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Worldly Justice and Devotion to Datta
« on: April 11, 2017, 01:02:52 PM »
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  • On a hot afternoon as I stood in the shade
    A glimmer in the sand caught my gaze.
    Through a piece of glass had shone the sun.
    I felt the dusty fragment and I, were one.

    Like the fragment, in worldly dirt I wallow.
    With a reflected ray of Your grace I glow.
    With that pretext, You raised me above
    To set me in Your high crown, You chose.

    I merely reflect Your light; none of my own.
    “Tameva bhatam”36 is even the Veda’s tone.
    Being the dirt of the ground I’m worthy alone
    Of being trampled under Your feet hallowed.

    Faith built over countless births had slipped.
    My godless youth hastened the ego’s lift.
    And unknown doubts from the past heaped.
    Caused me, Your Divine justice, to discredit.37

    Unable to bear the karma-born pain inevitable.
    Not realizing its need even for blissful existence.
    Serving also as the spiritual journey’s motivation.
    In ignorance, misunderstood Your administration.38

    Out of infinite pity, You changed my condition.
    By granting Your exceptional divine instruction.
    Guiding me through the process of discussion.
    Realization through many a practical situation.

    Realization dawned of Your loving hand
    Ever guiding my life through hostile land.
    All life’s pains, pleasures and trying situations
    Were sacred as they led me to my Destination.

    Deep analysis along with practical experience
    Revealed Your infinite love and benevolence.
    Trust in You slowly surpassing self-confidence.39
    The loving trust in You makes all the difference!40

    In the barren desert of mistrust and strife,
    A lush garden of Your devotion came to life.
    The wayward son brought back into the fold.41
    In embrace, You held me to Your heart of gold.

    Then You granted the unmatched opportunity
    To serve in Your earthly divine mission holy.
    Rarest of the rare, even for beings heavenly.
    Lowliest of Your servants, I stand gratefully.

    36 The Veda says that God alone radiates glory. All other objects (the sun, moon, fire, lightning etc.) in creation merely reflect His glory. Lord Krishna says the same thing in a different way as “Yadyad vibhuuti…”, which means, “Wherever you see any greatness, know that it indicates Me” This is because God is ultimately the source of the entire creation. He is that Brahman, which is greater than all the greatest items in each category.

    37 My atheistic upbringing in my childhood led to a general perception of a lack of any real justice in the world. It also led to an inflated ego. In addition, several doubts had piled together from unknown past births. All these factors collectively led to a tendency to doubt the divine administration of God. 

    38 Apart from my atheistic beliefs, the pains from the world further strengthened the misunderstandings related to God’s divine administration. I could not understand that pain is caused by our own karma; not by God. It is an inevitable and useful part of life. It is even necessary for enjoying bliss, which is the
    ultimate goal of any self‐centered person. Moreover, pain also serves as the fuel for the spiritual journey. 

    39 I feel that until one’s trust in God exceeds one’s trust in oneself, there cannot be devotion. One must understand that the trust in self (self‐confidence) is an illusion in God’s hands. It is limited, unreliable and fallible. On the other hand, God’s help to us is real, unlimited, permanent and infallible. Realizing this, one should transform one’s self‐confidence into God‐confidence.   

    40 A strong loving trust in the contemporary Human Incarnation of God, is the turning point that enables the knowledge to blossom into devotion.

    41 The son who went on the wrong path was brought back to the family.

    Source - (pg. no. 29)


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