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Offline Kavitaparna

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Sai devotees have to worry about Astrology?
« on: March 06, 2007, 07:04:16 AM »
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    Sri Saibaba said “Do Not Consult the Astrological Almanacs. Do Not Believe in astrology”. The sastras and the saints say that the planetary positions and horoscopes can have an effect on us only till we surrender to a competent Sadguru, once we have surrendered to a competent Sadguru such as Baba, the planets or horoscopes can do no harm to the devotee.
    Let us go through some of the incidents in Sai history.
    Baba himself, pointing this out, once said to a devotee, “Where in your destiny was a child for you? I have split my body to present you with a son.” Another time he said to a devotee, “What can the planets do to the children of Dwarakamayi?”

    Once a famous astrologer had come, to examine Baba’s physiognomy and palms and thereby verify; Baba’s divinity. As he reached the Masjid and was about to sit in a corner, Baba started shouting, “Woh hamara jhompdi ka bamboo ginene ko aya. He has come to count the bamboos of my hut (the features of His body); there is nothing for him to see here. Get him out of here.” 
    (Source: Sai Bhakti Sadhana Rahasyam Chapter - The belief in astrological almanacs how they prevent our complete surrender to Baba)

    Jai Sai Ram



    Offline sureshsarat

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    Re: Sai devotees have to worry about Astrology?
    « Reply #1 on: March 06, 2007, 07:29:32 AM »
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  • Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha
    Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha
    Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha

    Another Excerpt from SSC

    A great astrologer named Nanasaheb Dengale told one day Bapusaheb Booty, who was then in Shirdi, "To-day is an inauspicious day for you, there is a danger to your life". This made Bapusaheb restless. When they, as usual, came to Masjid, Baba said to Bapusaheb- "What does this Nana say? He foretells death for you. Well, you need not be afraid. Tell him boldly "Let us see how death kills." Then later in the evening Bapusaheb went to his privy for easing himself where he saw a snake. His servant saw it and lifted a stone to strike at it. Bapusaheb asked him to get a big stick, but before the servant returned with the stick, the snake was seen moving away and soon disappeared. Bapusaheb remembered with joy Baba's words of fearlessness.

    Offline sureshsarat

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    Re: Sai devotees have to worry about Astrology?
    « Reply #2 on: March 06, 2007, 07:30:09 AM »
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  • This Damu Anna had three wives. According to his statement mentioned above, he had not three but two wives only. He had no issue. He consulted many astrologers and himself studied astrology to some extent and found that as there was a 'papi' (inauspicious) planet in his horoscope, there was no prospect of any issue to him in this life. But he had great faith in Baba. When he went to Shirdi, two hours after the receipt of the mango parcel, for worshipping Baba, He said, "Though other people are looking for the mangoes, they are Dammya's. He whose they are, should 'eat and die'." Damu Anna on hearing these words was first shocked, but on Mhalsapati (a prominent Shirdi devotees) explaining to him that death meant the death of the little self or egos, and to have it at Baba's Feet was a blessing, he said that he would accept the fruits and eat them. But Baba said to him. "Do not eat yourself, but give them to your junior wife. This Amra-Leela (mango miracle of 4 mangoes) will give her four sons and four daughters. This was done and ultimately in due course it was found Baba's words turned out true and not those of the astrologers.
    Baba's speech established its efficacy or greatness while He was living in the flesh, but wonder of wonders! It did the same even after His passing away. Baba said - "Believe Me, though I pass away, My bones in My tomb will give you hope and confidence. Not only Myself but My tomb would be speaking, moving and communicating with those who would surrender themselves whole-heartedly to Me. Do not be anxious that I would be absent from you. You will hear My bones speaking and discussing your welfare. But remember Me always, believe in Me heart and soul and then you will be most benefited.

    Offline Kavitaparna

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    Re: Sai devotees have to worry about Astrology?
    « Reply #3 on: March 07, 2007, 12:19:08 AM »
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    Dear Sai bandhus,

    Let us again remember the words of Baba.

    "The sastras and the saints say that the planetary positions and horoscopes can have an effect on us only till we surrender to a competent Sadguru, once we have surrendered to a competent Sadguru such as Baba, the planets or horoscopes can do no harm to the devotee.

    Another excerpt from SSC:

    There lived in Bandra (a suburb of Bombay) a Tendulkar family, all the members of which were devoted to Baba. . The son, Babu Tendulkar was studying hard day and night and wanted to appear for the medical examination. He consulted some astrologers. Examining his horoscope they told him that the stars were not favorable that year and that he should appear for the examination next year, when he would be certainly successful. This cast a gloom over him and made him restless. A few days afterwards his mother went to Shirdi and saw Baba. Amongst other things she mentioned the gloomy and morose condition of her son, who was to appear for the examination in a few days. Hearing this Baba said to her, "Tell your son to believe in Me, to throw aside horoscopes and predictions of astrologers and palmists and go on with his studies. Let him appear for the examination with a calm mind, he is sure to pass this year. Ask him to trust in Me and not to get disappointed". The mother returned home and communicated Baba's message to her son. Then he studied hard and in due course appeared for the examination. In the written papers he did well, but being overwhelmed by doubts he thought that he would not secure sufficient marks for passing. So he did not care to appear for the oral examination. But the examiner was after him. He sent word through a fellow- student, stating that he had passed in the written examination and that he should appear for the oral. The son being thus encouraged appeared for the oral examination and was successful in both. Thus he got through the examination that year successfully by Baba's grace, though the stars were against him. It is to be noted here that doubts and difficulties surround us just to move us and confirm our faith. We are tested as it were. If we only hold on steadily to Baba with full faith and continue our endeavors, our efforts will be ultimately crowned with success. (Source: Sri Sai Satcharitra Chapter – 29)


    Offline Kavitaparna

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    Re: Sai devotees have to worry about Astrology?
    « Reply #4 on: March 08, 2007, 12:26:33 AM »
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    There are several and innumerable stories from SSc and also many other books on Shree Sai Baba giving indications to the devotees that a total belief in the lotus feet of Sadguru ( Baba ) is capable of doing miracles in the Devotees' lives that nothing bad that is read in their horoscopes can materialise including death. That is the power of the Faith in Sadguru. That is why, Shirdi Sai Baba has ever asked for only two things from his devotees one of them being Faith.

    It it is this faith which can do any good to the true devotee since the "Papasanchayam" (the fruits of his bad deeds of previous birth / present birth) vanishes with that Faith.

    Please go through an article “The belief in astrological almanacs how they prevent our complete surrender to Baba” from Sai Bhakti Sadhana Rahasyam for more details.



    Offline Kavitaparna

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    Re: Sai devotees have to worry about Astrology?
    « Reply #5 on: March 14, 2007, 08:36:34 PM »
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    "As per an eminent scholar, scientist and Vice Chancellor of Manipal University, Mr. B.M.HEGDE's view; the astrology has got scientific reasons. He has given an examle. If an operation takes place on fullmoon day the bleeding will be more comparing to other days. It means our body, brain responds to the changes in the nature, as the ocean looks different in fullmoon days. Our body also very much similar to the rest of the creation. Obviously, it reflects on our thoughts, subsequently it dictates our doings as well as our health conditions".


    What is Astrology? Is astrology scientific?

    Astrology is the study of the influence that distant cosmic objects, usually stars and planets, have on human lives. The position of the sun, stars, moon and planets at the time of people's birth (not their conception) is said to shape their personality, affect their romantic relationships and predict their economic fortunes, among other divinations.

    What most people know about astrology is their "sign," which refers to one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. This is a form of sun-sign astrology…It is probably the simplest form, because nothing more than the date of someone's birthday is needed to generate a sun-sign horoscope. Many astrologers will tell you that this form of astrology is so simplistic that it produces very limited results.  Eastern cultures continue to practice their own forms of astrology: Chinese, Vedic and Tibetan astrology are among the most well-known.

    Astrology, like medicine, is an art based on a science.

    The natural world is not as chaotic as it seems on the surface. Science has always sought to discover the underlying order that governs the appearance and behaviour of phenomena, from sub-atomic particles to the movement of galaxies. Science also seeks an understanding of human behaviour through biology, psychology and economics, for example. Scientists set out to find "natural laws" that govern phenomena, then look for ways that the knowledge of these interacting laws (repeatable patterns of phenomena) can be applied for our benefit.

    The art of astrology lies at one level in the construction of accurate profiles of personality and relationship, through the skilled interpretation of symbolic patterns, and in mapping the general tendencies that present themselves over the course of our lives.

    All Things are Connected

    Astrology, however, is grounded in a profoundly holistic view. The world, as we see and experience it, is a great deal more like a being than a thing. The world and its inhabitants are linked, like a body and its cells: the wellbeing of the one depends equally and mutually upon the wellbeing of the other. The spiritual side of astrology connects us consciously to the intentions of this world-being and how they apply to our lives as we live them.

    The art of astrology lies, at the most profound levels, in the meaningful interpretation of powerful symbols. Through making sense of a range of apparently chaotic and unrelated events, astrology in the right hands shows how these events relate directly to us and generate the daily experiences of our lives.

    How does Astrology work

    The physical, mental, emotional, even spiritual, levels of interaction vary in depth and intensity according to our character and training. Our world is really much more like a marvellous mind than a mere machine.

    Our bodies are like sensitive broadcasting and receiving stations. We respond to a broad spectrum of radiant frequencies, not all of which have yet been catalogued by science. Bear in mind it was not so long ago that the idea of radio, movies, x-rays and televison signals would have been consigned to ridicule at best — or, more ominously, to the stake with the witches.

    Some astrologers believe that planetary energies themselves generate events in our lives — and given recent advances in quantum mechanics, they may be right. Others believe, following Jung, the great psychologist, that planetary positions are synchronistically connected with our lives — meaning that environmental influences generating reactions in human beings may be tracked in the positions of the planets, although the two may not be causally related. Perhaps both are correct; in any case, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The detailed functionality of the mechanism is not a question of meaning, but of technical analysis.

    It is a fact that we are organically connected with the cosmos: whatever happens to any part of the world affects us to some extent as individuals, even in ways which may be quite invisible to the casual observer. Moreover, history shows us that we react en masse much more noticeably to environmental factors which may be more or less insignificant at the individual level. As human beings and spiritual entities, it is more important to understand our place in the world than to worry too much about such technicalities. At the deepest level, all major events in our lives are governed by our karma, the product of what we have been in the (sometimes distant) past. Since the universe reflects the energies of the cosmic mind, so too do our lives. Astrology is a timed map to the expression of these energies.

    Freewill and Destiny

    It should be said that astrology is not generally a way of foretelling inevitable fate. Paracelsus, one of the world's greatest astrologers, remarked: "The stars incline; they do not compel". He meant that while planetary influences create the groundwork and basis for action in any set of circumstances, there is still the element of free will in us all. We have become masters of our own destiny to the degree to which we are no longer subject to the mechanical influences of the conditioned world. We can use the techniques and insights of astrology to make sense of our connection with each other, with the universe at large, and with our own inner selves.

    Astrologers, like all good scientists, must use their knowledge in combination with a developed intuition. A personal horoscope (birth-chart) does not so much reveal a clear fate as a set of probabilities, often operating on many levels simultaneously. There is much discussion among astrologers as to just how much free will we really do have, but that is a moot point. The astrologer must clarify these probabilities and place them in perspective. In astrology, as in medicine, the science is intimately bound up with the art.


    “The sastras and the saints say that the planetary positions and horoscopes can have an effect on us only till we surrender to a competent Sadguru, once we have surrendered to a competent Sadguru such as Baba, the planets or horoscopes can do no harm to the devotee”.

    “The belief in astrological almanacs how they prevent our complete surrender to Baba” from Sai Bhakti Sadhana Rahasyam for more details.



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    Re: Sai devotees have to worry about Astrology?
    « Reply #6 on: June 30, 2016, 05:30:58 AM »
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