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The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
« on: December 29, 2008, 07:09:24 PM »
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  • The Eternal Sai-By S Maneey


    While BABA was lying in the state at Shirdi, on 15th – 16th, October 1918, at 12:30 night, Mrs. M. V. Pradhan at Santa Cruz, Bombay, saw BABA in her dream lying down in dying condition – she cried out “oh BABA is dying”.  BABA corrected her “saints do not die, they take Samadhi”.


     On the next day after Baba’s Mahasamadhi, Mrs Pradhan again dreamt in the night that BABA came and gave her 3 rupees.  She felt that receipt of money in dreams is inauspicious.  BABA said, “Receive it and give me all the money in your box”.  Accordingly the money in the box was sent to Shirdi for ceremonies.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #1 on: December 29, 2008, 07:11:12 PM »
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    On the same night as Mrs Pradhan’s dream referred to above, her sister-in-law saw BABA in her dream, and BABA asked her to send a yellow pitambar to be placed on the Samadhi.  Accordingly this was done.


    Early morning October 16, 1918, BABA appeared to Lakshman Mama Joshi, in his dream and drawing him by the arm said, “Get up, Bapu Sahib, Jog thinks I am dead and he won’t come.  You do the worship and Kakad Arathi’.  Lakshman Mama Joshi was an orthodox Brahmin, who was everyday worshipping BABA.  After he had the vision in his dream he came immediately with all puja materials, and not minding the protest of Moulvis and others did the puja and Kakad Arathi, which all the usual formalities.  At noon Bapu Sahib Jog came with others and performed the noon arathi.  It was evening by the time Baba’s body was placed in the Samadhi Mandir and after the formalities. The evening or sunset arathi was performed by Shej arathi in the night.  Arathis to Sai BABA which began during His lifetime have continued without break
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #2 on: December 29, 2008, 07:11:49 PM »
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    In the early morning of October 16, 1918, BABA appeared to Das Ganu, the Kirthankaar, and the singer of Bhajans who was at Pandarpur and told him “The Masjid has collapsed – all the oilmen and grocers of Shirdi teased me a lot.  So I leave the place.  I came to inform you here - go quickly and cover me with Bakkul flowers.

    Das Ganu came to Shirdi with his entourage and started bhajan and Kirtan and sang the lords name throughout the day.  He weaved a beautiful garland of flowers studded with Hari’s name and placed it on Baba’s Mahasamadhi and gave a mass feeding in Baba’s name
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #3 on: December 29, 2008, 07:12:27 PM »
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    Sri Rege, Judge of Indore High Court and one of the staunchest devotees of BABA, says that “BABA is not gone, He exits even now. To me He had no limitations. Of course when He was with us, there was the fleshy tabernacle at times. But mostly the infinite aspect of His was what remained before me. I thought of Him as a mental or spiritual image in which the finite and infinite blended very perfectly yet allowing the finite to appear before us at times. Now the finite body has been cast off. The infinite alone remains as “Sai BABA”.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #4 on: December 29, 2008, 07:13:15 PM »
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    Sri Raghuvir B Purandhare was a staunch devotee of BABA since 1909. Whenever he went to Shirdi, BABA demanded of him Rs.2.00. He asked Baba, why he was asking for only Rs.2.00 every time. The reply was, “it is not these two metallic coins that I want. What I want is Nishta and Saburi from you.” That is faith and patience. One of the Arathi songs sung at Shirdi is “Shirdi is my Pandaripur and Sai BABA is my Vittoba.”

    One day at Shirdi, his mother and his wife after taking darshan of Baba, wanted to leave for Pandaripur, to have darshan of Vittoba. While taking leave of Him what they saw in place of Sai BABA, were Vittoba and Rukumai of Pandaripur. His mother and wife were overwhelmed with emotion, and said that there was no need to go to Pandaripur, when Sai BABA Himself was Vittoba and Rukkumai.

     In 1920, Purandhare’s wife was ill with influenza, which was raging as an epidemic. She used to attend the Ramanavami urs at Shirdi, since many years. As Ramanavami approached she felt sorry that she would not be able to attend that year. BABA that night appeared to her in her dream and told her “Don’t worry I will take you to the Urs”. She was better next morning and told her husband about her dream. The illness continued and she died on Ramanavami day, chanting “BABA, BABA” to the last.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #5 on: January 02, 2009, 12:23:46 PM »
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    Sri Y.J. Galvankar, recalls that in 1921, he started with his family to Prayag and Kashi etc. on pilgrimage. At Bharadwaj Ashram, his heart was touched and silently prayed to Sri Sai BABA, to give him the darshan of a Saint. Within minutes, his guide, pointed towards the direction, where a holy man was making an appearance. “The particular holy man in Bharadwaj Ashram, makes his appearance on rare occasions”, said the guide. The guide warned him that the holy man does not encourage anyone to approach him, nor takes anything from anyone. Despite the protests from the guide, Sri Galvankar, made bold to approach him, feeling that the saint had appeared after his prayer to Sai BABA. To the surprise of all, approaching Sri Galvankar the saint said “come child”, Sri Galvankar and his family were blessed by him. As he had no fruit or flower to offer to the saint, Sri Galvankar, gave the three annas which he had in his pocket as guru dakshina. The saint contrary to his custom, accepted the coins, looked at them pleasingly, and accepted them. Sri Galvankar felt that Sai BABA had accepted his guru dakshina.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #6 on: January 02, 2009, 12:36:37 PM »
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    Sri Mangesh Shirji Satam of Ratangiri district came to know about Sai BABA after His Mahasamadhi. HE bought a photo of Baba and began worship. He was a businessman. Whenever he had to make critical decisions, he would cast chits before BABA, pray fervently for the answer.

    In 1921, he thus sought direction whether he should deal with the same party with whom he had been dealing. Baba’s answer was “No”. But Satam was unhappy at the answer as he had been doing business with the party. Disregarding the answer, he concluded the contract with the party.

    This resulted in great trouble and loss to Satam. He cried for Baba’s pardon and surrendering to Baba, sent Rs. 5 to Sansthan Hundi. Thereafter his matters improved. This instance is reminiscent of Sri Narasimha Swamiji’s experience of Ramana Ashram in 1937 which follows later.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #7 on: January 02, 2009, 12:40:06 PM »
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    Smt.  Chandrabai, W/o Late Sri Rama Chandra Borkar, was visiting Shirdi and Sai Baba since 1898.  She has innumerable instances of help from Baba before his Mahasamadhi.  The one to follow is an instance of Sai Baba’s help after His Mahasamadhi.  It may be noted that she was one of the persons who was near Baba when He breathed His last.  She gave water to Sai Baba in His last moments.  In 1918 she was 48 years old and had not conceived. She yearned for a child, even at that age.  The people and doctors around her, pooh poohed her desire, as conception at that age was inconceivable.  In 1918, Baba asked her what her desire was.  She replied hat she need not mention, as He knew it.  In 1921, her menses stopped.  Dr Purandhare examining her diagnosed that she is suffering from internal tumour and proposed operation.  Her faith in Baba was such that she told her husband and other relatives, that she would rather wait for ten months and then decide.  In her 51st year, three years and two days after Baba’s Mahasamadhi, she gave birth to a son at Chembur in Bombay.  At the time of delivery she had neither the services of a doctor, nurse or any medicine. (sent for 2003 September Sai Kiranalu)
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #8 on: January 02, 2009, 06:58:04 PM »
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     Dr Rane was a well known doctor of Bombay, with a string of Indian and foreign degrees.  About 1922, his wife began to suffer from leprosy.  Dr Rane could not give his wife any relief.  He brought his wife to Shirdi in 1922.  She would stay in Shirdi for months, would bathe in Baba’s abhishek tirtha, and apply udhi all over her sores.

    She would even get from Shirdi bucketful of thirtha to her residence in Bombay.  In two years she was completely cured, and even the discolourisation of the skin disappeared
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #9 on: January 02, 2009, 07:02:37 PM »
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     Damodar S Rasane was a close devotee of Sai Baba.  He was apprehensive and worried about the future, when Sai Baba would physically be no more.  Baba told him “wherever and when ever you think of me earnestly, I shall be with you”.  To Sri Rasane, Baba has appeared any number of times, talked to him and moved with him after Mahasamadhi.


     When Baba accepts a person as His devotee, He takes full responsibility for his welfare.  Sri SBN Dahanukar Visited Sai Baba at Shirdi and had darshan in 1912.  He had a lot of experiences when Baba was alive.  This experience is after Baba’s Mahasamadhi.  His parents were arranging for his second marriage as his wife died in 1921.  Two families, one a wealthy family and another poor family offered their daughters for marriage.  Whom should he marry?  Baba knows better.  Baba appeared in his mother’s dream in 1922, showed the girl to be married, who happened to be the girl from the poor family.  They were married in 1922.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #10 on: January 04, 2009, 06:59:50 PM »
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     When naivedya is offered does God take it? Is it symbolic?  In 1922-1923 Sagun Meru Naik had a dream in which he saw, that the naivedya of butter-sugar which used to be offered to Sai Baba at the morning Arathi had been stopped.  He enquired of the Shirdi Samsthan, if it was so.  They replied that the practice had been discontinued.  So Sagun Meru Naik, at this own expense began offering naivedya of butter-sugar in the morning Arathi.  This practice has since been followed.


     Sri Vinayaka Appaji Vaidya, a clerk in Bombay Port Trust Office, had the darshan of Sai Baba in 1912.  He and his wife were ardent devotees.  Baba appearing in his wife’s dream in 1923, foretold the filing of a case against her husband, and they need not worry about it, as He is looking after them.  In fact, a case was filed against Sri Appaji as foretold by Baba, but it ended in his favour.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #11 on: January 04, 2009, 07:00:44 PM »
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    In 1923, a prospective bridegroom had seen Sri Moreshwar Balakrishna Chowhan’s sister and had agreed to marry her.  He said a formal letter would be sent in a week’s time.   Six months passed, there was no letter, nor the gentleman showed any inclination.  Sri Chowhan’s mother, an elderly lady was worshipping Baba every day and she regarded Baba as no different from any other deity.  The elderly lady became desperate and one day she cried out before Baba’s photo – venting her anger and desperation.  That night she saw Baba in her dream who told her not to be angry with Him.  She dreamt that while she was serving food to her son at 9 a.m. a postman delivered a letter of acceptance from the hesitating party.  She woke up, but forgot about the dream.  Just as she was serving food to her son at 9 a.m. the postman dropped the letter, she had dreamt.  She at once recalled the dream, and shed tears of gratitude to Baba.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #12 on: January 14, 2009, 04:19:39 PM »
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    Sri H.S Dixit, a solicitor and advocate of Bombay, had earned quite a lot of money in his profession and was at the same time very generous and philanthropic. He had given up his lucarative practice and had stayed with Baba in Shirdi continuously since 1910. When his wife once complained to Baba, that Sri Dixit is neglecting his profession, Baba told her, that He is there to look after her husband’s welfare temporal and spiritual. After Baba’s Mahasamadhi, it happened, that Sri Dixit, had run into a debt of Rs. 30,000.00 and wondered how he was to meet it. He was in a quandary, and sitting in his office in Bombay in 1923, wondered, that if only Baba were alive today, his problem could have been solved. The time for repayment was approaching, and he did try all sources but found he had no where withal to meet that amount. Just then, a young man approached him who introduced himself as Sri Dixit’s old acquaintance’s son, that he heard his father often mention about Sri Dixit’s reputation and integrity, and that he had come with Rs.30,000.00 to be given for safe keeping. Sri Dixit, apprised his friend’s son of the predicament in which he was placed, and that he would be unable to repay that amount if required soon. The friend’s son placing that amount in Sri Dixit’s hand said that he has full faith in him and that he can repay that amount, when he can.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #13 on: January 14, 2009, 04:21:04 PM »
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    Sri G.K. Rege was a retired tahasildar of Indore. He was anxious to get his fourth daughter married to a suitable bridegroom. In 1924, for that pupose he along with his wife went to Anjangau. Anjangau was his brother-in-law’s place. When he alighted at Anjangau he heard a voice clearly “Go to Jirapur”. However, Sri Rege spending some days with his brother-in-law’s family returned to Indore. After a few days, his son received orders to work at Jirapur. But his son could not make it, as his wife was in an advanced stage of pregnancy. He got the posting cancelled. Sri Rege was posted to Kathegaon, a place in Nemawar district, but the revenue minister to whom the posting orders went for signature, of his accord, changed the place to Jirapur. Hence Sri Rege had to take up the appointment at Jirapur. As revenue officer in the course of his duties he halted at a place called Sayath in Gawlior state. There he met, by chance, a young man by name Balwant, who later on was found to be agreeable in all respects and was a suitable match for his fourth daughter.
     The marriage was settled and performed. Sri Rege and his family are devotees of Baba since 1914.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #14 on: January 15, 2009, 06:55:34 AM »
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