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Author Topic: You said that chanting God’s name is not necessary. Does it mean that the world  (Read 482 times)

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Offline dattaswami

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You said that chanting God’s name is not necessary.  Does it mean that the world with names and forms is unreal?
There is no connection between chanting the name of God and unreality of the world.  You are chanting the name by force. You are doing the japam (Chanting the name) with desire of some thing or fear from some thing, though the japam bores you. At least in singing devotional songs you will be happy.  However, chanting, singing etc., are only like offering the drinking water to guest.  When you offer your practical service as meals, then only the above devotion is meaningful. The meal can be associated with drinking water. The world is totally unreal for God and not for you.  Therefore you must say that the total world is unreal in the view of God. You should not simply say that the total world is unreal for you. Of course, the names and forms in the world are unreal for the soul also. But matter which is the cause of forms is real for the soul.  Thus, the world is partially (forms) unreal and partially real (matter) for the soul.  Therefore, the world is called as mithya which means neither completely real nor completely unreal.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony
Universal Spirituality for World Peace


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