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Author Topic: TO PRAY AT SAI'S HOLY SAMADHI  (Read 1158 times)

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Offline FaithInSai

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« on: June 05, 2010, 04:44:06 AM »
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  • Billions of ardent devotees
    Who all look up to our Lord Saiji,
    Ever desire to come and pray
    In reverence, at His Holy Samadhi;
    To each devotee of our Lord Saiji,
    The call comes so unexpectedly
    Just as it did come to me one day
    So surprisingly, and beautifully
    So many years and years ago;
    Time has now flown swiftly by --
    My Sai’s blessings has come by and by,
    And as His blessings even now flow,
    My Sai does beckon me to go
    To pray silently at His Lotus Feet
    Kneel and bow at His Holy Samadhi;

    I know this to be really true
    And is meant for all – me and you,
    Lord Sai will choose the time and day
    To call us all definitely some day,
    To stand silently before Him and pray
    At His Shrine, His Holy Samadhi;
    He listens intently to each one of us
    Though we all do make a big fuss
    And impatiently cry out to Him,
    He at times perhaps even laughs at us
    In mirthful sympathetic amusement
    For all our foolish cries in vain,
    But for sure, He is always with each of us
    Here – now -- today, just every day;

    I know this to be really true
    Whenever our dearest Lord Sai
    Beckons us to His aural presence,
    He does also make the dream true
    By Himself arranging our trip to Sai
    And pray before His regal presence.
    Such is Sai, our Sai Jairam, Sai Sai Ram.
    May His blessings be on all
    Sai Shree Ram, Jai Jairam, Sai Sai Ram.


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