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Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
« Reply #45 on: February 29, 2012, 07:32:39 AM »
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  • There is no Harm in Eating this Rice - Shirdi Sai Baba

    In our last post we had seen how Sai Baba permanently made Durgabai stay in Shirdi. She built a pukka house of her own in Shirdi in between the lane from Dwarkamai and Lendibaug. She used to labour work at two different places and earned her living. She was a hard worker and never felt ashamed to do any type of work. Well learned and high profile devotees of Baba’s court gave her much respect, but she did not have least proud for that.

    But such down to earth nature of Durgabai was not liked by all and few people used to criticize her very badly. Still she did not spoke anything in answer to those people. She sat in a corner of Dwarkamai and wept slowly.

    One day it was noon time. She was pressing Baba’s legs in Dwarkamai and she remembered few bitter words against her. She could not control her tears. Baba, who knew everything said to Durgabai, “Durge! What business do you have with these people? People may do anything, speak anything, but is there any necessity to pay attention to them? I am here for you. You have to do many things and work hard. You will always find Me sitting here and ready to help you.” Baba’s nectar like words consoled Durgabai to a great extent.

    Durgabai never rejected any type of work. However difficult it may be, she would complete the work. After retiring from work she used to take pot filled with rice grains to Dwarkamai and cooked it on Baba’s Dhuni (sacred fire lit by Baba Himself). Till the rice was cooked, she used to massage Baba’s whole body. She would not stop until Baba said her to stop.

    Durgabai prepared Naivedya from the rice cooked in Dwarkamai for Baba. There was strange relationship between Durgabai and Baba. Durgabai was inspired to prepare those dishes which Baba wished to eat!!! So undoubtedly dishes prepared by Durgabai were partaken by Baba with love. Dada Saheb Khaparde was very much impressed by Durgabai’s service to Baba. For her uninterrupted service, he had arranged to give fifteen rupees to Durgabai every month.

    Durgabai used to follow strict rules in her worship to Baba, though Baba was only hungry for true feelings and love of His devotees. She believed in discrimination of touchable-untouchable. Once it so happened that Durgabai had kept rice to cook in Dwarkamai and was massaging Baba’s body. Meanwhile a devotee turned up. He placed aside rice pot from Dhuni, took a flame from Dhuni to light chilam and again placed the vessel on Dhuni. That devotee did not have any thought of untouchability. He only knew that it was Baba’s darbar where there is no discrimination of high – low, rich – poor, touchable – untouchable. Everyone is equal in this court.

    Durgabai did not object to any of that person’s actions nor did she left her service. Mentally she thought, “It’s time for my son’s lunch. How can I feed such untouchable rice to my son? A person lives on food and he is outcome of the food he eats. No, no, such untouchable food will not do any good to my son. Now when will I go to shop to bring rice, when lunch will be prepared again and when will I feed my son?”

    Such were thoughts of Durgabai and they made her cry. One tear fell on Baba’s back and Baba knew her feelings and state of mind there and then.

    Baba said, “Durge, you please don’t cry. There is no room for untouchability in our court. This Masjidmai is not worthless. People come here and wash away sins of their crores of births. I have lighted this Dhuni with My Hands. God of fire – Agni Dev resides in this Dhuni. So, will the rice cooked on this pious fire ever become unfit to eat due to someone’s touching it? Your’s son’s fortune will shine by eating rice cooked on this holy fire. I am not saying these words because mercy has downed in Me. I don’t have any ill feelings towards anyone in My heart. Agni Dev resides here in this dhuni and I have lit this dhuni. People come and take Udi (sacred ash) of this dhuni to cure diseases and apply on foreheads. So what to say about their fortunes? Durge, don’t have any doubts in your mind. You feed Raghu with this rice only and also feed yourself”. Saying so Baba tried to calm down Durgabai and gently moved His hand on her back. Again He added, “Now get up and go to your home. Eat this rice and give to Raghu also.” Like this Baba imparted a very valuable message that every one is equal in His eyes and thus discrimination of caste-creed and touchable and untouchable are barriers in the path of spiritual progress. More stories of Durgabai and her son will be covered in upcoming post.

    JaiSaiRam Thanks Baba for everything  ;D....
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #46 on: March 24, 2012, 09:58:18 AM »
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  • If you daily hear the Leelas (stories) of Sai, you will always see Him. Day and night you will remember Him in your mind, When you assimilate Sai in this way, your mind will lose its fickleness and if you go on in this manner, it will finally be merged in pure Consciousness.".

    Jai Sai Ram... ;D
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #47 on: March 27, 2012, 05:23:29 PM »
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  • Har Har Sai

    Compassion : Baba Himself was the epitome of compassion and love. It was this ‘love aspect’ of Him that He embodied Himself to help the suffering lot. The warmth of His divine compassion touched all the creatures equally. Baba often told his devotees, ‘Never turn away anybody from your door, be it a human being or animal’. At several instances He identified Himself with any form like dog, horse, cow or even a fly, to prove His presence in the consciousness of all the creatures.

    JaiSaiRam.... :)
    « Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 06:18:24 PM by subhasrini »
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #48 on: March 28, 2012, 12:07:55 PM »
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  • Sri Saibaba and Fasting

    Sri Saibaba has given us the middle path to follow on the path of emancipation. He did not advocate the over indulgence in either the senses or in asceticism.Let us see what Sri Saibaba had said about fasting on Thursdays or any other holy days.
    M.W. Pradhan, a devotee of Sri Saibaba had organized the birthday party of his son in Shama’s house at Shirdi and invited all devotees of Sri Saibaba to lunch. That day happened to be a Thursday. Bala Bhate apologized to Pradhan that he was unable to eat on that day as he had a wow to fast on Thursdays and went to the Masjid. As Baba saw Bhate he asked, “Have you gone to Pradhan’s party and had your food?”

    Bhate: “Baba, today is a Thursday”.
    Baba: “So what?”
    Bhate: “I do not eat on Thursdays. It is my wow”.
    Baba: “To please whom have you made this wow”?
    Bhate: “I have made this wow in your name for your grace”.
    Baba: “I am telling you this myself. Leave off this fasting and go have your food with Pradhan”.
    From the above it is clear that Baba didn’t agree to do fasting to please him on Thursdays. Now, let us see what Sri Saibaba said about fasting on holy days such as Ekadasi, Maha Sivaratri and such days. Tatya Kote Patil was one of the closest and most intimate devotees of Sri Saibaba. He had the great good fortune of sleeping along with Baba in the Masjid for fourteen years. Those who had seen the love and intimacy between Baba and Tatya Kote Patil felt that Baba loved Tatya more than his life even. Tatya in his reminiscences says thus, “I used to fast regularly on Ekadasi, Maha Sivaratri and other such holy days.
    Baba’s opinion was that fasting had no usefulness in either the mundane worldly life or the spiritual life.
    I would try my best to fast on these holy days but Baba would some how or the other break my fast and made me eat something. On one Sivaratri I said, ‘Baba, please let me fast at least on this day. Please don’t make me eat anything.’ Baba said, “Eat man, eat, what Sivaratri are you talking about?” Dada Kelkar who by standing by also told me to do as Baba says and n t to disobey him. I did not raise any further objection to Baba and have never fast d on any day since then.”

    (Source: From “Sai bhakthi Sadhana Rahasyam” by Sri Sarathbabuji)
    « Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 01:53:39 PM by subhasrini »
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #49 on: April 02, 2012, 07:48:31 AM »
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  • « Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 01:51:52 PM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #50 on: April 15, 2012, 01:11:47 PM »
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  • Sai Baba runs to help His Devotees

    There is a small village named Mahanagari in Thana District. There lived a muslim devotee of Sai Baba Abdul Ranagari. His wife Aishabhai Ranagari was equally devoted to Baba. Both had immense faith in Baba's Holy Feet and served Baba with great sense of indifferentiation. Once couple decided to go to Shirdi to take Baba's darshan. Before two days of leaving for Shirdi, swelling emerged on Aishabai's throat. She was not able to partake food. Due to this she was in a fix as to how she would to go to Shirdi. But they decided to abide by their decision and proceeded to Shirdi. On the way the lady touched her throat and to her surprise she found that the swelling had subsided to a great extent.

    After reaching Shirdi, they both went to see Baba in Dwarkamai. They bowed down in Holy Feet of Baba. Baba said, "Allah Bhala Karega". They were fortunate to have darshan of Chavadi Procession that night. In the morning, the swelling had disappeared to the astonishment of all. Sai Baba is kind hearted, well-wisher of all and give happiness to all. It is not required to put forth our desires, wishes, troubles, sufferings in front of Him, as He knows everything before hand. He is aware of inner most thoughts of our minds and does only what is best for us. It was said that Udi was cure for many incurables. But in this case Baba's words and His mere glance was enough. Such powers He possessed still He always said that He was servant of Malik. His actions testified His Godhood and for us He is God who descended on the earth for welfare of His devotees.

    Afer serving Baba for four five days, the couple hired a Tonga till Kopergaon. Baba's words cured the ailment of Abdul Ranagara's wife's throat. In this happiness, they forgot to take Baba's leave. As is rightly said in Sai Satcharitra "One special pecularity of Shirdi pilgrimage was, that none could leave Shirdi, without Baba's permission and if he did, he invited troubles. Baba gave certain suggestions or hints, when devotees went to bid goodbye and take leave. These suggestions had to be followed. If they were not followed or were departed from, accidents were sure to befall them". Here are two striking illustrative incidents from Sai Satcharitra :

    Tatya Kote was once going to Kopargoan Bazaar. In hurry he went to Dwarkamai to take leave from Baba. But Baba adviced him to be calm and forget Bazaar. Seeing Tatya Patil determined to go, Baba asked him to take Shama with him as a precautionary note. But Tatya did not mind Baba's direction, he drove without taking Shama and after passing Savli Vihir, one the horses began to run rashly, got a sprain in its waist and fell down. With the grace of Baba, Tatya was saved, but got a lesson for his disregard of Baba's words. On another occasion, Tatya again met with an accident for not minding Baba's words.

    An European Gentleman went to Shirdi with an introductory note from Shri. Nanasaheb Chandorkar from Mumbai. But Baba did not allow him to step the steps of Dwarkamai. Thus he decided to leave Shirdi at once and went to Masjid to take Baba's leave. Baba asked him to go next day, but not listening to Baba's words and other people's advice, he left Shirdi immediately. Again after crossing Savli Vihir, he met with an accident and had to be hospitalised.

    The man of this Kaliyug is not concerned about feelings and emotions arising in other's heart. Its value is getting lower day by day. He is only bothered that his work is accomplished and then his responsibility is to forget and get drowned in the sea of selfishness. There are many reasons for this, fast, busy life, high standard of living, to name a few. Rather we must be stop for a moment and be concerned for others. Baba has tried to give us this message by many of His actions and deeds. Whatever He said, can be applied practically without any difficulty. Even today when Baba is not in flesh, the moral behind stories which we are reading day by day can be easily brought in practice. In this way Nector of Sai Love will spread in every direction. Now coming back to the story of Abdul Ranagara, he and his wife left Shirdi without taking Baba's leave.

    The path between Kopargaon and Shirdi was untreaded. There was fear of thieves too. But devotees of Baba remained untouch by such fear and calamities. Baba was such a mother who cares for His children even if they are 1000 kos away. This can be seen further.

    It was about 12 at midnight. There was darkness all over and none could be seen near or far. Suddenly both supporting bamboos of the tonga broke. The object required to rejoin the bamboos was not available nearby. Now they were in dilemma where to go in this dark night and thick forest. They started Baba's naam smran and sat in between the road. The speed of Karmas is very fast, no one can escape be it Saints, God or Goddess, then what to say about we Humans ?!!!

    Sai Baba has such tenderly love towards His Bhaktas that He forgives their mistakes and instantly come to rescue. Readers would be remembering Jamner Miracle, where Baba became a tongawala of Gadhwal, stood with tonga at Jalgaon Railway Station to ensure that Udi reaches in time before Maintai's delivery and save her from pain of delivery and thus gave timely help in the time of crisis. The same happened in this case too. Baba reached with a tonga on that untreaded road of Kopargaon at midnight and started shouting thus, "Is there any Abdul Jaan from Thana?"

    Abdul Rangari started thinking, "I am not familiar with anyone in this area, even in this dark night no one can see and recognised anyone's face, then Who is This Who is shouting with my name?" On enquiry the Tongawala said, "Sai Baba of Shirdi told me that the tonga in which Abdul Rangari left Shirdi has collasped. So He sent me to help you. You sit in this tonga of mine and I will take you to Kopargaon as soon as sun arises, you can then catch the train going to Thana from there in time". Thus Baba came running to help His devotees. How can Sai Baba who is well-wisher of the whole world, having pure heart, a mine of virtues, can avoid His devotees' welfare. No words can describe His greatness as depth of an ocean cannot be measured.
    « Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 01:19:50 PM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #51 on: April 15, 2012, 03:58:50 PM »
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  • Non-vegetarian Food

    Baba's teachings were quite revolutionary but were very true to their context and benefited society as a whole. As per Hindu/Jain/Buddha custom non-vegetarian food has been disregarded. It is the belief that one cannot attain the Supreme if he/she eats non-vegetarian food. This belief has been forwarded from past many generations. Baba Himself had full knowledge of Supreme Spirit or we can say that He was Supreme Spirit, but He never objected eating of non-vegetarian food nor He asked His devotees to stop consuming it. On the contrary, He Himself cooked non-vegetarian food in early years and it was given as prasad to Mhlasapati and Tatya Kote Patil before distributing it to others after getting duly consecrated by Moulvi (Muslim Priest) - Chapter 38.

    This can be seen from two standpoints : First, He wanted to bridge the gap between Hindu and Muslims. His style of living gave an impression that He was a Fakir at first instance. So for a Fakir accepting non-vegetarian food seemed appropriate. Second, He wanted to spread a message that by only not eating non-vegetarian food, one cannot attain Supreme. Of course, it is an injustice on our part to kill innocent animals for the sake of our tongue which always has urge to get tasty food. This adds to our bad karma to some extent. Also by eating non-vegetarian food, attributes of passion and ignorance act as dominating character and this results into an hindrance in meditation. But it would not be correct to say that avoidance of non-vegetarian food opens doors of way to Supreme. If it was so then, gems like Mohammed Paigamber and Jesus Christ would not have born at all and never worshipped!!!

    Non-vegetarian food can be avoided following the principle of non-injury to innocent and dumb animals and to avoid hindrance of attributes of passion and ignorance, but not focusing on the standpoint that Supreme can be attained ONLY by avoiding it.

     People are vegetarians because it is customary in their caste and many generations have been keen to follow this custom. Due to this reason they may have not even seen or touched non-vegetarian food and as a result it had generated a disgust for the same.

    Vegetarian food enriched with spices and difficult-to-digest matter, sweets, although adheres to the principle of non-injury, tend to increase attributes of passion and ignorance and the end result is obstacles in meditation.
    Indeed, as a person progresses in spirituality his attraction in any type of food decreases and is lost permanently. Just because of attending bhajan sandhyas or satsang or spending hours in any temple, one does not attain Supreme. Also these acts do not necessarily mean to avoid non-vegetarian food. More importantly if one gets emotionally upset or tempted even by rich vegetarian food, then any acts of sadhna discussed above would not have desired effects. On the contrary, it would only be show off of your devotion or sadhna. This is easily known to Supreme and it signifies your backward movement from spiritual path.

    Baba, being aware of these consequences, never advised His devotees to give up non-vegetarian customs. On the contrary we have seen in Sacred text - Shri Sai Satcharitra, that asks an orthodox Brahmin to bring meat from market. On another occasion Dada Kelkar was asked to taste Biryani - Chapter 38.

    Taking another example of Kakasaheb Dixit, Baba asked him to kill a goat seeing its end near - Chapter 23. But these were orders only to test their Guru-Bhakti (devotion to Master). Seeing them acting, Baba stopped them. It was never noted that vegetarian devotees were asked to eat non-vegetarian food.

    Baba's method of persuading His devotees from abstinence of non-vegetarian food was quite different. He always used to say to His devotees that He pervades every living creature let it be you, animals, birds or insect.

    This He practically showed when He said to Mrs. Tarkhad, "The dog which you saw before meals and to which you gave the piece of bread is one with Me, so also the other creatures are one with Me. I am roaming in their forms. He who sees Me in all creatures is My beloved. So abandon the sense of duality and distinction and serve Me as you did today" - Chapter 9.
    When, one gets thoroughly convinced with idea of non-duality, he never dares to eat non-vegetarian food. It will be given up automatically and will thoroughly practiced without upsetting mentally or getting the feeling of sacrificing something for His cause. Thus Baba preached 'non-violence' in eating habits too, but in a very realistic, practical and tactful manner.

    Whatever is applicable to non-vegetarian food is applicable to onions too. Baba had habit of eating chapati with onion daily. He never liked disgust for onions because of its bad smell. When a yogi doubted Baba's eating onion and under-estimated His yogic powers, He at once gave proof of His powers.
    Also He gave hint to other people that by not eating onion and garlic, which are highly recommended in Ayurveda shastra, they are following baseless customs and beliefs.
     Recently, Western Countries, after research, have declared garlic as an excellent cure for heart disease and high blood pressure.


    Another important teaching of Sai Baba is regarding food was that of fasting. Baba never keep fast Himself, nor did he allow others to do so. Mrs. Gokhale who had determined to fast for three days was advised to cook food and eat sumptuous and delicious Puran Poli at Dada Kelkar's house. Baba used to say,
    "The mind of the faster is never at ease, then how could he attain his Paramartha (goal of life)? God is not attained on an empty stomach; first the soul has to be appeased. If there is no moisture of food in the stomach and nutrition, with what eyes should we see God, with what tongue should we describe His greatness and with what ears should we hear the same? In short, when all our organs get their proper nutrition and are sound, we can practice devotion and other sadhanas to attain God. Therefore, neither fasting nor overeating is good. Moderation in diet is really wholesome both to the body and mind - Chapter 38.

     Taking another instance, we have seen how Baba made Mrs. Radhabai Deshmukh who determined to fast unto death as long as Baba did not give her Updesh, to give it up by narrating His own experience with His Guru - Chapter 19.
    The sanskrit word for fasting is उप + वास (उपवास) which means 'to sit near'. Fasting is done for religious purposes and it means sitting near God. So it means that on the day of fast one must have pure mind, pure consciousness and meditate on God, but we hardly do this :(

    On the contrary, we carry on our worldly dealings which also includes telling lies, cheating others, etc. Many other methods are prescribed in religious books for fasting. But we prefer only one or all of these :

    1. To eat only fruits and milk, avoiding meal both at daytime and night.

    2. To accept only fruits and milk during day time and eat a meal after sunset.

    3. To eat a meal once at daytime and accept only fruits and milk at night.

    But these are also not observed correctly. It is advisable to eat in small quantities during fast. From scientific point of view, fasting is necessary to give rest to digestive system. But our acts are totally opposite. Fruits we hardly eat. Other 'permitted' items are consumed in full and number of times. One time meal is very rich and over-eaten. What is the result? Of course indigestion. So fasting rules are not at all followed by us and we are not benefited either spiritually or in terms of health. This may have been observed by Sai Baba and thus fasting in the name of religion was never recommended by Him.

    My view - Personally i am not for or against of fasting or Sai vrat. By doing Sai Vrat i was benefited immensely and Baba's blessings were felt. From then onwards i have been observing fast on Thursdays. Its more than two years now. As i was benefited, i wished the same for every Sai devotee. But i found few of my Sai brothers and sisters doubting intentions behind Sai Vrat. If fasting without eating food was not recommended by Baba, Baba also did not recommend interfering His devotees' sadhana or worship done selflessly and with pure heart. Indeed Baba did not like His devotees judging others, while He knows the heart of all His devotees. Not speaking ill of others is also one kind of fast.

    Not to disregard offers of food

    Baba advised not to disregard offers of food.

    To do any work or job, energy is needed and it is acquired by eating food. So to do any task perfectly, we need to have our food in required quantity. Offers of food when neglected, hurts somebody's feelings, which no doubt Baba did not like.
     To show us this preaching practically Baba narrated His own experience when He met His Guru in foods through a poor Vanjari. His companions disregarded offer for food, Baba did not. So He met His Guru - Chapter 32. Also Appa Kulkarni could not find Fakir when he started his search on empty stomach. But when he went after his lunch, Fakir Himself was seen to be coming towards him and asking for Dakshina - Chapter 33.

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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #52 on: April 18, 2012, 05:12:44 PM »
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  • Shirdi Sai Baba repayed His devotees Debt

    A money lender named Shri Amidas Lakshmidas Mehta lived in Nagpur. He lent six hundred rupees to Sai devotee named Shri Vasantrao. Vasantrao’s bad days came and therefore he borrowed money from many other lenders also, but he could not repay his debts in time. So he decided to sort resort of Sai Baba. Moreover Sai Baba was also with him, so he went to Shirdi. Whenever any creditor went to Vasantrao’s house for recovery of his dues, he used to get only one answer that, “Brother is not in town”. Now Amidas was fed up by such answers. So he started searching Vasantrao and came to know that he was in Shirdi. He got the news that Vasantrao was lying in the feet of a fakir.

    Amidas went to Shirdi. He saw Vasantrao massaging Sai Baba’s feet in Dwarkamai. Amidas abused Vasantrao there and then and uttered many bad words. Vasantrao was in tears hearing Amidas’s words and abuses, then also he quietly sat massaging Baba’s feet. Sai Baba said to Amidas very politely, “Brother, you have waited for many days, now please wait for two more days. You will get your money with interest day after tomorrow.” Somehow Amidas believed Sai Baba’s words and went away.

    It was the third day morning. Amidas was sleeping in his house, just then some one knocked the door. Amidas came to the door rubbing his eyes, opened it and saw a stranger standing. Amidas asked, “Why brother it happened that I can not recognize you?” The guest answered, “I am a humble servant of Vasantrao. Sir has sent me to settle your account. Just check in your books and take the amount including interest from this small bag in order to settle the account.” Placing a small bag in Amidas’s hand the guest said, “Sir, count the amount with your own hands, I believe in you, you will not take any extra penny”.

    Amidas thought in his mind, “Will a big amount like six hundred rupees be occupied in such a small bag?” Looking at the guest with broad eyes, Amidas took the small bag and started counting the amount by taking out the coins. To his surprise, the small bag was not emptied although Amidas took many of the coins out. The coins did not decrease at all. Amidas took his six hundred rupees and said, “Brother the book of account is upstairs, please wait a minute, I will bring it”. The guest denied and said, “Oh please don’t bother sir, I have to settle many other accounts so I am in a hurry and will have to leave. Just send the receipt to Vasantrao”.

    When Vasantrao received the receipt he was speechless and overwhelmed with love and joy for Sai Baba. He repented thinking that Sai Baba had to take much pain to free from the trouble of creditors.

    Source : Translated from Gujarati Book "Sai Sarovar"

    « Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 05:15:31 PM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #53 on: April 19, 2012, 07:35:45 AM »
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  • Disease Disappeared by Sai Baba's Touch

    Once all kids of Chhotubai i.e two sons - Madhukar and Ashok and daughter - Parvati were attacked by deadly disease (since the disease name is in rustic gujarati language, i could not find out exact english word ). Out of them Madhukar and Parvati got relieved, but Ashok's condition was most serious. Doctors had left hope of Ashok's survival.

    Chhotubai sat near Ashok's bed stead doing Naam Jaap of Sai Baba. In this way four days and four nights passed in continous Naam Jaap with only one aim of her son's survival in mind. At last Chhotubai's strength of doing continous Naam Jaap broke and while doing Naam Jaap she fell asleep for few minutes.

    Sai Baba appeared in her dream and said, "Why are doing so? How can your strength decline? Malik is there to look after Ss. You dont worry, thick black clouds will soon vanish. Your son will wake up at 6:30 in morning. He will ask for food. You dont keep any fear in your mind. You give him whatever he asks to eat".

    Time passed and as per Baba's words in dream, at 6:30 am, Chhotubai's son woke up and asked for food. She gave him food with full faith in Baba. After few days, Madhukar was hail and hearty as before.

    In another instance, Chhotubai's son Madhukar was suffering from typhoid. The boy's mother had faith in Baba and was very sure that Baba will take due care. So there was nothing to worry. But Chhotubai's sister's faith trembled and she took a vow that as soon as the boy recovers she will take him to Shirdi for darshan of Sai Baba.

    Madhukar recovered after 14 days. His aunty had decided to take him to Shirdi within five days of his recovery. But Madhukar had became very weak due to ailment. It was difficult for him to sit erectly on floor. But his mother and aunty were curious to pay off debt of Sai Baba.

    Doctors had advised not to give any physical strain to Madhukar. Both sisters did not pay attention to doctor's advice and started for Shirdi. After leaving Dadar, Madhukar's health started declining. Madhukar caught fever again. Now Chhotubai and her sister were in dilema. They thought if anything worse happens then people would blame them.

     Both started remembering Sai Baba's name and continued throughout their journey. Madhukar was in semi unconscious state. When they reached Kopergaon station, once horse-cart driver peeped inside window and asked them if they wanted to hire tonga. No sooner did the boy heard the voice of horse-cart driver, he regained senses and sat without anyone's support and said, "Have we reached Baba's Home? Now let me sit".

    Chhotubai touched Madhukar's body and realised that fever had vanished. She asked Madhukar to lie down and rest. But he did not listen to his mother's plead and requested to allow him to sit. Chhotubai took Madhukar in her lap and after sometime they reached Shirdi. They went directly to Dwarkamai.

    Baba took Madhukar in His Hands and asked him to stand by raising both his hands. With Baba's grace and Holy touch Madhukar was able to stand erectly without anyone's support. Baba said to Chhotuba, "People will not blame you now". Baba gave banana to Madhukar to eat and then a mango. In this way Madhukar's disease was uprooted from its root by partaking these two fruits. Gods of heaven also started praising Madhukar's fortune that he was given banana and mango consecrated by Baba's touch. Such is love of Baba for His devotees and He is always ready to run to His devotees to help them, whether called or not !!!

    Source : Translated from Gujarati Book "Sai Sarovar"
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #54 on: April 20, 2012, 05:07:37 AM »
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  • Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha

    "Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha"is a mantra of Bhagavan Sri Sai. It means literally: "Prostration to Bhagavan Sai." Surrender to Sri Sai is implied therein.
    Now, the prostration, salutation, is an external symbol of the internal union. When we do 'Namaskara' to a deity in the temple, to a friend or any person, we join both the palms and bend ourselves low. This Namaskara, and the joining of the palms are indicative of the feeling of union of oneself with the other. "I and you are one"; that is prostration, that is Namaskara.

    "Bhagavan Sai, I am one with you" is a spirit of surrender, and here begins meditation on Bhagavan Sai. When the mantra is chanted you have also the requisite atmosphere created in the mind for contemplation on Bhagavan Sai, to begin meditation and to feel His presence. This rule applies to all other mantras, also.

    But how are you to proceed further? Mentally, feel that the Lord Sai is seated or standing in front of you, and slowly, after an adequate length of time or period, you will begin to feel His omnipresence in front of you, to the right and to the left, above,below,inside you and so every where.

    Though life appears to be very complicated, it would become very simple, a joyous process when you practise Chanting. The more you practise, the greater the strength it will give you. Yesterday's practice will give you additional strength to do practice today, and today's will give you strength tomorrow. Every day you will become stronger and stronger by profounder thoughts of SAI and deeper contemplation on Him. There is no loss of merit in the practice, says the Bhagavadgita. Even a little that you have done is great indeed and it is a wonderful asset which will help you in the future. May the Almighty Lord SAI give you strength to do more and more Chanting.

    Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #55 on: April 27, 2012, 06:25:05 AM »
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  • Power Of Shirdi Sai Baba’s Words

    The one who is aware of Sai Babas nature will never be at ease without His Bhakti. Often the name of Sai is in their hearts and mouth. In this way they gain power to face any difficulty. As indicated in the title, this post is regarding Sai Baba’s power of words and Udi (also called Udhi). Udi is the result of continuous Burning of Dhuni of Sai Baba in Dwarkamai Masjid. Whenever devotees went to Sai Baba and bowed to His Holy Feet, Baba offered them Udi as His Prasad. Lord Sai Baba acted as doctor during His earlier stay in Shirdi village.
    This phenomenon has not stopped even today when 90 years have passed after Mahasamadhi of Sai Baba and many incurable diseases are cured by this Udi. Now I come to the main story of this post. I am presenting yet another story indicating the significance of Udi and Sai Babas love for His Bhaktas.
    Mr. Borkar was working in railway department and he was transferred from Pandharpur to a village named  Asavali between Nashik and Manmaad. Borkar family lived in the quarters provided by the railway department to the employees near the railway station.
    One evening, when Mr. Borkar returned from his work, his body temperature was high and thus he was caught by high fever. His eyes turned red. He had 3-4 blankets on him as he was shivering with cold ,and slept. Asavali was a small village. As a result no doctor was available for immediate examination. Mrs. Borkar, gave him some home mademedicines. Due to the effect of the medicines, Mr. Borkar got sound sleep at night but was still suffering from fever. Chandrabai now felt relieved. She was feeling sleepy and so she slept near legs of her husband. In her dream Sai Baba appeared and said, Sister dont worry. Apply Udi, he will be alright, but dont allow your husband to go outside till 11’o clock tomorrow.
    Chandrabai applied Udi all over her husband’s body. Soon he perspired and body temperature also went down. He was perfectly alright in the morning. Chandrabai told her husband not to go anywhere that day and even asked him to rest the whole day. But Mr. Borkar did not mind his wife’s pleadings and went to railway station after taking his breakfast.
    Mr. Borkar went to the railway track which was clearly visible from the drawing room of the house. Chandrabai’s eyes and concentration were on Mr. Borkar only. She prayed to Sai Baba to save her husband. While Mr. Borkar was walking on the railway track he met a railway personnel. They both started talking and Mr. Borkar did not notice a train coming from the station. The train threw Mr. Borkar on the opposite track. A bone of his leg was fractured. This scene was seen by Chandrabai and she fell senseless saying  “O Baba. Some neighbours sprinkled water on her face and she became conscious.
    Mr. Borkar was bought on a stretcher. No doctor was available so Chandrabai started giving home made medicines by mixing Udi in the paste of other ayurvedic herbs. She tied a bandage after applying the paste. When Mr. Borkar became conscious, he asked whether there was any Fakir in the house. Chandrabai said He is my Beloved Sai if you can see Him, but He is not visible to me.
    A doctor from Manmaad came and tied a plaster bandage on the fractured leg of Mr. Borkar after removing the paste which Chandrabai applied last night. The bandage tied by doctor caused much pain to Mr. Borkar. At night it increased two fold. Sai Baba appeared again at night. Chandrabai immediately got up and bowed to the Holy Feet of Sai Baba. He asked, Do you want the leg to be cut? Untie the bandage tied by the doctor and make a mixture of wheat flour, coconut and Udi. Apply this mixture on your husband’s leg. She did as directed by Baba. Due to the power of Sai Baba’s words and Udi, Mr. Borkar became alright within few days and the doctors were amazed to see his fast recovery.
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #56 on: April 28, 2012, 11:28:35 AM »
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  • Prophetic words that Baba spoke

    Oh what should I say!(Allah) God has not given introduction of his full grace yet (to Shirdi village). Many people will flock like ants. Great kings (ministers and prime ministers) sitting on the elephants would come. Son! Whosoever lights Dhoop on my Guru's place on Thursday and Friday all his wishes and desires will be fulfilled. From Chaavadi till the end of the road, the place of my Master. 
    Although when My Sagun Roop (Bodily form) will not be visible my bones would speak to people. They will give courage to my sad devotees.
    I will run to My devotees even if they are across seven seas.
    I will save My devotees from any type of difficulties and troubles."
    In this way Sai Baba had said about the future of Shirdi to Mhalsapati when they slept together in DwarkaMai and Chaavadi on every alternate day.
    Sai Baba's each and every word has come out to be true and we can see how present Shirdi is flocked by people like ants. This only suggests that Sai Baba is Creator, Protector and Destroyer of this world. Though He is not with us physically, we can feel His presence not only in Shirdi but everywhere.

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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #57 on: May 01, 2012, 03:48:46 PM »
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  • Gurupoornima and Nana’s letter to Noolkar PR 
    When was the first Gurupoornima celebrated in Shirdi?

    The great good fortune of being the first to formally worship fell to Sri Noolkar upon a Guru Poornima day.  Sri Noolkar first visited Shirdi in 1909(Sai Satcharitra Chapter 31 & Saipatham Magazine August 2002) and he passed away in March, 1911. But Sri M. B. Nimbalkar mentioned in his writings that as per Dr.Gavankar‘s opinion Noolkar first visited Shirdi in 1908 and therefore first Gurupoornima was held in 1908. With the above mentioned reasons Gurupoornima might have started in Shirdi in 1908 or 1909 or 1910.
    Noolkar wrote a letter to his friend Nanasaheb Chandorkar describing first Gurupoornima celebrations in Shirdi. In that letter he mentioned “As I awoke on Saturday, I remembered that it was the day of Guru Poornima. We immediately started preparations for the pooja…”. From this letter it reveals that first Gurupoornima was held on Saturday.
    As per Noolkar’s letter Saturday’s Gurupoornima will come only on 1909. So, we might say in Shirdi first Gurupoornima Celebrations held on Saturday, 3rd July, 1909.
    (Source: Saipatham Magazines August 2002 and July 2003.)
    Noolkar first visited Shirdi in 1909. He was one of the most intimate devotees of Baba.  Baba would never allow anyone to worship him. He would not allow any devotee to even garland him. The great good fortune of being the first to formally worship fell to Sri Noolkar upon a Guru Poornima day. One day Sri Tatya Saheb Noolkar went to the masjid and saluted Baba. As he did so, Baba pointed to the pillar besides the dhuni and said “You worship that pillar tomorrow.”  Noolkar could not understand why Baba had said so. When he returned to the Wada he conveyed Baba’s instructions to Shama and asked him as to what Baba’s intentions were in ordering him thus. Even Shama could not understand why Baba had asked them to worship the pillar next day. He went to the masjid to inquire of Baba but Baba merely reiterated his earlier instructions. Later Baba repeated the same instructions to Tatya Kote Patil and Dada Kelkar too. The next day happened to be a Saturday. As Noolkar awoke from sleep he suddenly remembered that it was Guru Poornima day. He conveyed this to Shama and the other devotees. They got the almanac to check and it was confirmed that it was indeed so. That day was Guru Poornima. They now understood the meaning of Baba’s words when he told them to worship the pillar. They were all very happy that Baba had finally permitted them to worship him. They all went to the masjid and begged Baba to allow them to perform the worship of their guru. Baba merely told them again to worship the pillar. “Oh our God! Why should we worship the pillar when we have you, a God, in front of us? We will worship only you.” Baba did not agree to be worshipped by the devotees. The devotees stuck firmly to their resolve. At last Baba had to acquiesce to the wishes of his devotees and allow them to worship him. Baba always surrenders to the feelings of love and faith of his devotee. He said, “All right” at last, and the happiness of his devotees knew no bounds.
     They immediately started preparing for the worship of the Guru. They decided to worship Baba after he returned from his round of alms and informed him thus. Baba, with utmost kindness, not only agreed but also permitted them to worship him using the sixteen articles of formal worship. Baba sent word to Radhakrishna Ayi and Dada Kelkar. She sent the various ingredients used in worship to the masjid and Dada Kelkar also reached the masjid with the various articles used in worship. All the devotees present did congregational worship of Baba. Baba returned all the dakshina offered to him back to the devotees. Arati was offered after the worship. Thus the first Guru Poornima worship was performed at Shirdi.
     Sri Tatya Saheb Noolkar wrote a brief note to his friend Chandorkar about the first celebrations of Guru Pooja during Guru Poornima, as Chandorkar was not present at Shirdi at that time. This letter was published in Sai Leela magazine but unfortunately the date was not mentioned. This is a free translation of that letter.
     “As I awoke on Saturday, I remembered that it was the day of Guru Poornima. We immediately started preparations for the pooja. Baba had permitted us to worship him after he returned from his round of alms. He did not object and kept silent when we worshipped him with the sixteen ways of worship. He returned all the dakshina given to him back to the devotees after the worship was over. We sent word to Radhakrishna Ayi and Dada Kelkar that worship of Baba and arati were being done in the masjid. Ayi sent various articles for pooja. Dada Kelkar too came with his pooja articles and participated in the pooja.”

    Staunch opposition to pompous show
    The flow of devotees kept on increasing incessantly. In their enthusiasm, the visiting devotees as well as some people around Baba even forgot His simple way of life and began pouring various articles at Baba’s feet. Some things were even ordered from outside by the people surrounding Baba. They forgot that Baba never had any use for such things.
    Gradually, Shirdi started becoming a Sansthan (a princely state). Nanasaheb knew that this was detrimental to the path of Parmarth. He was very much disturbed by the transformation of simple Pooja and Arati into a pompous show.
    Nanasaheb was instrumental in bringing devotees like Balasaheb Deo, Tatyasaheb Noolkar and others to Baba. A substantial correspondence was exchanged between Nanasaheb and Noolkar. In the letters, time and again Noolkar has expressed his eternal gratitude towards Nanasaheb for taking him to Baba.
    In his letter dated 16th November 1910, he poured out his anguish to Tatyasaheb.
    Thane 16-11-1910
    Dear Tatyasaheb,
    My Sashtang Namaskar to Shri Gururaj Saimauli and also to Bapusaheb (Jog) and both Madhavraos (Deshpande and Adkar).
    I wonder, what is the purpose is served in the daily Pooja by articles like Morchel (a brush of peacock feathers), Chavari (a fly whisker), Chhadi (a wooden stick / staff). ‘Pooja’ is to be performed with self-less devotion. It is true that Shri (Sai Baba) reluctantly gives His permission. But, we devotees are losing a lot through such a ritual. His blessings are being wasted on such futile matters. He is a Kalpataru (a Tree which fulfils any desire). He satisfies the desires of anyone who goes to His feet. But, it is not proper to become His devotee with the sole intention of fulfilling one’s desires. Those who make rich offerings with a view to achieve their desires create ill-will in the minds of those devotees who are unable to make such offerings.
    Shri does not need such a display of wealth. On the day of Tulshi Vivah, Shri was furious. This was a clear indication that He does not like such things.
    I do not care for others. But, as you are my close friend, I am taking the liberty of cautioning you in participating in such rites. Rest when we meet.
    N. G. Chandorkar
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #58 on: May 03, 2012, 11:31:28 AM »
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  • Meaning of 11 sayings of Shirdi Sai Baba

    1. जो शिर्डी में आयेगा, आपाद दूर भगाएगा
    Hindi Explanation : शिर्डी में जो पैर रखेगा, उसकी समस्त आपदाये दूर हो जायेंगी
    Saying in English : Whoever puts his feet on Shirdi soil, his sufferings would come to an end

    It seems that through this first line, Shirdi Sai Baba has put His Holy Hands on His devotees head. Sai Baba has taken responsibility to take care of His devotee who visits Shirdi, takes darshan of Samadhi and surrenders completely to Him. Sai Baba's soul is still present in Shirdi and so He has given such promise. This promise has been fulfilled by Sai Baba and in turned increased devotees' faith.

    2. चढ़े समाधि की सीढ़ी पर, पैर तले दुःख की पीढी कर
    Hindi Explanation : जो मेरी समाधि की सीढ़ी चढेगा, उसका सारा दुःख नष्ट हो जाएगा
    Saying in English : The wretched and miserable would rise into plenty of joy and happiness, as soon as they climb steps of my Samadhi.

    In this Kaliyug, all of us are suffering from one problem or another. Some suffer mentally, some physically, some economically; some socially... and there is no end of sufferings. In such condition only encouraging words from our close ones or money alone is not enough. Only Sadguru Sai can only help in time of distress. Whosoever takes darshan of Sai Baba's Samadhi gets free from such distress. Thats the reason why so many devotees are flocking to Shirdi now a days. This is the proof of truthfulness of Sai Baba's words.

    3. त्याग शरीर चला जाऊँगा, भक्त-हेतु दौडा आऊँगा
    Hindi Explanation : शरीर त्यागने के पश्चात भी मैं अपने भक्तों के लिए दौड़ता हुआ आऊंगा
    Saying in English : I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body

    Though Sai Baba is not with us in bodily form, but I dont think we miss His presence. Every now and then He comes running to His devotees to take them out of difficulties. I am reminded of a popular bhajan "Thoda Dhyaan Laga, Sai Daude Daude Ayenge, Thoda Dhyan Laga..." When He was in bodily form He had promised His devotees to be with them for ever and He has been fulfilling this promise even today.

    4. मन में रखना दृढ विश्वास, करे समाधि पूरी आस
    Hindi Explanation: आप मन में दृढ विश्वास रखिए शिर्डी में बनी मेरी समाधी आपकी इच्छाए पूर्ण करेगी
    Saying in English : My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of my devotees.

    The Samadhi of Sai Baba is not an ordinary person's samadhi. It is a Divine Human Being's Living Samadhi. The Divine Soul of Sai Baba is always present near Samadhi. "My tomb will speak with you all" were the words of Sai Baba. If any devotee keeping these words in mind medidate on the 'Formless' form of Sai Baba, these words turn out to be true. It is very natural that in tough times only we humans remember God, but if we remember our Sai Baba in grief and happiness, He is with us always.

    5. मुझे सदा जीवित ही जानो, अनुभव करो सत्य पहचानो
    Hindi Explanation: आप मुझे सदैव जीवित ही समझिए और अपने अनुभवों द्वारा इसकी प्रचिती प्राप्त कीजिए
    Saying in English : I shall be active and vigorous even from the tomb.

    There is very deep meaning in this fifth promise given by Sai Baba. The soul is indestructible. We replace old clothes with new ones. Similarly a soul scarifies one body and enters into another. So it is very well understood that even if Sai Baba has left His mortal coil, His soul is still around us. Sai Baba has no end and He is watching our good and bad deeds each moment. Thus such thought will not allow us to do any bad deed and we all ever conscious to attain Him.

    6. मेरी शरण आ खाली जाये, हो कोई तो मुझे बताये
    Hindi Explanation : क्या ऐसा एक भी उदाहरण है कि कोई भक्त अनन्य भाव से मेरी शरण में आये और उसकी मनोकामना पूर्ण न हो?
    Saying in English : My mortal remains would speak from the tomb

    It has never happened that a devotee faced disappointment who have surrendered himself completely to Sai Baba. He never avoids anyone who come to His refuge. There were hidden blessings even in His scoldings. Even devotees took those scolding’s as blessings. It can be compared to beatings from a teacher for progress of his student. Though these beatings seem harsh to the student, but they prove to be fruitful when he does well in studies. This, even, improves child's mental ability. Leelas of Baba were much difficult to understand. Every action of His conveyed deep meaning which we ignorant humans failed to understand. Still whosoever surrender completely to Him received His divine blessings in one way or the other.

    7. जैसे भाव रहा जिस जन का, वैसा रूप हुआ मेरे मन का
    Hindi Explanation : जो जो भक्त जिस जिस भाव से मुझे स्मरण करता हैं, वैसा ही फल मैं उसे प्राप्त करा देता हूँ
    Saying in English : I am ever living to help and guide all who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me

    The more intense the love of devotee for Sai Baba, the more easily he can attain Him. There are many such instances where Sai Baba gave darshan to His devotess of those Gods whom they worshipped and praised. This promise says that we can worship Sai Baba thinking Him to be form of any God and He is there to bless us as per our devotion.

    8. भार तुम्हारा मुझ पर होगा, वचन न मेरा झूठा होगा
    Hindi Explanation: आपके हित-साधन का उत्तरदायित्व तो सदैव मैं संभालूँगा, मेरा वचन कभी असत्य सिद्ध नहीं होगा
    Saying in English : If you look to me, I look to you.

    Sai Baba Himself takes the responsibilities of devotees who has complete faith in Him. He has taken out many devotees from worldly sackles. He has given eyes to blind person, limbs to lame person and peace of mind to disturbed person by His mere darshan. He Himself suffered many a times for His devotee's welfare. So why to fear when He is with us day and night. We only have to look at Him and we can find Him already looking at ourselves lovingly and ready to help with His helping hands.

    9. आ सहायता लो भरपूर, जो माँगा वह नहीं है दूर
    Hindi Explanation: आप विश्वास रखिये कि यहाँ जो आयेगा, उसे अवश्य सहायता मिलेगी, भक्त जिस-जिस वास्तु कि कामना करेगा, वही मैं उसे प्राप्त करा दूँगा
    Saying in English : If you cast your burden on me, I shall surely bear it.

    Sai Baba had such love for His devotee which a father has for his son. Whosover goes for darshan of Sai Baba with pure heart surely gets what he wants. He is always ready with helping hands for His devotees. He can be rightly called a 'Kalpavruksh'. He wants us to cast our burden of good and bad deeds on Him, so that the sense of doership vanishes and we starting walking on that path from where we can attain Almighty.

    10. मुझ में लीन वचन मन काया, उसका ऋण न कभी चुकाया
    Hindi Explanation : जो भक्त मन, वचन, काया से मुझ में लीन होता है, उसका मैं सदैव ऋणी रहूँगा
    Saying in English : If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once.

    The devotee who has surrendered everything in the Lotus Feet of Shri Sai becomes one with Him in all respects. Sai Baba encouraged reading of spiritual books to take His devotees to the path of Sadgati who showed immense love towards Sai Baba. It was his prime duty to create interest for spiritual matters in the minds of His devotees. To go ahead in spirituality, one must be ever curious to seek the advice and help of Guru and where can we find more capable, loving and caring other than our beloved Sai Baba?

    11. धन्य धन्य वह भक्त अनन्य, मेरी शरण तज जिसे न अन्य
    Hindi Explanation: धन्य है वह भक्त, जो अनन्य भाव से मेरे चरणों का शरण पाने आया हो
    Saying in English : There shall be no want in the house of my devotees

    Every human should try to complete his responsibility after getting birth of a human being. They must surrender themselves completely to Sadguru and in turn make way to attain Almighty. Saints are the form of God. They have quality to transform Nar (human being) into Narayan (God). Thus whosoever soughts refuge of Sai Baba, surenders himself to Him are qualified to be called 'Rich' in true sense. Then the responsibility of looking after materialistic matters of that devotee is on the shoulders of Sai Baba.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #59 on: May 04, 2012, 04:23:02 PM »
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  • Shirdi Sai Baba Tells His Own Story!

    One day while sitting in Dwarkamai Sai Baba broke His silence and started narrating an incident as under…..
    Once I went to Aurangabad while roaming here and there. There was a mosque with a big tamarind tree in its centre. A fakir lived in the mosque. His name was Matababa. I asked for his permission to stay in the mosque. Initially the fakir did not allow Me, I requested him again and again and at last after long discussion he agreed.

    An old woman lived nearby. That woman used to give a piece of roti to Matababa. Matababa used to live on that small piece of roti the whole day. He never begged food from anyone in the village. So I asked for his permission to go to beg food from the villagers, so that We can get that much quantity of food which is sufficient for both of Us.

    In this way about 12 years passed by begging food. After that I took permission to leave from Matababa. The fakir was in tears with the thought of My separation. At that time I consoled that fakir saying that I will come here again someday while roaming here and there.

    I never speak untruth and so to fulfill My promise I went to meet that fakir after four years. He was very happy to see Me again.

    That fakir of Aurangabad came to Shirdi before some years and I made him stay in Chavadi……in this way Sai Baba completed His story. (There are some points in Sai Sarovar book after this sentence which has to be disclosed here is that…who was Matababa, when he came to Shirdi, these facts are available no where other than this book, Sai Baba only understands the meaning of His own confusing words).

    After a small pause, there was a slight disturbance in the silence of Dwarkamai when this conversation was going on. Some sparrows were chirping on the top of Dwarkamai. Shama asked, why all these sparrows are chirping here all together? To this Sai Baba replied, all these sparrows were born as sparrows in their previous birth and they are so lucky that in this birth also they are together. These sparrows used to sit on the top of Dwarkamai. But one day a snake came there and at once gulped up all the sparrows. (Here the author presents his thoughts like this….I think any snake cant gulp up all the sparrow at one stroke. Sai Baba must have symbolized snake for Yamraj). Due to the merits of their past birth God has gave them the form of sparrow in this birth also. Not only this they were born on the Holy Land of Shirdi. Today all of them have met and so they are expressing their happiness by chirping. Even God is incapable of describing their happiness.

    Source : Translated from Gujarati Book "Sai Sarovar"

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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