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Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
« Reply #75 on: March 15, 2009, 06:32:58 PM »
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    I had been suffering from Skin ailment called psoriasis for many years. It is a persistent and recurring skin condition. I had it on the covered portions of my body. The skin specialists of Madras where I was living then, nor the skin specialists of the Christian Medical Hospital Vellor could give me any relief, much less cure. A person suffering from a skin condition like psoriasis knows the misery and the suffering that has to be endured. I do not know if there is any remedy for this now. There was no cure at the time I suffered from it. In the year 1965, I happened to come across the book “The incredible Sai Baba” written by Arthur Osborne, displayed at Higginbothams, Mount Road, Madras. I purchased the book and read it. My fascination for Sai Baba began from the reading of that book. I came to know that Sai Baba lived in Shirdi, about His Samadhi Mandir and that He continues to give succour to the ailing and the troubled even after His mahasamadhi. After reading that book, I very much wanted to go to Shirdi, to pray to Sai Baba to relieve me of my skin condition. My wish could materialise only in December 1971. I went to Shirdi and prayed to Sri Sai Baba. At the end of December 1972, happened to be at Bombay. From there I went to Shirdi. I prayed fervently to Sai Baba, to cure me from the skin ailment. I returned to Bangalore by 1st January 1973. Immediately thereafter things started to happen. While taking bath I noticed that the scaly crusts on the skin were falling off. The next day, the same thing continued. On the third day, all the scaly crusts had come off, leaving red patches in their places. Within a week, I was completely free from psoriasis, which had troubled me for so many years. What a relief I felt! At that time, I did not realise the profundity of the cure, a miracle you may call it. Having suffered for so long, I was apprehensive that it would reappear the next week, the next month, or the next year. But nothing of that sort has happened. By Sai Baba’s grace I am free from it.

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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #76 on: March 15, 2009, 06:33:40 PM »
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    Sri R.S Chitnis of Delhi is a well known devotee of Sai Baba. In 1973, he left Delhi by car and reached Shirdi at 12:30 p.m. As he wanted to wash himself before going for darshan of Sai Baba, he made straight to one of the bathrooms. On the way some people accosted him and said that there was not a drop of water in any of the taps. Mr Chitnis was nonplussed and thought that he should either go to the Receiver Saheb’s residence or Sri Bhaghwe’s residence, both of whom he knew well. At that time a well dressed young man came towards him. He had a piece of cloth round his head. He was fair and had very expressive eyes. He asked in full voice and in compassion, what the problem was. Sri Chitnis appraised him that the taps had gone dry and that he could not have his wash before darshan. The young man bade him to follow him and took him to a bathroom nearby, where water was gushing from the tap. Sri Chitnis had a good wash and came out to thank the good Samaritan, but he had left! Sri Chitnis purchased pooja materials and visited the Samadhi Mandi, only to find himself at the far end of a long queue of Baba’s devotees, who were all waiting for their turn for Baba’s pooja and darshan. The prospect of having to stand in the long queue after the tiresome journey, unnerved Sri Chitnis. But there was no other way. Sri Chitnis felt that somebody was tugging at his arm. When he turned around, it was the same stranger again. Holding him by the arm, the stranger led him through the jostling crowd of devotees right upto Baba’s Samadhi and he left him there. Sri Chitnis was all the while, assailed by the fear that the other devotees in the queue would take objection for jumping the queue. Not one devotee raised even as much as an eyebrow in protest! Sri Chitnis handed over the pooja materials and Prasad, bowed and prayed to Baba. When Sri Chitnis turned back to thank the benefactor, he had disappeared again! He came out of the Samadhi Mandir and looked for the stranger but in vain. He came back to the place where his car was parked, and found to his annoyance that his family members were still sitting under a tree. He asked them why they are idling away their time instead of going for Baba’s darshan and pooja. They replied in chorus that there was not a drop of water in ay of the bathrooms and taps. Their reply surprised Sri Chitnis. Only 20 minutes back he had as much waster as he required. He confidently agreed to escort them to the room from which he had washed. He knocked about from bathroom to bathroom, but that “bathroom” eluded him. He was bewildered and confused. He began to enquire from the passers-by where the particular bathroom was which had plenty of water. They all looked at him strangely, and thought that something was wrong with him. They concurred with his family member that since one and half hours there was no water in any of the taps. Sri Chitnis in no time realised that it was all Baba’s leela. His people continued to ask him where the bathroom was, from which he washed his hands and feet. There was no response. He had gone speechless!

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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #77 on: March 15, 2009, 06:35:48 PM »
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    Sri G.S. Kalyanpur is a journalist by profession who lives in South Shivaji Park, Bombay. He is a staunch devotee of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi. On 12/5/1973, he woke up after midnight feeling quite ill. His right arm had gone out of commission. He could not lift it. He tried to move his fingers. They were immovable. He was running very high temperature. In his frenzied brain, he recalled that his mother was completely paralysed at the age of sixty. Here three sisters had also suffered paralytic strokes. Had he inherited the minus points of his mother’s line? It was an unnerving thought. The journalist could ill afford to be ill with paralysis, as he was an old bachelor and dependent on an old housekeeper Yamunabai. He involuntarily turned his eyes in the direction of the little wooden Mandir, in his room, in which he had installed a small idol of Sai Baba. He cried out, and in a few minutes dropped off to sleep. He woke up at 6 a.m. his usual time to wake up for prayer and Arathi. As was customary, the housekeeper, prepared the Arathi with a wick and coconut oil and handed it to him. She did not notice that Sri Kalyanpur waved the Arathi to Baba, with his left hand. The housekeeper did not know his predicament. The only doctor nearby was an M.D., lady doctor, who was his friends daughter. When he went to her residence she chided him for coming out in that condition and examining him immediately recommended hospitalization. When Sri Kalyanpur was being taken to the hospital the old housekeeper began to sob and asked him, “when will you be cured?” “in five days time” said the journalist involuntarily, though he knew that strokes sometimes prove incurable and sometimes fatal. In the hospital he was under the care of a very eminent Parsi Physician. In the hospital, he used to start his day at 6 a.m. with a prayer to Baba. It was 6 a.m. on Thursday, exactly the fifth day of his hospitalisation. He experienced a vague sensation of new vigour in his right arm. But he was afraid of putting his arm to test, less he should be disappointed. The physiotherapist arrived at 8 a.m to give exercises to his arm. As on earlier days, he asked him to lift the arm. Sri Kalyanpu hesitated a little, prayed to Baba, lifted his right arm slowly. He found to his delight and to the physiotherapist’s wonder, that he could stretch the arm to the full. He found not crippling sensation. The Parsi specialist arrived at 9 a.m. and asked the journalist how he feels that day. Sri Kalyanpur cold not keep back the flood of tears and thanked him for helping him to get back the power to his right arm. The doctor asked “Are you a believer in divine grace? It is the divine grace that has restored your arm, not I” said the doctor. The doctor advised further: “A sincere prayer can work miracles as in your case. Continue to have faith and all will be well for the rest of your life.” At the time of the article in Sai Leela magazine in the year 1985, Sri Kalyanpur was 81 years, and in good health by the grace of Sai Baba.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #78 on: March 15, 2009, 06:37:34 PM »
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    Baba has come to Sri Kalyanpur’s room in his flat in the form of an Ashirwad photo also. This has become a centre of attraction to his friends in distress. They come, stand before the photo, tell Baba of their problems and seek His help. A typical case of distress, was that of his friend Sri Mayagonda, a Government officer. He had been praying to Jain Thirthankaras for a son for a long time but his prayer remained unfulfilled. He had two daughters. One day Sri Mayagonda came to Sri Kalyanpur’s flat with his two daughters and his wife wanted to pray to Baba. “I need Baba’s help” he said. My wife is expecting a third baby. The chromosome tests have revealed that the child will be again a daughter. Sri Kalyanpu conducted the prayer for the Mayagonda family and Sri Mayagonda promised that if a son is born, he will be taken to Shirdi and placed on Baba’s holy Samadhi. As the prayer ended, the postman knocked at the door, with a udhi packet, which was being sent from Shirdi every month. The journalist assured his friend that this is a Baba’s answer to their prayer and a son would be born, no matter what the chromosome tests may say. A boy was born to Smt. Mayagonda and the Mayagonda family, gratefully placed the child on Baba’s Samadhi as promised by them.
    « Last Edit: March 15, 2009, 06:43:52 PM by subhasrini »
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #79 on: March 15, 2009, 06:38:32 PM »
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    In 1977 Dr. Thankur Dutt Sharma was working as Deputy Chief Medical Officer, in Dharmashala, Himachal Pradesh. He had darshan and blessings of Dr. Babaji at Hamirpur, H.P. and was proceeding to Simla. Dr. Babaji specifically told him not to travel in the jeep in the night on that day. Disregarding the advice, Dr Thakur proceeded to Simla that night as he had some urgent assignment. It is 150 kms, from Hamirpur to Simla. About 40 kms from Simla the vehicle went out of control and struck a hillock. The occupants escaped with some minor injuries. After this accident, the vehicle, would move only in front and rear and not turn sideways. About 1 ½ hours was spent in trying to rectify the problem. There was no success. The doctor sitting on the roadside parapet, in the wee hours of the night, prayed to Sai Baba, to get them out of their trouble and guide them to their destination. After this short prayer, Dr Thakur asked the driver to start the vehicle. Lo! The vehicle started moving not only forwards and backwards but could also be turned sidewards. Simla was reached. In the morning the doctor asked the driver to take the vehicle to the mechanic shop for necessary repairs. The driver tried for three hours. The vehicle would not budge. Ultimately when the mechanic examined the vehicle, it was found that the central pin was broken. How did the vehicle travel 40 kms in the ghat road with a broken central pin? Even the thought of the consequence was frightening.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #80 on: March 22, 2009, 12:29:51 PM »
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    Dr. Mahesh I. Madgum, eye specialist, Lecturer in Opthalmology, Karnataka Medical College, Hubli, received a corrective from Baba in the year 1978. his father as also his grandfather have been devotees of Sai Baba of Shirdi. Sri Magdum was passing through difficult time. A Parsi old man guided him to a house in Mahim, where a marble idol of Baba was installed, and where pooja was conducted on Thursdays and Sundays.

    An upasaka in that house had the power of going into trance and duing the trance, he was solving people’s problmes with the grace of Sai Baba. As expected there used to be a long queue of devotees for darshan of Sai Baba and for solution to their problems.

    On a particular day, the doctor was also waiting for his turn in the queue which happened to be quite long and it was getting late for his clinic. He became restless and impatient. He began to think whether there was any God as people thought, and if he exists what He was doing, in the presence of many difficulties of the people. All of a sudden he heard a voice which said: Thera gussa bohuth hai beta! Aake mere charno me chod de” (your temper is very bad son! Come and leave it at my feet).

    He looked around to find out who was speaking to him. There was none. Everyone was minding his business. Later touching the feet of the Baba in the pooja room, the doctor promised to obey Him. Nishta and Saburi are the two qualities, which Baba expects from His devotees.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #81 on: March 22, 2009, 12:31:53 PM »
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    Lt. Col. M.B. Nimbalkar’s wife who is residing at Five Star Apartments, Bund Garden Road, Pune – 1, developed a lump on her neck, which was noticed on 26/2/78. Thinking that it might not be serious but just a swelling of tonsils, the couple kept quite. But Mrs. Nimbalkar’s uncle suggested that they consult a doctor. Hence she was taken to the Military Command Hospital, Pune, where it was diagnosed as enlarged thyroid glad (Nodular Goiter) and the doctors recommended operation as the only cure.

    Sri Nimbalkar and his wife who were apprehensive of the operation, consulted some person who had similar problem, whether operation could be avoided. They all told that the condition would become more troublesome as time elapsed. In the meantime, Mrs Nimbalkar was devotedly praying to Baba and applying Udhi to her neck. The operation date was not confirmed due to shortage of oxygen cylinders at the Command Hospital. By 12th July 1978, the swelling on the neck was subsiding slowly. The surgeon however assured Mrs. Nimbalkar that he would some how make up the supply of oxygen cylinders so that the operation would take place by next week, and asked his assistant to examine Mrs. Nimbalkar’s condition.

    Believe it or not there was no swelling when the assistant examined her. The surgeon was surprised at the news. He examined her neck and came to the conclusion that no operation was necessary. He decided to treat her with tablets and medicines. Prescribing Eltroscin tablets to be taken for a month. Mrs Nimbalkar was asked to come for check-up after one month. On 13th August 1978, the surgeon who examined her advised discontinuation of tablets. The trouble has not recurred. It is pertinent to note that the cure began to take place even before any medical treatment was started.

    Sai Leela contributors held on 28th and 29th January 1979 at Shirdi. Swamiji said that Sai Baba fulfilled the desire of everyone. We call Him our father, our mother, friend and we offer all our learning and wealth to Him
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #82 on: March 22, 2009, 12:33:47 PM »
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    Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji was the Chief Guest at the gathering of Baba can be a mother, he asked. Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji also was in constant communion with Sri Sai Baba, share with us two of his personal experiences. ”One lady got a child and she wanted that her child should be fed on her milk, but her to dismay her breasts were dry. She tried all remedies but they were not of any use. The lady conceived again and when she was in her 8th month of pregnancy, she came to me along with her husband and requested me to pray to Sai Baba to give milk to her second child.

    I assured her that this time she will get milk in the breasts after delivery, by the grace of Sai Baba. I gave her udhi, and asked her to pray to Sai Baba with full devotion. The lady went away and in course of time she gave birth to a child. Her husband came to me, saying that her breasts were dry totally and that he was afraid that his second child also may not get mother’s milk. I asked the husband to go and pray to Sai Baba to fulfil the wishes of the lady, and lo! On the third day this mother could feed her baby as the breasts were full of milk. This is one example where Sai Baba acted as mother, because this is one thing, which only a mother can understand.”

    ”Once a gentleman came to me while I was in Madras and informed me that his son had run away and his whereabouts were not known for 2 – 3 days. I told him to pray to Sai Baba and by His grace, his son would return on the fifth day. He got a telegram from Calcutta that his boy was safe and would reach Madras in one or two days. After the boy returned to Madras, he was brought to me by the father. I enquired with the boy, the reason for his running away. He told me his parents were angry with him and hence he ran away from the house. The boy further said that when he was in Calcutta, Sai Baba appeared in his dream and told him to go to the station. There he met a person who enquired about him and gave a telegram to Madras and arranged to send the boy back to Madras. “How did Sai Baba look?”

    He answered “Sai Baba appeared with the tin pot in his hand and he was proceeding to beg for alms.”
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #83 on: March 22, 2009, 12:35:12 PM »
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    Ms. Rekha Raju Whabi, Jeeth Bungalow, Tara Road, Juhu, Bombay, had just written her B.A. examination in 1980, was unmarried, and was uncertain of her future. Five years back, her father had died. Her mother, elder brother and married sisters were trying to settle her in marriage. Their choice was not to her liking. She had become devoted to Sai Baba, would pray to Him every day, “Baba do whatever is good for me.” One night she dreamt that she had visited temples and holy places she had not seen in real life. She experienced these dreams several times. After a few days, out of boredom, she felt like visiting one of her friend’s house. When she went there, her friend told her that her foster brother is arriving from Dubai and that they were arranging for interviews for his marriage. Her friend was a Sindhi Bhatia, and Ms Rekha was a Maratha. Just as they were talking, the door bell rang and in stepped the young man at whose very first sight Ms Rekha liked him. Her friend introduced them both and after some time, the young man gave Prasad to Ms. Rekha which he said was from Badrinath and Kedarnath, the places he had visited before coming here. As he gave the Prasad, she saw a ring on his finger with Sai Baba’s picture.

    But Ms. Rekha felt that her people and her friend’s people would not agree to the match because of the caste differences. Two days later, her friend came to her house and told her that her foster brother wishes to marry her and whether she would agree.

    When they met again, Ms Rekha told him of her dreams about the temples, describing their features. He said that her description were of Badrinath and Kedarnath temples! The two families were not in favour of the marriage, but the two had faith in Sai Baba and in themselves. They got married, and they are happy today. She even has a plan to construct a Sai Baba temple in Versova.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #84 on: March 22, 2009, 12:36:38 PM »
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    Sri Santosh Vyas, a government servant of Hoshangabad is a staunch devotee of Sri Sai Baba. He was proceeding to Shirdi, for Sai Baba’s darshan. It was the last day of October 1980. As the train started moving form the Itarsi Junction. Sri Vyas heard an urgent voice, asking him to get down from his compartment and to go and occupy a raer compartment.

    In obedience to the command, he got down from the train, which had begun to move and entered a rear compartment, the 14th from the engine. Within two minutes the train collided with a goods train, resulting in a large number of casualities, in the third bogie, which was vacated by Sri Vyas.

    Sri Vyas alighting from the train, despatched a telegram to his family about his miraculous escape from the tragedy and continued his journey to Shirdi. When he was approached by the press reporters, he disclosed that Sri Sai Baba had bestowed a new lease of life to him, and narrated the circumstances about his miraculous escape. His narration was published on the 1st November 1980 issue of Dhainik Bhaskar, a widely read newspaper of Madya Pradesh.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #85 on: March 28, 2009, 10:46:45 AM »
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  • My life today and my entire family has been changed from litterly nothing inlife to a complete life. I do not have many words to describe Sai's leela and as most of us after Sai's blessing's are left speechless so am i. I was blessed with a job when nobody expected it, now it's nine year's since then,till date I've experienced Sai in everything. His presence is felt and He decides things for me so nicely that i as always am stunned.Recently i was blessed  by Him to be a part of temple construction and you gotta believe me that everything felt in place so nicely that it's just His wish.Now in my life I have reached a stage where once in a while b'cos of the worldly thing's i feel insecure but the moment Sai comes all's gone! I would like to bring to the notice of all the reader's that let Sai decide, He know's you better.JAI SHREE SAI BABA KI JAI SHREE SAI BABA KI

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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #86 on: March 28, 2009, 06:16:01 PM »
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    Election to the Lok Sabha was announced after the fall of Charan Singh Ministry in 1980. Shri Rameshwar Neekhra, a devotee of Shri Sai Baba, contested the election from Itarsi Lok Sabha constituency. A day before the casting of votes, a Fakir appeared before Sri Neekhra and enquired whether his name is Rameshwar Neekhra. Sri Neekhra replied in the affirmative and aked the Fakir, how he knew his name. The Fakir replied that he knows everybody’d name. The Fakir also said that Sai Baba’s grace was on him and that he would win the election. The Fakir gave him udhi and moving a few steps, disappeared. The voting and counting of votes took place sometime thereafter. It is needless to say that as predicted by the Fakir, Sri Rameshwar Neekhra was declared elected to Lok Sabha from Itarsi Constituency. This incident was published in the newspaper Dhainik Bhaskar.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #87 on: March 28, 2009, 06:18:55 PM »
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    Sri R. Radhakrishnan, Vidyaranyanagar Railway Station Quarters, Gadag Road Hubli, had in the year 1980 gone to Erachakulam which is about 4 miles from Nagercoil, South India. There is a Vishnu Temple in that place. A poor devotee by name Mahadevan Pillai, was a constant visitor to the temple. He was friendly with everyone including Sri Radhakrishnan. On a particular day Mahadevan Pillai failed to turn up. On enquiry it was learnt that the pair of buffaloes on which the family depended for livelihood was lost and had not returned home. The family had been roaming all over the place miles together, in search of the buffaloes. They had taken a loan of Rs. 2000/- from a co-operative bank on the security of the buffaloes. The family was apprehensive that the buffaloes might have been sold to the butchers across the border of Kerala. Sri Radhakrishnan who had become quite friendly with Mahadevan Pillai, prayed to Sai Baba in the night with tears in his eyes. “Baba, this fellow Mahadevan Pillai, is a poor man and a sincere devotee of Vishnu, who is no different from you. Please save him by helping him to get back his lost animals.” Sri Radhakrishnan had a dream about 4 a.m. in the early morning in which he clearly saw the pair of buffaloes grazing in the field near Thazhakkudi, which is 2 miles from Erachakulam.” Immediately on getting up, he sent for Mahadevan Pillai and told him of the dream and further told him that Vishnu whom he worships is no different from Baba. His son who had come along told, “we have already searched all the fields in and near Thazhakuddi several times.” Mahadevan Pillai told his son not to argue but to follow what was said. About 3 p.m. the father and son came in a joyful mood and told Sri Radhakrishnan that the buffaloes were found in the same place as pointed out by Baba in the dream.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #88 on: March 28, 2009, 06:20:20 PM »
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    In January 1981, Suhas S/o Jaywant Pawar, was a boy of 4 and ½ years. Since 24/1/1981, Suhas became sick. Every night, after an hour’s sleep, he would find difficulty in breathing and he would become uneasy. X – rays and medicines, proved of no help. He was admitted to Dr Agarwal’s hospital, Thane. During daytime, he would be all right and would play but his problems started only during the night. To give him relief, oxygen and saline were given, regularly. Due to this daily treatment Suhas became depressed and weak.

    Dr Merchant of Wadia Children’s Hospital also examined him. But could find no solution to the problem. Dr Merchant said that as all other treatments had been given, as a last resort bronchoscopy be tried. Suhas was admitted to the intensive care unit of KEM hospital for bronchoscopy. On the night previous to this, Baba appeared to Suhas. Dr Jadhav and Dr Karnik were to conduct the bronchoscopy. Dr Jadhav was with Suhas the previous night, examining his patient, when Suhas said “Doctor Kaka, please get up and vacate the chair on which you are sitting. Look Sai Baba has come here. We should honour Him by giving Him a seat.” Dr Jadhav could not see Sai Baba and suspected the boy was talking something from imagination. The doctor asked “where is Sai Baba?” I cannot see Him. The boy replied “He is standing just by your side, I can see Him clearly. Please offer Him the seat.” At 10:30 a.m. as fixed, the bronchoscopy was performed on the boy and a small bit of tamarind seed was sucked out which was the cause of all the trouble.
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    Re: The Eternal Sai- By S Maneey
    « Reply #89 on: March 28, 2009, 06:25:23 PM »
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    Mrs. R Farnandes of Nambhai Manji, No 5, A.I.J road, Mahim, Bombay is a Catholic who prays with devotion to Mary. Her son Anthony was in the II year B.Sc in 1981. He started getting headache and fever. They tried several doctors but the fever did not subside. Even after two weeks, he was getting fever on alternate days. The boy’s urine, blood and chest X-ray were taken for examination. The report in the X-ray showed a slight patch in the chest. Medicine for this was taken, but there was no relief. The boy was afraid to take bath as that would result in shivering and more fever. Then Mrs Fernandes remembere the Homeopathy doctor Mr. Chaudhuri, a Sai devotee, who had cured her of an ailment earlier, when no other doctor had done so.

    Mr. Chauduri examined all the reports, and suggested to do sputum test to find out if there is a symptom of T.B. Mr Chauduri said, patting the boy, “Do the sputum test and show it to the doctor who examined you earlier. If he cannot give you medicine for this, then I will give you medicine by invoking the name of Sai Baba.” The little words “By the name of Sai Baba, I will give you medicine” was ringing in her ears, while she returned home with her boy. That very day she told her son, to take bath by the name of Sai Baba. Though the boy was afraid to take bath, he took it, by invoking Sai Baba’s name. Mrs. Fernandes feared that something terrible would happen to her son that night and she got up thrice to see his condition. But the boy was fast asleep. He got up the next morning feeling better and quite refreshed. They stopped all medicines and kept watch on him for the relapse of the fever. He was free from fever. On the fourth day there was a knock on their door. A poor man was at the door. A part of his sleeve was torn and he had blue shinning eyes. He asked her, “sister give me one white shirt.”

    Mrs. Fernandes had a white shirt with her, which she thought was little too big for the poor man. So she thought of altering that shirt and giving it to the poor man. She said, “I shall give you next time when you visit us.” She however went inside to give him some coin, but when she returned he had left. He was not to be found anywhere in and around the place. The “poor man” could not be seen again. After the sputum test the allopathic doctor had given the boy medicine for a week and had asked him to report to him after that.

    The medicines however were not taken but the boy went to the doctor for examination. The doctor was surprised to find that the previous symptoms had disappeared and prescribed only B complex tablets. He even advised not to take the earlier prescribed medicine. Mrs. Fernandes went to Mr Chauduri’s clinic and related all that had happened. He told her “Mrs Fernandes, Sai Baba can work lots of miracles, if you keep faith in Him.”
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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