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Re: DEVOTEES SAY...............
« Reply #90 on: March 03, 2015, 02:32:10 PM »
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    Nitu ji,

    BABA is omnipresent! Isn't HE?

    HE is everywhere.
    Why does one need to go all the way to HIS temple to worship BABA?
    You can do that wherever you are!"

    What BABA used to say, "Those who think that BABA is a person
    with a three-and-a-half cubit body or that I am present only in
    Shirdi haven't seen me at all!"

    The essential purport of BABA'S wonderful deeds and dictum is
     to make us experience HIS presence shining in all beings everywhere or,
    to put it in BABA'S words, "wherever you look".

    Nitu ji, trust that Our BABA is present everywhere at all times.
    None can decide that BABA is here and not there.
    BABA is everywhere.
    BABA is an avatar who is  Omnipresent (present everywhere) ,
    Omnipotent ( all powerful) and Omniscient (knowing everything)..

    HE is actually residing within each of us. That is how, if we meet HIM
    in person, HE knows our most intimate secrets and details about our
    life without us telling HIM.

    Nitu ji, BABA clearly said - I am there to help my devotees who trust me. ....

    And BABA always used to repeat the importance of the Shraddha
    and Saburi to his devotees. - Shraddha ( obeisance/ faith )
    and saburi (Forbearance)

    Saburi is the word repeatedly told by BABA . Saburi means Forbearance.
    It is the attitude that makes one to cross the ocean of life safely.
    The literal meaning of the word is acceptance of everything that happens in
    our lives with a cheerful nature. The other way to explain this is, to wait patiently
    for the good days to come and at the same time doing our best in the present.

    Practically speaking, we accept the events cheerfully only if they create a
    sense of happiness and security to us. If there is any threat to our security or
    happiness, we feel very much scared about it.
    Then what does it mean?
    Does it mean that we lack Saburi!

    Saburi teaches us to do our best and leave the rest in the hands of BABA .
    Some times, the problems seem unending and we become frustrated with life.
    Often we stand at life's crossroads and think what we view is an end,
    but BABA has much bigger vision and says it is only a bend.

    In the words of Sri Ramakrishna, the child is safe as long as it holds on to the pole,
    while it is playing round and round in the pole festival. Like wise, we are also safe
    as long as we hold on to the LOTUS FEET OF BABA in this roller-coaster ride of life.

    Nitu ji, we just need to have faith in BABA and let HIM take care of the rest.
    BABA controls everything in the Universe, so if something doesn't happen the way
    we want, we need not worry, BABA will re-arrange things for us to give us something
    even better than what we originally hoping for.

    Nitu ji, We may not get fruits immediately, today or tomorrow  for which we should
    not get disappointed. We must take care that our love and trust for BABA should not decrease by
    not getting the desired results immediately. Our devotion should be strong enough to wait
    for the right time to get the results. Shraddha is the foundation of the path of
    devotion and Saburi is the time taken to walk on that path.

    May Baba Shower His grace, Unconditional Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,


    om sai ram
    I have  a question actually i live in Canada and i became sai devotee in 2013. Sai baba's temple is far from my house and i can't go alone there without any vehicle. So i always do sai baba;s pooja  at home..
    But someone told me i should visit temple also coz i m facing so much problems in my life right now... I had visited temple few time but not regularly i pray form my heart..
    now i m confused coz if i don't visit temple regularly still baba fulfill my wish and solve my all problems?
    i believe he knows about my situation and he will surely help me ..
    i have faith in him but whenever this thought come tho my mind i become restless..
    plz sai devotees ans. me :( 
    « Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 10:18:26 PM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

    Offline birgitta

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    Re: DEVOTEES SAY...............
    « Reply #91 on: March 04, 2015, 10:24:32 AM »
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