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Author Topic: DIVINE APPRAISAL  (Read 1255 times)

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Offline FaithInSai

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« on: May 25, 2010, 09:14:17 AM »
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  • A simple query I do dare to ask,
    Do I at all meet Your expectations
    O’Lord my kind Saiji
    Or, do I exceed those expectations
    In Your eyes, for me,
    Where would I stand
    Among all the band
    Of innumerable devotees
    Pray do answer me
    O’Lord dearest Saiji;
    This tired heart seeks to realize
    Just how much I mean to Thee,
    This tired heart seeks to satisfy
    A deeper quest for Thee
    And satiate the ever-longing heart;
    Pray my Lord, answer me,
    I do seek to excel
    In Your eyes for me,
    Never to be found wanting
    In any call sent to me;
    Pray, my kindest Lord Saiji
    Shower Your blessings on me;

    Love that I seek from You
    So deep and really true
    Lasting till eternity;
    Love that I seek from You
    So pure and so serene
    To erase my insanity;
    Such a pure and true love
    From Thee my Lord Saiji
    Would make my heart
    To sing in ecstasy
    Sweet praise after praise
    Pray, my sweetest Lord Saiji
    Help me to excel expectations
    In my love for Thee
    And devotion, Lord Saiji;

    For Your image to pervade my heart
    Mind, body and soul;
    For Your image to entrench my heart
    Never to be torn apart
    In this life of misery;
    For You to be by my side
    And become my sole destiny,
    Such a wonderful reliable guide
    The supreme pilot of my life
    And the captain of my ship
    Is what I see in Thee;
    In You I lay my trust to steer
    My mind, body and soul
    Through the uncharted sea
    Of unknown to me, the vagaries;
    Through You, I wish to explore
    The realms of cosmic energy,
    Through You, I seek to probe
    My inner self and consciousness
    And merge into Thy effulgence
    Even as a minute dot
    Among all the billions of dots
    In this holy cosmic consciousness;
    A Herculean task for me
    Though a truly simple one for Thee
    Only by Your kindest grace
    Will the door open for me
    That will allow me to enter
    Your wonderful pure heart,
    Dearest of dearest Saiji
    Please never let me shatter
    My love I feel for Thee;
    Pray strengthen my resolve
    To always seek Your Company;
    My precious Lord Saiji
    Is my plea to Thee
    To truly excel all expectations
    In Your divine appraisal of me.
    That I may pass with flying colours
    When You write the divine appraisal
    Of Your simple devotee.


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