Message - 76
What Is Vital Is Spirit
Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer
Just as gold, when melted in fire, is purged of its dross and becomes pure gold, man has to go through the crucible of fiery experiences, to cleanse his mind and soul of all the dross, with which they are covered. The greater the trials, the greater the suffering, the quicker is the process of purification for the attainment of salvation. Suffering is a gateway to emancipation. It has a rigid, intrinsic value, and as such it should be considered as a necessary item in the process of the unfoldment of man's inner forces.
What is vital is spirit, no matter. Whatever conduces to the betterment of the spirit, whether it be pleasant or unpleasant, joyous or dreadful, peaceful or otherwise, it has to be welcomed and not shunned.
God alone is Absolute.To attain to that state of perfection which is the goal of life, man encounters all hurdles of opposition, which are the outcome of man's finite thinking. It is because man's intellect is finite, he is unable to perceive the Absolute, which is Infinite and Eternal.
Intellect is a barrier to entry into the Higher Region of existence. But when the soul is purged of its dross, man loses the charm of external life. The objects of the senses and the mind cease to have their hold on him. His soul aspires to leap from the bondage of relativity into spaceless, timeless expanse of all glory, light, eternal bliss and quietude transcedental, supramenta and suprarational. The egoconsciousness is merged into effulgence of the transcedental Self. It is thus Spirit triumphs over matter and in the triumph of the Spirit, in its onward march towards the goal of Self-effulgence, all opposing forces melt away like mist in the rising sun, before the iron will of man.