shivaa-chyaa bhaye kaam jo kaa palaalaa | chalaa-yaa aamhaa vaata-te yetha aalaa ||
shivaa-chyaa - of Lord Shiva
bhaye - by fear
kaam - lust god, cupid
jo - which, one, who
kaa - one
palaalaa - ran away
chalaa-yaa - to tease, to oppress
aamhaa - us
vaata-te - feels that , it appears that
yetha - here
aalaa - has come
By fear of Lord Shiva, the lust god, the one who ran away, it appears that he has come here to tease us.
(The Puranas reveal that the god of lust had become proud that he overwhelmes each & everyone, by his power of lust. He tried to grip even Lord Shiva by his power. Having become angry with him, Lord Shiva burnt him to ashes. Hence he is known by the name, KAAMARI , the destroyer of KAAM (Lust). )
pinaaki-pari hovuni tu samarthaa | malaa yaatuni sodavi sainathaa ||2||
pinaaki-pari - like Pinaki (Lord Shiva)
hovuni - becoming
tu - you
samarthaa - O all powerful one, O omnipotent one
malaa - me
yaatuni - from these
sodavi - rescue, free
sainathaa - O Sainatha
Becoming like Pinaki* (Shiva), O you all powerful one, Please rescue me from these, O Sainath
(*Pinaki - Lord Shiva is known by this name, since he carries a bow named Pinak.)