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Re: You Cheated Me Baba
« Reply #30 on: July 30, 2009, 12:41:01 AM »
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    Offline Well-wisher

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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #31 on: July 30, 2009, 12:56:56 AM »
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  • 4urblessingsji... Please calm down and think.

    What is it that I am doing to help myself? Baba can only give us the strength to fight our battles. We have to work towards them.

    What is it that I can improve in myself as a human being? Can I make any changes in me to be a better, more compassionate, loving person? What is it that my partner seeks? Can I make any attempts in giving him for now rather than expecting from him and life? Can I just focus on giving for now rather than asking? I have much more & am much happier compared to millions & millions of women.

    Am I creating problems or adding to them because of a selfish friend who wants to spend his life with me... (NOT LOVE) cause if he loved me, he would have never tried to break my marriage.

    My husband may be under the influence of someone else or may be wrong. Completely wrong. But am I not equally under the influence of a friend who is trying to create problems?

    Will what I am doing currently help me in anyway? Doubting and confronting and nurturing negativity, hatred and dissatisfaction never helped anyone. Am I doing anything to get it out of my system and focussing on being a better person?

    Why have I forgotten myself? In the past few months have I done anything to feel better for myself, be a more interesting, more developed person?

    I am not throwing questions at you to add to your pain or prove anything at all. N you don't need to answer any of it at this forum... But you need to think and do a self assessment of yourself.

    STEP ONE :

    When theres already a major financial problem, do not add to it & do not allow people who add to it by stressing you with all sorts of talks about your marriage. Sort your financial problem. Get a job. Learn something new that would add value to your personality so that whatever happens next you're in a better position to face the world. I have learnt from my mistakes the hard way & if I were you, I would have kept the friend out of my life forever & seen to it that no other friend crosses the line of his or her limits enough to create problems in my family by sorry to use the word... poisoning me against them.

    STEP TWO :

    Ok. Fact accepted. Hubby doesnt love me, not happy with this marriage as it is now. WHAT NEXT? Am I just going to waste time crying over it and expecting a miracle to fall into my lap or am I going to stand up, get strong... tell myself I have the courage to face this and emerge a winner out of this with or without anyone's support? If I'm going to tell Baba - Baba, I am standing up to fight this out, to sort this out lovingly, with confidence and loads of hard work... just be with me... WHAT IS IT THAT I PLAN TO DO??? Can I do a course? Can I take tuitions or do a small job and gather the money to build myself, my personality? What is it that I can add to my personality to turn myself into the kind of woman every man wakes up dreaming of having as his partner? How will I be able to do all it takes to be that? Love, marriage and every relationship takes a lot of hard work... Am I willing to give and put in that much? HOW? Where do I start? When do I start?

    I feel if you keep the fact that your husband isn't interested aside and just work on building yourself into a better, better, even better individual with complete faith in God... only two things can happen - Either your husband comes back to you realizing your true worth & sticks to you for life or you get someone even better.

    Forget the situation, the society & what men or women do or have done since millions of centuries or will do for decades to come. All this philosophy & thinking is NOT going to help you in anyway. It just helps you sink deeper into self-pity when you should be getting up, getting stronger to do a self-evaluation & rise above this.

    I'm sorry to be so blunt about this.... n trust me this is genuinely out of pure intent to help you out as a lil sister. I do not wish to give you pity & gentle words that help you get into more of self-pity.

    Please understand, if you really want to have the kind of happy life you want... you cant be wasting your time stressing & worrying over this. Even a 1000 friends sympathising with you - its not going to help! Baba wants you to get stronger. Ure an intelligent girl. Come on... get up and fight it out. We are all with you. & we'll all be with you thru this... all thru... Baba has already given you a backing and strong support of so many people who understand your pain, help you with tips & make you feel good. Baba has already blessed you with a strong family here which will stand by you thru this and keep giving you the strength & support you desire.


    Be strong girl. Find yourself a job or do a course. Be independant first. Rest all can happen later.

    God bless you with all the strength. I hope, I really really hope you do not take this message negatively as something thats harsh & rude. I really really hope you keep that friend of yours out of your life at least for now & stand up & fight this out with conviction & strength. Learn new stuff & build yourself strong enough for your husband to never be able to ignore. To be that woman... ur husband & every other man would seek... Rise above this. Build urself into that... which none can ignore.

    Om Sai Ram

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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #32 on: July 30, 2009, 01:34:36 AM »
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  • My friend... Don't give up! Ure a fighter! Get up & fight life's problems till the very end until you've finished them. Recognize the power with & bounce back stronger! Work on yourself. Set goals... both personal & professional. For the next 6months just live for those goals.

    We all need a reason to live. If you don't have one... BUILD ONE! & live your life to the fullest for that one purpose... whatever be it...

    God bless you with all the strength, power, faith, conviction to defeat the situation or problem and let the God within you win!

    Om Sai Ram

    Offline Anupam

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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #33 on: July 30, 2009, 06:46:21 AM »
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  • WWji thanks a lot for the detailed and matured answer.
    Now 4urblessing ji, please quiten ur mind and think clearly. There maybe more to what is visible. There is one thing called Black Magic, (Black Tantra, Maili Vidya etc.). It is one thing which is normally done by jealous and other people who want to break relationships for their own evil ends. Belive it or not IT IS DONE VERY FREQUENTLY AND IS VERY EFFECTIvE FOR A PERIOD OF TIME. There is one particular part of it called UCCHATAN VIDYA (, which is used to create friction, betwen loving couples or close friends or even parents and children), and it creates a lot of distrust and very effective revulsion between people. Two people cannot stand each other AND DO NOT KNOW WHY??? Thye wud fight without reason, stop speaking with each other, have unknown tension between each other.
    And since as u have indicated that ur friend was interested in u. There is a reason also for that. These negetive thoughts will always cross ur mind. Just cooly check that does it happen. Does it happen that very suddenly the fight starts? Very suddenly you r at each other throats.
    Another method is to give milk to dogs. Do they drink it the first time u give them or avoid u reject it. If latter happens than it is a definate indication of the same.
    Also note did u ever found, ash, flowers, garlic, bone etc. at you hoses which u do not recollect having thrown, evil eye is another reason which wreaks HAVOC. Do u suddenly feel pungent odour like garlic, frying onions or pleasent odours like rose, etc in ur house WITHOUT ANY REASON
    sO PLEASE 4urblessing-ji before thinking of any drastic action cooly go to basis of it.

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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #34 on: July 30, 2009, 07:29:28 AM »
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  • Very true... Anupamji is right. You might want to check that too.

    4urblessingsji... for all you know, an external party is trying to create trouble amongst the two of you... ever thought of that? Do not give up. Keep praying. Fight with strength within... :) Fight every problem against your relationship, your family, your loved ones...

    May God bless you with all the strength!

    Om Sai Ram

    Offline Anupam

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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #35 on: July 31, 2009, 12:08:54 AM »
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  • >>I'm this kind of a gal whose is always in problems in every part of my life. Infact problems became my friend. im in such a situation where i just hopeless.<<

    4urblessingji, this is what all the ULTRAMODERN ULTRAWESTERNISED females say. They do as they will, with the blind support of their mothers, and when the karmas come the question is always "WHY ME". People drink liquor during marriage ceremonies, take non veg and go for the ceremony. People do not follow the proper tradition, even to the extent of behaving badly in pavitra places like SHIRDI in name of "MODERNITY AS DEFINED BY THE WHITES OR THEIR SLAVES WEARING TIES AND BIKINIS IN MEDIA AND BOLLYWOOD".

    It seems that either you have not read my previous post, as you are not too interested except blaming ur husband, in which case ur marriage is only 4 months old and u have the option to leave and stay at ur parents home which ironically u wud have been aware u r leaving before marriage itself.

    In case u can cooly think and sort out then please please please get ur position checked. Please do the needful as indicated. It is not only UCCHATAN, ur husband MAY also be in the grip of somebody. It is called "MIND CONTROL, MESMERISM, MASONRY" for ULTRAWESTERNISED, called "MOHAN TANTRA" in Indian languages. HAD BABA LEFT YOU, YOU WUD NOT HAVE HIT THIS PARTICULAR SITE. NOTHING HAPPENS BY COINCIDENCE. "HE IS THERE THAT'S WHY U CAME HERE".

    MAAM my kind request, just a request PLEASE PLEASE to you is to analyse the situation cooly without getting overly worked up and showing the feminine tantrums. SOMETHING MAY HAVE BEEN DONE. Only u can answer that. Rather use this forum to pray to SAI, people like SAIBji, WWji and others are there who are extermely effective. and they are praying for u. U WILL GET THE ANSWERS IN DUE COURSE.

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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #36 on: July 31, 2009, 02:27:42 AM »
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  • 4urblessingsji... Stop thinking of past, present, future, what men do, what women do, what people did to you, why they do it, whos innocent, whos not & all that. None of it is ever, ever, ever goin to help you. The more you pity yourself and ask God why me... the more you will face problems. Ure still stuck with them cause ure not stopping the why-me-self-pity question. Believe me, I did it for almost 4years. IT DOESNT WORK. After some time you will even stop getting sympathy... people will forget all about you and if you continue being in that frame of mind for longer, trust me no one will be able to help you.

    If u need to be, want to be happy U MUST SAY IT OUT LOUD & WORK TOWARDS IT! Get out of the self-pity trap. U are trapped, wrapped in self pity as I was 2 years back. Stop sinking into it now... Now is the time for you to act. Get up, analyse yourself and work on making yourself perfect... close to perfect. If u keep wondering why... n dont learn the lessons God has sent for you u will be stuck with situation after situation that would try and force you to learn them. If u still choose to ignore the universe's hint and not learn & keep wondering whats happening n why... i can assure u it can go on for life & u will never get out of this!

    Think for once... Do u want to get out this negativity-self-pity trap or not? Do u want to get up, gather courage & say I choose to be happy or not? Or do you want to let your life get wasted... in the literal terms I will use the word I used for myself two years back "rot". If u choose to enjoy this phase, asking the why question and wondering whats happening... trust me nothings ever going to change.

    God brings us across problems so that we learn to fight them and learn lessons from them, make changes in our lives and our personalities. Unless to choose to learn n change ure going to be stuck with them. Look at your life & analyse... introspect. Don't u think ure stuck with certain negativity patterns? If yes... then when do you plan to take the step to break them n rise above them???

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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #37 on: July 31, 2009, 02:57:52 AM »
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  • Break the pattern. Snap out of it girl. Now...

    Trust me we are all with you... will stick to you through this. Please do not consider my words harsh. Its all with pure intent to help you out of this. There are things u really need to sit & think about. Am just throwing questions at you so that u can come out with solutions to them. The solutions lie within you. You have to answer these questions and find it. N I hope you do. I really wish I could come wherever you are n  shake you up... wake up girl! Letting problems come and pass is not goin to help. Work on yourself. The sooner the better. I'm telling you... cause I know for sure, working on yourself is the only way to get out of a negativity & self-pity trap... n problem patterns. So I suggest you start today.

    Jot down all ur strengths, weaknesses, desires, dreams... goals in life... what are the goals u need to have in order to get where you want to & what is it that u want in reality...


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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #38 on: July 31, 2009, 08:57:08 AM »
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  • :) Thats like it girl. Come on & show the world who you are... show them the power within! Let ur husband & the world see the power, the strength, the capability in you... stop sulking... BE AN ACHIEVER.... BE THE WINNER U ALREADY ARE!!!

    Get up & get working!

    N may Baba always be with you thru this and all that life has to offer you. As a lil sis, I'm always there too... :) Can count on me buddy...

    Om Sai Ram

    Offline pragya0786

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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #39 on: August 01, 2009, 01:06:54 AM »
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  • Anupamji wat allu mentioned like black magic n all which could be disastorous at times can u please tell me d ways to get rid of is important to know that please tel me....

    Offline Anupam

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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #40 on: August 01, 2009, 07:59:35 AM »
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  • PRAGYAJI can u describe the problem in a bit detail

    Offline Sonu2310

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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #41 on: August 01, 2009, 12:03:32 PM »
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  • hello 4urblessing ji,
                                 Thats the true spirit of a gal. u deserve to be happy. Do things in such a way that make your family realize your true value and u gain the lost self-respect. You are a very ambitious gal, U very well deserve to be happy. Dont worry , Baba is just testing you. He will stand by you all the time. We , all forum members are with you, Fight for your life, dont give up till the end. Victory is only yours. Take care

    Offline pragya0786

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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #42 on: August 03, 2009, 03:10:20 AM »
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  • Anupamji can u plz gv me ur mail as i can write the things to u.....i have seen that u r really a great soul always ready to help....

    Offline Anupam

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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #43 on: August 04, 2009, 07:11:23 AM »
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  • 4urblessings ji, I just can make out that u must be having a long pointed nose.Ur tantrums are typically Feminine traits, who have suspicion for all. IT IS BY THE WHO WHO HAS A GOOD FRIEND. instead of praying you are using the space to air UR unfounded suspicions, AND U R CONVERTING IT TO HELL. DO U FEMALES EXPECT THAT HUSBANDS SHUD TAKE EVERYTHING LYING DOWN??
    Sorry I do not mean to be harsh, but kindly look inside urself, first before blaming BABA and SAARI KAYNAAT. Did u know that even Internet Booked Taxi services are also called "ESCORT SERVICES"

    Offline Anupam

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    Re: You Cheated Me Baba
    « Reply #44 on: August 04, 2009, 07:55:50 AM »
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  • Should he inform you all what is happening in office, even when he has meeting when he is typing do u think that?? Its ur EGO MAAM. NOT BABA do not blame. If u think LEAVE HIM and GO TO UR PARENTS HOUSE. SORRY U R CONVERTING UR HOUSE TO HELL


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