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Author Topic: DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT AND PRAYER..  (Read 215935 times)

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Offline panwar_ashish

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« Reply #90 on: October 08, 2010, 08:25:24 AM »
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  • thank you. questions come to my mind like when there are lacs of galaxies and milkyways ways as per science, i feel there is life beyound earth, as per science evrything is matter, there is a power which is controlling everything how to reach that power, how to communicate with him her and ask questions, with so many confusions on earth for a common man in misieries, where do we reach him, what do we call him, i asked Sai Ram to be my guru, he has always protected me. what do we call that power Om!, Allah!, Ram, Shivaya! Jesus, Vishnu, Guru Nanak,

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #91 on: October 09, 2010, 11:20:11 PM »
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  • Om Sai Ram.

    Dear Ashish ji,

    From whatever little I know of God, I believe that He can be reached anywhere. He is in us and around us. He pervades all through this universe, and is present everywhere. You can communicate with Him in the stillness of your heart or by talking out to Him loudly. He listens when we tell Him or ask Him questions with love and trust. And, He answers them in different ways. You just need to be receptive to His communication through various channels. The only condition is to converse with Him with total faith. Have no doubts about His being as near to you as your breath or heartbeat. You can call God by any name you like. As Baba says, "Sabka Malik Ek". Use any name that appeals to you, or give Him a new name. He is, in fact, in all names and forms, and beyond them as well.

    If you have not read Shri Sai Satcharitra yet, please do so. The book contains Baba's instructions for us. You will get answers to most of your questions. I hope that my response helps you on the spiritual path in some small way. May Baba lead you and guide you in your sincere quest.

    Sabka Malik Ek!

    Jai Sai Ram.

    Offline vershanp

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    « Reply #92 on: October 10, 2010, 03:38:03 PM »
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  • Om Sai Ram,

    Here is a discourse from Satya Sai

    Where is God? God is everywhere. He is omnipresent --- in you, above you, below you, and around you. He has no particular name or form. Neither has He birth and death. Only when there is birth will there be death also! Hence, God has no birth, no death! He is present in every living being as Atma Swarupa (Embodiment of Divine Atma). Man today is unable to realize that Atma Tattwa (Atma Principle).

    Today, people aspire for everything in the world except God. People leave even their motherland in quest of wealth and money. This is not a positive development, especially for the Bharatiyas (Indians), for they are expected to rise above the desire for money. God is one who always gives; He never takes. God desires only love from us, nothing else. T

    What God expects from His devotee is only a pure and sacred heart.

    People ascribe different names and forms to God. In fact, God is only one. He is beyond all names and forms. He takes on a name and form according to the wishes and aspirations of a particular devotee. When you contemplate on the form of Jesus and wish to see Him in that form, He manifests before you as Jesus.

    Sarvatah Panipadam Tat Sarvathokshi Siromukham, Sarvatah Sruthimalloke Sarvamavruthya Tishthati (with hands, feet, eyes, head, mouth and ears pervading everything, He permeates the entire universe). God is present in every human being, nay in every living being. Daivam Manusha Rupena (God is in the form of a human being). That is why human values are considered to be so sacred and important. It is not enough to simply have a human body. In keeping with the human form, one should also cultivate the human values of sathya (truth), dharma (righteousness), santhi (peace), prema (love), and ahimsa (nonviolence).

    You should not tell a lie under any circumstances. If you adhere to truth, righteousness will follow. Where truth and righteousness go together, there peace will be. Where there is peace, there will be love too. There can be no place for violence when there is love. Unfortunately, today there is violence everywhere due to the absence of love among people. Whomsoever you come across these days, there is unrest and unrest. People perform japa (chanting of God's Name) and tapa (penance) to obtain peace, but there is no peace anywhere. Wherever you see, only pieces, pieces, and pieces!

    One has to develop love in order to get peace. First and foremost, one has to develop love. "Love is God, God is Love." "Truth is God, God is Truth." Truth and Love are the embodiments of Divinity, verily. Though God is one, people ascribe different names like Rama, Krishna, Govinda, and Narayana to God. The different names and forms ascribed to God are the outcome of the imagination of poets and painters. For example, Ravi Varma portrayed God in different forms based upon his imagination. But God cannot be limited to a particular name and form. All names and forms are His, and He transcends them too! God is immanent in all living species including the human beings. The entire creation is the manifestation of Divinity.

    God has no desires and aspirations. He is selfless. Everything in the outside world is the reaction, reflection, and resound of your inner being. This is a cloth (showing a handkerchief). Strictly speaking, this is not a cloth; it is a bundle of threads. The threads woven together assumed the form of a cloth. Similarly, the thoughts and desires of a human being make the mind. They, in turn express themselves in the form of speech. The words lead to actions through the sense organs. In the process, man entertains certain bad thoughts and feelings.

    Why did God give eyes to a human being? Only to see good. Similarly, the ears are meant to hear good things and the tongue to speak good words. The words you speak must always be sweet and soft and never harsh. Thus, you have to consider every limb and organ in the body given to you by God as sacred and make proper use of it. Such a sacred body has to be dedicated to God and none else. God gives you all that is necessary for your life's journey. You should therefore install God in the altar of your pure and sacred heart.

    God is omnipresent. The sky is God and the earth is God. All human beings are embodiments of Divinity. God is immanent in every human being in the form of breath (Soham). Man has to realize this truth. Only when you realize the true nature of God that can you be considered to have acquired jnana (wisdom).

    Jnana is not mere bookish knowledge. Several educated people have acquired vast knowledge from textbooks, but who is a jnani (realized soul) in the real sense? Only the person who has realized, "I am not the body, I am not the mind; I am God verily," is a real jnani.

    When you say, "this is my body," who are you? To whom are you referring? The expression "my body" connotes that you are separate from the body. When you say, "This is my mind," the mind is separate from you. Similarly, when you say, "This is my buddhi (intellect)," it means the buddhi is separate from you. In all these expressions, what is that 'my'? That 'my' is 'I'. This 'I' is what was referred to by Jesus Christ as the ego, and it has to be cut. That is the real significance of the cross. You cut the ego.

    You are bound by two things: 'I' and 'mine'. That is the human bondage. If you can get released from these two bonds, what remains is 'you' only. Now you are with the body. Suppose you have to leave the body tomorrow. At that time, who are you and where are you? You do not know! The body is like a dress, a robe. Once you get rid of attachment to this dress, your true nature will be apparent.

    The same truth has been explained in the phrase, "the one you think you are, the one others think you are, and the one you really are". That is the true nature of a human being. When someone esquires who you are, you will answer, "I am so and so." You will give your name. In fact, that name is given to you by your parents and not by God at the time of your birth.

    Suppose you ask God, "Who are you?" He will reply, Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman). Every individual should remind themselves, "I am Brahman, I have no other name." If someone asks, "What is your name?" you should reply, "My name is Brahman." If you are constantly aware of your true nature thus, that is Atma Tattwa. You do not have to contemplate on anything else.

    Whenever you come across a friend or acquaintance, you greet him with a namaskar. This implies that you are in fact paying obeisance to the Divinity immanent in the individual. Hence, do not entertain the feeling of 'I', 'I', 'I'. All these physical bodies are like the roles played in a drama. They change. The world itself is a cosmic drama. You must constantly remind yourself that you are playing your role in the cosmic drama and your real nature is that you are an Embodiment of Divine Self (Atma Swarupa). You have any doubts in this regard? (Swami enquired turning to the audience ...). If you are entertaining any doubts, you will be confused.

    Unfortunately, today one does not know about one's own true nature. How then can one know about God? Hence, first and foremost know thyself! Enquire into yourself, "Who am I? Who am I?" you will realise, "I am I, I am Atma", "I am I, I am Atma", "I am I, I am Atma." If you forget this Divine Self, what remains is 'deep wine'! Hence, you should become divine.

    Rama, Krishna, Govinda, etc. are only references to Divinity in the common parlance. An individual is referred to by several names based upon the relationships at the physical level. One person refers to him saying, "He is my son-in-law." Another says, "He is my son." A third person says, "He is my brother." Thus, one gets into bondage as the relationships increase. From where did this bondage emerge? It is all of your own making.

    You marry a girl and say, "She is my wife." But before marriage, who was she? You do not know. After some years when she departs finally, you do not know anything about her. Thus, you do not know who she was before marriage or where she went after her departure. The wife-husband relationship is only in between.

    Hence, do not worry about the past. Past is past and future is uncertain. You do not know, you have no knowledge of, either the past or the future; you are aware of only the present. Hence, live in the present. That is the only reality.
    Om Sai Ram

    Offline rajashreea

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    « Reply #93 on: October 20, 2010, 01:56:30 AM »
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  • Baba I put my trust and devotion in you bless my children and cure their health problems sothat they resume their studies .Jai Sai Nath


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    « Reply #94 on: October 28, 2010, 05:18:42 AM »
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  • Jai Sai Ram

    How can i send email on help section?

    Jai sai ram

    Offline Rashi

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    • Om Shri SaiNathaya Namah
    « Reply #95 on: October 28, 2010, 05:27:50 AM »
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  • Jai sai ram

    Namrata maam,
    You can either post your querry in help section or you can mail it to Ravi bhaiya at
    May baba bless you bless all.

    om shri sainathaya namah

    Offline rajashreea

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    « Reply #96 on: October 29, 2010, 05:39:31 AM »
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  • OM Sai Ram
    Baba My son is a good artist and he was born with this talent . Today he has gone for a competition of Painting the Noah'a ark . Please please baba bless him and he should perform well and please be with him .
    Jai Sai Ram

    Offline SaiNethra

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    « Reply #97 on: November 07, 2010, 11:34:00 PM »
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    Offline panwar_ashish

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    « Reply #98 on: November 08, 2010, 07:23:09 PM »
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  • Param pita parmeshwar, the lord of the lords, the lord of infinite worlds and galaxies, omnipotent, omnipresent, formless and in form, you have no end or beingining, you are endless lord almighty, we are all children. You know baba what i want please help me become a good humn being a person aho has values, who lives the primary life, the life that you want your bhakta's to take and not the secondary materialistic life we run for and no matter how much we achieve, we are still unsatisfied. Give me the true essence of life, show me the right path, give me your endless bhakti, bless me and my family with your bhakti, give me courage and cure me, give me confidence, patience, shradha and saburi, wisdom and enlightenment, Make me walk on the right path. Please hold me by my hands baba, hold me by my heart, my actions, my thoughts, my thinking and make me walk on the righteous path. Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namah!

    Offline panwar_ashish

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    « Reply #99 on: November 08, 2010, 07:35:48 PM »
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  • Fill me with love and trust father, Fill me with unselfishness. I know you are behind all the scenes of my life. Please love me. Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namah!

    Offline panwar_ashish

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    « Reply #100 on: November 08, 2010, 07:40:32 PM »
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  • i choose to submit my thoughts and actions in you. I surrender to you lord.

    Offline SaiNethra

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    « Reply #101 on: November 11, 2010, 02:32:58 AM »
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  • Ayya sai bless me to marry hari only... hari should come back to me... I am getting tears by looking at the chats which we had 2 years ago.... pls deva..pls....... give me... otherwise i will die.... ledu deva i will die...

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #102 on: November 11, 2010, 08:03:16 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Anxious for Nothing

    "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God"

    So many people today are living uptight, worried and anxious about their lives, filled with frustration and concern. In the natural world there may be good reason, but understand, living that way is not God’s best. God doesn’t want us to be filled with anxiety and frustration; He wants us to live in peace. You can find rest in Him knowing that no matter what is happening around you, God Almighty has His hand on you.

    The next time you’re tempted to worry or be anxious about something, remember this verse. God invites us to come to Him. In fact, the scripture says He rewards those who diligently seek Him. But notice, we can’t just come to Him any old way. He wants us to come to Him with a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving. Begin by simply saying, “Baba, thank You for the privilege to come before You. Thank You for hearing my prayers.” As you come to Him with an open and humble heart, He will hear you and fill you with His peace and joy to live free from anxiety all the days of your life!

    Prayer for Today:

    Baba, today I choose to be anxious for nothing. I choose to set aside my worries and concerns. I thank You for Your faithfulness to meet every need in my life.

    Jai Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #103 on: November 12, 2010, 08:22:09 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    God's Delay does not mean God's Denial

    by Richard Seaman

    The other night I was watching one of my favorite television programs and I heard a women share a statement which literally lifted me right up off my chair. She was sharing about her son who was in the hospital for a serious illness and the doctors were telling her to prepare herself for the worst - "your son will not make it through the night". She decided to block out their negative chatter and instead sat by his bedside holding his hand and praying for his recovery.

    When she woke the next morning she found herself collapsed over her son's arm still in the chair she was sitting in. She looked up and her son was still breathing, he did make it through the first night. She gave thanks to God for allowing her son to be here another day and quickly scampered down the hall to find the nurses and doctors so she could share the news. The doctors quickly came in noticing no real improvement in his situation and were perplexed.

    She shared she was afraid to leave his bedside and let go of his hand because if she did he might slip away and die. She was committed to being in his room and only leaving for the necessary reasons. Days moved into nights, nights moved into days and with each new day the doctors would come - scratch their head's perplexed and not knowing why this young man was still here.

    Her prayers became more and more desperate asking, "God, why are you taking so long? I am not sure how much longer I can hold on. I am exhausted and ready to give up - why the huge delay? Please let my son wake up." She woke again the next morning collapsed over her son's arm in the bed sitting in the same chair feeling like she was hitting a wall. Each morning the doctors and nurses would come in suggesting that she go home and get some rest - there is nothing she could do here. Always denying their requests she would hold firm with her decision to stay. Many moments passed by as she sat at his bedside literally watching the minutes tick by and keeping an eagle eye on his chest as it would rise and fall. Continuing to pray and asking, "God, why are you taking so long? I am not sure how much longer I can hold on."

    A few hours later the door opened and she looked up and there stood a doctor she had never met before. He introduced himself as Dr. Wong and wanted to look over her son’s chart. He quickly scanned the information and then said, "Your son needs to get specialized care in another hospital and we need to move him immediately. I need you to sign this form so we have permission to move him to Alameda Hospital". She quickly looked up with hope in her eyes, not questioning Dr. Wong’s theory because she could feel truth in his words. She signed the form and two nurses who she never had seen before quickly walked into the room, prepared her son for transportation and then wheeled him out of the room, down the elevator and into a waiting ambulance. She followed behind in her car and arrived at Alameda Hospital in a blink of eye. They got her son into a room, began working on his situation with a sense of urgency telling her everything was going to be ok - it was just going to take time until her son began to recover from his ordeal. She took her position next to his bed in a chair, hold on to his hand for dear life praying and waiting for a miracle.

    She remembers wondering where Dr. Wong was? Why has he not come into the room and check on her son? When the nurse came in that night she asked, "Where is doctor Wong?" The nurse replied with: "There is no Dr. Wong here" She explained to the nurse what had happened but again the nurse assured her that they did not employee a doctor named, Dr. Wong.

    She immediately got on the phone to call the other hospital to find out if there was a Dr. Wong employed by them. They informed her there was no Dr. Wong on the register of the hospital. The nurse she was talking to on the phone then said, "I am so sorry about your Son, when I came in and saw his room empty my heart sunk for you -- I am sorry he died. " She immediately replied with, "My son has not died, Dr. Wong came in last night and had him transferred to Alameda - he is here with me now" The nurse was stunned and did not know what to say.

    The Son's mother sat perplexed in the room demanding answers from Alameda staff. Within a few hours a different doctor came in to check on her son's situation. He did an analysis on him - blood work and monitoring systems, He then looked over at her and said, "Your Son's lungs are recovering he will be just fine." Within just a few minutes she looked over to see her son's eyes opening and a big smile came from his lips. He immediately asked her where he was and what happened.

    She shared she knows Dr. Wong and his nurses were angels who came in at just the perfect divine time. She did not care who Dr. Wong was or how it all happened because she knew God had answered her prayers in the perfect moment. Her Son made a full and speedy recovery and she knows now that an angel saved her son's life.

    God's Delay does not mean God's Denial. Delay sometimes is the Gap of time, which is needed, for all the details to be worked out so we can be delivered to the perfect time, place and person. Trust in God’s delays; have faith, not doubt, for it is all being worked out.

    In Divine Timing,

    Jai Sai Baba.

    « Last Edit: November 12, 2010, 08:35:13 AM by drashta »

    Offline MAKAR

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    « Reply #104 on: November 15, 2010, 12:13:57 AM »
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    Please Assist
    Can anyone attach the SAI VRAT for me.I can download the present attached copy


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