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Author Topic: "Five prayers thou sayest five times a day,  (Read 1736 times)

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Offline Dipika

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"Five prayers thou sayest five times a day,
« on: August 06, 2005, 06:06:23 AM »
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  • The Guru addressed the meaning and virtue of Namaz:

    "Five prayers thou sayest five times a day,

    With five different names;

    But if Truth be thy first prayer,

    The second to honestly earn your daily living,

    The third to give in God's name,

    Purity of mind by thy fourth prayer,

    And praise and prayer to God thy fifth;

    If thou practiseth these five virtues,

    And good deeds be thine Kalma- the article of faith,

    Then thy can call thyself a true Muslim.

    By mere hypocrisy, O Nanak,

    A man is deemed false through and through." (Majh ki Var Mohalla 1, p-141)

    Guru Nanak never asked a Muslim or a Hindu to become his disciple to get a place in heaven after death. He told the Muslim to become a true Muslim and to a Hindu to become a true Hindu in order to get salvation.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal


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