Pujan Ramchandra Jab Kinha
Jiti Ke Lanka Vibhishan Dinhi
Sahas Kamal Men Ho Rahe Dhari Kinha
Pariksha Tabahin Purari
When Lord Rama worshipped You, He became victorious over the king of demons, Ravana. When Lord Rama wished to worship Thee with one thousand lotus flowers, the Divine Mother, to test the devotion of Shri Ram, hid all the flowers at Your request.
Ek Kamal Prabhu Rakheu Joi
Kushal-Nain Pujan Chaha Soi
Kathin Bhakti Dekhi Prabhu Shankar
Bhaye Prasanna Diye-Ichchhit Var
O Lord, You kept on looking at Shri Ram, who wished to offer His lotus-like eyes to worship Thee. When You observed such intense devotion, You were delighted and blessed Him. You granted His heart's desire.