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Author Topic: DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT AND PRAYER..  (Read 215757 times)

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Offline Kabir Rao

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« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2010, 01:30:57 AM »
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  • Dear Drashta Ji,

    I read your reply several times and noted it down as well. I will let you know about my experinces towards it. Thanks a lot for your effort. I am indebted.

    Om Sai Ram

    PS- I was wondering if i could you post this method in my blog with your name offcourse :-). My email id and blog URL is already public. You can find it below my name in any of my post (Mail icon).  I think the thread you have started should remain sacrosanct and may be personal discussion is not good idea inside it.
    « Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 03:17:46 AM by Kabir Rao »

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #16 on: August 06, 2010, 07:35:24 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Dear Kabir ji,

    I'll be happy if you could help others by posting this method on your blog. If you like, you may edit or modify it.
    I do not need the credit for it. All knowledge comes from Baba and I am trying to give up my sense of ownership on things  :).

    Thanks for guiding me to your blog. I'll visit it shortly.

    Baba's blessings,

    Om Sai Ram.
    « Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 01:30:03 PM by drashta »

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #17 on: August 06, 2010, 07:37:56 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Don't Give Up On Your Tomorrows

    "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future;"
    (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV).

    No matter what may be happening today, God has good things in store for your future! It may not be easy to see now, but God has already lined up a new beginning, new friendships, and new opportunities for you. Maybe last year had some setbacks and difficulty, but don't make the mistake of expecting this year to be the same. It's time to get a new vision because it is a new day!

    As believers, our attitude should be, "Even though the economy is down, I'm not worried. I know God is going before me, and He has promised He will make rivers in the desert." Or, "The medical report may not look good, but I have another report that says that God is restoring health unto me. I believe God has already released healing, health and victory in my future." Or, you may have a child who is not on the right course. In the natural it seems impossible. But our report should be, "I know God can do the impossible! My child will fulfill their destiny!" Be encouraged today and don't give up on your tomorrows because God has a good plan in store for you!

    Prayer for Today:

    Father in heaven, thank You for giving me a hope and a future. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for choosing me. Thank You for delighting in me. I invite You to renew my heart and mind to the good plans you have for me.

    Om Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #18 on: August 07, 2010, 05:48:39 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    It's Your Time

    "The vision is yet for an appointed time…"
    (Habakkuk 2:3, NKJ).

    God has planted seeds of greatness on the inside of you. He has predestined that those things in your heart come to pass. You may have had more than your share of unfair things happen in your life. You probably have plenty of reasons to just settle where you are. But understand, the depth of your past is an indication of the height of your future. In other words, if you've been through a lot of negative things in the past, it just means that your future is bigger and brighter and greater than you can even imagine. It's your time to step out and embrace all that God has for you!

    Are there dreams and promises that you've let go of? Are there things that God has placed in your heart that you've given up on? Today is the day to give your dreams a new beginning. Today is the day to allow faith to rise in your heart. Remember, what's happened to you is not nearly as important as what's happened in you. Today, you are stronger and wiser than ever before. It's your time and your season to move forward into the destiny that God has prepared for you!

    Prayer for Today:

    Heavenly Father, thank You for the destiny that You have deposited into my heart. I choose to stand in faith knowing that You are working behind the scenes. Give me strength and wisdom to follow Your leading so that I can embrace all that You have for me.

    Jai Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #19 on: August 08, 2010, 06:57:47 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Get Your Fill

    "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled;"
    (Matthew 5:6, NIV).

    In the natural, what do you do when you're hungry and just not sure what will satisfy you? You may try to think of what to eat, but maybe you're not sure what will hit the spot. Spiritual hunger works the same way. You may feel a restlessness or unsettledness, but you can't quite figure out what will satisfy it. You may try to fill that need with other things—food, addictions, people—but only God can fill that hunger.

    Today's verse tells us what will fill that hunger in our soul—righteousness. When you hunger and thirst for righteousness, which is God's way of doing things, you will be spiritually satisfied. But just like you have to take time to eat in the natural, you have to take time to "eat" or partake of God's righteousness.

    Take time every day and devote it to the Lord with prayer, worship and the study of His Word. Stay in fellowship with other believers regularly. As you focus your hunger on God's righteousness, you will be filled and live satisfied in Him all the days of your life.

    Prayer for Today:

    Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise to fill my hunger. I open my heart to You and ask that You draw me by Your Spirit. Teach me to walk in Your ways of righteousness that I may honor and serve You all the days of my life. I bless Your name today.

    Om Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #20 on: August 09, 2010, 07:25:46 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    New Every Morning

    "...His compassions never fail. They are new every morning;
    Great is Your faithfulness"(James 3:10, NLT).

    Is there something that you've done in your past that you're not
    particularly happy about? A choice that you regret? The good news
    today is that you can be free of guilt and condemnation. You don't
    have to live with that burden any longer.

    Today's verse tells us that God's mercies are new every morning. He's
    not ever going to run out of compassion. He's not ever going to run
    out of forgiveness. He's not ever going to say, "Well, this is the
    last time I'm going to give you mercy." No, you can have a new
    beginning every single day!

    Let that truth sink down deep into your heart right now. If there is
    anything from the past that you may still be carrying, take a moment
    and call on His faithfulness. Call on His mercy. Ask for His
    forgiveness. Let Him refresh and restore your soul right now. Praise
    Him and thank Him for the work He is doing in your life and enjoy a
    fresh new beginning today!


    Heavenly Father, today I choose to let go of every single weight from
    the past. I call on Your mercy; I call on Your grace. Thank You for
    hearing me and delivering me. I receive Your love and forgiveness

    Offline adwaita

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    « Reply #21 on: August 10, 2010, 04:38:29 AM »
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  • Dear all,

    Daily encouragement and prayer is a very inspiring post. Please do not deviate it. Share your thoughts if you have any but please do not post naam japs where the originality of the post is lost somewhere. It's a humble request to do the naam jap only in the topic and no where else.;topicseen

    Baba bless all.

    om sai ram.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #22 on: August 10, 2010, 05:57:57 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Baba, please bless Adwaita ji, dayalvasnani ji, Saigeethavijay ji, and other devotees.

    In the Morning

    "In the morning, O Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation"
    (Psalm 5:3, NIV).

    In the Bible, David was called a man after God's own heart. He knew God and saw incredible miracles throughout his life. But notice in this verse what David did. He set the tone for His whole day by spending time with the Lord every morning. It didn't matter what was going on his life, David had his priorities set. Even though he was mistreated by his family, manipulated, made fun of, hunted down by King Saul, and even made some major mistakes on his own, David realized that each morning held the promise of new hope.

    Just like David, if you'll make spending time with God a priority in your life, you will see Him move mightily on your behalf. Make it a habit to seek Him first every single day. No matter what is happening, seek Him in the morning. Let Him set the tone for your day and set you on the course for victory in every area of your life!

    Prayer for Today:

    Heavenly Father, I choose to put You first in everything that I do. I choose to set the tone of my day by starting it with You. Draw me close to You and empower me by Your Spirit to fulfill the dreams and destiny that You have placed within me.

    Om Sai Baba

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #23 on: August 10, 2010, 06:03:30 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.


    "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are blameless toward Him"
    (2 Chronicles 16:9 AMP).

    Are you looking for God to move in your life today? The scriptures say that God is actually looking to show Himself strong in the Earth. He is looking for those who have a blameless heart toward Him.

    When you open your heart to God, and ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you by His grace, He gives you a blameless heart—-then you are the person the Lord is looking to work through. When you understand the fact that God longs to work in your life, your faith will increase. Your hope will increase. And God's work in your life will increase. Have confidence in the scriptures today. Begin to thank God for giving you a clean and blameless heart. Thank Him for choosing to work in you.

    As you thank and praise Him, expect Him to act! Expect to see Him move mightily on your behalf in every area of your life!

    Prayer for Today:

    Heavenly Father, thank You for cleansing my sins and giving me a blameless heart. Search my heart today and remove anything that isn't pleasing to You. I open my heart and invite You to work in every area of my life.

    Om Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #24 on: August 11, 2010, 06:11:11 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Safety in Times of Distress

    "But as for me, I shall sing of Your strength; Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your loving kindness in the morning, For You have been my stronghold and a refuge in the day of my distress"
    (Psalm 59:16, NAS).

    Everyone goes through situations and circumstances in life that can cause distress, worry or anxiety. The key to overcoming these situations is exactly what David did in today's verse. Even though David's very life was at stake, He knew that His source of strength and victory was in His worship. He knew that He would find refuge during the day of distress as He sang praises to the Most High God.

    No matter what you're facing in life today, realize that there's no better place for you to be than in the presence of Almighty God. Everything you need is found in Him. When you begin to worship Him, when you call upon His name, He promises to be near you. And when God shows up on the scene, the enemy must flee! Today, if you've been fighting discouragement, worry or anxiety, cast those cares on the Lord. Come into His presence with singing and enter His courts with praise. Let Him be a refuge for you and give you the strength you need to overcome every obstacle in God' name!

    Prayer for Today:

    Heavenly Father, I humbly come before You today. I declare that You are good and faithful. I will sing of Your love and mercy. Fill me with Your strength and joy as I worship You.

    Om Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #25 on: August 11, 2010, 06:13:56 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    New Seasons of Increase

    "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland;"
    (Isaiah 43:19, NIV).

    Are you going through a situation that seems beyond your control? I want to encourage you today that even when we can't see it, God is working behind the scenes. He is doing a new thing. He is making a way for you even when there seems to be no way. He wants to lead you out of that dry, desolate place into a place of peace, safety and abundance. He wants to take you from a season of drought into a season of abundance.

    Your part is simply to trust Him and switch over from an attitude of fear and doubt to an attitude of faith. How do you change your attitude? Start by changing what comes out of your mouth. Instead of speaking about your situation, speak to your situation. Every day declare, "This is the day that the Lord has made. He is taking me into seasons of increase. I'm moving forward with strength through the joy of the Lord!" When you start speaking like that, soon your mind and heart will grab hold of the truth, and it won't be long before you're walking in the increase God has prepared for you!

    Prayer for Today:

    Father in heaven, I receive new seasons of increase into my life by faith today. I choose to stand and declare Your promises because I know You have good things in store for my future. I bless You and thank You for another day to sing Your praise.

    Om Sai Baba.

    Offline vidyarp

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    « Reply #26 on: August 12, 2010, 01:00:03 AM »
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  • Dear drashta....
    I cant thank you enough for the wonderful messages you post. It has really helped me to feel better...helped me to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel...there is a silver lining in all the black clouds....that whatever may happen today...there will always be a new tomorrow....and most of all....God is there with me....ALWAYS
    Faith in Baba and self - these will help you overcome any obstacles.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #27 on: August 12, 2010, 05:54:56 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Dear Vidya ji, may Baba keep you happy and safe always. Indeed, every cloud has a silver lining. We must trust and wait in patience.

    Arise, Shine

    "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you"
    (Isaiah 60:1, NIV).

    Today, God wants to exceed your expectations. He has amazing things stored up for you. He wants to take you places that you've never dreamed and do things in your life that you've never imagined. His glory is rising upon His people. Things are going to fall into place so that you can accomplish what God has placed in your heart. Even the hidden dreams that you've given up on, God has not given up on. He is going to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all you could ask, think or imagine! Now is the time to arise and shine in Him!

    Your mind may try to talk you out of it, but if you'll listen with your heart, it will resonate on the inside of you. Don't let discouragement hold you back or keep you down. Rise up every morning and declare, "Today is the day that the Lord has made." Choose to rejoice in Him. Choose to expect His goodness. Choose to arise and shine and receive every spiritual blessing He has in store for you!

    Prayer for Today:

    Heavenly Father, I come to You today with an open and humble heart. Thank You for choosing me and for preparing a bright future for me. I will arise and shine. Let everything I do bring honor to You.

    Jai Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #28 on: August 12, 2010, 05:57:38 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Seed for Sowing

    "Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness"
    (2 Corinthians 9:10, NIV).

    God desires to bring you increase. He's provided you with seed so that you can invest into the lives of others. There is tremendous potential in any seed. A single seed can produce harvest of 30, 60 or 100-fold return! But that seed has to be planted. You can have a package of seeds sitting in a drawer for years and nothing will happen. But when you plant that seed in the ground, water it and tend to the weeds, that seed will begin to grow. It won't take long before the beautiful harvest is ready to be received.

    Remember, you have seeds of greatness on the inside of you. God has placed within you everything you need to be successful. But, you have to step out and sow those seeds. You have to boldly declare your faith and put action behind it. Keep an attitude of expectancy and go out believing that great things are coming your way. Be obedient to His Word because those seeds you sow will produce an abundant harvest of blessing all the days of your life.

    Prayer for Today:

    Father God, thank You for entrusting me with seed to sow. I want to be a wise steward of all Your resources. Give me wisdom and discernment to be obedient with my words and actions. Let everything I do bring honor to You.

    Jai Sai Baba.

    Offline sweta

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    « Reply #29 on: August 13, 2010, 03:15:02 AM »
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  • Dear Drashta jee,

    I can't thank you enough for posting such a wondering quotes. Reading your post has helped me alot. Thank you so much. May sai's blesisng eb with you always.



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