Good morning baba...what a good feeling i get by getting your darshan everyday !! Its lucky that i doscovered your temple right next to my son's school. So everyday after dropping him off, i can come to see you and then leave for work. Thank you
Baba...u know what transpired between me and my boss yesterday. He is a hard task master. Although i agree with many things that he says, but my problem is i cannot do all those things. See - if i had to focus on career (which i would have loved to), then i can do all those things he said. But i have to look after my family. the travails of being a working woman
No body understands baba. Nobody!! Its as if i am trying to walk on a thin cane stick and have to balance very well. If not, i fall into a pit. U know i cannot afford to fall. I have to earn enough to take care of my father's needs. I have to buy a house for him near my house. And for this i need money. This and this alone is driving me to take up the challenges at work without cribbing. And whom to crib?? No one seems to understand. The one person who understood me is no more - my mother....
So baba...i have made up my mind, never to discuss any problem with anyone - be it my father (who will always support me but i dont want to burden him with my problems) or my husband (who will not understand my point of view and will think that i should give up). Baba...i can only talk to u. Please baba...u dont refuse me....i have no one else to turn to.
Why is money so important baba?? If only i could do something about my father. it wrong to be ambitious?? As a child i was always told to stand on my own feet, be financially independent, become successful....i achieved that and now everyone tells me slow down or stop since u have to look after family. Change your priority. Why?? Its always work vs home on my mind. and i have no peace i tell you.....
I feel trapped since i am not doing justice to either - neither work nor home. and i cant leave either. I am condemned to lead a life of misery is it???And my mil is not making it any easier for me at home. SO am stuck in a job that pays well but expects me to work with a bull headed idiot. And at home i have no comfort or peace because of my mil's constant cribbing ....i have to be a pillar of strength for my father after my mother's death - emotionally and financially. And my son needs me now as he is growing up. There - u have the entire u tell me what to do!!!