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Offline kamp_kamp

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Re: ♥ Chanting of 108 Holy Sweet and Divine Names of Shirdi Sai Baba ♥
« Reply #480 on: January 31, 2022, 04:13:52 PM »
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    [ Lord Shree Sai Baba, the incarnation of Lord Shiva, is the creator, protector and destroyer of everything in the Universe. He is all powerful, all pervading - the Supreme Lord. The One Who is the Lord of This Universe.]

    « Last Edit: February 01, 2022, 07:17:54 PM by kamp_kamp »
    Om shreem shroum shree sai rama hreem hroum namah shivayaa shivaya namaha Aum aing sai maa hum sah: Om shreem hroum shree dram hreem hroum shree sai rama dattatreya hari govindaya namah shivaya hreem hroum shreem shroum aing sai maa sastha dum durgaye hum sah: hari govindaya namah shivaya hum hanumate bam bhairavaya sham veerbhadraya namo namaha Aum
    Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidhmahe sat-chit-ananda dheemahi Tanno Sainathaya Prachodayaath  Om Hari  Om hrim hraum namah sivaya sivayaa namah aum Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Om Shreem Shraum Sai Maa
    gam  Ganapathi glaum aim hrim krim chamunde vicche sam  Shree Sai Rama Sarvanabhavaya saum Om Kreem  Bam kleem kalikaye bam Bhairvaya Aum Aim  Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum Hari Aum shrim shree Sai Rama  Venkateswara  shrim hreem hroum Guru Sai Dutta RajaRama Om Shree Sai Rama hreem hroum  namah Shivaya Shivayaa Namaha Om Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah : Om  hreem hroum shreem shroum Sai Maa Shastaa Om aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum ham Hanumate Rudramatke Hum phat

    Offline kamp_kamp

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    Re: ♥ Chanting of 108 Holy Sweet and Divine Names of Shirdi Sai Baba ♥
    « Reply #481 on: February 01, 2022, 07:17:26 PM »
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    [ Lord Shree Sai Baba desires that devotees who want Him, should follow the path of pure devotion and attain spirituality.
     The Lord  Who Possesses the Most Sacred Form.]

    Om shreem shroum shree sai rama hreem hroum namah shivayaa shivaya namaha Aum aing sai maa hum sah: Om shreem hroum shree dram hreem hroum shree sai rama dattatreya hari govindaya namah shivaya hreem hroum shreem shroum aing sai maa sastha dum durgaye hum sah: hari govindaya namah shivaya hum hanumate bam bhairavaya sham veerbhadraya namo namaha Aum
    Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidhmahe sat-chit-ananda dheemahi Tanno Sainathaya Prachodayaath  Om Hari  Om hrim hraum namah sivaya sivayaa namah aum Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Om Shreem Shraum Sai Maa
    gam  Ganapathi glaum aim hrim krim chamunde vicche sam  Shree Sai Rama Sarvanabhavaya saum Om Kreem  Bam kleem kalikaye bam Bhairvaya Aum Aim  Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum Hari Aum shrim shree Sai Rama  Venkateswara  shrim hreem hroum Guru Sai Dutta RajaRama Om Shree Sai Rama hreem hroum  namah Shivaya Shivayaa Namaha Om Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah : Om  hreem hroum shreem shroum Sai Maa Shastaa Om aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum ham Hanumate Rudramatke Hum phat

    Offline kamp_kamp

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    Re: ♥ Chanting of 108 Holy Sweet and Divine Names of Shirdi Sai Baba ♥
    « Reply #482 on: February 03, 2022, 11:54:07 AM »
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    [ Lord Shree Sainath lights the lamp of wisdom in His devotees' minds, dispelling desires, and helping to experience heavenly bliss and ultimate beatitude, for He is the bestower of immortality. The One Who is Divine Nectar.]
    Om shreem shroum shree sai rama hreem hroum namah shivayaa shivaya namaha Aum aing sai maa hum sah: Om shreem hroum shree dram hreem hroum shree sai rama dattatreya hari govindaya namah shivaya hreem hroum shreem shroum aing sai maa sastha dum durgaye hum sah: hari govindaya namah shivaya hum hanumate bam bhairavaya sham veerbhadraya namo namaha Aum
    Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidhmahe sat-chit-ananda dheemahi Tanno Sainathaya Prachodayaath  Om Hari  Om hrim hraum namah sivaya sivayaa namah aum Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Om Shreem Shraum Sai Maa
    gam  Ganapathi glaum aim hrim krim chamunde vicche sam  Shree Sai Rama Sarvanabhavaya saum Om Kreem  Bam kleem kalikaye bam Bhairvaya Aum Aim  Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum Hari Aum shrim shree Sai Rama  Venkateswara  shrim hreem hroum Guru Sai Dutta RajaRama Om Shree Sai Rama hreem hroum  namah Shivaya Shivayaa Namaha Om Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah : Om  hreem hroum shreem shroum Sai Maa Shastaa Om aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum ham Hanumate Rudramatke Hum phat

    Offline kamp_kamp

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    Re: ♥ Chanting of 108 Holy Sweet and Divine Names of Shirdi Sai Baba ♥
    « Reply #483 on: February 27, 2022, 03:34:14 PM »
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    [ Lord Shree Sai Shiva, the dispeller of sheer ignorance, who helps one to merge one's individuality in the universal being, is lustrous like the sun.The Lord Who Shines Brilliantly Like the Sun.]

    [ Lord Shree Sai Baba adopts celibacy, ascetism and other spiritual practices, and responds to the divine call, attaining God-realisation and Godhood. The Lord Who Observes the Penance of the Brahmachari .]

    [If one sincerely follows Lord Shree  Sai Baba's teachings, one's nescience will disappear - replaced by strong waves of devotion and love, and righteous conduct.
    The Lord Who Embodies Truth and Righteousness.]

    « Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 03:41:38 PM by kamp_kamp »
    Om shreem shroum shree sai rama hreem hroum namah shivayaa shivaya namaha Aum aing sai maa hum sah: Om shreem hroum shree dram hreem hroum shree sai rama dattatreya hari govindaya namah shivaya hreem hroum shreem shroum aing sai maa sastha dum durgaye hum sah: hari govindaya namah shivaya hum hanumate bam bhairavaya sham veerbhadraya namo namaha Aum
    Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidhmahe sat-chit-ananda dheemahi Tanno Sainathaya Prachodayaath  Om Hari  Om hrim hraum namah sivaya sivayaa namah aum Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Om Shreem Shraum Sai Maa
    gam  Ganapathi glaum aim hrim krim chamunde vicche sam  Shree Sai Rama Sarvanabhavaya saum Om Kreem  Bam kleem kalikaye bam Bhairvaya Aum Aim  Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum Hari Aum shrim shree Sai Rama  Venkateswara  shrim hreem hroum Guru Sai Dutta RajaRama Om Shree Sai Rama hreem hroum  namah Shivaya Shivayaa Namaha Om Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah : Om  hreem hroum shreem shroum Sai Maa Shastaa Om aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum ham Hanumate Rudramatke Hum phat

    Offline kamp_kamp

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    Re: ♥ Chanting of 108 Holy Sweet and Divine Names of Shirdi Sai Baba ♥
    « Reply #484 on: February 28, 2022, 03:44:19 PM »
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    [Lord Shree Sai Baba descended on earth as an incarnation of Lord Shiva who is endowed with full Riddhis and Siddhi. Devotees who take to Baba, automatically acquire supernatural powers. The Lord Who is the Master of all Eight Siddhis or Superhuman Faculties Like anima, legima etc.]
    Om shreem shroum shree sai rama hreem hroum namah shivayaa shivaya namaha Aum aing sai maa hum sah: Om shreem hroum shree dram hreem hroum shree sai rama dattatreya hari govindaya namah shivaya hreem hroum shreem shroum aing sai maa sastha dum durgaye hum sah: hari govindaya namah shivaya hum hanumate bam bhairavaya sham veerbhadraya namo namaha Aum
    Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidhmahe sat-chit-ananda dheemahi Tanno Sainathaya Prachodayaath  Om Hari  Om hrim hraum namah sivaya sivayaa namah aum Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Om Shreem Shraum Sai Maa
    gam  Ganapathi glaum aim hrim krim chamunde vicche sam  Shree Sai Rama Sarvanabhavaya saum Om Kreem  Bam kleem kalikaye bam Bhairvaya Aum Aim  Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum Hari Aum shrim shree Sai Rama  Venkateswara  shrim hreem hroum Guru Sai Dutta RajaRama Om Shree Sai Rama hreem hroum  namah Shivaya Shivayaa Namaha Om Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah : Om  hreem hroum shreem shroum Sai Maa Shastaa Om aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum ham Hanumate Rudramatke Hum phat

    Offline kamp_kamp

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    [ Lord Shree Sai Baba shows His devotees the path which provides new strength. Thy involves the most creative minds, enlightening them with the knowledge of Lord God's love.The Lord Who Executes His Wishes Perfectly and in no Time.]

    [ Lord Shree Sai Baba is the incarnation of Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna. One may call Thy by any name one likes. The
     Lord incarnates repeatedly for the benefit of mankind.
    The Lord Who is the Head of all Yogis or Ascetics]
    Om shreem shroum shree sai rama hreem hroum namah shivayaa shivaya namaha Aum aing sai maa hum sah: Om shreem hroum shree dram hreem hroum shree sai rama dattatreya hari govindaya namah shivaya hreem hroum shreem shroum aing sai maa sastha dum durgaye hum sah: hari govindaya namah shivaya hum hanumate bam bhairavaya sham veerbhadraya namo namaha Aum
    Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidhmahe sat-chit-ananda dheemahi Tanno Sainathaya Prachodayaath  Om Hari  Om hrim hraum namah sivaya sivayaa namah aum Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Om Shreem Shraum Sai Maa
    gam  Ganapathi glaum aim hrim krim chamunde vicche sam  Shree Sai Rama Sarvanabhavaya saum Om Kreem  Bam kleem kalikaye bam Bhairvaya Aum Aim  Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum Hari Aum shrim shree Sai Rama  Venkateswara  shrim hreem hroum Guru Sai Dutta RajaRama Om Shree Sai Rama hreem hroum  namah Shivaya Shivayaa Namaha Om Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah : Om  hreem hroum shreem shroum Sai Maa Shastaa Om aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum ham Hanumate Rudramatke Hum phat

    Offline kamp_kamp

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    [Lord Shree Sai Baba, the Fakir of Shirdi, is Existence Absolute, Consciousness Absolute and Bliss Absolute. The Lord is ever pure, is beyond illusion, is formless and is without taint. He is Divinity, the Supreme Lord.The Lord Who is the Supreme Lord of the Universe.]

    [ Lord Shree Sai Baba, the personification of purity and Divine love, persuades His devotees to merge into Him with full faith and realise Divine bliss. The Lord Who is Fond of his Devotees.]

    [Lord Shree  Sai Baba is most virtuous and noble. He is the absolute, attribute-less, having no name or residence, yet resides in all. The Lord Who is Eternal, Unmanifest, Supreme Purush .]

    Om shreem shroum shree sai rama hreem hroum namah shivayaa shivaya namaha Aum aing sai maa hum sah: Om shreem hroum shree dram hreem hroum shree sai rama dattatreya hari govindaya namah shivaya hreem hroum shreem shroum aing sai maa sastha dum durgaye hum sah: hari govindaya namah shivaya hum hanumate bam bhairavaya sham veerbhadraya namo namaha Aum
    Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidhmahe sat-chit-ananda dheemahi Tanno Sainathaya Prachodayaath  Om Hari  Om hrim hraum namah sivaya sivayaa namah aum Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Om Shreem Shraum Sai Maa
    gam  Ganapathi glaum aim hrim krim chamunde vicche sam  Shree Sai Rama Sarvanabhavaya saum Om Kreem  Bam kleem kalikaye bam Bhairvaya Aum Aim  Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum Hari Aum shrim shree Sai Rama  Venkateswara  shrim hreem hroum Guru Sai Dutta RajaRama Om Shree Sai Rama hreem hroum  namah Shivaya Shivayaa Namaha Om Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah : Om  hreem hroum shreem shroum Sai Maa Shastaa Om aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum ham Hanumate Rudramatke Hum phat

    Offline kamp_kamp

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    [Lord Shree Sai Baba is Lord God Incarnate, who took the incarnation of Purushottama (Lord Rama) to establish righteousness. As Lord Shree Sai Baba descended on earth to enlighten Thy children and give them self-knowledge. The Lord  Who is the Highest and Supreme Being. ]

    [ Lord Shree Sai Baba, the incarnation of Lord Shiva, Who came to Holy Shirdi as Fakir is self existent, self luminous truth.
    The Lord Who Preaches the True Principles of Truth and Reality.]
    [ Lord Shree Sai Baba is the destroyer of six worldly desires of man - lust, anger, greed, hatred, pride and envy. When the ego is tammed, one can realise one's self.  The Lord  Who Destroys the Six Foes, viz. Desire, Anger, Greed, Hatred, Pride, and Lust.]

    [ Lord Shree Sai Baba, an Incarnation of Lord Shiva bestows Bliss on His devotees. This Bliss can be realised from oneness with God. In the egoless state, all actions are joyous, effortless and spontaneous.
    The Lord Who Grants the Bliss of Realisation of the One Absolute.]

    OM SHREE SAI RAMA SAMA(same--equal). --SARVA-MAT-SAMTAAY NAMAH. --- (97)

    [ To Lord Shree Sainath, the incarnation of Lord Shiva, all religious faiths are equal, and led to the same destination of God - Realisation.
    The Lord Who is Tolerant and Equal Towards all.]

    Om shreem shroum shree sai rama hreem hroum namah shivayaa shivaya namaha Aum aing sai maa hum sah: Om shreem hroum shree dram hreem hroum shree sai rama dattatreya hari govindaya namah shivaya hreem hroum shreem shroum aing sai maa sastha dum durgaye hum sah: hari govindaya namah shivaya hum hanumate bam bhairavaya sham veerbhadraya namo namaha Aum
    Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidhmahe sat-chit-ananda dheemahi Tanno Sainathaya Prachodayaath  Om Hari  Om hrim hraum namah sivaya sivayaa namah aum Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Om Shreem Shraum Sai Maa
    gam  Ganapathi glaum aim hrim krim chamunde vicche sam  Shree Sai Rama Sarvanabhavaya saum Om Kreem  Bam kleem kalikaye bam Bhairvaya Aum Aim  Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum Hari Aum shrim shree Sai Rama  Venkateswara  shrim hreem hroum Guru Sai Dutta RajaRama Om Shree Sai Rama hreem hroum  namah Shivaya Shivayaa Namaha Om Aing Sai Maa Hum Sah : Om  hreem hroum shreem shroum Sai Maa Shastaa Om aing Sai Maa Hum Sah Aum ham Hanumate Rudramatke Hum phat


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