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Re: The Blessed Ones
« Reply #150 on: August 12, 2012, 01:26:38 PM »
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  • Damodar Savalram Rasane
    S/o Kasar, alias Anna Rasane, Savalram Rasane, formerly of Ahmednagar, Poona

    What my son said is true about his birth. When I went to Baba, desirous of issue, he was kind enough to remember me and give me his blessings. When I was still on my way to Shirdi, passing through Kopergaon station, he mentioned at Shirdi that I was coming and reserved mango fruits for me. He gave me those fruits with the blessing that I should give them to my junior wife and that she would bring forth two sons first. She ate the fruits and gave birth to two sons, one fifteen months after my visit, the other years later and he gave names to both in advance. I noted those names in my note book (page 3) and these children bear those names also, in addition to the usual Hindu names I have given them.

    I prayed to Baba for a second grandson at his samadhi and he was born.

    When I first went to Baba, one Bala Patel of Nevasa or Seagaon was sweeping the masjid and doing (in various ways) service to Baba.

    I always took Baba's advice and acted up to it and the results were always satisfactory. Once I had an appeal in the High court, and the lawyer had written to me to go to Bombay. Then Baba detained me and prevented me from going. Yet the result of the appeal was in my favour.

    Nanasaheb Dengle brought a big silver plate full of various dainties and begged Sai Baba to eat. Baba shouted out. A black dog ran up and licked up some of the food. Nanasaheb Dengle who was standing near looked at it with disgust. "Is it for this pariah dog that I prepared all this?" he thought within himself. Baba at once flung away the plate with its contents towards him and said, “Take it away". I was present then.

    I remembered always Baba's treatment to low creatures and men of low position as his equals or as himself. Once when I went to Baba and knowing that he would not care to go to my lodgings and have his dinner there, requested that he might send Bala Patel to be my guest. Bala Patel was of a low caste. So Baba in granting my request said, "Don't cry Dhut Dhut at him" i.e., do not humiliate the guest by giving him place far away from your own place of eating. I agreed. When I had prepared sumptuous meals, I spread one plate for Baba and filled it with all eatables and then called out, "Baba, come!". A black dog came in and ate from the plate. I waited reverently till it finished its meal and then gave meals to others and took my own. I gave Bala a plate and made him sit near me and not outside the house.

    My mind is always dwelling on Baba, and often I see Him here. Sometimes Baba abused me and beat me even fiercely. But I knew that as with Akkalkote Maharaj, blows and abuse have an auspicious ending. So I never resented or grumbled and I never gave up my attachment to him.

    He has asked Muslims to do their namaz and then go to him to read their Quran; he has talked with moulvis on their religion.

    I was not asked by nor have I given any information regarding my experience to Das Gunu Maharaj or Dabholkar. I went to Baba for the first time about 1895. In the year after I went, Ramanavami Utsav celebration began and for these 40 years, I have provided one ornamental standard for that occasion every year. That was before Nana was born.

    The statement I had three wives is wrong. I had two both living when I went to Baba. I had consulted astrology. Ketu was in the fifth place in horoscope and so there was the difficulty of getting issue. But Baba, a Satpurush, over came all that. He anticipated and provided for the issue of so many years. He said 8 children would be born to my younger wife, to whom I was to give the four mango fruits he gave me.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #151 on: August 12, 2012, 06:13:14 PM »
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  • As for business consultations with Baba, the proposal about speculating at Bombay in cotton was from a broker. He was not to be partner. I was to be the sole venturer. I went to Baba, thinking I would allot a share to him in the profits and I was massaging his feet. Then Mahalsapathy, I and Baba alone were the three present. Baba replied expressly that he did not wish to get involved in any Samsara (like sharing profits). So I gave up that idea.

    On another occasion, I went to Shirdi and there I expressly asked Baba if I could trade in grain, wheat, etc. He said that the prices would fall and that I would have to sell at a lower price than the price at which I bought. I gave up that proposal. But when I mentioned the prophecy of Baba to a merchant-friend, he showed me how the prophecy was falsified by the steady rise in prices for many days. But Srawan came and there were good rains. The prices suddenly fell and the grain storers had a serious loss. Baba saved me from that fate.

    I never started any transaction without getting sanction from Baba. When he was in the flesh, I went to Shirdi and asked him mentally. After 1918, I still consult him, by chits etc. and he guides me still. Once when I sat at his feet along with many others, I had two questions in my mind and he gave answers to both.

    I. There are so many crowding to Sai Baba. Do they all get benefit from him?

    To this He replied orally. "Look at the mango tree in blossom. If all flowers turned fruit what a splendid crop it would be! But do they? Most fall off (either as flowers or as unripe fruits, by wind, etc.) Very few remain".

    II. My second question was about myself. If Baba were to pass away, how hopelessly adrift I would be and how am I to fare then?

     To this, Baba answered that he would be with me whenever I thought of him wherever I thought of him. That promise he has kept up before 1918 and after 1918. He is still with me. He is still guiding me. This was about 1910 - 1911 when my brothers had separated from me and my sister died and there was a theft and Police enquiry, all of which incidents upset me very much. (These are mentioned in S.L.M. III (5) 368 and 369)*

    * When my sister died, my mind was much upset. I did not care for life and enjoyments. When I went to Baba, he pacified me with Upadesa and made me eat a feast of Pooran Poli at Appakulkarni’s and get pasted with sandal.

    There was a theft in my house. A thirty years friend of mine stole my wife’s jewel box including her auspicious Nathi(Hindi word here) I wept before Baba's photo. The next day, the man returned the jewel box and prayed for pardon.

    Source: Devotees Experiences of SRI SAI BABA by B.V.NARASIMHASWAMIJI
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #152 on: August 13, 2012, 07:59:12 PM »
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  • Nandaram Sivaram Marwadi

    Shroff, Merchant, aged 70, residing at Shirdi: 8th December, 1936

    At the time of the second visit of Plague at Shirdi, i.e., S.1833 (1911 A.D.) the villagers were quickly leaving the village. Some men were seated one day at the Maruti temple and as I passed by, remarked that my eyes were red (with fever) and that I was evidently to be struck down by plague. I was startled to hear this. I got up on horseback and went to the Maruti temple. People advised me to pray to Maruti, with an offer of coconut and oil, to save me from death. I prayed and made those offerings. I thought I should fly from Shirdi and go to Ekruka. So I went to Baba for permission. Baba however dissuaded me from leaving the village. He assured me that I was not going to die. "I will not let you die, till I die" he said and gave me Udhi. I stayed on in the village and my fever abated and finally disappeared.

    Source: Devotees Experiences of SRI SAI BABA by B.V.NARASIMHASWAMIJI
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #153 on: August 14, 2012, 07:50:34 PM »
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  • Bayyaji Apaji Patel

    aged 47, Mahratta, Land owner and Revenue and Police Patel of Biragaon, residing at Shirdi.
    9th December, 1936.

    I knew Baba since my babyhood. My house was one of the few houses from which Baba took his bikhsha, i.e., begged his bread from the beginning of his life here and up to the end. For some three years, Baba would go over about eight times during the day to our house to beg for his bread. Next three years he visited us for this purpose four times a day. For 12 years, he visited us twice a day and during the last 12 years he came to us for bread once a day only. From my 11th year, I used to serve Baba. In 1896, i.e., my seventh year, the Ramanavami Urus celebration began. It was then that Baba began to allow Hindus to affix sandal or to do pooja to him and moslems to read Koran before him at the masjid. This urus was started by Appa Kulkarni out of gratitude to Baba for the acquittal in the embezzlement charge brought against him. When Hindus affixed sandal paste to Baba, the latter applied sandal marks with the hand (Punja marks) on the walls of the masjid and other moslems did the same. Baba then applied sandal paste to Mahalsapathy's forehead and some moslems. Mahalsapathy applied it to Baba's forehead. Baba then allowed Namaz to go on at the mosque and enjoined silence on all others while Namaz was going on. Baba himself recited the Namaz sometimes. That was only on Saturdays. When Pedas or other sweets were brought to Baba, he uttered the Kalam (which is the same as Fatia) over the sweets etc., and then distributed them to all - Hindus and Moslems alike. Baba finding that Hindus and Moslems would have differences as to the way and manner of celebrating the Urus allowed Sandal Panja to be put on all - Hindus and Moslems alike. My father, Nana Sahib Chandorkar, Tatya Patel, etc, all bore the expenses of the celebration.

    One day, when I was 11 years old (1901-2) Baba stopped me from going away to tend my cattle. Then he suddenly spoke angrily at me and others, and broke four mudpots. Then he blew "Bum Bum" on the back of his hand - indicating that death or some inauspicious event was coming. This was at 9 A.M. or 9-30 A.M. That night my father's sister's son Daji Kote, aged 30 died of fever.

    During the last 14 years of Baba's life, he gave me daily 4 rupees. Even on his last (Samadhi) day, he gave me four rupees. As to the use of his gift, Baba once told me neither to lend the money he gave, nor make a gift of them. "Do not eat and excrete this. Do not give it away to others." So I have invested it in purchases of land. I purchased 84 acres of land out of Baba's gifts.  Already  I owned 10 or 11 acres of other land.

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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #154 on: August 15, 2012, 11:39:17 AM »
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  • Baba has helped me with his wonderful knowledge of the future. (1) About my cultivation, there was the strong temptation to plant my lands with sugarcane as so many do. Baba's advice was "Don't." But I yielded once to the temptation, despite this advice. A loss of 300 rupees in the money invested on sugarcane planting and the going without the usual supply of dry crops I would have got on the land, that was the result of disobedience. (2) In 1913, my father who was over 70 years of age went out as usual on horse back and returned with a stroke of paralysis. I went to Baba and asked for his Udhi. Baba said, "I will not give Udhi. Allah Malik Hai." I wept. On the third day of the attack, i.e., on Kartik Sudha Ekadasi, Sunday, a specially holy day, my father breathed his last. Next day I went to the Masjid and massaged Baba's leg as usual. I used to boast and feel proud that I had Bhima's strength. So I tried to lift Baba up in my arms after the massage to carry him and place him before the fire. Many a day I have done so. That day I could not lift him. Baba laughed at me and he put down my pride. That was a Dwadasi day. Baba then taught me two lessons - not to be proud, and the other not to feel grief for the death of my father. "Why should you be sorry? In 5 months, he (i.e., my father) will come back." Then my son was born. He is aged 22 years and 8 months.

    Baba gave me his last instruction or moral lesson on the day he breathed his last. After sending away Kaka Dikshit he gave me a moral lesson and enjoined silence on me with these words. "If you reveal it to any one, you will die" He added i.e., "I am going. Carry me to Wada. All brahmins will be living near me." With these words, he breathed his last. After these words were spoken, Nana Nimonkar poured water into his mouth but the water came out. I held my hand below his chin to catch the water. Baba leaned upon me and expired. When Baba expired there were troubles of all sorts. Government took charge of all the properties. There was wrangling between two parties. Moslems said that Baba should be buried in a separate building to be constructed at the expense of people who (like me) had been benefiting by his daily bounty. We stood out for burial in the Dagdi Wada in accordance with Baba's wishes. The Kopergaon Mamlatdar Mr. Kulkarni was on the spot and the Rahata Foujdar Chakra Narayana also. The Mamlatdar decided that the public including. both Moslems and Hindus should express their views and he would agree that the wishes of the majority should be carried out. Moslems prepared Mahajar with 100 or less of signatures. We prepared Mahajars and got numerous (over 200) signatures including prominent names, e.g., H. S. Dixit, Bapu Saheb Jog, Bala Saheb Bhate, etc. Therefore our view, being that of the majority, prevailed and Baba's body was interred in the Dagdi Wada. In 1910, Shirdi had its second visitation of plague.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #155 on: August 17, 2012, 10:51:17 AM »
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  • Four years ago, Baba gave me timely intimation and help. At Shirdi, a bull was marked with a trident and being thus dedicated to God Shiva was freely grazing all over the village and near our Lendi garden. It was injuring our gardens and we all contributed some 3 rupees and odd for the expenses of sending it to a pinjrapole at Yeola. The bull was entrusted to Bhiku Marwadi with the money and he took it away to be left at the pinjrapole. He returned and told us that he had performed that duty. That night Baba appeared in my dream and i.e., "Are you sleeping ? I have been tied to the door of a butcher." I woke and consulted Tatya Patel and others. We concluded that the bull had been left with a butcher and not left at the pinjrapole at Yeola. So I started at once, went to Yeola and searched for our bull at the two pinjrapoles there. It was not there and we were informed that Bhikku had not brought our bull there. Then I went round and looked near the butchers' quarters. Our bull was lifting its head over a wall. It was in a butcher's place. It was to be cut up that very day by the butcher and he told us that he had purchased it for 14 rupees from Bhiku Marwadi. The animal was rescued and placed in the pinjrapole, and Bhiku was charged, convicted and sentenced to 2 months' imprisonment.

    Source: Devotees Experiences of SRI SAI BABA by B.V.NARASIMHASWAMIJI
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #156 on: August 25, 2012, 08:50:01 AM »
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  • Somnath Shankar Deshpande
    Son of Shankar, Nana Saheb Nimonkar, Brahmin, Inspector of Police, Aged 51, 37, Saniwar Peth, Poona. 6th September, 1936

    I am the son of Nana Saheb Nimonkar. Our place Nimon is 20 miles off Shirdi. There (at Nimon) we have our Vatan of Deshpande. Shirdi is on our way from or to Kopergaon. And at Shirdi, we have relations. Balvantrao (Father of Madhava Rao Deshpande, i.e. Shyama) was my father’s uncle and loved my father. Once he took my father to Sai Baba saying, “People believe he is a mad fakir. I doubt if he is really mad but you had better go with me, see him and give me your opinion.” Whenever Balvant had gone to see Baba, the latter kept him at a distance by taking up a brickbat and either flinging it or threatening to fling it at him. Thus he kept away people from going into the Mosque where he stayed. But when my father went to see him, he flung no stones and they approached quite close to him. My father’s heart was attracted to Sai as soon as he saw him and on his return home he assured his uncle that Baba was a Saint and not a mad man. The uncle wondered why stones were hurled when he went to Baba formerly but not on the present occasion. “That is because you doubted if he was mad, but I did not ”, said my father. Since then, my father paid annual and later biennial or more frequent visits to baba - as his faith was steadily increasing.

    My father was an Honorary Magistrate of Sangamner and there he met Nana Saheb Chandorkar (the Collector’s Chitnis) who also was an admirer of Baba and both would talk together about Baba.

    When Nana Saheb Chandorkar started the idea of rebuilding Baba’s Masjid and collected subscriptions, my father contributed his mite and what is more he supervised the building operations. Baba would not let the workmen to go on with the work as he complained of their work and undid their work. The building was long being prevented from completing even its foundation. Baba however had great trust in my father and my father hurried on the work all night when Baba slept at that chavadi.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #157 on: August 25, 2012, 09:11:29 PM »
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  • Baba showed his faith in my father by making him his banker during the years (1916-18) that he stayed with Baba. As funds came, Baba would hand them over to my father. Even Madhav Rao mistook them for gifts. My father stood in no need of gifts. We had about 500 rupees per annum from our Vatan and I was sending him all moneys he required. Besides, my father also knew the truth of Baba’s often repeated statement. “Fakir’s money is forced away”. If one grasped at and swallowed a Fakir’s money, he will in due course have to disgorge it all, to the last pie.

    My father desired and got from Baba gifts superior to monetary gifts, i.e. our temporal and spiritual welfare. So my father paid up all the deposits for Baba’s expenses. Baba himself frequently called upon him for these expenses e.g. (a) Burfi would have to be purchased and distributed as present; (b) firewood on a large scale also had to be bought etc.. We called my father “Kaka,” so did the villagers; and so also Baba called him “Kaka”.

     To illustrate the spiritual benefit received by my father, I will give an instance. My father wished to read “Bhagawat” etc., in Sanskrit as “Pothi”, but his ignorance of the language stood in his way. Baba once said to him:
    S.B : Why don’t you read Pothi?

    N.N : I do not know Sanskrit.

    S.B : Never mind. Masjid Ayi will teach you Sanskrit, and gradually you will learn. Begin.

     Then with faith in Baba’s words, my father began the daily reading of Shrimad Bhagwat and its commentary - both of them in Sanskrit - without understanding what he read. Gradually he began to understand all that he read, and he advanced so far as to proceed (at Baba’s bidding) with the Gita and next with Jnaneshwari. All these he understood, and when Kaka Saheb Dixit and Jog had doubts he cleared their doubts. They were learned scholars and had regularly studied Sanskrit. But my father had not, and so they said my father’s understanding was inspired by Baba’s grace. But Baba once stopped his further explaining things to others. “Why should we explain things to others? That will make us puffed up with self-conceit.”

     As for quasi-spiritual benefits derived by my father, instances will be given presently of the cures he effected when he spent his last two months with me here at Poona.

    Temporal benefit may include not only the growing esteem in which he was held by all who knew him and the consequent increase of his influence, but also the safeguarding and advancement of the interests of all members of his family, including myself. I had been taken to Baba from my infancy by my father and Baba spoke to me and spoke of me always affectionately giving me the sobriquet, “Somniya.”

    In 1912, I was a police Sub-Inspector at Kopergaon; and Shirdi was within my jurisdiction. As soon as I got my first pay, I sent rupees two every month by M.O. to Baba. That was my father’s order and possibly his vow. I continued that payment every month up to 1920 i.e. till shortly after my father’s death. When I was at Kopergaon my father and I went down once to Shirdi. Then Baba asked me to pay a dakshina of 10 rupees and I did. It appeared to have no significance at that time. But about six months later, I got the order that my pay was increased by 10 rupees from that date, (i.e. the date of my paying the dakshina). I got a transfer in 1912 from Koperegaon to Poona.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #158 on: August 28, 2012, 10:34:20 AM »
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  • Another instance of Baba’s care for me was mentioned by my father, even before I got my service. It seems that Baba, sitting at his Mosque, would take up coins and be rubbing them with his fingers saying “Kakacha”, “Somyahca” etc.. My father said that showed that I was often in Baba’s mind and that augured nothing but good for me.

    Of numerous instances of Baba’s taking all care of us, Yogakshema bahamyaham the chief may be his looking after my father himself during the last 3 years of his life. In 1916, my wife was in the family way and we looked forward to my parents to come here, so that my mother may help in the delivery. We had no other help. My father and mother left Nimon on that account to go to Poona. But as Shirdi is near and as there were rumours that Baba was passing away, they first visited Baba. Once they went to Baba, he detained them and did not give them leave to go away- either back to Nimon or forward to Poona. My father did not understand the reason for this refusal and Madhava Rao on his behalf asked Baba for leave.

    Baba : Do you want to kill my people'? Is Kaka eating away your father’s property?

    Madhav Rao : But his daughter-in-law is pregnant and needs help.

    Baba : Arre Kaka, why are you anxious? God will help.

    Baba also said to my father at that time, “Bury me and then go.” When Baba detained my father, he tied a cloth bandage to his own arm which he kept on for three years and removed only four days before his death. My father died four months thereafter. That is just what he anticipated and told Madhav Rao when he left Shirdi two or four days after Baba expired.

    When my parents were being thus detained at Shirdi, we at poona were relying solely on their going to us for the accouchement and made no other arrangements up to the last. Suddenly one night my wife told me “I feel that pains are coming.” At once, I ordered a tonga and took her at 10P.M. to the Poona Municipal Maternity Hospital and left her abed. The nurse that ought to have attended on her was talking with me in an adjoining room. It was about 11 P.M. At once we heard the cry of the new born child, a male child. The delivery was over without any help. It was a safe delivery. At that time - or rather just before delivery, Baba said to my father at Shirdi: “There was a woman. She was taken to a place. There she was delivered safe, of a male child.”

    Soon after the delivery, I sent my brother with “Peda” which is usually presented to all on the birth of a child - to Baba and to my parents at Shirdi requesting that my mother may go over and help us at Poona. Permission was not given to her to go. My father then told my brother of what Baba had said to him about the delivery on the very day of its birth. That was Bhadrapad 1916.

    Another instance of Baba’s care for our family is this. In December, 1917, plague was beginning its ravages at Poona; and during X'mas holidays, I started with my first son Gopal, then a child, 2 or 3 years, to Nimon where my brother’s wife had recently had a safe delivery. On the way, we halted at Shirdi. Baba in sending me away with the usual Udhi said “Porala jiv lav” which means “Save the child.” Interpreting it as a mere blessing intended for my Gopal, I gave him the Udhi and started off in a tonga to Nimon. When we reached that place, my brother’s baby, 12 days’ old, was in a precarious condition. It had become cold and chill and the parents lost all hope and thought the child was dead. Then I bethought myself of Baba’s words at parting and found that he must have referred to this child and not to my boy. I searched for the Udhi he had given me. But it had been lost during the journey. So I took the baby on my lap and sent up a fervent mental appeal with all my strength, with all my soul entreating Baba to save the child. In 15 minutes’ time, the child improved and became alright gradually and is now called “Datta” i.e., God’s gift, in consequence.

    Plague was still prevalent at Poona when I wanted to return. When I wanted to start form Shirdi back to Poona, Baba was loath to give me permission. But I had no “leave” to stay and must rejoin duty on 8-1-1917. So my father put Udhi in Baba’s hands and practically forced him to give me leave. So we returned on 3rd January. My landlord was there down with plague and on the 4th, my wife was attacked. We could not escape elsewhere; my self, children and all stayed there. Baba saved her and saved us all. She i.e. my wife, recovered her health but her eye-sight was lost. At that time the question of leaving the town and going to a health camp was mooted before Baba; but he did not permit it. “Why leave home?” was what he said. We followed his guidance and were safe. When my wife was unwell, we had also requested my father to go to Poona. But Baba then told him again “Bury me and then go.”

    In March or April, 1917, I fell ill, it might be plague or Typhoid perhaps. Again I wrote to father to go to Poona. Again Baba refused permission, but said, “Why are you anxious? Your Somniya will recover and come here to see us.” I had twenty-one days continuous fever and lived on water alone. Then I recovered. I took leave for a period of two or three months for convalescence and went first with my family to Belapur where the Samadhi of Vidyanandswami (who gave me my regular initiation into my mantra and my bhakti marga) is. There I stayed for a while and my mother came there and took us all to Shirdi. I had improved very little at Belapur and was very weak. When I went to Shirdi, Baba said I should be given a little Kichadi thenceforward. That was done. I stayed there a month and picked up my health and strength.

    I was with Baba some days before he passed away. He was ailing and people were anxious about him. When I wanted to start, he was unwilling to permit me to go. But I had to go and I went away to Poona.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #159 on: August 31, 2012, 08:33:54 PM »
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  • Some three days after Baba passed away, my father left for Nimon and then he went to Ahmadnagar and thence at my request (as I had pain in my side) he came and stayed with us, at Poona. Here he continued till his death which was some two months after he came there.
    My father had intense dhyasa of (i.e. absorption in) Baba during the closing days of his life and he treated (or looked on) all persons going to him as Sai Baba. He was a Rama bhakta all alone and he died with the words “Sri Ram” on his lips. Of course, Sai Baba and Sri Ram are not different.

    I was privileged to serve Sai Baba during his life for four days. My father had been called away to give evidence at Ahmadnagar and had to stay there four days. When he started for Nagar, he left me at Shirdi to do every service to Baba that he usually did. There was one difference however. He did the service sitting being an old man. As a younger man, I did the service on my legs. I found the service was physically taxing all my energies to the uttermost. To be at the beck and call of Baba all day and till he retired to rest was no little effort. During those days, I had a blessed vision. I was at the Mosque. Baba was in his usual place and Madhav Rao near the steps. Suddenly, Baba appeared to me in the form of Maruti. There was no more Sai Baba’s usual figure. There was the Maruti body. Only I did not see if there was a tail. Seeing that form I told Madhav Rao at once, “Take his darshan. See he is Maruti”. Baba was undoubtedly a Rama bhakta. Baba on Chavadi days would stop opposite to Maruti Temple and muttering something wave his arm towards Maruti fifteen or twenty times. My usual current of thoughts was worldly. But as I stayed near Baba, my usual current of thoughts was switched off and there was a new current of thoughts within me. However, I had very little touch with Baba - unlike my father whose powers and nature seemed to have developed greatly by contact with Baba.
    When my father was at Ahmadnagar about November, 1918, I was suffering from pain in my side - as though it was the commencement of Appendicitis. So I wrote to my father and he came and stayed with me at Poona. He came and applied Udhi to me and from the very next day, there was no more pain. My brother was with me and he was showing signs of incipient consumption. My father gave him Udhi and Tirtha and he recovered. My nephew “Datta” had itch all over his head. My father gave him ‘Udhi’ and cured the itch.

     My father was always orthodox and paying strict attention to his religious duties. Baba respected his orthodoxy and would not give him any prasad that an orthodox man should not take.

     I noticed Baba’s foot prints. There was a clear “Mat-sya” mark on one foot, and a clear “Dhanushya” on the other. Only great Saints can have such  marks.

    Source: Devotees Experiences of SRI SAI BABA by B.V.NARASIMHASWAMIJI
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #160 on: August 31, 2012, 08:38:26 PM »
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  • Kasibai Hansraj
    widow of Hansraj, caste Vani, age about 45, residence Sakori. 2nd December, 1936.

    I and my husband went to Shirdi 20 years ago. In Margasira about December, 1916, just after Radhakrishna Ayi died, we went and stayed for about 6 months. My husband had Asthma. Narasinga Baba Maharaj of Nasik had told him that as an evil spirit was possessing his body, we got no issue and that he should go to Shirdi Sai Baba who would give him two slaps and exorcize it. That is why we came to Sai Baba. Baba gave my husband two Slaps saying, “Evil spirit be off ." From that time we lived there. My husband’s asthma abated. It was operating during the day but did not trouble him at night.
    Before we came to Shirdi it was troubling day and night. Baba was caughing away at night when we lived there. At the end of our 6 months’ stay Asthma ceased to trouble my husband by day even. Before I mention that, a chamatkar on Baba’s part in healing him has to be mentioned. Soon after we settled here, Baba told my husband that he should be strict about his diet and avoid curds, and other acid and pungent articles of food. When it came to acting on this advice, my husband found it hard to follow it, as these were what he liked most. He did not relish his food without curds etc. He would sooner give up life than curds, he declared. So every day for two months we were trying to prepare curds at home, for in this village curds are not easily to be had at noon. We kept milk heated and cooled for curdling every night and then we would go and attend the Noon-Arati of Baba at the Mosque. Everyday almost for two months a cat would steal into our lodgings in our absence, jump up the sling in which the curd pot was kept and drink it off. As our meal had to be after Arathi my husband found that there were no curds to take. One day he resolved to catch the thief in the very act and so stayed away from the Noon Arathi. The cat came in, my husband allowed it to get in, to watch how it could possibly reach the curd pot which was kept so high in a sling. But it did. Anyhow the cat had dipped its mouth into the curd pot and the curds were not fit for use. He quickly watched its drinking and when it got down he used his stick severely on its back, by way of summary punishment for its larceny. In the afternoon, people resorted to Baba at the mosque and got udhi from his hands. We went there; Jog, Madhav Rao Deshpande, Kaka Dixit, Buty etc., were there. Baba addressing them referred to my husband and said “There is an upantiya (i.e. one who does the reverse of what he is asked to do) who wants to die by eating sour and pungent things. But I would not allow him to do that. To day I went to him in the form of a cat. That fellow has given me a caning on the back. See here." Then Baba exposed his back from under the Kupni; and there we could see a weal or stripe such as caning might cause.What a wonder!

    Thereafter my husband wanted no more curds to be prepared and no more acids etc., to take. This accelerated his improvement very probably. Baba was not for giving him any medicines. First I gave my husband daily some medicine for the Asthma. Baba then said that he also had Asthma and that as I was giving medicine to my husband he had thousands of women who would give him medicine; “ But what is the use?” He added “Allah Malik hai- God is the Lord". So I stopped giving medicines. It is without resort to any medicine that Baba got my husband’s asthma cured. That cure lasted for a year or so. Then my husband had again his Asthma. That was in 1918 or 1919 and then he was cured by Upasani Baba when the latter went to Sion.

     Sai Baba used to say many things. I remember some.While he was all along living at Shirdi alone he would suddenly declare “I have been to Kasi and had a bath and just now I have returned. Why do I want a bath here?” or “I have been to Kolhapur, or Audumbarwadi and I have just now returned”. Jog told me that Sai Baba gave him darsan of himself as Akkalkote Maharaj, at his (Jog’s) request.

    Source: Devotees Experiences of SRI SAI BABA by B.V.NARASIMHASWAMIJI
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #161 on: September 05, 2012, 08:34:09 PM »
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  • Shridhar Narayan Kharkar
    aged 57, Kayasta Prabu, Accountant, Secretariat, 37 Charni Road, Thana, 1st September, 1936.

    My earliest period, that is infancy, was wellstocked and fed with religious ideas and ideals by the pious prudence of my grandfather.

    When I was thus developing the orthodox side of my religious study and practice. Mr. Appa Kulkarni, Deputy Collector, a very pious soul, showed me the picture of Sai Baba that he was devotedly attached to. That was my first contact with Baba. Very soon after that I got from Mr. Dahbolkar a picture of Baba, a number of Sai Lila Masiks and a packet of Baba’s Udhi that came on a day. I was unwell; and on the second day, I got alright and started my worship of Baba which steadily grew thenceforward.

    The beginning of my faith in Baba was marked by a remarkable dream or vision.

    The picture I got from Mr. Dabholkar I took to my Pooja room but when I was taking it near the picture of the Akkalkot Saint that I was already worshipping, some impulse made me withdraw the new picture. ‘Hallo! This is the Moslem’s picture. How could it be placed next to the holy Hindu Saint?’ So thinking I kept it apart, a little distance from (and not in the same group with) Akkalkot Maharaj’s picture.

    I had a dream that night. In the morning, I first forgot all about the dream but when I began to worship I at once recalled the details of my night dream. In the dream, I saw a fakir robed like Sai Baba coming towards the oti or veranda on which I and some one else were sitting. I got up to welcome that fakir. Perhaps I was going to make some invidious distinction. At any rate to prevent such a distinction being made, the person who was next to me told me, 'This (Sai Baba) is not different from Akkalkot' and I was directed to treat him on the same footing as Akkalkot Maharaj. Recalling the dream, I rearranged the picture and placed Sai Baba’s picture along with Akkalkot Maharaja’s and worshipped him.

    By Baba’s kindness, devotion to Sai Baba has increased by leaps and bounds not only with me but also amongst all the members of my family. I read up all available books on Sai Baba and my wife and children (and God has given me my quiverfull) all have taken to Baba worship and show such a great zeal that in case I fail to attend to arati or pooja of Baba. Someone else is ready to take it up.

    At first, there appeared to be some exceptions to my felicity in this respect. My mother was living away from me for many years. But by the grace of God and Baba, she came to live with me. But at first, seeing the worship I paid to Baba’s picture and my visits to Shirdi she was displeased on the ground that Baba was a Moslem. But Baba’s kindness towards me and her was most remarkable. He worked a gradual change in her feelings. As she was not for Baba, I took other members of my family with me to Shirdi but not my mother.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #162 on: September 08, 2012, 06:19:16 AM »
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  • After 2 or 3 such years, i.e. in 1933, she wished to go to Shirdi and pay her respects to Baba’s shrine, and asked my wife and daughter to see that she was taken to Shirdi. I was very glad to see the change worked in her. Baba’s kindness made a great change in her attitude. Extremely orthodox though she was, she dropped her orthodox scruples when devotion to Sai Baba suggested the contrary course. She was well impressed with all she saw at Shirdi. The visit to Shirdi was none too soon. Shortly after our return from Shirdi, she breathed her last at my residence at Thana. It was a great kindness on the part of Baba to have brought a change in her and given her darshan of the Samadhi just in time before she passed away.

    I can easily multiply instances of Baba’s kindness to me and my family. But it is needless. It is enough to say that I feel Baba is guiding us and watching over our interests and actions in everything.

    I shall give only two instances to show how other members of my family are sharing the kind and merciful care that Baba bestows on his own. My second son, Govind, was hungering and thirsting to have the joy of visiting Baba’s Samadhi, and Dwarkamai at Shirdi. So in 1934 for Ramnavami celebration when our family friends Mr. G.B. Datar and family were going to Shirdi, my son accompanied them. When he went to Dwarkamai(i.e.) the mosque, he was alone with Baba’s oil painting which is so vividly painted that Baba's eyes from the portrait seem to pierce into you, wherever you may stand in the hall. My son gazed with rapture at the portrait and closed his eyes. He heard then a distinct and audible voice (Have you come?). That is the parental affectionate greeting he had. He opened his eyes and found himself alone. There was no other to utter those words of welcome, but Baba.

    About 8 years back, my daughter was in the family way and we had taken her to our village at Khar (some 2 or 3 miles off Thana). When the delivery was to take place, there was no proper medical aid. My relations were blaming me for not providing a place at Thana for the delivery. My wife came and told me that it - the delivery - was obstructed. The child had evidently died and could not easily come out. There was great pain, and anxiety was felt by the patient and by all of us. It was midnight or rather 2 A.M. when the condition was reported to be so painful and anxious; I was helpless. Suddenly, it dawned upon me that I had a safe resource in Baba’s udhi. My wife took the udhi and applied it to my daughter. Within 30 minutes or one hour of the application the child came out. It was dead, but my daughter’s life was saved and our anxieties were at an end. A doctor came in the morning and wondered how it had come out. He thought that illtrained people like the midwife would have thrust their hands in and created danger of septic and possible post-parturition troubles. He was surprised to learn that mere udhi without any physical interference resulted in the expulsion of the child, the placenta and everything.

    All my girls take part in the service of Baba and daily perform their arati & c.
    A week or so before my daughter’s delivery, my son informed me that Baba had just appeared in his dream and called out ‘Nana, Nana. (meaning myself) Where is he? Why is he afraid? Apply my Udhi". Though my son had told me this, I did not recall it at the time my daughter’s serious troubles: but instinctively I resorted to the aid of Baba’s Udhi. Long afterwards I thought over the matter and found that in my son’s dream, Baba had given me a forewarming of the impending danger and shown me the way out of it. And when I failed to realise this at the critical moment, I was made unconsciously to utilise the very way he had mentioned.

    Source: Devotees Experiences of SRI SAI BABA by B.V.NARASIMHASWAMIJI
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #163 on: September 09, 2012, 12:31:20 PM »
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  • B. V. Dev
    Retired Mamlatdar, Station Road. Thana 27th September, 1936.

    You wish to know if Sai Baba spoke anything about or advanced any person to Adwaita Avesta. I doubt if anyone, who went to him was an Adhikari for such a course. There were Nana Saheb, H.S. Dixit, Dabholkar and Mahalsapathy with him. Perhaps, these were in the front rank of his devotees. Each had his merit or characteristic. Mahalsapathy was very meek, obedient, pious and firmly adhering to 'Holy Poverty' and Baba kept him to it. Dixit was blindly obeying Baba and had firm faith in him and was made to study Eknath to promote his spiritual condition. In these matters, he was but a beginner. Mahalsapathy had neither learning nor culture. Nana Saheb Chandorkar knew Sanskrit and he was a student of the Gita.

    I retired in 1911 and went to Baba. I tried to do Pada Poqja at the bidding of Dixit. Baba stopped me. 'You need not worship. You have given me Dakshina. That is enough'.

    My questioning Balakram, Baba's anger and Baba's giving me order to read Jnaneshwari, are all set out in Dabholkar's Satcharitra.

    Baba took from me one after another four sovereigns. Then, he said, 'I have received one'. I said 'Baba, I have given you four'.

     Baba : I did not deny it. But when you have given four, Baba received one only.
     I : I do not understand it.
     Baba: You will come to understand it.

    Later, when I was touring along, a young Fakir came to my compartment and asked me for something. I gave him one pice. He said he wanted four. I gave him a four-anna piece. He then said he had got one. Again I met an old hermit, he wanted something. I gave him one coin. He wanted four.

    So, I understand Baba, as appearing in all these forms to teach me that though I gave him four (i.e., Manas, Buddhi, Chitta and Ahankar etc.) he receives but one, the soul or jiva.

    I tried to learn asanas from a Hatayogi. Baba appeared in my dream and tried to dissuade me. I agreed to give it up. Then he showed me how to sit in Sukhasana and get on.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #164 on: September 13, 2012, 03:15:57 PM »
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  • So, I understand Baba, as appearing in all these forms to teach me that though I gave him four (i.e., Manas, Buddhi, Chitta and Ahankar etc.) he receives but one, the soul or jiva.

    I tried to learn asanas from a Hatayogi. Baba appeared in my dream and tried to dissuade me. I agreed to give it up. Then he showed me how to sit in Sukhasana and get on.

    Chandorkar was a good student of Vedanta. He had read Gita with commentaries and prided himself on his knowledge of all that. He fancied that Baba knew nothing of all this or Sanskrit. So, Baba, one day, pricked the bubble. These were days before crowds flocked to Baba, when Baba had solitary talks at the mosque with such devotees. Nana was sitting near Baba.

    Baba : Nana, What are you mumbling to yourself?
    Nana : I am reciting a sloka in Sanskrit.
    Baba : What Sloka?
    Nana: From Bhagvad Gita.
    Baba: Utter it audibly.
    Baba: Nana, do you understand it?
    Nana : Yes.
    Baba : If you do, then tell me.
    Nana : It means this: Making Sashtanga Namaskar, (i.e) prostration, questioning the guru, serving him, learn what this jnana is. Then those jnanis that have attained to real knowledge of the Sat Vastu (Brahman) will give you 'upadesh of jnana'.
    Baba : Nana, I do not want this sort of collected purport of the whole stanza. Give me each word, its grammatical force and meaning. Then Nana explained it word by word.
    Baba : Nana, is it enough to make prostration merely?
    Nana : I do not know any other meaning for the word pranipata. than "making prostration".
    Baba : What is pariprasna?
    Nana : Asking questions.
    Baba : What does prasna mean?
    Nana : The same.
    Baba : If pariprasna means the same as prasna (question), why did Vyasa add the prefix part? Was Vyasa off his head?
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