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Offline fatima

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Lead Us To Ultimate Truth
« on: January 16, 2008, 02:03:27 AM »
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  • Sai Baba, who can describe you but yourself?
    You are knowledge incarnate but we are ignorant!
    How can we understand you with our ignorance!
    Sai, the ever merciful, please shower mercy on us!

    In our ego, we think we rule this world!
    In our ignorance, we feel we are learned and smart!
    In our pride, we make a fool of ourselves day in and day out!
    In our greed, we cheat on everything!
    In our anger, we call you names and are rude!

    Sai, the ever merciful, please show us the light!
    Remove this darkness that engulfs and envelops us!
    Remove this fear that we live with every day!
    Remove this complex that we have developed in our lives!

    Sai Baba, you are infinite love whereas we are null!
    Sai Baba, you are infinite compassion whereas we are null!
    Sai Baba, you are infinite knowledge where as we are null!
    Sai Baba, you are infinite wisdom whereas we are null!

    With reverence and respects, we come to you!
    Baba, the ever merciful, please show us the path!
    There is none other than you in this Universe,
    From Ignorance to Knowledge, who can lead us there!

    Sai, the ocean of mercy, why the delay?
    Baba, why do you keep us away?
    Sai, we have lost our hopes and feel very low!
    Baba, is there any purpose of Life without you?

    Sai Baba, the king of kings, shower your grace!
    Sai Baba, the eternal living soul, please pardon us!
    Sai Baba, please pull us out of this darkness!
    Sai Baba, please give us a chance to reach you!

    Sai Baba, the ruler of this universe, we seek mercy at your doorstep!
    With folded hands, bowed heads and full surrender, we pray to you!
    Sai Baba, please accept our prayers!
    Sai Baba, please lead us to the ultimate truth!

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid


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