Sri Guru Datta is accompanied by 4 dogs, in his figurative symbol. These 4 represent the 4 Vedas the 4 Yugas, and the 4 states of the Word. They also refer to the 4 states of Existence.
The 4 Vedas are
Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yayur Veda and Atharva Veda.
The 4 Yugas are
Krita, Treta, Dwapara and Kali Yugas.
The 4 states of the Word are
Para (beyond), Pasyanti (perception; Madhyama (conception), Vaikhari (vocal).
The 4 states of Existence are
Existence, awareness, thought and speech or action.
The whole world is the product of the Word. It emanates as the soundless sound Nada (OM) and further descends as the life principles (vowels), the formative principles (consonants) and the varieties of formations (words, sentences, and scriptures). Thus it is the Word that manifests in its detail, according to a Plan, which can be known trough 4 keys namely: the number key, the sound key, the colour key and the key of symbolism.
The ancient seers have visualised the creation and its 4 aspects, which is a popular division. The cross of the west also has its origin in the key of the fourfold division. There are many ways to explain the creation by dividing it into its 4 aspects. The Vaishnavits called the 4 states as: Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha. Vyuvahas. The same 4 states are explained as Paramasiva, Sadasiva, Isvara, and Rudra by the Saivaits. By the followers of Sakti (power) these 4 states are called; Para Sakti, Itcha Sakti, Jnana Sakti and Kriya Sakti. The wisdom coming from the Hierarchy through Master Djwhal Khul today, gives a new terminology to it as: Pure Consciousness (Soul), Will, Love-Wisdom and Intelligent Activity.
As said earlier, the Christians conceived the fourfold Existence and adopted the cross, which is again a Vedic symbol. They have also conceived 4 gospels, to fall in tune with the 4 Vedas (the 4 Vedas speak of the 4 aspects of the Lord, while the 4 gospels speak the same story of the Initiate Jesus Christ).
The 4 Vedas speak of the expression of awareness as Rig Veda, the Song of Life as Sama Veda, the plan of work as Yayur Veda and action and the related manifestation as Atharva Veda, in great detail. They are not comparable to the 4 gospels.
The scheme of the 4 Vedas is briefly as under:
Rig Veda speaks of the emergence of awareness, its ideation as divine thought and its manifestation as speech. Awareness emerges from Existence, details into Trinity and utters forth the 7 planes of existence. This is the work of the Word which is elaborated in great detail in Rig Veda. Even in the human being, his awakening, his perceptions (inner and outer), his conceptions, his speeches and actions are nothing but the uttering forth of himself. This is the Rig Vedic part of him.
The Sama Vedic part in the human being exists as Nada, which details into life force, conducts pulsation, heart beat, respiration and circulation of blood.
The Yayur Vedic part in the human being is, making a plan out of ones own conceptions before been executed. Unless there is a well laid out plan for action, the actions do not yield the related joy. Yayur Veda speaks of such plans before every action.
The Atharva Vedic part in the human being are his actions and the consequent creation, which is his. As it is with the Lord so it is with man. The knowledge relating to the 4 aspects relating to man in its detail would lead him to himself.
To indicate that all is fourfold, the 4 dogs are depicted as moving around the Lord, this is only a partial understanding of the 4 dogs.
The dog is one of the sublime symbols of the Veda. The dog represents the faculty to listen, to listen far, and to listen to the subtle. The dogs have a better ability to listen than the humans. They are alert to listen and are also able to listen much more than the humans. In the esoteric practices, one of the foremost practice is, to make the student listen, more than speak. To listen far, to listen to the subtle, would lead one to clairaudience, and it would further lead to listen to the Voice of the Silence. Listening to the Voice of Silence is called listening to Anahata the Heart Centre, where the subtle sound coming through the ether can be received and perceived.
All great Initiates listen to the silence within and express the Plan as is impressed on them in silence. Impression from the subtle planes is possible only if one is alert, able and oriented to silence. The dog represents such an orientation and the impression comes from higher circles. Astrology says that all impressional teachings are the work of Jupiter, whose name in Sanskrit is Guru, thus, it is the principle of Guru, only, that causes impressions upon the well- prepared beings.
In recent times, the impressional writings are well demonstrated by Madam Alice A Bailey. She oriented to enough silence to be able to listen to the impressions that came to her, from Master Tibetan. She was able to record the ancient wisdom in great detail to enlighten the average intellect of the west.
Even in the Greek system there is a three-headed dog that keeps vigilance at the gates between heaven and hell. He is called Hydra, which is significant in this context. The dog is the symbol of vigilance, depending upon the quality of utterances that one makes he would either open the gates into heaven or into hell. It is for this reason, prayers are recommended to be uttered loudly by the aspirant in its 3 levels and listen to the import of the sound uttered forth. The import of sound in prayer, is God, while the 3 levels of the physical sound represent the three-headed dog.
Leo is called the dog in the Vedic symbolism. In its higher function, Leo is called lion. There is a great significance in Leo being called the dog, for Leo and Scorpio are related to the Dog Star. The Vedic symbolism relating to the dog relates to the Dog Star. The Dog Star Sirius is locationally in Scorpio and functionally enters into our system through the Central Sun of Leo. To the students of esoteric astrology it is clear that the Sirius system constitutes the Teacher principle to our system, while the Great Bear and the Pleiades play the role of the Father and the Mother. The Vedic seers conceived the energy of love and compassion, which are received into our system as coming from Sirius.
In the Vedic system, Sirius is called Sarama. Sarama means dog. Sirius is called the Dog, both, for its appearance from this Earth and also for its functional aspect. The Divine Plan for our system is first received in Sirius and then transmitted into our system. Systemically speaking, the impressional work relating to the evolution of our solar system is conducted by Sirius. Even the Avatar of Synthesis who is to come, is predicted to be entering from the south, for south stands for the sun-sign Leo, of love and compassion. Leo in man, is the Heart Centre, which can unfold love and compassion. The most profound Truth relating to the Avatars and the related evolution of our solar system are hidden in Sirius.
Sarama is the familiar sound among the Eastern Indians and the Central American Indians. In Central America, amidst the Amazon forest, there are Indian tribes who are called Saramas (Shamans) meaning, the priests who can listen, get impressed from higher circles and conduct healing. Sarama in India is called Sarma, he is the ritualist who listens to the higher circles and utters forth the hymns to benefit the human folk. He is a teacher, a healer a guide and philosopher in the ancient Indian communities.
The symbolism of the dog is too profound to be explained in its completeness. We leave the dog at this junction, to be pursued further, intuitively, by the inclined student.
The replica of the Sirius System on this planet is the Hierarchy with its ashrams in the Himalayas and the Blue Mountains. The head of the Hierarchy, Lord Maitreya, is believed to be in tune with the Lord of the Sarameya (Sirius System), whose Lord is Dattatreya. Dattatreya is the Head of the Great Grand Lodge of the White Brotherhood on Sirius, while Maitreya is the Head of the Great Grand Lodge of the White Brotherhood on this planet. Together they are steering the energies of Neptune, for the benefit of this planetary evolution.