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Offline Ashok

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While you grow ...
« on: November 02, 2012, 09:19:47 PM »
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  • As you grow, you will toy with several set of ideas and attitudes and would not know what will work with you. As we step into youth, uncertainties loom large, future is an unknown entity and we want certainty in our lives. We try to maximize the situations, people and objects around us to provide us the security and certainty. As part of growing we start seeking friends; friends of same and of opposite gender also. There is immense attractiveness in the prevalent sets of ideas and we are pulled towards whatever customs and practices are considered cool, hip and are popular. We leave aside our judgment for we believe that majority cannot be stupid and the fear of standing alone and distinct from crowd are other compulsions. Adolescence and youth are very beautiful phases of life. Like any other phase of life, these cannot be brought back; but they have special importance because these years form the backbone of life. This is the time when one grows strong by bending towards one or another thing; by displaying flexibility one is slowly moving towards firmness. The vulnerability of a person in the face of the overwhelming and imposing world can lead one to suck in ideas which are forceful, ideas which are dramatized and advertised in several ways. One has not seen everything, one has not gained experience, one has no time to analyze for the novelty of the world does not seem to cease any moment; one also has to grapple with his fears, his uncertainty and carve out a path and connect the dots to one's best ability. When one's imagination is most fertile, it is also very weak to sustain any outward pressure.

    If you leave a door or a window open, if you leave some possibility and do not ignore that you are bound to benefit from that in time. God is such a possibility; God is no different from you; God is larger you; God is your possibility, your final state where you are the wisest, where you are the strongest, where you have found meaning and purpose in everything, where you understand all that confuses you know, where you have gained the capability of loving all, where you live in love all the time, where you are the most charming person, where grace flows automatically from you. Look God is such a wonderful thing which can happen to you only if you allow it. It cannot be imposed and cannot be forced into you. You have to grow yourself, the growth will be steady and may be slow but it will be for sure as long as you continue. Like a crop which has to weather sun and rain, you will also go through different phases, but let the window stay open.

    In situations where you do not know what to do, pray for inner guidance; trust that whatever you do will take you closer to your own self and you are on the path. Let this connection with your inner self or higher self be continuous; in your good and bad times. You have limitless possibility to be kind, to be compassionate, to discover, to sustain, to create, to solve, to analyse and to make intelligent choices. Trust yourself, trust your inner self; let his window open all the time. You will never know when you will be filled with so much of light that you will start emanating them to others too.

    In this uncertain world, while you grow, make sure that you grow internally and externally all the time. Let there be growth all the time, immaterial of your age and of your circumstances. Never ever close the window by which you receive the light, because in the absence of light world will be even more difficult and even more tedious for us to navigate through. See the meaning of whatever is said at several levels. Never be content with your understanding of this world, for this world has lot more and really lot more to teach you than we could even imagine. Let this journey continue and let us keep our connection with God/higher self/inner self always intact.

    Peace and Love to you All.


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