Originally posted by mata
Man once lived in the world in total happiness and peace.
Now we see degradation everywhere, by this I mean lust; anger; greed ;ego; attachment etc. Sorrow is everywhere pain and suffering is everywhere.
Truth/God/Love cannot exist in a world of darkness and degradation, so how can "Godliness" be everywhere?
How can God be Omnipresent?
Sai Ram
Mata, dear, are you aware of the many bodies of man? We are not and do not have this physical body only. We have more bodies than this one only and they are ever more subtle. The number of bodies varies from philosophy to philosophy. Some speak of as many as twelve, others of eight, others of five and some of only three. No matter their number these bodies are like shells around the brightly shining divine being we really are, each and every one of us. The thing about these bodies is that they get ever more dense, ever more coarse with the densest being this physical one. And they also work like veils on our awareness. This is to say: once we are in this physical body we tend to forget about all the others and their qualities.
Now, if we identify with this physical body and do so fully, we will only be concerned with its needs and material things in general. We become desperate to fulfill our physical needs. And the simple fact that the more you eat the bigger your stomach grows the hungrier you become the more you need to eat .... the more desperate you become to get enough food explains on a very basic level how anger, greed, envy came into the world.
The same thing applies to emotions. The more we identifiy with our emotional (astral) body, the more desperate we become in getting our emotional needs fulfilled. Desperation, anger, jealousy grow ...
Identification with our mental aspects is rare, while attachment to it is rather common. In such cases our intellectual capabilities mean all to us (remember the time when everybody was crazy for IQ-tests?), which again creates desperation ("I need to know everything"), anger, envy and jealousy ...
These feelings put into action are the cause of the suffering in this world.
But the fact that we identify with only part of what we really are does not mean, that the rest is not there. It is simply that we are not aware.
GOD is omnipresent. It (to avoid a "he" or "she") is in every living being (including the minerals) it is only our awareness which is veiled.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" says Ortega y Gasset. GOD, too, is in the eye of the beholder. The vision of our physical eyes is blind to everything non-material, it is our inner eyes that see. And to their vision everything material, emotional, mental and so on becomes translucent and can see GOD in everything, see Its omnipresence, see the divine in ourselves and our neighbours.
And if we look into the world with our inner eyes more often, what we feel and what we do will change, too ...
Restless was my heart till it found rest in THEE