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Author Topic: SAI BABA, Anti Christ...  (Read 5088 times)

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Offline anchi

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Re: SAI BABA, Anti Christ...
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2008, 12:12:05 AM »
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  • Dear Shonjees...

    The devotees of the Lord, no matter what caste they were born in, become one with the Almighty. They all belong to one caste only, just as there is only one life force in every heart and only one person, the Lord himself. How then can there be any duality? The devotees do not hold different opinions, nor do they take pride in any particular faith. because lord never thinks about the caste or reliogion or which faith a devotee is following. The Lord hungers for devotion, which he finds but rarely. He sells himself to the devotee who makes a bid for his grace with pure devotion. All devotees are dear to the Lord , no matter what caste or circumstances they are born in or which sect are they following.....

    Offline shonjees3

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    Incarnation != Reincarnation
    « Reply #16 on: October 22, 2008, 07:42:06 PM »
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  • Incarnation isn't same with Reincarnation....

    It's true if JESUS is Incarnation of GOD, but SAI???

    I read HIS Biography that he is the REINCARNATION of GOD...

    Have GOD ever die...?

    I believe that you must be thinking JESUS ever die....

    BUT He had ARISE... ;D

    Offline sureshsarat

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    Re: SAI BABA, Anti Christ...
    « Reply #17 on: October 22, 2008, 08:29:12 PM »
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  • Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha
    Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha
    Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha

    Dear Shonjee Sairam

    I really appreciate your spiritual endeavor. Just a few words of suggestions. First of all, try to understand the bible thoroughly. Once that is done, you will be able to draw lot many similarities (in the doctrines and lives) between Lord Baba and  Lord Jesus. Try to see the Bible and its sayings which were more apt during the BC era when there were shamans and tricksters who claimed powers of various Gods and controlled the mass with fear. Baba came to us in this modern era.

    If you try to compare with a critical view, then you will be the loser. Remember, spirituality is not a competition with others but with ones own self. You compete with yourself (by winning over your 5 senses) in advancing up the spiritual path.

    We, the believers of Lord Sai have learnt (or still trying to learn) to see God in all beings. That is what our Lord Sai taught us. To see God in you and Lord Jesus is easy for us.

    If you with a broad mind start a topic something like "Lord Sai and Lord Jesus" you will see so many replies which shall show similarities in lives and doctrines of the ONE.

    If you still feel want to stick to your thought process, you are welcome to, but I request that you dont antagonize the feelings of we, sai believers. Forgive us and let us remain as we are.


    Offline publickakaptan

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    Re: SAI BABA, Anti Christ...
    « Reply #18 on: October 23, 2008, 12:37:52 AM »
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  • Sai Ram...

    I am also Christian but I have firm belief in Sai and follow Universal religion.

    Spiritually speaking there is nothing called God or everything is God.

    Considering present condition in India it is biggest sin to call ourselves Christian,Hindu or Muslim.Only Sai is answer to this communal harmony.

    There is just one God and there cannot be many, otherwise there could have been chaos.

    Sai,Jesus,Allah are the name of same One God.All forms are just form of same one God.

    Sai was not born while Christ was born to Mary.So Christ is still a human.

    Even we are God or incarnation of God.We have forgotten our real nature.We have taken human birth just to become God or realize our true state or justify our incarnation of God.

    Even Jesus and Sai were human being like us and they realized their divine nature and became God.Sai says there is no difference between me and you.Its just we created the difference because of the mind and body.Christ says that we can do better than what he has done.

    To become God we need to follow path taken by Sai or Christ or imitate them.

    Let me tell you one thing no one dies.It just a illusion.Everyone is alive even after body is gone.Because body is already dead.It works just because of mind and soul.With or without body we are still alive.We can come back on this earth what is miracle in this?

    Until and unless we do not become God we will take human body.So we are also reincarnation.

    There is nothing called heaven or hell.Heaven or hell are just here.If u don't like my post it is hell for you and if u like it is heaven.Hell and heaven is just state of mind.They are illusion.

    Let me tell you the truth not a single person say from pope to any layman understood Christ nor they will ever understand because of their very small mindset.Until they don't understand Christ and his path they should not call themselves Christians.Thanks to Sai I was able to understand Christ and his path.To understand Christ u need to become Universal and start loving u neigh ours as yourselves.

    Once I asked Christ while i was praying in church what is neighbourhood.He gave me experience of neighbourhood.Neighbour is so big and ever expanding.Neighbourhood is ever expanding universe.

    The Bible is actually not in its pure form. It has been edited by many people since it was revealed .So, we cannot blame God.It was edited by Church leaders and Rulers to assume complete control over individual mind and humanity.

    Sai or Christ or Krishna says that books will put people in confusion and in illusion.Bible is a big confusion and outdated illusion .If u want to read real Bible learn it from Sai or Christ.But for that u need total surrender and faith.

    In India even a child knows how to come out of body and go inside it after coming out.It just like coming out of car and going inside the car or coming out of house and going back inside the house.Christ did not know the technique of coming outside the body and going inside.Therefore God need to create crucification.But Hat off to Christ for his total surrender to God during that whole process of crucification.Crucification is the greatest happiness in the world and every spiritual aspirant aspires for it.I just love it and it gives me biggest happiness.When my turn for crucification will come..

    Mahatma Gandhi can liberate this country from the english people on just non violence then why could not Christ save himself from Jews if he was such a great God.Einsten who was Christian says that he don't know any God but the person who come close to God is Mahatma Gandhi.

    If you believe in a particular God or Guru, believe with all your might. Do not bother about whether he has power or not. Your faith has the power.You do not need an enlightened master to liberate you. All you need is absolute trust. A stone can liberate you.
    « Last Edit: October 23, 2008, 04:35:31 AM by publickakaptan »
    The peak of emotion is faith. Our thoughts have a lot of power. Be clear about one thing: if you believe in a particular god or guru, believe with all your might. Do not bother about whether he has power or not. Your faith has the power.You do not need an enlightened master to liberate you. All you need is absolute trust. A stone can liberate you. Ramakrishna was enlightened through his unshakeable faith in the statue of Mother Kali. When you live with such trust and surrender your mind, body and senses to the entity you trust in, you are automatically enlightened!

    Offline saidasan

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    Re: SAI BABA, Anti Christ...
    « Reply #19 on: October 26, 2008, 08:37:28 AM »
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  • No person on Earth ever completely understood God by reading Scriptures (Gita, Bible, and Quran) because the words were tampered and modified across Centuries. He/She can realize God only by True surrender.

    Vivekananda realized God by throwing himself to Ramakrishna, so did the disciples of Jesus, and Mahakashyap who is supposed to be the only student who realized Buddha in him.

    To know God is to Be God. Reading books and blindly trusting them is intellectual burden and Is true hindrance to Spirituality.

    At first there was nothing, this nothing wanted to know its infinite state and it became everything. God has no size, shape or any particular identity.

    Jesus said “Before Abhraham was I am”. He did not say "was I" because I represent a particular Form and I am is the universal Godness.

    Start meditating on the word “I am” it will lead you to know the spirit in you. Repeat the word in a meditative posture and that will lead you to your Source that which you are made up of.

    Then you will realize that Sai, Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha, Tortoise, Rat, Flower, water stream, Fragrance, Moon and  everything deep inside constitutes the  ‘I am” ness just that the outer form varies.

    God is everything and cannot be confined to Incarnation and reincarnation principles which are figments of imagination of human minds. It can appear in any form at any place when needed.

    When one attempts exercise into BEING then there will be no need for intellectual/theological debates, which are futile, and a waste of precious Life/Spiritual time.

    I am that I am sums up the whole principle of Creation. When one reaches the “I am” ness then he/she sees the whole world as “I am” this is the crux of all Spiritual teachings including Bible.

    Good deep into Jesus since you love him Most. Seek him in your heart and He will show you all Divine manifestations that are in the World. It’s his job!

    The Same bible says "You will know them by their fruits". Why hasn't the world been given redemption even after 2000 years of Crucifiction? Well, because Christians think God can appear only as Christ, Muslims think Allah is always Formless, Hindus think that God is confined to the leelas of Rama, Krishna, and Shiva and their so-called Families. Then, we condemn people of other Faith in the name of God.
    If we don't break this habitual belief NOW, we are doomed in the Future too!

    Let the Light that's burning in everyone's heart as Consciousness Shine!

    « Last Edit: October 26, 2008, 12:54:25 PM by saidasan »
    Past and Future exist in the Mind. Present is the Only Reality. Mind loves habitual waiting to deny the present. Meditation helps one merge with Nature. One no longer feels Separate from the Whole. It is easy to live with the whole than against it.
    Regular Meditation suppresses unwanted thoughts and strengthens the Mind. A less noisy mind is so near to God.

    Offline shonjees3

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    « Reply #20 on: October 26, 2008, 07:07:24 PM »
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  • Shalom Khaverim...

    I confuse read your topics at all... He...he... It's too long for me...
    My english isn't as clear as you all...

    By the way, if you all say that there's none will understand GOD by the reading of scripture, it's caused by the HOLY SPIRIT isn't in you...
    Because you aren't baptized by the HOLY SPIRIT...

    luke 12:12>>For the Holy Spirit shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.

    so, it was taught by the HOLY SPIRIT...  :P

    Offline saidasan

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    Re: SAI BABA, Anti Christ...
    « Reply #21 on: October 26, 2008, 10:27:38 PM »
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  • Luke 11:52
    "Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering."

    Unfortunately, this is the contribution of Church in 2000 years by changing the Words of Jesus.
    Baptism, Jihad (Holy war), Bramacharya (abstinence from Sex) are 3 most misunderstood religious concepts in the World. They all mean getting rid of EGO!
    Ego is Anti-Christ and Original Sin.

    Jesus said: “Empty thyself and I shall fill thee” if you want to have Christ consciousness, you must  Meditate DEEEEEEEEEEPLY on Christ. Holy Spirit is always in you whether you are Baptized or not -- Kingdom of heaven is within you just Seek and you shall find.

    If you want to learn Swimming, you should not be reading a manual on How to Swim for many years. You must at some point dive into the Waters and start practice.
    Nobody became a Swimmer by reading a book, no person became enlightened by reading just Bible, Gita and Quran   :( :(

    Past and Future exist in the Mind. Present is the Only Reality. Mind loves habitual waiting to deny the present. Meditation helps one merge with Nature. One no longer feels Separate from the Whole. It is easy to live with the whole than against it.
    Regular Meditation suppresses unwanted thoughts and strengthens the Mind. A less noisy mind is so near to God.

    Offline shonjees3

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    to Saidasan
    « Reply #22 on: October 28, 2008, 12:08:20 AM »
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  • Okay...

    you know that Matt6:33 that you told....

    can you really find the KINGDOM of HEAVEN if you just seek it...

    if you're trully CHRISTIAN, you'll know that everyone must surrender[matt 11:28]...

    your works aren't enough to pay his love and salvation[eph2:8]...

    So, you can say that you will find if you seek by yourself...

    but you will find if you ask GOD to seek for you...

    then BAPTISM isn't made in CHURCH, but it was asked by GOD, you know that JOHN the BAPTIST and the commandement of JESUS before He went to HEAVEN... Don't you believe it...?

    who want to be salvated just do little steps....
    1. believe in JESUS[as FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT]
    2. baptized[by water,SPIRIT, and fire]

    and the others are just steps to keep the faith and keep the relation with GOD[such as doing some good things] before the Maranatha...

    Offline saidasan

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    Re: SAI BABA, Anti Christ...
    « Reply #23 on: October 28, 2008, 01:41:52 AM »
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  • Shonjees,

    I never said you could find god inside you by your own abilities – that is Ego.
    Seeking is knocking – God said knock you shall find, he did not say Ask God to knock then you will find.  You see the difference?

    but you will find if you ask GOD to seek for you...
    Yes. This is my point too. Asking God or grace to help you in your search is true knocking.

    who want to be salvated just do little steps....
    1. believe in JESUS[as FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT]
    2. baptized[by water,SPIRIT, and fire

    Yes, believe in Jesus but don't believe in Baptizing. Church has been Baptizing for 2000 years and how many got Salvation? If what you say is true, we need not have any Law in Chrisitian countries when everyone is Baptized. Why are Crimes happening more in the West? Church continues to cheat in the name of Jesus.

    I did not come here to say that you must believe Jesus and Sai are the same. By the grace of Lord, I have had personal experiences that confirmed to me that Jesus and Sai are one and the same. After such an experience Sai asked me to visit a particular Church and by Lord’s grace I could obey his orders feel his Grace. I just wanted to Share my experience that is ALL.  You are free to believe or disbelieve me :)

    Friend, If you don’t believe in Sai you need not pray him but meditate deeply on Christ. It will clear your doubts about Anti-Christ! I never prayed Jesus until i was guided by Sai. You please seek Jesus with all your heart. He will show you all sons of Holy Spirit.
    Please don't think Christ is a particular Man wearing a robe, with beard and moustache, crucified on a cross or with a sheep.
    I cannot be Shonjees and Shonjees cannot be Saidasan but why do you put such rules to Christ?
    Christ can be two different persons at the same time. Again, i am not asking you to accept Sai and Christ are the same, i am asking you to rethink your idea about Christ and i request you to meditate on Christ for your Good.
    God bless!

    « Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 02:00:36 AM by saidasan »
    Past and Future exist in the Mind. Present is the Only Reality. Mind loves habitual waiting to deny the present. Meditation helps one merge with Nature. One no longer feels Separate from the Whole. It is easy to live with the whole than against it.
    Regular Meditation suppresses unwanted thoughts and strengthens the Mind. A less noisy mind is so near to God.

    Offline SaiServant

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    Re: SAI BABA, Anti Christ...
    « Reply #24 on: October 28, 2008, 10:45:13 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram!

    Men have differed in all ages because they called God by different names. There have been wars, fights and family feuds for ages, men dividing themselves merely for the difference of the names they gave to God. Man always sees just what he sees; he cannot see beyond it. With the ideal of his deity, with the separate names of deities, with all the different attitudes of worshipping his deity, man remains separate from God.

    In the past ages, people founded new religions in the name of God. They built churches, temples and mosques in His name. They held their scriptures in esteem and honor, and revered the names of their leaders, prophets and seers of the religion to which they belonged. And with all his progress man does not seem to have progressed any further than the religions as known today. Bias and bigotry exist in the followers of different creeds, in their temples and churches, in the houses of their prayers, in the congregations of particular communities. The consequence is that the religious spirit has been enfeebled. This even has reacted upon the minds of others who stay away from religion and yet partake of that tendency towards difference, definition and separation which divides mankind into different sections called nations, races or communities. The reaction culminates into results still worse than the action. All wars, disasters and unhappy experiences that humanity has seen are the outcome of this spirit of intolerance, division and separation, which naturally comes through lack of wisdom and understanding, and through the ignorance of truth.

    ---A Sufi Thought.

    Om Sai Ram!
    « Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 01:21:54 PM by Sunita Raina »

    Offline publickakaptan

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    Re: SAI BABA, Anti Christ...
    « Reply #25 on: October 28, 2008, 10:23:00 PM »
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  • Sai Ram....

    Are we so enlighted that we can guide can one.If we are mot then we should shut up and mind our own business.Its the work of Sai to teach such fools and none of our headache.So plz let Sai do his work and lets not interfere in job of teaching people.

    Let spend our energy in some good and fruitful discussion.Lets not reply any more to this thread.

    Note to Moderator And administrator:Please lock the thread.
    The peak of emotion is faith. Our thoughts have a lot of power. Be clear about one thing: if you believe in a particular god or guru, believe with all your might. Do not bother about whether he has power or not. Your faith has the power.You do not need an enlightened master to liberate you. All you need is absolute trust. A stone can liberate you. Ramakrishna was enlightened through his unshakeable faith in the statue of Mother Kali. When you live with such trust and surrender your mind, body and senses to the entity you trust in, you are automatically enlightened!

    Offline SaiServant

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    Re: SAI BABA, Anti Christ...
    « Reply #26 on: October 29, 2008, 12:23:51 AM »
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  • Sai Ram....

    Are we so enlighted that we can guide can one.If we are mot then we should shut up and mind our own business.Its the work of Sai to teach such fools and none of our headache.So plz let Sai do his work and lets not interfere in job of teaching people.

    Let spend our energy in some good and fruitful discussion.Lets not reply any more to this thread.

    Note to Moderator And administrator:Please lock the thread.

    Om Sai Ram!

    Publickakaptan ji, we cannot stop devotees from expressing themselves in this section of the forum. You also expressed your views above. Please be more tolerant to the views of others. As per my post, the thoughts are not mine, but of a Sufi saint Hazrat Khan. I merely posted it here. The idea was not to teach anyone, but to share some words of Sufi wisdom.

    Om Sai Ram!
    « Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 12:30:56 AM by Sunita Raina »

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: SAI BABA, Anti Christ...
    « Reply #27 on: October 29, 2008, 03:21:26 AM »
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  • Dear shonjees3,

    om sai ram.

    You believe Jesus and Sai are different and your devotion is only for Jesus. That is your opinion and that is what you believe. No one can and no one will ever force you to believe Baba (if you don't want to), in this online mandir at least. Similarly all the devotees are here to share their love, faith, prayers etc with fellow devotees. This is possible only because we believe Sai and Sai is our only lord. In fact he is our father, mother, guardian and everything. This is our opinion and this is what we believe.

    We can discuss upon facts or any statements but we can not discuss upon opinions because every individual has the right to choose what his/her heart says. We may respect others' opinions but it is better to be calm if we can not agree with them. Baba bless all.

    om sai ram.

    Offline shonjees3

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    SAI in Indonesian Hinduism...
    « Reply #28 on: October 29, 2008, 04:39:20 AM »
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  •  ;D


    I see...

    By the way, how about Indonesian Hinduism...?

    you know about Indonesian Hinduism in Bali....?

    I read in Bali Post, there is one priest in Bali said that BABA is just a priest like him not just a LORD...

    I very understand about the concept of god and GOD...

    Sai has ever said, "I am God, and you are God too"

    it's true on your ear, but it's not true on the writting....

    Psalm 82:6 >> I have said, Ye [are] gods; and all of you [are] children of the most High.

    see... so, we are gods, not GODs...

    GOD is just one...  :-[

    Offline SaiServant

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    Re: SAI BABA, Anti Christ...
    « Reply #29 on: October 29, 2008, 08:03:35 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram!

    I request dear Sai bandhus to be careful with their language when they write on this forum. Kindly don't use offensive words or harsh tone to make a point. We must show respect to fellow devotees in the presence of Sai. If some ignorant brother or sister insists on a viewpoint, please let it go. There is no need to prove anything beyond a point. Let us cooperate to keep this temple of Baba pure and sacred.

    May Baba bless all.

    Om Sai Ram!

    « Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 08:13:35 AM by Sunita Raina »


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