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If Only You'd Listen to Your Own Intuition
« on: June 13, 2006, 08:08:42 AM »
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  • If Only You'd Listen to Your Own Intuition

    "I KNEW that was going to happen!" How many times have you heard those words come out of your own mouth? Probably plenty, if you're like most people.

    We all possess something called "intuition". It's an inner "knowing' which, when paid attention to, will help us make decisions and even prevent us from making mistakes!

    Do you remember when you were in school and you had to take those dreaded multiple choice tests?

    How many times did you get an answer wrong because you had changed it from your original answer?

    I'll bet it didn't take long before you figured out you should always go with your FIRST instinct.

    That's because you really did know the correct answer, and your intuition provided it for you.

    Then, perhaps you doubted your insight and changed the answer.

    Did you know that your brain, like a giant computer, stores all the data that is ever put into it?

     The problem is that most of us can only RECALL about 10% of that data at any given time.

    But, on occasion, your intuition kicks in and digs deep into the file cabinet of your mind to pull out a stored-away answer.

    I'm sure you've experienced having a piece of information "right on the tip of your tongue".

    The data is in your head somewhere but you can't quite get it out.

     Sometimes it just takes a while and the answer will come to you a few hours later.

    It just sort of "pops in" when you're not even trying to remember it anymore.

    Well, sometimes information will "pop in" as a warning or in answer to an unasked question. You get a "feeling" about something.

    Maybe it's just a "gut feeling" or maybe it's more like a premonition. Do you listen to it or ignore it?

    It's very easy, in hindsight, to see where you could have prevented a problem or mistake by listening to your hunches. But how can you learn to use your intuition to give you answers or even evoke warnings BEFORE it's too late to do something about them?

    1. Learn to listen to your own intuition. The voice within you speaks to you constantly, and you are usually just too busy to listen to it. When making major decisions, make a conscious effort to take some quiet time alone to hear what your inner voice is saying.

    2. Never doubt your own intelligence and common sense. When your inner voice says, "watch out", learn to take heed.

    3. Never feel, because you don't have a PhD or other fancy degree, that you are less capable than the next guy. The so-called gurus and experts don't have all the answers and don't always know what they're talking about.  

    4. Remember that nobody knows you like YOU do.

    Your intuition is YOU talking to you.

    5. Keep your own counsel. There's a reason your intuition gives you advice. Don't ignore it. You are your own best advisor.

    Some people intentionally ignore their intuition. They doubt their own inner wisdom. They do things even though their intuition tells them otherwise. They make the same mistakes over and over again. Then they find themselves always saying, "I KNEW that was going to happen!"


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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