coming of the new age within the next generation. Christ will return approximately 3000 years from now and Mohammed about 500 years after Christ. The geography of the world makes two major changes in the cycle. The original world was one continuous land mass named Bharat and with the cataclysmic events that culminated in Noah’s flood, the geography changed to what we know today as the five continents with the respective oceans, seas and rivers. The second change is with Armageddon or the mahabharat war and the return of pure Bharat as one landmass. So the geography repeats itself and as the immortal saying goes " History Repeats Itself"


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline mata

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #43 on: October 25, 2005, 04:30:40 PM »
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  • Respected Sister Astrid,

    It is indeed a pleasure to discuss aspects of spiritual knowledge,

    You say
    “You see, over the years of my spiritual search I've come to find that the only place I will ever find God (or, to be frank and honest the tiny little aspect of God I am able to get a glimpse of) is right inside me - and inside my fellow humans and all of creation which makes us one.”


    “This leads me to ask you that same question: Where are we supposed to find God if not inside? And if it is true that God is the Creator how could it ever be possible that there's not some of HIM in everything, which I mean with omnipresence ...?

    Perhaps this may go some way to answer your question, it is an extract from clarification of murli and the points of knowledge are collected in a document called the True Geeta.

    “The song: "Having found you we have found the world", --which seed is such within whom the whole world is merged? That one is Prajapita, the seed of the human world. In this seed form Prajapita, the essence of the whole world is within. Take the example for a tree, the seed of that tree is very small and the tree is very big but within that seed the whole tree is merged. That is why in the Gita of the Sanskrit, it has been said, I am not within those leaves but those leaves, the whole tree including the branches and roots are all within me. So which seed is such within whom there is the nature, habits, characters, and sanskars of all the human souls. The best of the best and the worst of the worst is all within this seed of Prajapita. It is in this Prajapita seed that the Parampita Shiv Jotibindu enters and reveals himself: otherwise there can be no recognition of Prajapita. Within the cycle of 84 births, the souls of Ram and Krishna who come into the cycle of birth and death, cannot even recognize themselves. It is only at Sangamyug when Paramatma Supreme soul Bap comes into this earth and then gives us children the introduction of himself and the recognition of ourselves. The song having found you … , is it on finding Shiv jotibindu that we have found the whole world? Ours is the pravirti marg (household/family path). The pravirti is combined form of the soul and the body. Paramatma Shiv is a soul and Prajapita is a human with a body. He is the chariot of Paramatma. By combining both, the form of Paramatma is created which can be recognized, otherwise Paramatma cannot be recognized. So on having recognized the Paramatma Bap is like having found the whole world. When the seed is in your hand then the whole tree is in your hand too. These things are not to be spoken, they have to be understood. Having found you, we have found the whole world. “

    Offline Praveen P V S

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    Re: WHO IS GOD?
    « Reply #44 on: October 25, 2005, 05:06:37 PM »
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  • Dear Mata ji thats a good observation indeed. I would like to add in here something which I think plays a very important role while reading Holy Scriputres.

    As you rightly said
    "The scriptures may be followed yet still the world sinks into deeper and deeper conflict and degradation."

    I feel the main root cause for this is within us. The sole purpose of Holy scipture is to assure Humans that nothing is immpossible if one has the will for it. They are Path makers or rather they are like Sign Boards  showing the path that can and should be followed. Now from that point what ever we do depends on us. Here our intelect comes into play in understanding what is good and what is bad and i think "Will" also plays a main role at this juncture to choose the right path and follow it. So thats the reason why world is sinking deeper and deeper into conflict and degradation, may be because of lack of understanding (which is very important) or may be because of lack of Will to follow the right path.
    Baba has given us intellect to differentiate between right and wrong.

    At every juncture of our life we are given many choices and the choice we make will make a differance. Holy Scriptures (Irrespective of which religion) just help us to choose the right option by showing us some proofs (as you rightly said)"the Father has said in the murli (flute of knowledge) all the religious scriptures and mythological stories are reminders of events that have taken place in the confluence age.(the confluence age is now, the age between kaliyug and satyug)" that happened in Past.

    The Reason why no religeous father was able to remove this degeneration is mainly because many chose the wrong choice and followed the way of corruption, hatered, and other evil thoughts. When humans dont use their intellect given by god to understand then what can any religious scripture, religious father or religiouse practice do?

    I thank Baba for giving me this opportunity to look into my self in the way of this discussion, and I thank mata ji for sharing  knowledge on this issue.

    I love you Baba.
    « Last Edit: October 25, 2005, 05:26:31 PM by Praveen P V S »
    I love you Baba.


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