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Author Topic: DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT AND PRAYER..  (Read 215899 times)

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Offline Sanka1970

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« Reply #60 on: August 28, 2010, 07:05:04 AM »
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  • drashta

    Om sai Ram,

    Thank you! The words the prayer all very beautiful.

    Om Sai ram,


    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #61 on: August 29, 2010, 07:08:36 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Baba's blessings, dear Sanka ji.

    Every day, you and I are reminded of how tough life can be. It's true that life can be really hard but don't ever give up on your tomorrows! Keep believing, keep looking ahead, keep pressing into more and more of what God has for your life. I believe your best days are ahead. That's why I tell you so much about favor. God's plan is bigger than just what He wants to do for you --it grows into what God wants to do through you.

    The power of God's increase is so great that there are no challenges too big and no circumstances too difficult to be radically transformed. When you keep on believing in the midst of your storm, not only will God lead you out, but He will lead you into His supernatural increase!

    *What you see as a major setback is really a divine setup.*

    God's working through the circumstances in your life to create an incredible moment of progress and promotion. He has pre-ordained seasons of increase in your life -- not because of anything you do, but because He wants to pour out His goodness in your life. God's plan for your life is bigger than simply solving today's problem-- He wants to promote you. Through His Word and the power of His Holy Spirit, you will be amazed at what God will do in your life.There's a path to this season of increase, and I want to encourage you to take it.

    Today's Prayer:

    Baba, thank you so much for standing with us and for your love and support. We surrender to your divine will for our lives. We know You have our best interest at heart.

    Jai Sai Baba.

    « Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 07:11:18 AM by drashta »

    Offline saib

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    « Reply #62 on: August 29, 2010, 07:58:51 AM »
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  • The power of God's increase is so great that there are no challenges too big and no circumstances too difficult to be radically transformed. When you keep on believing in the midst of your storm, not only will God lead you out, but He will lead you into His supernatural increase!

    *What you see as a major setback is really a divine setup.*

    Very True.

    also I just got to read When God When and New Times and Seasons, beautifully explained the way of almighty to make things happen .

    When you started Drashta, It appeared as standard text, but with the time the flow you have given is amazing with many powerful insights as well divine sayings! Appeared like inspiration from Baba himself.

    May Baba Bless You Always!

    om sai sri sai jayajaya sai!

    om sai ram!
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #63 on: August 29, 2010, 05:17:36 PM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Dear Saib ji,

    Thanks for your kind words. Frankly, I do not deserve the praise or credit for these posts. I too have learned them from others. You are right that the real source of inspiration and wisdom is Baba Sai. May He bless us with strength and fortitude to pass His tests.

    May Sai bless us all.

    Jai Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #64 on: August 30, 2010, 05:35:33 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Find Peace Today

    "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You"

    Do you need more peace in your life today? Are you frustrated or upset over something or fighting off discouragement? The first question to ask yourself is "What am I thinking about?". If you're thinking about your problems all the time or how impossible everything is, then your life is going to follow that negative direction. But, when you get your mind going in the right direction, when you focus your mind on the Word of God, then you are setting yourself in the direction of peace.

    Today, choose to keep your mind focused on Baba. Be empowered by meditating on His Word. As you set your thoughts in the right direction, your life will head down the path of peace and victory He has in store for you!

    Prayer for Today:

    Father, thank You for peace today. I receive it as a comforting blanket to my heart, my mind and my emotions. I choose to focus on Your Word today. Direct my steps and guard me by Your peace.

    Jai Sai Ba

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #65 on: August 31, 2010, 06:04:17 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Why The ‘Wilderness’?
    by Andrew Strom

    All the way through the Bible, from the book of Genesis right through Revelation there are clear references to the ‘wilderness’ as being something God often employs in His dealings with men. The pattern is undeniable.

    When we look through the Scriptures we see that the wilderness is often a place of spiritual “crisis” and also preparation. It is the place God sends us before the “real action” begins - before we enter into the full purposes of God in our lives. There must be ‘death’ before there can be resurrection. There must be a desert place before the “promised land”.

    The wilderness is a place of trial and testing, of brokenness and full surrender to God. The props and activities that have kept us continually striving to “make things happen” are stripped away. Our self-reliance is shattered and replaced with a total reliance on God alone. Every “idol” in our lives is brought under the piercing searchlight of God. Our selfish motives and ambitions are shown for what they are. This process may take years. Finally we emerge broken, chastened and purified. The process has matured and cleansed us in so many ways. We are now ready for the fulfillment of all that God originally called us to do. But our heart-motives are vastly different from what they were before.

    We see this pattern all the way through Scripture. Many lessons can be learned from what we read there. Abraham, Joseph, Joshua, Moses, David, Elijah, John the Baptist, Paul the apostle - and even Jesus Himself - all had to go through this “wilderness” experience. Very often it lasted for years and years. Why then should we be surprised if it happens to us?

    Probably the best-known instance of a ‘wilderness experience’ in the Old Testament is the story of Moses and the children of Israel. Moses had been raised and trained all his life in the palaces of Egypt. But when he came face-to-face with his heritage as an Israelite, he rose up “in his own strength” and killed an Egyptian slave-driver. He was then forced to flee into the desert, where he was to spend 40 YEARS as a simple shepherd in the wilderness. What an enormous length of time! Imagine if everyone had to spend that long in the wilderness before God would allow them to lead His people! It is almost impossible to imagine the depths of despair and “death” to all his dreams and hopes that Moses went through during this time. In fact, after 40 years it is hard to imagine anyone being “deader” to the usual ambitions and temptations of leadership than Moses would have been. And what PATIENCE these years of waiting must have produced in him!

    We see here the lengths that God will go to in the “preparation” of a leader “after His own heart.” (Though 40 years is unusually long). The isolation, the chafing, the crying out to God for deliverance- all play their part. Such an experience is almost irreplaceable. That is why God uses it so often. The hearts of driven men are so similar in so many ways, that God’s “cure” becomes similar also! He will even shut us up in a kind-of ‘prison’ for a time so we cannot escape the process. It is that important. He does not want ’self’- oriented leaders shepherding his precious sheep.

    After his 40 years of preparation, Moses returned to Egypt at God’s command to lead His people out of bondage. This was the beginning of the entire nation of Israels’ wilderness experience. For when they left Egypt the only way to their “Promised Land” was through the desert. Some commentators say that in a straight line, their journey could have taken just a few weeks or less. But because of their disobedience and fear, the vast majority of those who left Egypt were destined to die in the desert, never reaching the Promised Land. In fact, their wilderness journey ended up taking 40 years!

    Now we need to take special note of this fact:-  Not everyone who entered the wilderness survived it. In fact, multitudes perished there. The wilderness tried them and found them wanting. They went to the place of testing and failed the test. This is a pretty crucial fact to realize in our day also. Just because we are “called out” and enter a wilderness time, does not mean that we will embrace the dealings of God and respond appropriately. It is entirely possible to lose everything out there. These people lost out completely. Only their children came through to inherit the promises of God.

    How clearly we see this pattern over and over again - in both the Old Testament and the New:- That many whom God wants to one day use are sent into a place of aloneness and brokenness before being brought into their true destiny. We have not even mentioned heroes of God such as Noah, Jacob, Job and others who all had similar experiences. Part of this process lies in the “waiting” that takes place. Also, the fact that all the supporting ‘props’ are taken away. The “waiting” alone can be torture.

    The wilderness also deals with any fear of man or ’systemized’ way of looking at things. God often uses it to bring a whole fresh perspective, which is very important for leaders who are going to be representing a “new” approach or facing opposition because of the confrontational words that they are bringing. The lonely desert years give them backbone to stand up to the crowd or the powers-that-be, and declare God’s truth without compromise. They now truly fear God rather than man. And they think differently from others. The wilderness is vital for anyone who is wanting to bring fresh manna to God’s people.

    Are you someone who has been going through such a “desert” experience, my friend? Be encouraged! Look up, for your deliverance draws nigh. God only ever sends His children through such experiences when there is a great purpose to it. Don’t give up. Don’t be cast down. On the other side lies a ‘land of promise’ if only you can hang on to God. Be active, be praying, be prepared. Don’t become “passive” and let the desert swallow you whole. Use this time to draw closer and closer to God. Dig down and plant your feet firmly on the Rock. Humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up in due time --- if only you can cling to Him.

    Jai Sai Baba.

    Offline maithili_gv

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    « Reply #66 on: August 31, 2010, 09:00:40 AM »
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  • "Father, thank You for renewing my strength as I put my hope in You. I declare today that I love You and trust You. I know that You are working behind the scenes in my life. Fill me with Your peace and joy as I wait on You."

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai

    Deva, please help me...
    Namameeshwarim Sadgurum Sainatham...

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #67 on: August 31, 2010, 09:20:12 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Baba's blessings, Maithili ji.

    The Most Blessed

    "If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what He reveals, they are most blessed"...(Proverbs 29:18).

    God wants His people to be the most blessed! He wants His people to constantly increase so they can be examples of His goodness. But, in order to partake of everything He has in store for us, we have to be open to what He wants to do in our lives. We have to have a vision for increase. We have to look for what He is doing and obey what He tells us.

    If you're not expecting favor, or if you are just satisfied with where you are, then you are living below your privileges. But if you will get a vision for increase, a vision of who you are as a child of the Most High God and see what He wants to do in your life, then opportunities, favor and increase will open before you. Just like this scripture says, as a child of the Most High, you are entitled to be the most blessed!

    I encourage you, today, to take time to focus your thoughts on God and His promises. Meditate on His Word and ask Him to increase your capacity to receive. Then, follow His commands and look for His goodness—and get ready to be the most blessed!

    Prayer for Today:

    Father, I choose right now to set my mind and focus on You. I choose to look for what You want to do in and through me. I let go of any wrong thinking, attitudes or actions that would hold me back. I choose to obey You and thank You for Your blessing in my life

    Jai Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #68 on: September 01, 2010, 05:28:44 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    By His Grace

    "But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out His special favor on me--and not without results. For I have worked hard; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by His grace"

    In this day and age, many people are filled with worry about their future. They live stressed out, wondering "What's going to happen if I get laid off?" "How am I going to handle it if my loved one doesn't make it?" Or, "My parents are getting older. How can I take care of them and my own family as well?" Here is the answer: God's grace is going to be there at every stage of your life to help you do whatever you need to do. God's grace is what saves us, but that's not all. His grace is His enabling power. His grace will give you the strength, wisdom and favor to accomplish what you could not normally accomplish on your own. His grace is sufficient for whatever you need in your future.

    If you're in a difficult marriage, if you're raising a child that's hard, if you're facing a sickness, one thing you can count on is that the grace of God will be there. Receive His grace today, by faith, and let Him empower you to walk through that difficulty into a place of supernatural victory.

    Prayer for Today:

    Baba, thank You for Your grace and mercy upon my life. Thank You for empowering me to rise above every obstacle I may face. Thank You for restoring my future and equipping me to move forward into the victory You have for me.

    Om Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #69 on: September 02, 2010, 06:24:48 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Healing Words

    "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing"

    The scriptures tell us that life and death are in the power of our words. We can use our words to build people up and encourage them, or we can just as easily bring destruction with our words.

    When we use our words to bring healing, the scriptures say that we are wise. Choose to be wise today and choose healing words. Look for the best in others and build them up. Choose healing words over gossip; choose words of freedom and peace over anger and judgment. Let your words encourage the people in your life by speaking strength, hope and victory.

    Remember, words are seeds. When you use your words to bring healing, you'll reap a harvest of health, strength and life in return. As you are faithful with your words, God will increase your influence. He will increase His favor and blessing upon you and lead you in the good life He has prepared for you.

    Prayer for Today:

    Baba, today I choose to be wise and bring healing to others with my words. I ask for an increase of Your power and ability in my life so that I can live to honor You in all I do.

    Jai Sai Ram.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #70 on: September 03, 2010, 10:48:46 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    We are His Representatives

    "We are therefore God's ambassadors…"

    As believers in God, we are called to be His ambassadors or representatives in this world. In the natural world, ambassadors are privileged. They are diplomats with the highest rank. They walk in the authority of the name of the one who sent them.

    As God's ambassadors on this earth, we walk in His power and authority. We are to promote relationship with Him. We are ministers of reconciliation, which means we are the ones to bring the message of hope in God to the world. When you see yourself as God's ambassador, it will change the way you think. It will change the way you act. It will change the way you approach people.

    Today, remember, that you are a representative of Almighty God. Look for ways to promote relationship with Him. Speak words of healing that will draw people to Him. Show kindness because it's His kindness that leads people to repentance. Look for ways to bless others as we work together on His mission.

    Prayer for Today:

    Baba, thank You for choosing me as Your ambassador. Help me to understand the authority You've given me. Show me ways to reach out and be a blessing to others and build Your kingdom in every heart.

    Om Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #71 on: September 04, 2010, 10:05:56 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Blessing Your Future

    "And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!"
    (James 3:10, NLT).

    Did you know you have the power to bless or curse your future? Your words have tremendous power. If you go around saying things like "I don't have what it takes. I'm so clumsy; I can't get anything right. I'm so undisciplined," you just cursed your future. No, we've got to be extremely careful about what we allow to come out of our mouths. Realize your words are setting the direction for your life. Let me ask you today, which direction are you going? Are you declaring good things? Are you blessing your life, speaking words of faith over your future? Or, are you going around saying negative things like "Nothing good ever happens to me". "I'll probably never get out of debt". "I'll never break this addiction?"

    Today, choose to bless your future. Choose to declare what God says. As you align your words with His Word, you're setting your future up for success. You're preparing your way for victory, and you will fulfill the destiny He has planned for you!

    Prayer for Today:

    Baba, I choose to speak blessing over my future. I choose to speak life over my future. Thank You for equipping me with everything I need to fulfill the destiny You have prepared for me.

    Jai Sai Baba.

    Offline Kabir Rao

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    « Reply #72 on: September 07, 2010, 09:12:54 AM »
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  • I feel blessed today..Baba please keep us happy.
    Om Sai Namo Namah

    Offline rani

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    « Reply #73 on: September 08, 2010, 11:54:29 PM »
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  • babaji mujhe sakthi do. babaji mere parivaar ko ikkatta rakho sainath. bachon ko aacha health and memory power do sainath. babaji please be with us. mere pati ko sahi aur galat ka ehsaas dilao. aap ko sab pata hain. hum par daya karo. akeli hoon zindagi katna mushkil ho gaya hain. ab mujhe yeh sab bardaash nahin hota sainath.

    sai rama hare sai krishna hare sai sai hare hare
    sai rama hare sai krishna hare sai sai hare hare
    sai rama hare sai krishna hare sai sai hare hare
    sai rama hare sai krishna hare sai sai hare hare
    sai rama hare sai krishna hare sai sai hare hare
    sai rama hare sai krishna hare sai sai hare hare
    sai rama hare sai krishna hare sai sai hare hare
    sai rama hare sai krishna hare sai sai hare hare
    sai rama hare sai krishna hare sai sai hare hare

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #74 on: September 10, 2010, 09:50:33 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Forget What Lies Behind

    "…But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind straining toward what is ahead"

    Are you determined to forget what lies behind? I know many people don't fully understand what it means to forget the past. They wonder, "How can I forget something that's happened to me?" But one definition of the word forget is to disregard intentionally or to overlook. See, you have to intentionally disregard your past so that it doesn't keep you from moving forward. That means the good and the bad. Sometimes our past victories keep us from rising higher as much as past failures. If we don't let go of the old, we'll never be able to embrace the new.

    Remember, it doesn't matter what's happened in your history, it's time to forget what lies behind. Make the choice today to press forward. Trust that God has a better future in store for you. Trust that He's working behind the scenes on your behalf. As you intentionally disregard what lies behind and press forward, I believe God will pour out His favor, grace and blessing upon you and lead you into the abundance He has prepared for you.

    Prayer for Today:

    Baba Sai, I choose to forget the past today. I don't want anything to hold me back from the future You have prepared for me. I choose forgiveness and ask that You help me, by Your Spirit, to press forward in every area of my life.

    Om Sai Ram.


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