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Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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You are my inspiration
« on: June 26, 2005, 09:33:19 PM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    You are my inspiration, my motivation; you are my life.
    I awake each morning to warm thoughts of you.
    Just knowing you exist, that you are in my life,
    that I love you, and you love me in return;
    brings joy to my heart, a warm smile to my lips, and
    I can now see all your beauty and wonders of my world around.

    OM SAI RAM!!!
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #1 on: June 26, 2005, 11:32:10 PM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    My Heart is full of waves singing,
    Where the music is ringing!!
    kept my heart secured
    Just for you,
    Only for you!!

    My Love is higher than the sky,
    Nothing can touch it so high!!
    Kept my love secured
    Just for you-
    Only for you!!

    My Patience is deeper than the sea
    Nobody can reach without a key!!
    kept my patience secured
    Just for you-
    Only for you My Dear Baba!!!

    OM SAI RAM!!!
    « Last Edit: June 26, 2005, 11:33:10 PM by Ramesh Ramnani »
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline san2004

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #2 on: June 26, 2005, 11:55:19 PM »
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  • Om Sai Ram,
    Baba Give us ur love and bless us so that we remain engrossed in YOUR bliss unmindful of other things.
    Jai Sai Ram,

    Offline snatarajan

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #3 on: June 27, 2005, 08:40:17 AM »
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  • Ramesh Ji,

    What you are posting - its simply great stiffs.

    Thank you very much Ramesh JI.

    Om Sai Ram,
    Natarajan S.

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #4 on: June 27, 2005, 11:38:26 PM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    Like bright light to a moth
    Burning with love
    That consumes itself.

    BABA You stormed into my life
    And now my body, mind, and soul
    Are flying like papers in the wind.  

    OM SAI RAM!!!
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #5 on: June 29, 2005, 07:58:22 AM »
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  • You are my everything
    My sleeping, breathing, waking being
    You bring comfort and joy to my life everyday
    Firmly at your holy feet I will stay

    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #6 on: June 29, 2005, 01:04:54 PM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    It was HIM whose face entered my mind
    I couldn't help, but think of HIM all the time.
    It was HE who dried my tears
    And took away all my fears.
    It was HIM who held out HIS hand,
    And offered me a love that's more than I could stand.
    HE gave me the world.

    OM SAI RAM!!!
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #7 on: June 30, 2005, 09:32:51 PM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    As my words folded into silence
    and crowds vanished into thin air
    My ears turned red with emotions reaching its peak
    A twinkle flashed in my eye when it caught a glimpse
    You passed by me without saying a word
    But looked and spoke a million words
    The feeling that you were there for a moment,
    Could make me live through years waiting...
    … Just to catch another glimpse.

    OM SAI RAM!!!
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline sainaa

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #8 on: June 30, 2005, 10:33:52 PM »
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  • Rameshji SImply superb
    Thanks for the beautiful poems
    really good ones
    Baba please bless rameshji
    omsai omsai omsai
    omsai omsai omsai
    omsai omsai omsai

    My abode is in your heart and I am within you. Always worship Me, Who is seated in your heart, as well as, in the hearts of all beings. Blessed and fortunate, indeed, is he who knows Me thus
    My abode is in your heart and I am within you. Always worship Me, Who is seated in your heart, as well as, in the hearts of all beings. Blessed and fortunate, indeed, is he who knows Me thus

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #9 on: July 01, 2005, 07:51:02 AM »
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  • You light my life and turn it right
    And all the time put a music in my heart
    How can I thank you for all the things
    And for the love you've given me?

    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

    Offline Shammi

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #10 on: July 02, 2005, 12:42:16 AM »
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  • Sairam

    Ramesh ji  please read this
    Just want to let you know .. how  the gods are smiling on U .

    Last night i  had a dream  and  in the same  "me and my mother were
    walking towards the sai  temple near our house It just takes me 5 minutes by walk.

    So as we  walking  towards the mandir we have not reached - as we walk it was a beautiful serene environment , the birds still singing ( they must have   all forgotten that they need to go home) beautiful butter flies flutterring , cool breeze the  sky so vibrant and  with all this it was realy a great feeling to walk  towards the sai  mandir- It was a very  imaginative  and celestial words fail to describe what i experienced

    And the sky was blue and vibrant and it was so clear and as i walked
    with my mother some miraculous things were seen in the sky above

    Up in the sky I saw  beautiful angels  beautifully dressed ( to say there were 6 altogether )and  holding hands together and singing glories to the lord and moving in the  sky .. that scene was so beautiful .really beautiful .. it was  moving like a powerpoint presentation  

    And after that  you know what i show in the sky above ..
    Your poems that you have put - was  all in  golden letters and i could read all the words clear the  first paragraph came in .. it was all in glittering letters and all the words were glowing and it was so very beautiful to look at - i just cant explain it and as soon as i saw that i exclaimed and shouted and told my mother besides me  - Ma this is the poem we have in our forum - this is from our mandir and this is Ramesh ji' s poem  and I was just exclaiming in excitement !!! Oh sairam  what an excitment and  again it was another  set of angels and another paragraph .. so on  

    I was so happy i said - Look Ma god has chosen  the poem of Ramesh ji and he is indeed blessed - How blesssed is Ramesh ji I  said..

    I was indeed very happy

    Immediately i wanted to convey to Ramesh ji that his poems are seen in the vibrant  sky in blore  all lit with golden lining all letters illuminated in the best possible  way  - i dont remember ramesh ji 's number so then i immediately sms Dipika ji and say "please tell ramesh ji -  that his poems are getting colorfully displayed in the sky above , we can see it in blore and  what a beautiful feeling it was..

    I have never in my life seen such a dream  .. it was all celestial

    Ramesh ji i dont know what made me see such a dream - but i know that baba has all  smiles on you -  please write  more .... [:)]


    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!
    Bow to Sri Sai - Raksha Karo Deva !!!

    Offline Dipika

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #11 on: July 02, 2005, 12:53:16 AM »
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  • OMSAIRAM Shammi ji,
                       It's really Beautiful.
    UR always reading Ramesh ji'poems ,So Sai baba blessed u with Same.
    Thanks for sharing it with us.
    Ramesh ji ur a truly blessed soul.

    Sai baba Thankyou for bringing me to this form.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

    Offline san2004

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #12 on: July 02, 2005, 01:20:50 AM »
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    Wonderful to read all this.Infact the amount of love and devotion you have within you reflects.The inner feelings also reflect.How touched you are with the true words of Ramesh Ji also reflect.It doesn't happen to everyone.It happens to true devotees of Baba. Blessed are U and blessed is Ramesh Ji.
    Jai Sai Ram,

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #13 on: July 02, 2005, 02:01:47 AM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    Shammiji you are really more than blessed that BABA is giving you these signs in your dreams. It is the way of BABA to give his love to truely blessed souls like you. After going through such type of dreams/experiences don't ever bite your fingers. These are your treasure troves.  Every true devotees often gets this type of experience but my suggestions to you is that just enjoy these and keep them in your treasury and close to your heart and discuss only with blessed souls in private only.

    These experiences are directly been sent to you by BABA and to be experienced by you only. You know all these contains HIS energy and HIS vibration and in ignorance we go on discussing these with all and sundry with the result all their energy gets dispersed.  I often experience these miracle sign but I consider MY BABA beyond all these miracles. That is why I have not posted any of my miracle in this forum. Otherwise my life is full of BABA's........So keep on enjoying BABA's Vibrant Energy and be ready for the happier blessed future.


    OM SAI RAM!!!
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी

    Offline Ramesh Ramnani

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    Re: You are my inspiration
    « Reply #14 on: July 03, 2005, 01:44:34 AM »
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  • JAI SAI RAM!!!

    Give ME hope and I give you love;
    Give ME love and I give you happiness;
    Give ME happiness and I will give you life;
    Give ME life and I will give you the world;

    It’s you and ME. That create love, joy, happiness
    sorrow, laughter. A part of our lives that makes this
    wonderful earth Worth living.

    OM SAI RAM!!!
    अपना साँई प्यारा साँई सबसे न्यारा अपना साँई - रमेश रमनानी


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