Sri H.S Dixit, a solicitor and advocate of Bombay, had earned quite a lot of money in his profession and was at the same time very generous and philanthropic. He had given up his lucarative practice and had stayed with Baba in Shirdi continuously since 1910. When his wife once complained to Baba, that Sri Dixit is neglecting his profession, Baba told her, that He is there to look after her husband’s welfare temporal and spiritual. After Baba’s Mahasamadhi, it happened, that Sri Dixit, had run into a debt of Rs. 30,000.00 and wondered how he was to meet it. He was in a quandary, and sitting in his office in Bombay in 1923, wondered, that if only Baba were alive today, his problem could have been solved. The time for repayment was approaching, and he did try all sources but found he had no where withal to meet that amount. Just then, a young man approached him who introduced himself as Sri Dixit’s old acquaintance’s son, that he heard his father often mention about Sri Dixit’s reputation and integrity, and that he had come with Rs.30,000.00 to be given for safe keeping. Sri Dixit, apprised his friend’s son of the predicament in which he was placed, and that he would be unable to repay that amount if required soon. The friend’s son placing that amount in Sri Dixit’s hand said that he has full faith in him and that he can repay that amount, when he can.