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Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
« Reply #45 on: January 18, 2012, 12:15:31 PM »
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  • OM SAI RAM Subhaji,

    Hats off to you Subhaji, to take out time from your busy schedule to continue this thread in my absence,
    really you are true devotee of BABA,  ;D

    May SAI be with you and your family always & bless love, luck and happiness abundantly!

    Thanks..... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #46 on: January 18, 2012, 05:27:46 PM »
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  • Discourse No. (61)

    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    There are various paths to reach the summit of God realisation. Each path has its own peculiarity. The path of devotion, bhakti, is the most vital. Devotion to God is the essential framework of every structure leading to Godhood. A karma-yogi is a bhakta, though a bhakta, may not necessarily be karma-yogi. Similarly a gnani is a bhakta, but a bhakta is not necessarily a gnani.
    In the evolution of the soul, though there are different paths indicated, it is necessary to combine the elements of all the three paths to make one's progress quicker and more certain. Be a karma yogi, a gnani or a bhakta, laying stress on such qualities in you as make you bend more towards any one of the three paths. If your heart surges with divine emotion all the time, be a bhakta, the first and the last, but don't disdain or avoid the other paths, the path of duty gnana. By duty what is meant is action without expectation of any return what-so-ever. Whatever path one treads, complete thyaga. Vairagya (renunciation) is necessary. Without renunciation in the truest spirit of the word, no pilgrim soul can ever reach the goal. It is the foot-print which has to be followed by every traveller to the goal.

    JaiSaiRam... Thanks Baba for everything.... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #47 on: January 19, 2012, 11:04:58 PM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Message - 62
    Window Of Intuition Is Opened When The Door Of Intellect Is Shut
    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    Bhakti Marga is essential in all Yogas to reach the goal of self-realisation. Without devotion to God, all your Gnana and detached actions are useless. The heart must throb in tune with the infinite. The embers of the inner fire must be kept burning day and night or it is the inward urge and surge that will take the devotee to his God. But the devotee must not be selfish. He must work for others like a true Karma Yogi and give the best of his energy and talent for the betterment of the world.

    True knowledge is spiritual wisdom. It is not the fruit of intellect but a flow from the fountain of eternity through the channel of intuition. When a Yogi gives himself up to God, He helps him in gaining access to the secret passages for gaining divine wisdom. His mind becomes so tuned with the infinite mind that what is known as intellect ceases to function and its place is taken by a higher power. The gateway of intellect is shut and the window of intuition is opened, bringing the Yogi into direct communion with God and all the mysteries of life and universe. Such a union of man with God is God-realisation.

    « Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 11:07:17 PM by piyagolu »
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #48 on: January 24, 2012, 02:26:51 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Message - 63
    Spirituality, The Essence Of Indian Culture
    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    India is a land of spiritual men from the ancient past. She has kept up her tradition for spiritual love and she will continue to play the role of spiritual teacher to the world. Spirituality is the essence of Indian culture. The teachings of the ancient rishis and traditions pertaining to them have percolated so deeply in the minds and hearts of the Indian people that inspite of gross materialism in which they are steeped like all other nations, their souls have survived the storms of time. They have not lost their individuality. This individuality consists in their innate spirituality.

    No country has produced such great spiritual stalwarts as India has done. Her saints, sages and self-realized souls form a distinct mark in the history of India, both ancient and modern. She is destined to play a leading part in shaping the world on a spiritual pattern of life.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #49 on: February 03, 2012, 01:23:03 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Message - 64
    The Millennium Would Be Reached When,
    As Planned By God, Man Conquers Evil By The Sword Of Righteousness

    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    God works throughout the universe in a most meticulous and mysterious manner. His inner mysteries are so many and so very bewildering that they are beyond the comphrension of any entity in the whole universe. Man can get just a glance of His mysteries and even that glance is so staggering to him. The whole universe rotates on one law and it is the law of Vibration of harmony and union.

    It is only on your earth plane, the opposite forces of light and darkness, virtue and sin, love and hatred, action and reaction, tide and ebb, heat and cold, good and evil are constantly struggling, each to gain its supremacy but without success. The tidal wave of success would come only, when man gifted with free will vanquishes the foe of evil completely with the sword of righteousness. This ultimate triumph of man over the forces of evil, even in your dual world of love and hatred, pecae and suffering, is planned by God. This is the millennium man must seek to establish even if it takes countless years of life.

    When man begins to understand that it is life that is important and not form, spirit, nor matter, substance, or shadow, he will veer round the right path and lead himself and others into the Land of Bliss. Bliss eternal is the goal of life.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #50 on: February 09, 2012, 12:45:30 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Message - 65
    God's Dynamic Touch
    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    There is no religion higher than Truth and God is the only Reality.
    Reach the Reality through the Marga of Truth, even if the path be
    narrow and sharp, like the edge of a razor. Worship God and God
    alone, for He is the only Reality. He alone is worthy of worship and
    none else.

    Make God the idol of your life. He and He alone is your Guide, Friend,
    Protector and Helper, as you make your journey through the dreary
    desert of life on the earth plane. The more you turn to Himthe more
    He will succour and strengthen you. Keep to God and He will free you
    from all earthly worries and cares. You will feel the fragrance of
    His presence which will fill your heart, mind and soul with ecstatic
    delight and joy.

    Make God the fulcrum of your life. Get yourself woven in Him by
    spreading thoughts of love and purity all around. He is around you,
    within you, inside you. Feel His touch and your life would be full of
    dynamic achievements. He is the dynamo, the great generator of
    electricity in you. See this divine electricity which will transform you
    and help you in transforming others in your scheme of beautifying
    your world.

    It is God's dynamic touch that alone can transform you and nothing
    else. Seek this divine fire, by your longing for God. The more you long
    for Him, the more you concentrate on Him, the greater would be your
    transformation. Seek Him in the inner temple of your heart. He will
    ignite your heart the minute you take His name on your lips and thrill
    you with ecstatic delight. Make God the only object of your
    life for He alone is the Reality, all else is Maya, an illusion, a delusion.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #51 on: February 10, 2012, 12:09:41 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Message - 66
    Each One Evolves According To His Karma
    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    Each one evolves according to his Karma. The earth plane is the most
    important theatre for the evolution of man's soul. The physical body is
    specially given to man for this purpose. He brings with his birth the
    seeds of all good and noble thoughts and emotions, to enable him
    to make further progress in the process of evolution. All evil thoughts
    and evil deeds have their reprecussions but their seeds are never
    sown again. With each incarnation, the man throws of all seeds of
    evil thoughts and emotions. God gives Him a chance to rise higher and
    higher without any handicap. The memory of good thoughts and noble
    emotions is enshrined in his soul as he takes a new birth but that of evil
    thoughts and wrong emotions is completely effaced.

    The suffering in physical life is the direct result of man's own bad karma
    in the past incarnations. The suffering is meant for purging of the soul
    of the sins of man. It continues till man becomes perfect and even after
    the attainment of perfection, it continues for the attainment of still higher
    objects in God's universe. It is for this reason why saints and sages,
    after attaining their emancipation, are subjected to physical suffering.

    The law of karma is the most vital part and the pivot on which man's
    salvation depends. Each one seeks his own way, as it suits him to evolve.
    It may take him a few incarnations or a countless numbers of births to
    attain perfection. He reaches to the top of the ladder of perfection in
    short or long time, according to his will. Karma and Free Will are the two
    concomitant parts in man's struggle for ascendancy towards perfection
    and eventual emancipation in the process of evolution. The more he
    surrenders his will to the will of God, the quicker he reaches to the goal.
    Complete self-surrender to God is the key of man's evolution.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #52 on: February 23, 2012, 06:23:57 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Message - 67
    The Heart, The True Temple For Devotion To God
    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    Men worship God in churches and temples, mosques and synagogues.
    Religion is a matter of the heart and each one wishes to worship according
    to his own way. Each thinks his own religion to be the best. This is a natural
    sentiment but when it goes beyond proper bounds, it ceases to be a virtue.
    No religion preaches antagonism to another religion. The very basis of religion
    is toleration and goodwill and if this is destroyed, religion geteriorates into
    mere fanaticism- destruction of all that is fundamental in religion.

    Worshipping in churches is good. It is again a natural and easier way of
    enflaming man's mind into God -worship. People give their best in such form
    of external worship for it appeals to them. But, in reality, such external
    worship is not on par with the worship which a man offers in the temple of
    his own heart. The heart is the true temple for devotion to God. Whether
    one worships externally or internally, what pleases God is the sincerity of
    his devotion in its utterances and not mere display of it in a church or
    cathedral. Sincerity is the touchstone of devotion and this sincerity emanates
    more when he remembers God in the seclusion of his own heart and not in mass
    gatherings and shows.

    Worship God therefore in the temple of your heart with real fervour and devotion.
    It constitutes the true purpose of religion. It is this flame rising from your heart that
    will make you beloved of God and men.


    « Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 06:30:20 AM by ShAivI soohnam »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #53 on: March 01, 2012, 12:58:14 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Message - 68
    God's Truths Lie Hidden
    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    What is fair and beautiful often turns out to be ugly and unpleasant.
    Similarly what is distasteful and difficult proves in the end to be most
    pleasant and easy. A bitter pill cures a disease. A honeyed word of a
    flatterer is winged with shafts of poison. Bodily enjoyments end in disease
    and suffering. Abstinence gives joy and health.

    To find God who is shrouded in mysteries, the veil of ignorance has to
    be removed. Knowledge is power; wisdom is the key to all solutions of
    human suffering. Seek that which is hidden from your physical eyes. Dive
    deep into the inner recesses of your heart to get glimpse of the true light.
    What is visible is not true. What is invisible is real. It is through the pathway
    of purity, austerity, control of mind, sacrifice and suffering the light of pure
    wisdom is attained, to scatter the clouds that hide the Reality. Your watchword
    should be "more light more light" to disperse the clouds of ignorance, to reach
    the sun of glory.

    Seek God in the inner recess of the heart and not in external worship. Seek
    that which is internal and not be satisfied with mere external trappings. Gems
    of pure ray serene are hidden in the caves of ocean deep. They do not lie
    uncovered on the beach shore. God's truths are like the hidden gems of pearls.
    They have to be discovered and possessed by diving deep into the waters of
    life's experiences. Seek God and God alone and no earthly treasure, which
    will fade away. God alone is the source of Eternal Bliss


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #54 on: March 08, 2012, 03:12:36 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Message - 69
    Each Atom , A Vibratory Force, Seeking Union With God
    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    Nothing is at rest in the universe. Even the tiniest speck of dust,
    though it seems to be at rest, is in motion. Each atom of substance
    is not matter. It is in reality a force, a vibratory force which seeks the
    unison with other mighty forces all the time working in the universe.
    All these forces are of invisible nature. Each plays its role according to
    the degree of utility and power vested in it by God. From the speck of
    dust on the ground to the highest Solar System in the universe, the
     Law of Vibration is so interlaced that everything works in perfect
    harmony and unison. If there are breaks on the unison and harmony,
    it is because of certain other forces, generated by spirits, evil in
    design, but in process of evolution. All evil eventually must extinguish
    itself. Such is God's plan. The evil of earth is a tremendous force of
    destruction. This has its continuation in the other planes. The forces
    of good and evil are so intertwined in man, when he is in the physical
    world, that to grapple evil and free himself from its clutches, becomes
    his essential duty. If he fails in it, the process of evolution continues
    both in the physical world and in the invisible world, till rid of all the
    gross, the soul of man triumphantly marches onward to be merged
    in the Great Law of Harmony- Universal Harmony, Peace and Bliss
    in Eternity.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #55 on: March 15, 2012, 11:26:19 PM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Message - 70
    Spirit Is Richness Of The Soul; It Alone Survives
    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    Christ said that he who gains the whole worldbut loses
    his soul loses everything, but he who loses the world but keeps
    his soul gains all. This Christian dictum illustrates the most
    fundamental spiritual truth that spirit survives in all cases and
    not matter. Matter is the most unspiritual side of spirit. It is
    not substance but shadow, if we judge it from the higher point
    of understanding. To run after shadow is foolish. Just as all that
    glitter is not gold, things which give mere temporary satisfaction
    are not worth following. Name and fame, wealth and riches,
     glory or power - these are shadow substances of no value.
     Discard them. They are obstructions in the path of spirit.
     All forms are veils of ignorance. They are external trappings
    of no worth.

    God is spirit. Truth is spirit. Realisation of the highest truth
    in nature is the objective of the life of spirit. Spirit is the richness
    of soul. It is light eternal, joy divine, peace infinite. Live for spirit.
    Die for spirit. Spirit, truth, God, eternal bliss, infinite peace- these
    are all interwoven and interlaced. Spirit is the fire of the soul.
    Matter is gross. Burn matter with the fire fire of the soul and you
    will become spirit in unison with the highest and the best in you
    and in the universe.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #56 on: March 24, 2012, 01:29:03 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Message - 71
    All Things Change In The Universe Except God
    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    There is a continuous change in the universe.
    The sun rises in the morning bringing day light
    and sets in the evening causing darkness of the
    night. The crescent becomes the full moon and the
    full moon again becomes crescent and then fades
    away for some time. Seasons chane, spring
    and summer, autumn and winter are heat and viz.
    Seeds grow into plants and plants give flowers and
    fruit and then decay leaving seeds behind to continue
     the cycle of growth and decay. Man is born and he
    dies and he is re-born and this cycle of birth and death
    continues on the earth plane.

    All things change in the universe, except God. God alone
    is causeless and changeless. He creates changes, but
    Himself is unchanged. He causes tremendous cataclysms
    in Nature, but Himself is motionless. The absoluteness
    of God is beyond human comprehension. He is the seed
    and essence of all creation, both manifest and un manifest.

    He is the Absolute spout the universe. He is personal and
    impersonal. He is transcendent; He is immanent. He is
    within every substance in the universe; He is beyond the
    universe. He is the soul of all souls. He is the light of all
    lights. He is immeasurable, He is infinite, He is Eternal.
    To know Him is to know everything in the universe. To
    love Him in the purity of heart is the only and safest way
    to know Him. To know Him is to gain Eternal Peace and Bliss.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #57 on: April 12, 2012, 11:53:33 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Message - 72
    No Real Peace, Unless Man Ventures To Tread
    The Rugged Path And Reaches The Peak Of God Realization 

    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    It is wrong to say that God -realization is a mere building
    of a castle in the air. It is not at all an impossible feat, as commonly
    considered. It is extremely difficult, no doubt, but at the same time
    it is with in the compass of man, if he is earnest in his quest and
    absolutely pure in his heart. What is wanted is purity of purpose
    and a dogged mind that would not be defeated by opposition and
    obstructions. What is dry, difficult, dreary and dangerous in the
    beginning becomes smooth, serene, sweet and succesful in the
    end. It is only when the job is done that the workman feels at rest.
    There can be no real peace or rest for any human being unless and
    until he braves the rugged path, narrow and thorny and dreary as
    it may be and reaches the end. It is a path that goes winding round
    the mountain overhanging a deep ravine leading to the summit.
    There are millions in the valley struggling for breath and life but
    without success. It is only the brave who leave the valley and
    take the precipitous path, climb the mountain and reach the summit.

    God is SAT CHIT ANANDA - Absolute Existence, Consciousness, Bliss.
    Reach the summit and get absorbed in Eternal Bliss, which is the
    real goal of life and nothing else.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #58 on: April 20, 2012, 02:42:21 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Message - 73
    Man's Intellect, However Powerful,
    Is Of No Avail In Perceiving The Over Soul  

    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    The scientist makes use of his instruments, invented
    by him for the furtherance of his scientific knowledge.
    The astronomer gazes at the star- studded sky through
    his huge telescope and watches the movements of the
    stars and planets and other celestial bodies for the purpose
    of his varted calculations.

    Man's intellect plays a dominant part in his achievements on the
    earth plane. But this intellect is a tiny weapon. In fact, it is no
    weapon at all in furtherance of Truth. Truth is beyond human
    understanding, beyond human conception. This Truth is God.
    The astronomer may calculate distances of the stars and planets
    by means of his instruments invented by him. But he will not be
    able to discover the movements of God within him. For this,
    he needs a higher instrument- the instrument of higher faculty- the
    faculty of intuition, which is beyond the human intellect. Physical
    perception of the universe is deceitful. All forms are false. What is
    visible not true. To dive into the reality, which is absolute existence,
    Consciousness, Bliss - one has to renounce his all in all and give
    himself up to one thought, one longing, one yearning, one goal in
    life viz..perfection of his soul to perceive the Over Soul-the Absolute
    pervading the universe. The subjective-objective intellect has to give
    way to the higher consciousness and complete egoless non-relativity
    and non-separateness. Till this state is reached, no one can understand
    God or realise His Infiniteness. God exists. His existence is absolute.
    He is not to be found. He is there already. See Him with the eye of the
    spirit within, feel Him with the throb your heart, slay the mind of its ego
    consciousness and then realization of God would follow in the twinkle
    of an eye. Not through forms and sense and mind but through your
    own consciousness which is innate in you, you would realize God- the
    greatest mystery in the universe and the greatest radiator of


    « Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 11:38:09 PM by ShAivI soohnam »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    Re: Rare messages from Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as GOD!
    « Reply #59 on: April 25, 2012, 11:37:52 PM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    Message - 74
    Spiritual Knowledge Not The Criterion Of Man's Accessibility To God,
    But His Own Sincerity And Spirituality  

    Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer

    You know what is said in the Bible :" Many are
    called but few are chosen." So many aspire for Truth - some
    out of the arrogant notion that their deep learning and scholarship
    would be rewarded by the descent of His grace on them. It is a
    mistaken notion that a devotee's depth of spiritual knowledge is
    criterion on his accessibility of God. God does not look to a devotee's
    mental qualities. What God wants is the purity of his heart and not
    the quantum of his intellectuality. It is his sincerity, earnestness,
    purity, self-abnegation, sacrifice and utter devotion to God that
    act as a manner in drawing him nearer and nearer to God. God
    realization is the product of man's endeavour through his heart
    and not his head. A man may be utterly innocent and ignorant of
    everything but even such an ignorant man, provided he yearns
    for God and God only in complete self-abnegation, succeeds in
    attaining God's grace and love. It is not mental gymnastics
    that is the passport to God-realization but the depth of human
    emotions. coloured and dyed with the deep stinging of the
    heart's devotion to God.

    Love rules the world. Love rules the whole universe. It is the
    cradle and citadel of life transcendental and eternal. God is live.
    Love God with all the depth of your heart and the divinity would
    flow in you like a rushing torrent. It is the latent key to the portal
    of the highest divinity. Love all without reastraint, without effort,
    spontaneously, whole heartedly, in the true spirit of love without
    expectation of any return of love or kindness. Love all but above
    all love God the most, for God is all and All is in God


    JAI SAI RAM !!!


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