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9 ways to remember Shirdi Saibaba
« on: July 13, 2017, 01:47:51 PM »
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  • OM SAI RAM !!!

    Wanted to list down 9 ways to remember our beloved BABA.
    We get too busy with our day to day life that irrespective of our love
    and faith on BABA, we are not able to remember him often.
    I have tried to list down few ways to remember our BABA.

    1. Remember”Sai” as soon as you wake up:

    As soon as you wake up, try to chant or just remember BABAby remembering
    his holy name. It could be Sairam, Aum Sai Ram, Sai, Sai, Sai.

    2.Morning prayers to Sai

    Every day, after bath, please spare 5 minutes for pooja.
    Even if you are a rocket scientist, you can certainly spare these
    5 to 10 minutes. Everyday, !

    3. Listen to devotional songs or Shirdi Saibaba Aarti, Bhajans

    I usually play devotional songs of Shirdi saibaba ,Vishnu Sahasranamam
    and any Goddess song. Even if I don’t play above songs,I will certainly listen
    to Kakad Aarti of Saibaba. I feel good to start the day listening to the greatness
    of Sai.

    4. Speak to Shirdi Sai Baba

    If you are worried or stressed out, do not think much. Instead, speak to
    Saibaba in your mind. When you believe Sai lives in you, you must understand
    Sai also loves to take care of you and your family. Just see him as a Mother,
    friend or Guru and speak to him. In between this conversation, do naam smaran –
    Chant Sai, Sai,Sai.

    5. Share Sai Leela and your spiritual experiences with friends

    Never show that you trust Saibaba to anyone unless they are genuinely interested
    Be it your college, school or Office. Never show anyone your interest in Saibaba. Just
    keep it aside. This is because at times, when things goes wrong, you might have to
    face questions such as “Why Saibaba did not help you?”.

    If someone is honestly interested in listening to Sai’s glory, tell them some stories
    of Saibaba. Speaking about saints and listening to their stories removes sins of
    several births. So it brings auspiciousness to both the person telling Sai’s stories
    and also the one listening to it.

    6. Read Sai Satcharitra

    This is the best way to Remember Saibaba.

    7. Imagine you are living in Saibaba’s life time

    I wish to be with Sai 100 years back. I always have this desire.
    I wish to spend time with Saibaba day and night in his holy Dwarakamai.
    You can sit in a peaceful place at home or in temple or any where you go.
    Make sure its safe place too. Close your eyes, remember Sai and imagine
     how you would have spent time with Saibaba. That’s beautiful right?

    8. What ever you eat, offer first to Saibaba before you start:

    When ever you have food like meals , dinner etc any where , be it at home,
    office or hotel, mentally offer it to Saibaba. Just say Saibaba, accept this food
    as my offering and then start to have it. This way, your ability to first remember
    Guru even during hunger becomes a habit. A Guru must be remembered during
    difficult times but we all don’t have practice to do it.

    9. Think of BABA when you go to sleep

    Few minutes before you go to sleep, thank Saibaba for being with you and
    your family. Even if you had faced any problem during the day, try to say Saibaba
    all your worries and tell him that you believe in him.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!


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