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Author Topic: HOW EACH ONE OF US KNEW SAIBABA.... PLS SHARE  (Read 252648 times)

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Offline Revathy Sophicathy

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« Reply #165 on: September 22, 2010, 10:23:57 PM »
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  • Sai Ram and Happy Thursday to brothers and sisters

    I’m Revathy and I’m from Malaysia. This is a very interesting topic but I have a very long story. Baba’s way is always unique. Remember how Baba drew Lakshmichand to Him? Baba said that ‘let My devotee be at any distance, even at thousands miles away, he will be drawn to Shirdi, like a sparrow with a thread tied to his feet’. Anywhere Baba is, that is also similar to Shirdi itself as Baba confessed that seeing Him in picture is equivalent to seeing him in person.

    None of my family members are devoted to Sai. Once I knew very little about Sai. It was not till my dad was terminally ill, I got to know little bit about Sai. My ex-boyfriend used to take me to Satya Sai Centre. That is where I saw Shirdi Sai for the first time. However, that centre focused more Satya Sai. I’m not a believer but I was so desparate and was trying anything possible to save my father. I prayed hard and even wrote letters asking for cure for my father. However, at the end my father died. I became so frustrated and gave up praying. Till then I was still unaware of Shirdi Sai.

    After my father passed away a year ago, I faced many problems (Even now I’m having some problems). I was a good student, but my marks regressed. Our relatives neglected us. My younger sister and my mum were having arguments. My sister left home due to a misunderstanding even before my dad passed away, probably that was what made my father’s health affected. She hasn’t returned even after my father’s death. My sister is like my best friend , my father was the only one I counted so much. Losing both of them at about the same time really affected me much. Then, my ex-boyfriend also kind of neglected me despite he knew I was having many problems. I was all alone by then. Even my friends did not care much for me, they had their own issues and problems. It is true that people like to hear our happiness and not our sadness. I often cried in my room (I’m staying in college hostel, far away from home).

    I cried for many days, till one day I feel something is urging me to google about Sai. That was when I get to know Shirdi Sai Baba, and there is something called Sri Sai Satcharita. I wasn’t taking anything so seriously. I kept on googling more, found some songs and I found a site It states think of Sai, a number will come in your mind, it will answer you. Firstly, I got a statement that I will travel. Shortly after, I travelled to my hometown. Then, I went to buy new God picture for my house with my mum. I wanted to get the picture of Lord Shiva, as my father was His devotee. Anyway, my mum asked me to get Shirdi Sai Baba picture instead and the weird thing was she was not a Baba’s devotee. That’s how Sai came to my house. On the way back, something urged me to stop at Baba’s centre along the same road. I entered the centre which once I came with my father when he was ill (he wasn’t a believer either, a friend invited him to come). I saw Sai Satcharita, it costed RM40. I opened my purse, there was exactly the same amount, not more or less. It was as if telling me that the money was made for Satcharita. That’s how I got my precious Satcharita.

    When I returned college, one day a friend of mine asked me to accompany her to do shopping. I was hesitating because I had nothing to do there. However, my friend got disappointed to the extent that she posted in facebook about her sadness. I felt guilty, then I drew a tick and a cross in a chit, asked Sai if I should go or not, the reply was a tick. I believed Sai though I had nothing to do there. The next day, I got my answer, why Sai wanted me to go. Firstly, there was sudden disconnection of electricity in my college , if I stayed I couldn’t even use my laptop to finish my assignment.  Secondly, Sai made both of us get lost in the new place, after a long walk, guess what I found a Sai centre. I never knew there centre existed there before. That’s how Sai pulled me to His house.

    This is another story that I feel I must share. I have many close Christian friends. They have been very helpful. When my father was sick and shortly after he passed away, they really tried hard to bring me to Christ. I do not know what to do. One night I had a dream, I was in the middle of offering prayer to Sai, then I saw a group of Christians whom I do not know. One elderly man questioned my prayer for Sai and acted wild by pushing the table in which I put fruits and lighted incense sticks for Sai. I felt hurt and started crying. Then, suddenly I heard a song , it was a Baba’s song being sung in a little voice. I turned and I saw a small boy. He was fair and very bright. I rushed to him and hugged him, and asked him who he is? And He replied I am Baba. I woke up shortly after that. That’s how Baba convinced me that He is already with me, what else I have to fear and worry?

    Another day, when I was reading a blog, I came across how many Hindus were converted to other religions for many reasons. Anyway, the author gave an example, how Baba dislikes people who convert their religion which is like their Father. Who can change our Father? The author also gave example how he behaved when he asked to convert. He just kept quiet, letting them to talk about their religion. He could have shared about Sai’s miracle but does our Sadguru likes us to boast about Him? So he kept quiet. Not till 2 days later, I understood why I read the blog. I encountered the similar experience, when a big group of my Christian friends visited me and tried to convince me to accept Christ. I behaved exactly like the way the author behaved when he encountered such situation. I listened to them and I talked nothing great about Sai. I understood that the blog was Baba’s prophecy and his Upadesh for me. Few days later, I was crying in front of Baba, asking Him to send a friend for me share my sad feelings.  Suddenly, my ex-roomate came to visit me, she is a Christian but she is very kind. I asked her how did she want to visit me, she herself was not sure. She said that she felt like Jesus asked her to visit me. I was amazed! I asked to Sadguru Sai and Jesus responded? That was how Baba confirmed me that He is one with Jesus. I even told my ex-roomate about this and she was speechless.

    Now I fully believe in Baba. I feel He talks to me in silence. As we all know, Sai chooses His devotees. We all must be lucky to be under such a wonderful and merciful Sadguru. He guides us and suffers for us. There was sometimes I made mistakes, I felt Sai’s anger. The next time, when I need help the most, when others were not available, I felt Sai’s love. I am still having a lot of problems. I am short of money to pay my fees. Being the eldest, being a girl, I am struggling to complete my studies and deal my family’s financial problem. Sai is my strength and I believe Sai will provide, Sai Ram! BABA means father. Father Sai came into my life after my father passed away. My intention is to serve Him my whole life. If I’m lucky I hope Baba will choose me to bring Baba into more devotees heart.

    I’m sorry if my contents hurt anybody. I have no such intention. Being Baba’s believer, I don’t look down at any religion.  In a chapter, Baba allowed His devotees to serve Him in their own way and did not like other people interfering in this. Sabka Malik Ek, God is One. See Him in any form, as long as you are being truthful to Him. My Guru is my God. Jaya Sai Ram.

    Namaskaram at Sai’s Holy feet.
    Sincerely feeling very grateful to share this on a Thurday!

    Offline gayathri8

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    « Reply #166 on: September 23, 2010, 11:25:44 PM »
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  • Hi Revathy,

    Thanks for sharing experiences about baba.really baba is with all of us.

    Never feel alnoe we all here and more over baba presence always be there :)

    Offline saishibpur

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    « Reply #167 on: September 29, 2010, 01:26:48 PM »
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  • Ok Friends here is my story. I came to know about Sai Baba through my husband whose family belives in Baba. I live in a foreign country and had some visa issues. My roommate was worshipping Sai baba with too much devotion. I started coming close to him and got my visa , but still I did not had that much faith.
    Since childhood I had some feminine problems and my parents were worried of getting me married. But by HIS grace, as if it was written for me I got a beautiful life partner, very understanding loving and caring. All these years my parents were worried of me having a child. Bec . doctors have told me that it will be difficult for me to have kids without help.Time passed. I went to shirdi with my husband, I also had the deep pain and scare in my heart for having kids. I was in Smadhi Madhir, when my heart wept and i could not control my emotions and I started weeping in front of Sai Baba. That time I was still not that close to Baba, I started reading Sai Satcharitra, started sai 9 thursday fast. watched Sai Baba movies and serial and came very close to Baba. I started to know a lot about Baba. Me and my husband tried for pregnancy, when i had the miscarriage. Still I prayed to Baba and became pregnant again by HIS grace. I drink his udi daily and also apply it on my stomach . Friends I had read it somewhere "Faith can move mountains".  I used to look at my mom's innocent face who was so worried for my future. I prayed a lot to Baba and said that give this daughter this much strength of life , that she wipes her parents tears. This was my faith . I knew that fakir would come and protect me and my baby. My faith was not weak. I said "Baba u r my doctor. My Sai. I know with ur grace I will give birth to a child and this will happen. Everything is going fine in my pregnancy and trust me my friends , its bec. of HIS miracle that a life is breating inside me now. I know this was possible only bec. of Baba's grace. He has come and will come for my rescue. Friends, I will write another psot when my baby will be born. Just have faith in HIM. No matter from where, voh fakir tumhare madad ke liye aayega.  Sai Nath ki Jai.

    Offline shekarvani

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    « Reply #168 on: October 05, 2010, 05:36:39 AM »
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  • Ok Friends here is my story. I came to know about Sai Baba through my husband whose family belives in Baba. I live in a foreign country and had some visa issues. My roommate was worshipping Sai baba with too much devotion. I started coming close to him and got my visa , but still I did not had that much faith.
    Since childhood I had some feminine problems and my parents were worried of getting me married. But by HIS grace, as if it was written for me I got a beautiful life partner, very understanding loving and caring. All these years my parents were worried of me having a child. Bec . doctors have told me that it will be difficult for me to have kids without help.Time passed. I went to shirdi with my husband, I also had the deep pain and scare in my heart for having kids. I was in Smadhi Madhir, when my heart wept and i could not control my emotions and I started weeping in front of Sai Baba. That time I was still not that close to Baba, I started reading Sai Satcharitra, started sai 9 thursday fast. watched Sai Baba movies and serial and came very close to Baba. I started to know a lot about Baba. Me and my husband tried for pregnancy, when i had the miscarriage. Still I prayed to Baba and became pregnant again by HIS grace. I drink his udi daily and also apply it on my stomach . Friends I had read it somewhere "Faith can move mountains".  I used to look at my mom's innocent face who was so worried for my future. I prayed a lot to Baba and said that give this daughter this much strength of life , that she wipes her parents tears. This was my faith . I knew that fakir would come and protect me and my baby. My faith was not weak. I said "Baba u r my doctor. My Sai. I know with ur grace I will give birth to a child and this will happen. Everything is going fine in my pregnancy and trust me my friends , its bec. of HIS miracle that a life is breating inside me now. I know this was possible only bec. of Baba's grace. He has come and will come for my rescue. Friends, I will write another psot when my baby will be born. Just have faith in HIM. No matter from where, voh fakir tumhare madad ke liye aayega.  Sai Nath ki Jai.

    Hi saishibpur

    My eyes are filled with tears...... such a wonderful experience you have. Great that you have such a faith on baba, Iam also waiting that when baba will bless me with a child, but last month when i was so confidently waiting for a good news but it turned to be untruth, I felt so depressed. I was normal from outside but only baba knows what was going on inside me. But reading your experience my faith on baba has become 100 times more. Thank you so much. And all the very best, enjoy your pregnancy and let us know the good news. Take care.

    From: Sreevani

    Offline shirdi sai bhakta

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    « Reply #169 on: October 15, 2010, 12:36:12 PM »
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  • hey everyone...i read some of ur experiences and would like to share mine aswelll.....baba has been with me ever since i was born...whn i say dys i truly mean it....b4 i was born my granny became an ardent devotee of baba...he was alwas thr in front of my eyes...she used to tell  us about stories of his greatness...being a child and thn an ignorrant person i nwver knew who he was mind knew a saibaba...who he really was i was yet to discover....
    in dec of 2003..i was in delhi for new cousin took me to sai baba temple...something happend  ...dont knw heart just felt him...i came bak home....not knowing i bot him wid me....
    a few days passed...i used to take care of stray dogs...and one off da dogs got into a fyt...and was badly injured...his neck wound was worm infested...i had no clue wht to do....i just cudnt help him...felt so helpless.....
    one eve i dnt knw wht struck me...i wept and prayed to baba...saying i heard tht u do miracles and dys creature of urss deserves on tooo...and i slept while  weeping...i woke up...and t o my bewilderment BABA WAS THR IN  FRONT OF a form of a beautiful photo...which my chachu had brought as a gift from shirdi....i was in  tears..his presence was gripping....and thn it happend....MIRACLE...
    on the same day seeing me tryng to treat da dog...someone came upto me and told me about a vet nearby who could help and he did...within days tht dog whom i fondly called moti...was haapy ,healthy and blessed....
    over da period of years i have had a love hate relationship wid baba...i fyt wid him...our relation has evolved over tym ...HE IS MY FIRST MIRACLE...
    sonam chadha

    Offline arti sehgal

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    « Reply #170 on: October 16, 2010, 12:41:06 AM »
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  • jai sairam
    very nice
    sabke dil me baste hi ushe sai sai kehte hai
    jai sainath

    Offline vjsinduja

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    « Reply #171 on: November 23, 2010, 08:57:14 AM »
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  • Actually it was my mum who got to know about Sai Baba. She used to go to Adhiparasakthi Amma Temple every Friday. As there many other people also coming, they talk with each other for some time. Like this their friendship grew well. One fine day she visited one of temple friends's house and the friend was telling how he son got a placement in the London University to do her degree. It was all by Sai Bab grace. She and her son conducted the 9 week Sai Vrat pooja and the son got the university entrance and also her leg pain vanished. She is the one who contributed the Sai Vrat book to my mum and we also conducted the pooja.

    Offline swathi magi

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    « Reply #172 on: March 01, 2011, 06:34:48 AM »
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    i dont know exactly when i started chanting BABA's name it is around 2003 - 2004 when i m in my seventh standard, went to one of my relatives house. They are baba's devotes and one of those relatives( she is my granny) used to chant Baba name. I m in their house for a half day only but after a few days i too started chanting baba name...  thats i  became baba devotee....   :) 
    Om Sai Ram

    Offline SaiSevak!9

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    « Reply #173 on: March 19, 2011, 05:21:31 AM »
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  • Very Very B'ful experiences indeed!!

    Mine is slightly different..

    Worst to worst phase of my life was going..I has question marks and agony all over my face.. simple CLUELESS!! NO PEACE OF MIND I HAD,NOT EVEN 1 PERCENT OF PEACE!

    Then, suddenly I started to see Sai all over..whenever I went outside, I used to see Sai's posters, his photos and names on many vehicles, when other's cellphones used to ring , Sai ringtone tuned out.. once my mom asked me to accompany her to a realtive's home to which I readily agreed and I was shocked since I don't like going to any relative's home.. when I went there, I saw Sai Sandhya was being performed in that society.. I was taken aback!!

    At first I thought all this is normal, but later I realized that Sai himself is giving these signals to me.
    Then, I got back in touch with a friend of mine who is a real devotee of Sai.

    While watching TV, I came across his serial on star plus. I started to watch it and every word he uttered,seemed was for me!!
    After watching that serial, I came to know who he is and OMG, HOW MUCH B'FUL HIS HEART IS!!
    I went crazy for him..'m his fan now!! I respect him a lot!!

    I became his real devotee..following all his teachings.. he showed me the real faces of all the people whom I was crying for.. I was so much shocked n thunderstruck n full of pain that I just wanted to end my life..I was simply a joke for all of them n a prey those hunters wanted to hunt down!! I has trusted all those people blindly for the fake tears they wept in front of me, I respected those people so much for all the lies their parents n friends had spoken to me..

    'm still in BIG problems today..but I know Sai 'll solve them soon..he's a real friend to me..I ONLY trust him..Even today he keeps giving me signals showing he's guarding me n my family everywhere..


    When we help others in pain n help the needy, baba adds it to our account in his 'Bank of Blessings'.If we add our good karmas this way,we are actually helping Sai to use it and at the time of need - Quote from Star Sai

    Before Asking Sai That What He's Doing To Keep Us Happy,Ask Yourself That What You Are Doing To Keep Sai Happy?!

    You Are The Cutest Sai!! :D

    Offline anitha145

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    « Reply #174 on: March 23, 2011, 07:12:39 PM »
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  • Hi Kheerthy..,
    I by grace of sai baba met a sai devotee on last Wednesday and she said she had to pass two roti's of baba to two people and i readily accepted it and felt that it is blessing of baba coming to me as i have not known the lady before.And felt that i was in that place to take the roti frm her.I am doing the poja's that i know .I hope and wish the roti is doubled tomorrow,
    I found one devote to pass one roti and till now i didn't find the second person..i wish any one reading this forum staying in IL,USA cm forward to spread his blessings to others.Any way i am planning to go to Sai baba temple tomorrow.Hope will find the right person there to spread his blessings .nice i came across ur forum.Really a very helpful forum for sai devotees


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    « Reply #175 on: March 25, 2011, 06:47:48 PM »
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  • A miracle happend in my life and that too on this Thursday .i had to pass two roti's of baba to two people .i previously told that till Wednesday night i didn't get the second person.On Thursday morning i was very eager and little tensed to open the box ,when i open the box i was surprised to see the second roti was big and thick.i was so happy and was telling it to my mom on phone,next moment i heard a knock at my door.She was a new neighbour who i had just met two days before. I showed her the roti she said she was also a sai devotee and she readily took the second roti.It was like sai has sent her to share his blessings with her.i was very happy yesterday .  I wish his blessings shud go to all his devotee's.
    Another incident that happend to my mom 15 yrs back,My father was hospitalised and we were very small children,My mother was sitting beside my father's bed the whole night telling Ohm sai sree sai jai jai sai,She saw sai baba coming frm through the window very hurriedly and kept vibuthi in my father's forehead and then vanished,suddenly my father who was sleeping got up and asked my mother whether she touched him .My mother saw bright vibuthi on my father's forehead and showed that to him by taking him to the near mirror ,Next day she got the  shiridhi vibuthi from a sai devotee.
    Ohm sai ram

    Offline suresh192

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    « Reply #176 on: April 04, 2011, 11:31:19 AM »
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  • dear sai,

    I was a person who never believed in god before 8 years and had never new how to do prayers ,But once all my friends went to sabrimala I just joint them for the first  time  when I reached sabrimala I really understood how foolish  I was to waste all the years without giving regards to the creator the almighty.
    Subsequently I started visiting the Sabrarimala every year with fasting for 48 days .Miracles started from then I am a normal man who know very less on mantras but I don't know how I am able to chant mantras during my prayers now . Once the same group took me to shiridi for the first  time I was able to get the Kakad artri the first time it self .From them Saibaba has become a part of my life . I never do any thing without his permission and guidance .I have been telling all my friends Baba is within us he knows what is good for us and bad for us we need to see him with true faith not just keep asking for favors.

    Om Sai Nathaya namaha

    Offline hawk

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    « Reply #177 on: April 07, 2011, 01:12:54 AM »
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  • Hello my fellow devotees...I just found Baba...actually I think Baba found me. He heard my cry of help and came to me. My heart was originally depressed and saddened by some personal problems and death was not far from my mind but Baba knew and he in his grace and kind-heart, lifted me. He came in my dream as a form of a friend to warn me against doing something that was a most probably the cause of the bad relationship problems I have been having. Now, I surrender myself to Sai Baba wholeheartedly. Praise to our kind-hearted Sai Sadguru. Om Sai Ram.

    Offline jjolly

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    « Reply #178 on: April 29, 2011, 09:38:42 AM »
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  • :)
    baba had always been in my life.knowingly,unknowingly i just feel he"s the only truth of my life.iam not much interested in world and see my true relatives,parents in god.this belief is my only tresure in life,rest all is what i dont want to be in.god is there with me has made me live till date.iam blessed,but hungry for his love and grace only.just want baba to give me darshan&true path for the life that he"s given.please all pray for me

    Offline Seerat

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    « Reply #179 on: January 19, 2012, 04:25:16 AM »
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  • Om Sairam

    Thanks for such a beautiful topic you started to share our first experience with Sai baba.

    It was 4 years back in 2008, during my college timing I was very depressed due to some goings in my life, and head was aching like hell. A friend of mine named Babita was a great of Sai baba, she told me not to think much, n pray to say baba, told me few stories about Sai baba. And a miracle which she saw at her own home... in their puja room, they had kept baba's idol , one day they saw baba's footsteps on their puja room's floor..

    then she gave me baba gz udhi and told me its importance. I applied it right then on my forehead, and my headache was gone.. By then I kept baba's fast,, and became baba gz devotee..
    By his grace I got married with my love,,, baba g are impossible-possible... love u baba

    please be with me always, I need you every single minute-second of my life,, baba bless all..

    You are my everything baba,,

    love u
    bless all
    om sai
    om sai
    om sai

    Baba be with us everytym.. We all need u, bless us all with ua grace...
    Love u sai baba...


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