(Rcv thru mail , sharing)
In every need let me come to You
With humble trust saying, Sai Help Me!
In all my doubts, perplexities and
Temptations, Sai Help Me!
In hours of lonliness,weariness
And trials, Sai Help Me!
In the failure of my plans and hopes,
In disappointments, troubles and sorrows, Sai Help Me!
When others fail me and thy grace
Alone can assist , Sai Help Me!
When I throw myself on thy tender feet of
Love as a father and savior, Sai Help Me!
When my heart is cast down by failure at seeing no good
Come from my efforts, Sai Help Me!
When I feel impatient,
And I do irritate, Sai Help Me!
When I am ill and my head and hands cannot work
And I am lonely, Sai Help Me!
Always, always, in spite of weakness,
Falls and short-comings of every kind,
Sai Help Me!,and never For-Sake me
Dear Lord I pray thee
Accept the sacrifice I make
In making the impossible to possible by thy grace !