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Author Topic: Footprints...  (Read 1449 times)

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Offline Vikram_Rana

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  • Dreams are Good, But Realities are batter.
« on: April 14, 2008, 10:30:10 AM »
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  • You left footprints on my soul.
    One day unexpectedly
    Your feet stepped onto
    The sands of my soul
    And left footprints of love
    At the bottom of my heart.

    In your own way
    You showed me that people
    Aren't always what they seem.
    Because of you
    I give people the benefit of the doubt
    And look much further
    Than just skin deep.

    You are my safe haven.
    When my world is falling apart
    Or everything is just right
    It's you I turn to.
    I cry out to you in the night
    Sending my words on the wind
    Hoping, that somehow, they reach you.

    From the moment I laid eyes on you
    I knew I'd seen an angel in disguise.
    You didn't know it then
    And might not realize it now, but

    You left footprints on my soul.
    One day unexpectedly
    Your feet stepped onto
    The sands of my soul
    And left footprints of love
    At the bottom of my heart.

    You are my rock
    My stronghold
    The one who catches me when I fall.
    You are my hope
    My guidance
    The one who picks the pieces up off the ground.

    Your voice is music to my ears
    Your name a symbol of unforgettable memories.
    I keep you in my prayers
    As well as my heart.
    There's no possible way
    That I could forget about your unique personality.
    My memories of you
    Live on inside me.

    How will I ever thank you?
    How will I ever show you my appreciation?
    I'll have to send it along the breeze
    Hoping that it finds you
    No matter where you are.

    Om Sainath.


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