Message- 11
Righteousness- The Most Potent Factor In Life
Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer
On 13th November 1952
Virtue is the immortal part of man. Lead a life of virtue and you will gain immortality.
No man gain access to God unless he loves, adores and worships God, dressed in
humility and bedecked with the feathures of virtue.
Righteousness is the most potent factor in life. It is the axle on which the wheel
of the chariot moves and takes you to the Abode of God. It is the parent of all
virtues- love and gentility, purity, and serenity, tolerance and forbearance, charity
and selflessness. If these be added,self-effacement, sacrifice,sincerity, self-surrender
to the will of God and utter renunciation of all desires and disregard for all earthly
attachments and enjoyments, the way to God-realisation becomes easier and possible.
The path for the traveller to the goal is narrow and thorny but it is the safest for him
to choose. For broader the path, more difficult it becomes as the traveller goes
along and it leads not to the goal.
Seek eternity. Be not baffled by the tempests of life. Be not seduced by the gaities
of life. Seek God in all earnestness,in all purity of heart and He will lead you to your goal.
Message- 12
Gain Mastery Of The Soul And Mind
Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer
On 14th November 1952
Mankind has abolished the system of slavery but your world is still full of persons
who lead a slavish life. They are slaves to their senses. So long as man does not
gain mastery of his soul and mind, he shall be construed as a slave. To err is human
but to continue in the muddle of errors is disastrous. He must rise every time he falls
and make a bid for freedom of his soul from the entanglements of earthly desires.
Abandonment of desire is renunciation and without renunciation the goal of life can
not be reached. He must practise renunciation, living in the world, for to abandon the
world all together is neither easy nor quite desirable. He must be a Yogi in spirit and
in truth and he will realise God, whether he practises renunciation, living in the midst
of life's giddy ways or in the solitude of the wilderness.
Message- 13
Break The Chain Of Maya With The Hammer Of Self-Consciousness
Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer
On 15th November 1952
God's laws are just and indissoluble. He blends mercy with justice for He loves to
be kind to all His creatures. But loving and kind as He is, no one can escape the
consequences of defying His orders and commandments. Shun sin, for it is the cobra
that will poison your body and mind and make your soul unhappy.
Nothing can taint the soul, for it is a part of divinity. But the unhappy soul, in spite
of its original stainlessness, is deprived of its right to return to its place of origin,
if man in his stupidity and ignorance exercises his will in contradiction to God's laws
and commands.
Put on the garment of purity.Burn away all dross in you in the fire of suffering. Break
the chain of Maya with the hammer of self-consciousness. Make conscience your sole
judge and monitor. Not all the wealth of the world, not all the glory and pomp, not all
the applause of the people, will heal your inward wound, which will keep on festering ,
till it covers you wholly and you sink in dire abjectness, if you forsake God and His laws
and commands. Be sure of this, that God's mills grind slowly but they grind exceedingly
fine. No one can escape the relentlessness of His laws.
Message- 14
Seek The Hidden Light
Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer
On 16th November 1952
GOD is the only reality. This world is a delusion. See God in everything from the sod
of the earth to the star in the sky and you shall understand that there exists in the
universe nothing but GOD. Don't be guided by what you see with your physical eyes.
What you see is not real. The real is hidden from your physical sight. When you see
the hidden, you will realize the mysteries of GOD and His universe. You will realize
and understand the aim and object of life. Do not drift like a piece of wood on the
waters in the river of life, but make a deep plunge and find out pearls of truth for
the guidance of life.
See the hidden light. It shall illuminate your mind, heart and soul and lead you to
the kingdom of God, which is eternal and infinite.
Don't think that you are a finite body. Don't think that life is a leap from birth to death.
It is a continuos chain from birth to death and from death to birth. It can be brocken
only when the soul disentangles itself from the sheaths of the lower planes with
which it is entangled. Seek submission to the will of God by practice of vairagya and
you shall attain freedom from the chain of birth and death. Union with God is the goal of life.
Seek Him and Him alone and He will guide you, inspire you from all your earthly
entanglements and take you to the goal of eternal bliss.
Message - 15
The Greater The Trial, The Greater The Reward
Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer
On 17th November 1952
The darkest cloud has a silver lining. The pall of dark night is lifted up when the sun
shines in all its brightness and glory. Even if the struggle be hard, why be sad and
gloomy? For, is not God, your Father, near you, to befriend you? Keep your mind still
like the waters of the deep lake. Stand firm like a rock and shrink not if calamities pour
on you, like a hurricane. The greater the trial, the greater the reward; the greater the
mystery, the greater the happiness, that must follow like the sunny day, when the
night is over.
Stain not your mind or body with impurity. Walk in the path of rectitude, with love for
all-smile for a kick and forgiveness to all. Make that the ideal of your life, if you wish to
win the race and come out triumphant from the struggle of life.
Hatred, malice, revenge, jealousy, bigotness, pride, greed, lust, sloth- these are the
companions of satan. Love, purity,righteousness, gentility,, humility,tolerance,forbearance,
broad-mindness,contentedness, culture, labour,sincerity,loyalty,one-mindness-these are
the fragrant flowers that grow in the garden of God. Make a bouquet of them and carry it
with you, for each flower is reminiscent of God's glory and a remembrancer of His kingdom.
Make virtue your crown and vice a footstand , to trample it under your feet. Be a master ,
not a slave of your mind, body and senses.
Message - 16
Ladder Of Evolution
Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer
On 18th November 1952
The inequalities in life that you see are because of the Law of Evolution operating
in the universe. The process of evolution cannot work equally in all, because of
various factors involved, the principal of which is man's own free will. When he
uses his will in contradiction to God's will and refuses to be guided by divine wisdom,
he lengthens his process of evolution. It is only when he suffers, he begins to yearn
for God. This yearning for God is an indication of an upsurge for higher things of life.
He begins to realise that what is visible is not lasting and true. He craves for things
of the spirit. He yearns for eternal peace and rest. This yearning for the higher things
of life takes him into a new channel. The old ways and modes of life become distasteful
to him.He leaves off carnal pleasures and takes to the path of Bhakti, Gnana, and Dharma
Yoga. He gives his all in all to God. He works for God and God alone and not out of any
attachment to the fruits of his labour. He sees God in every human being and loves them
all without any distinction. The doors of divine wisdom open out to him. He is content to
God's love, which enriches his soul, heart and mind and makes him happy.
Each man has to climb the ladder of evolution and go through varied experiences of life
for the purification of his soul till he reaches the last step in the ladder and enters God's
Kingdom of Eternal Bliss. This process of evolution in each individual takes a long time.
It requires countless births but there is no restriction of any kind, for by God's grace,
human souls can be raised to reach the top of the ladder, quicker and faster. The
process of evolution can be quickened, if man wills it and if he wins God's Grace.
Message - 17
Death And The Sinner
Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer
On 19th November 1952
People look upon death with grim fear. It is because they are unaware of their future
destination. The good and virtuous should be happy to die for death is a passage to
higher realms of peace and bliss. It is only the sinner who carries the load of sin along
with his soul. This load he has to unburden before he can start a new race for life on
the earth. He must go through the path of purification to start a new lease of life. This
course of purification does not end immediately. It goes on from birth to birth and from
earth to the spirit world, for countless years, till purged of all sins and perfected in spirit,
he becomes ripe for union with God, the Absolute Spirit.
God's mercy is so great that even to the worst sinner He gives a chance and hope to
recover the lost ground and re-enter into the realm of bliss from which he has been an
exile. For every soul is a spark of God and having emanted from such a high origin, must
return back to its home. Such is the destined lot of every human soul.
Message - 18
Trample Sin But Do Not Despise The Sinner
Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer
On 20th November 1952
Sin is negation of virtue. It is the greatest obstacle in the struggle of life.Sinfulness
is Godlessness. To commit a sin, whether in thought, work or deed, is to invite terrible
consequences both in this life and hereafter. Sin is a fetter, a clamping machine
which kills you inch by inch and gives you no rest or peace of mind.
Keep away from the monster of sin and seek virtue as your friend and lifemate.
It is virtue that brings peace and happiness.Sin creates disunion, disharmony,
distress, distraction, dissipation of energy and disease of mind,body and soul.
Destroy sin with the hammer of God's name. Keep on shouting the name of God
and the temptress sin will not make an assault on you. A life of sinlessness is a
life of perfection, which God wants His children to strive for.
Trample sin under your feet but do not despise the sinner.Pity him and raise him
from the morass of despair. Purify his heart, mind and soul and take him Godward.
It is possible to rise from the state of sinfulness to the heighest state of saintliness.
Sinfulness is only one aspect of human life. It is a transient aspect for no sinner can
live in the sink of sin for a long time. He must come out, by means of his own remorse
and suffering and breathe the free air of joy and sunshine, which is God's measure
for all His creation.
There is no such thing as eternal punishment. There is eternal bliss, which is the
birthright of every human soul. But there is no eternal fire of hell. Heaven and hell
do exist but not in the sense men think them to be. Sinfulness is hell. Righteousness
is heaven. It is only by breaking the fetters of sin and leading a life of desirelessness
would you be able to win God's love and grace and enter into His kingdom of eternal bliss.
Message - 18
Trample Sin But Do Not Despise The Sinner
Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer
On 20th November 1952
Sin is negation of virtue. It is the greatest obstacle in the struggle of life.Sinfulness
is Godlessness. To commit a sin, whether in thought, work or deed, is to invite terrible
consequences both in this life and hereafter. Sin is a fetter, a clamping machine
which kills you inch by inch and gives you no rest or peace of mind.
Keep away from the monster of sin and seek virtue as your friend and lifemate.
It is virtue that brings peace and happiness.Sin creates disunion, disharmony,
distress, distraction, dissipation of energy and disease of mind,body and soul.
Destroy sin with the hammer of God's name. Keep on shouting the name of God
and the temptress sin will not make an assault on you. A life of sinlessness is a
life of perfection, which God wants His children to strive for.
Trample sin under your feet but do not despise the sinner.Pity him and raise him
from the morass of despair. Purify his heart, mind and soul and take him Godward.
It is possible to rise from the state of sinfulness to the heighest state of saintliness.
Sinfulness is only one aspect of human life. It is a transient aspect for no sinner can
live in the sink of sin for a long time. He must come out, by means of his own remorse
and suffering and breathe the free air of joy and sunshine, which is God's measure
for all His creation.
There is no such thing as eternal punishment. There is eternal bliss, which is the
birthright of every human soul. But there is no eternal fire of hell. Heaven and hell
do exist but not in the sense men think them to be. Sinfulness is hell. Righteousness
is heaven. It is only by breaking the fetters of sin and leading a life of desirelessness
would you be able to win God's love and grace and enter into His kingdom of eternal bliss.
Message - 19
Religion And The Origin Of Evil
Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer
On 21st November 1952
All religions are pathways to God. and no one should arrogate that his religion is
the best.In fact, religion is a matter of man's own inner consciousness. This inner
consciousness can be aroused in two ways: by man's contact with external
phenomena, through scriptures, association with good and saintly people and
masters. Secondly, by man's own individual quest for something that can be
satisfy his soul.
Religion is a matter of the heart. When the heart is awakened,the desire to know
the secrets of the universe and probe into the problems of life becomes keener
and keener. It is difficult for a man to be satisfied with bread alone. He needs
divine nectar and that is supplied by religion, which chains him to God and the
world beyond the precincts of the earth plane.
Religion should be understood in its essence. It is the ritual side of religion that
causes seperation and iconoclasm. To know the truth, one must dive deep in to
the experiences of life in utter disregard of one's own gain, in the pure spirit of
enquiry and investigation. When man searches for truth, in this way, he will notice
that all religions as taught by the prophets, saints and sagesare universal in their
teachingsand application, with as the object of life and righteousness as the main
factor. GOD speaks through the chosen ones, with same voice and the same object
viz.., to enlighten mankind and show them the way to His kingdom.
Religion binds man to GHod. It gives him a philosophy, which satisfies both the
hunger of his heart as well as gives him strength and vitality to fight the battle of
life bravely and successfully.
No man can live without religion. It is the fulcrum of life, the soul's prop, and the
searchlight in the dim, dismal horizon of man's creation. God is all Light, Love and
Beauty. He is absolute. There is no duality in divinity. There is no relativity in God's
conception. He is One without second. He is Timeless, Spaceless, causeless,Motionless.
But this divine absoluteness is missed by man, who is finite and who measures all
things, with the dim light of his own reasoning faculty. His reasons gives birth to the
ideas of relativity, dimensions etc...
No evil exists in the Godhead. But man creats it in his finite nature. This is the origin
of evil. It is not permanent, or it is the outcome of man, who is finite. The minute he
becomes perfect and reaches Godhead, the evil disappears. It is nescience, ignorance
and therfore not premanent. God alone is the Reality and all life should be taken as
a real phenomenon, to be overcome and conquered by the forces of the spirit within.
Discard the world and its temptations. Seek refuge in God. He is both within and without.
Message - 20
Control Of The Mind
Delivered by Baba to Yogi. M.K.Spencer
On 22nd November 1952
Mind is the repository of good and bad thoughts. It is the mind that makes heaven
or hell. Control of the mind requires skilful handling. It is by concentration and
meditation that a man can become the master of his mind and control it to perfection.
When man reaches the stage of his having controlled his mind, he becomes a sage,
a seer. Once the mind is controlled, he can then go into the interior recesses of
God's mysteries.
Control of the mind leads to illumination. It is a subtle, spiritual force, higher than
intellect. It is called intuition, the third eye, the mystic passage, the ladder to
Godhead. It is spiritual artery, which supplies spiritual food of the highest type.
It is also known as inspiration. It is a link with God Himself. It is the fire of the soul.
It is God's gift and a token of His grace.