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Author Topic: Enlightened master Rajini Menon on distinction of the inner voice and mind noise  (Read 17253 times)

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Offline Ajay0

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Rajini Menon is a modern enlightened sage who attained enlightenment just through adhering to virtuous conduct and obedience to inner voice or conscience.

In this article Rajini Menon explains on distinguishing between the inner voice and mind noise...

The most righteous act is what your inner voice or inner conscience, manasakshi, tells you and not what your mind tells you.

How do you differentiate between the true inner voice and the minds outer voice? If you are served a bowl of apples and a dish of sweets, and if you are diabetic with a craving for sweets, your mind will pull you towards eating the sweets, but your inner voice will tell you to go for the apples.

Suppose a bowl of apples and a tray of oranges are served to you and if your mind pulls you towards oranges and your inner voice will be telling you that either of these is all right.

That is to say if there is a conflicting voice in you, that is, an opposing voice between the inner and the outer voice, you have to listen to, or follow the inner voice, and where there is no conflicting voice between the inner and the outer voice, there you may follow as your whims and fancies are, that is you may follow your mind’s voice or outer voice! Your job is over. Now you sit there hand on hand doing nothing. The results are not your choice. Your botheration is over once you accept what comes to you and do what is the most righteous in the situation.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2024, 02:33:18 AM by Ajay0 »
Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

In every moment you have only one real choice : to be self-aware or to identify with the mind and body. - Annamalai Swami

Body-consciousness is the source of all misery. - Ramana Maharshi


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