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Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
« Reply #60 on: May 09, 2012, 05:43:50 AM »
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  • Sai Baba the compassionate one, gave him the essence of the teachings, which could be read and imbibed everyday, even in the busy schedules. These are the essential teachings from Guru to be read every day and see that they become part of our blood & flesh.

    Balasaheb called it Sai TatvaRatnavali, necklace of precious stones.
    Below is Sai TatvaRatnavali.

    'O Baba'

    1. The ambrosia that you nurtured, until now we contemplated,
       Pothi (sacred text bhaktleelamrut) was filled by Das Ganu,     but how can we contemplate on that regularly?

    2. O Gururai, we are sansari, the journey of Sansar is wicked,
       For the sake of hunger men-women, have to toil all day long.

    3. Guru (Sai Baba)  compassionately replied, Why do you worry?
       Contemplate on the essential of ambrosia that I narrate, surely you will be free.

    4. Speaking this the Guru continued, those words of wisdom then I imbibed,
       the pearls that I weaved in this necklace, O devotees wear them with love.

    5. 'God is there, believe this to be truth'  'God is not, know this to be false'
       And know this for sure, Nobody is bigger than God.

    6. God creates, and also God preserves,
       God raises, and also God takes where the death dwells.

    7. Not a leaf move, without the will of God
       Be patient, and be satisfied with the will of God.

    8. Unfathomable is the play of God, the pace of logic falls there
       Incomprehensible incidents of God, only the unique devotee alone knows.

    9. Fear the God alone and never leave the righteousness
       Keep the center of power of Conscience of virtue and vice, constantly awake.

    10. Perform your duties always, never hold the vanity of doer,
        Believe always that God is the doer,and offer the results to God always.
        Then the deed will not bound you and danger of births will not hinder you.

    11. Rinanubandh (bond of indebtedness contracted in previous births (and forming the cause of suffering and enjoyment
        in this life)) will then decay. Detached you will remain always.

    12. God is filled with entire dwellings, God is the one who is hiding
        Surely God is filled in all animals, so be compassionate to everyone.

    13. Be harmonious with everyone, do not engage in debate
        Do not slander anybody, nor compare.

    14. Always listen with peace, what everybody speaks
        do not be afraid of it, those words cannot pierce the body.

    15 . Do your duty with attention, do not give attention to other works
         why should we spend the sleepless nights for the duty of others?

    16. Who sows surely reaps it's fruits, why should other suffer with anxiety?
        In field of action the body disintegrates, so never waste time in leisure.

    17. Remember the name of God always, always read the sacred texts.
        Do not give up food or pleasure trips, but always be fixed in Him (God).

    18.   Who regularly reads this and brings it in behavior
          God will surely take his/her care, bow to Guru.

    from 5th verse the teachings of Sai Baba starts until 18. This should be printed and hanged on the walls of the rooms we visit often. Read often and assimilated in heart. If we do this we will soon begin to find the key to calm mind and heart. Much of the turbulence of minds vanishes.

    If one is awake at the center, one will soon find out, hey the mind was occupied in comparisons, hence all the trouble for nothing. If we are awake we will notice that while slandering others, something within is not rising, it does not give or spread good feelings. Did not Sai Baba told that slander will never help. And we will remember read the sacred text and would give our attention to sacred text.
    « Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 06:07:30 AM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #61 on: May 10, 2012, 06:12:49 AM »
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  • Sai Baba shows Trilok (Three divine worlds) to Shama

    Sai Baba's incidents with Shama (Madhavrao Deshpande) sheds light on the amazing relationship of Sakha (friendship), of God and the devotee. This paradox of knowing the one with God as God, and behaving with Him as an intimate friend are very rare to find, comparing to other forms of devotion.

    India, has a rich spiritual background, and perhaps no other country, since centuries have so many individuals totally dedicated to spirituality and search of God, on varied paths. That is one of the reasons for what is called tolerance in Indians for any religion or paths that leads to God. Most often the stubbornness that only my religion is true and the other religion or other paths leading to God, or other theories leading to God are wrong is not found. The other religions and paths leading to God are accepted and revered same as their own paths.

    In Indian scriptures is the mention of Trilok (three divine worlds). Each attributed to the trinity of Gods. Bhrahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva). Bhrahma being the God of creation, Vishnu being the God of preservation and Shiv or Mahesh the God of destruction. All the Loks (divine worlds) are described with affluent with wealth and grandeur, and the way these God resides. Kailash Lok, the world of Lord Shiva is however described with the affluence of meditation, Tapa(penance) and spiritual attributes.

    Shama having read these descriptions in scriptures, once asked Sai Baba that whether there was a Trilok. It feels nice to read the question in his characteristic way of Shakha Bhav (sense of friendship). " Deva, is there a Bhrahma Lok, Vishnu Lok and Shiva Lok Re?" 'Re' suggests a sense on deep friendship.

    Sai Baba replied in affirmation.

    Shama was quick to respond, " Are(pronounced A ray) Deva, Why don't you show it to me?"

    This reminds me of a wonderful book, "God lived with them", that contains the life stories of sixteen monastic disciple of Sri RamaKrishna Paramhamsha. The first chapter deals wit the life of Narendra, famous as Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda would have done just this, he was never satisfied with the explanations of God or Spirituality, rather he demanded direct experience. Even we should not be easily satisfied with mere explanations and demand or ask Sai Baba or God for the direct experience, with Shraddha (Faith) and Saburi(Patience) to ask him to make us capable for the same.

    Sai Baba explained him that all the grandeur and opulence and wealth had little meaning for Gods and this kind of wealth was not for them. He said in Marathi language, "Yahek Ishwaraya pramane hey Devache Aishwarya hey tooch aah hey."

    Shama like a close friend insisted on seeing it. And Sai Baba like a true friend asked him to close his eyes and then open them, to gratify his spiritual demand.

    Shama just did that, and wonders, he could see Brahma Lok. He saw most beautiful, ornate diamond studded throne on which Lord Bhrahma was sitting. He was holding court with his ministers. They too were sitting on beautiful gem studded chairs made from gold. There was so much gems and gold that Shama felt it was indescribable. Sai Baba said, "Shama this is Satya Lok, and this is Bhrahma Dev."

    Then Sai Baba asked Shama to close open his eyes again. This time Shama could see Vishnu Lok. Sai Baba again explained whatever Shama saw and same was repeated for Shiva Lok or Kailash Lok.

    Shama was overwhelmed by what he saw. He was frightened at the same time joyful to see the abundance of wealth and opulence. This reminds me of how the greatest of the warriors, Arjuna, was frightened after watching the Godly form of his Sakha God, 'Sri Krishna', when Lord Krishna showed him his Godly nature during the explanations greatly revered as sacred text, called "Gita".

    After showing the three Lokas, Saibaba again emphasized, "Shama all this is not for us, our goal is quiet unusual."

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #62 on: May 12, 2012, 02:04:57 PM »
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  • Baba on Ramayan Setu
    Once the following incident took place. Shama asked Sai Baba, " Kaya Re" ( a slang use in Marathi, to address the closest of friends, otherwise it would enrage the other person as a mark of disrespect). "Deva (Shama always use to address Sai Baba by Deva, meaning God) it is written in Ramayana that Lord Rama got a bridge built by 1 crore (10 million) monkeys. This bridge (is called Setu) spanned the sea, so Lord Rama and his troops could cross the sea and reach Lanka. There He waged war with Ravana and vanquished him. Deva, is this true."

    Sai Baba replied, "Yes this is true. The sea is real and Lord Rama was really there."

    Shama inquired, "Deva, where did so many monkeys sit? And how did they sit?

    Sai Baba replied, "They sat on the trees and clung to the branches. They looked like myriads of ants."

    Then Shama asked Sai Baba, which perhaps only he could lovingly dare, "Did You see this with your own eyes?"

    Sai Baba replied, "Yes, yes I saw them with my own eyes. Alright Shama."

    Shama again said what only he could lovingly dare, "When I first saw You, You hardly had a stubble of mustache (a popular way in India to suggest youngsters). Then how and when did You go to see 'Vanar Sena(troops of monkeys) Re.' "

    Sai Baba replied, " Shamyaa (as He lovingly called Shama) you and I have been together for many generations. I remember them but you do not."

    In wonders Shama asked, "How old were You then?"

    Sai Baba, "Just as you see me now."

    Shama could not grasp the immensity of this spiritual fact or truth. He persisted, "Is this really true?"

    Sai Baba as always, "Have I ever lied sitting here in the Dwarkamai?
    What I say is true. I swear by you."
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #63 on: May 13, 2012, 04:32:05 PM »
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  • Shirdi Sai Baba's Philosopy about Deeds (Karma)

    The theory of Karma (our deeds) is difficult to comprehend. We can recall scientific principle of 'Action and Reaction'. The theory of karma is of similar type. We have to bear consequences of our deeds whether immediately or later. But there is no escape to it. If we touch fire, our hand will burn immediately. On the other hand if we smoke our body will diminish slowly. Following same principle, whatever outcome of our good or bad actions performed in last births have to experienced in following births to come. There is no way out of it.

    One has to reap what one sows and there is no escape unless one suffers and squares up one's old debts and dealings with others - Chapter 47 of Sacred Text Sai Satcharitra.

    Always Do Good Act :
    While doing any good deed, it must not be done because some other person is doing it. It must be according to one's physical, financial and spiritual capacity.
    This was put into action by Sai Baba when He rejected offer for another wooden plank to be hanged on ceiling for Mhlasapati by Kakasaheb Dixit in chapter 45 of Sacred Text - Sai Satcharitra.

    In the same chapter, we have seen what Baba has said about running around and trying advices of various Gurus, "There are innumerable saints in the world, but our father (Guru) is the real father (Real Guru). Others might say many good things, but we should never forget our Guru's advice, because he knows what is best for us."
    Seek Company of Saints :
    Sai Baba advised His devotees to shun company of atheists, irreligious and wicked persons altogether.
    Instead, He used to ask His devotees to seek company of saints, "The importance of the company of Saints is very great. It removes our body-consciousness and egoism, destroys completely the chain of our birth and death, cuts asunder all the knots of the heart, and takes us to God, Who is pure Consciousness. It certainly increases our non-attachment to sense-objects, and makes us quite indifferent to pleasures and pains, and leads us on the spiritual path. If you have no other Sadhana, such as uttering God's name, worship or devotion etc., but if you take refuge in them (Saints) whole-heartedly, they will carry you off safety across the ocean of worldly existence. It is for this reason that the Saint manifest themselves in this world. even sacred rivers such as the Ganges, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri etc., which wash away the sins of the world, desire that the Saints should come to them, for a bath and purify them. Such is the grandeur of the Saints" - Chapter 10.

    Even hearing the stories of saints or reading the books, written by them, is in a way, keeping their company.

    Avoid Bad Deeds :
    It may happen that even if a person wishes to do good acts and walk on the path of teachings prescribed in scriptures, he is not able to do so which leads him to evil path. What can be reason behind this? It is because of deeds in past life and his nature framed accordingly.

    Also sometimes it also happens that it is difficult in deciding to perform a good act. Some other person of evil nature may advice not to proceed with a good act. Thus this time is testing for the good person as he has to distinguish between good and bad deed. Being firm to his decision and taking action accordingly, he can certainly reach his goal avoiding evil advice.

    Devotees were often helped by Sai Baba in their good determinations. In chapter 19, we have read that Sai Baba encouraged thought of Hemadpant to sing unceasingly Rama's name during one Thursday, by arranging coincidence of making Dabholkar listen to a song sung by one Aurangabadkar on Rama.

    It was regret of Baba that very few devotees come to Him for spiritual upliftment. He says in Chapter 32, "My Sircar's treasury (spiritual wealth) is full, it is overflowing. I say, "Dig out and take away this wealth in cartloads, the blessed son of a true mother should fill himself with this wealth. The skill of my Fakir, the Leela of my Bhagwan, the aptitude of my Sircar is quite unique. What about Me? Body (earth) will mix with earth, breath with air. This time won't come again."

    Doership of Deeds :
    This is very well explained by Sai Baba in chapter 50 by the following story. Once Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati, known as Shri Tembye Swami encamped, at Rajamahendri (Andhra Country), on the banks of Godavari. One, Mr. Pundalikrao, pleader of Nanded (Nizam State) went to see him, with some friends. While they were talking with him, the names of Shirdi and Sai Baba were casually mentioned. Hearing Baba's name, the Swami bowed with his hands; and taking a coconut gave it to Pundalikrao, and said to him, "Offer this to my brother Sai, with my pranam and request Him not to forget me, but ever love me."

    After one month Pundalikrao and others left for Shirdi with the coconut. Unfortunately the fruit broken that was entrusted to Pundalikrao. Fearing and trembling, he came to Shirdi and saw Baba. Baba had already received a wireless message, regarding the coconut, from the Tembye Swami, as Himself asked Pundalikrao first to give the things sent by His brother. He held fast Baba's Feet, confessed his guilt and negligence, repented and asked for Baba's pardon. He offered to give another fruit as a substitute, but Baba refused to accept it saying that the worth of that coconut was by far, many times more, than an ordinary one and that it could not be replaced by another one. Baba also added- "Now you need not worry yourself any more about the matter. It was on account of my wish that the coconut was entrusted to you, and ultimately broken on the way; why should you take the responsibility of the actions on you? Do not entertain the sense of doership in doing good, as well as for bad deeds; be entirely prideless and egoless in all things and thus your spiritual progress will be rapid." What a beautiful spiritual instruction Baba gave!
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #64 on: May 14, 2012, 05:43:49 AM »
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  • Shirdi Sai Baba's Philosophy about Speech

    The tongue has two functions - to taste the food and to speak.

    Use of Scornful and Slightful Speech :
    We have read about importance of 'non-violence' in our scriptures.
    'Non-violence' means not hurting anybody physically, mentally or by speech.
    Thus Sai Baba also advised us to be humble in our speech. Scornful words hurt a person much more than physical or mental violence. Such words are not easily forgotten and cannot be withdrawn. Consequently they cause ever-lasting ill-feeling. Thus Baba's advice was to be soft in speech. Even more He said, "Let anybody speak hundreds of things against you, do not resent by giving any bitter reply. If you tolerate such things you will certainly be happy" - Chapter 19 of Sacred Text - Shri Sai Satcharitra. To make it more sure that the devotees should follow it, He added, "He, who carps and cavils at others, pierces Me in the heart and injures Me, but he that suffers and endures, pleases Me most" - Chapter 44.

    Arguments and Disputes :
    Another teaching which Sai Baba gave about speech was to avoid arguments and disputes which spring from egoism. They spread ill-feelings, hatred and enmity. We have seen how Baba checked this habit of arguing regarding necessity of a Guru by Shri Hemadpantin Chapter 2. Baba made this habit permanently null by addressing him as 'Hemadpant' and gave permission to write Sacred Text - Shri Sai Satcharitra.
    « Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 06:00:11 AM by subhasrini »
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #65 on: May 14, 2012, 06:55:33 AM »
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  • Indulgence in Scandal-mongering and Discussions of Other's Affairs :
    Sai Baba advised His devotees not to indulge in scandal-mongering or slandering others. Baba by His omniscient nature knew where and when devotees committed any mistakes. He made it a point to correct them by effectively taunting them.

    This is seen by this incident : Once it so happened that, a Bhakta of Baba, reviled someone behind his back before other people. Leaving aside merits he dwelt on the faults of his brother and spoke so sarcastically that, the hearers were disgusted. Generally we see that, people have a tendency to scandalize others unnecessarily and this brings on ill-feelings. Sai Baba knew this and when He met slanderer at noon, near Lendi, Baba pointed out to him a pig, that was eating filth near the fence and said to him, "Behold, how, with what relish it is gulping filth. Your conduct is similar. You go on reviling your own brethren to your heart's content. After performing many deeds of merit you are born as a human and if you act like this, how can Shirdi help you in anyway?" Needless to say that the Bhakta took the lesson to his heart and went away. - Chapter 19.

    Let us take another incident. A pleader from Pandharpur unnecessarily indulged in discussion regarding sub-judge Noolkar's coming and staying at Shirdi for cure of his ill-health. When the pleader went to Shirdi, Sai Baba said, "How cunning people are! They fall at the feet, offer dakshina, but inwardly give abuses behind the back. Is not this wonderful?" The pleader understood that the remark was aimed at himself, and being convinced, later said to Kakasaheb Dixit, "This is not a rebuke to me but a favour and advice that I should not indulge in any scandal or slander of others and not interfere unnecessarily in others' affairs".
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #66 on: May 14, 2012, 01:36:39 PM »
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  • Always speak nothing but truth :
    Repeated stress is laid on always speaking the truth. Our national motto is सत्यमेव जयते (Truth always Triumphs). In Mahabharata, Dharmaraj, the eldest amongst Pandavas, always spoke the truth, but once in his life he told a lie and therefore had to spend a few hours in hell. Sai Baba was always practical and realistic in His teachings. It was Baba's teaching to His devotees to always speak the truth. Even if a person dare to speak untruth, Baba knew it there and then as He is Knower of secrets of every being's heart.
    In Marathi language Sai Satcharitra Hemadpant has written असत्य चालेना सईप्रती | असत्ये नाहीं सईची प्राप्ति | असत्ये जानै अधौगति | अंति दुर्गती असत्ये - meaning untruth does not work before Sai Baba and Sai cannot be procured with untruth. Untruth means downfall. Untruth in the end takes you to hell.

    खोटे सांग्नी भागेना काज | साई महाराज सर्वसाक्षी - meaning Success is not possible by telling a lie. Sai Baba is omniscient.

    However there were still many instances where Sai Baba Himself told lies. In chapter 27, Baba told lie to Ramadasi who was reading Vishnu-Sahastranaam (1000 names of Lord Vishnu) about His stomach ache and sent him to market to fetch Sennapods. Shama was a very intimate devotee of Baba and Baba wanted to favour him in a particular way of giving him a copy of Vishnu-Sahastranaam. He took the book of Ramdasi in his absence, gave it to Shama and also played peace maker's role to calm down Ramdasi in the end.

    Another case was that Baba went with Arti and Udi in disguise of tonga-driver with Ramgirbua for urgent and safe delivery of daughter of Nanasaheb Chandorkar.

    Now question arises how can we interpret such acts? Firstly, the saints do not have to bear the consequences of these acts, whether good or bad, since they do not claim the doership of these acts to themselves.

    Secondly, even if such acts are sinful, they are prepared to bear their consequences for the sake of their devotees.

    In the first instance, Sai Baba wanted to favour His devotee Shama with some religious practice and hence he enacted this drama. Normal advice by words would not have been that effective. In the second instance, Sai Baba wanted to respond to Nanasaheb Chandorkar's fervant prayers to save the life of his pregnant daughter who was having severe labour pains and was unable to deliver.

    In this case, there was urgency to reach Udi and Arti more than 100 miles away and that too at night. Hence, Baba not only prompted Bapurgir to go to his native place at that odd hour but helped him to reach Jamner from Jalgaon railway station in a tonga resorting to lies to convince Bapugir. Thus, deeds of saints who always want to favour His devotees in times of calamities and danger, are never questioned as good or bad. Indeed, we have seen many such instances wherein saints take calamities of their devotees on themselves. Taking example of our Sai Baba, He took four fully developed bubos of Dadasaheb Khaprde's young son on Himself willingly - Chapter 7. More than that in the year 1910, Baba pulled His arm in Dhuni to save little child of blacksmith from falling into furnance at some distance from Dwarkamai. Baba was not concerned about His burnt arm but He had sense of satisfaction glowing on His face for saving the child. The burnt arm was not allowed to be medicated, in turn leper devotee Bhagoji Shinde's service was accepted. Now, how can we measure such acts of saints. Only it can be said that they showed Godhood and were not natural for us.

    Truth as seen and practiced in our daily life - While travelling in bus or autorickshaw, the conductor or driver demands exact amount stating that he has no change. Even if we have change with us, we prefer to safeguard them for our return journey or other urgent situations. We know that telling lie to conductor or driver that you need to safeguard the change for return journey would not be accepted readily, we resort to telling lie and denying them of any change with us. The flip side of this is that the conductor or driver also have change with them, but they too tell us lie. So how can the principle of speaking only truth be followed by us. We can take a vow to speak the truth wherever possible.

    Never tell a lie, at least for self-interest or satisfaction of one's ego. However, sometimes for benefit of others, there is no harm in telling a little lie. For example, if telling some sad news is likely to shock a person, there is no harm in telling a lie that such a thing has no happened or that we do not know about it.

    Similarly, if somebody has offered some food with love and care and even if it is not relished by us, will it not be wiser to praise the quality of food smilingly rather than bluntly telling the truth and hurting feelings of the person! The following is advocated in our scriptures.

    सत्यस्य वचनं श्रेय : सत्यादपी हितं वदेत | यम्दूत हितम त्यं नत मेत त्सत्यम मतं मम ! Telling the truth is good but telling what is beneficial to others is better. In my opinion what results in the ultimate welfare of all beings is real truth.
    सत्यं ब्रयात प्रियं ब्रयात न बरुतात सत्यमप्रियं | One should speak the truth and speak what is pleasing and agreeable to others. Never speak the truth which is not pleasing and agreeable to others.
    « Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 01:38:37 PM by subhasrini »
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #67 on: May 15, 2012, 05:52:51 AM »
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  • Always Keep your Promise :
    Sai Baba taught us that if you promise anything to anybody you must fulfill it. So never make a false promise to anybody. Instead do not make any promise if you are not sure of fulfilling it. Still devotees make a vow or promise to God to some act or offer something on condition that their desires be fulfilled, but once fulfilled they forget to fulfill their vow. Such instances were tackled by Baba skillfully. Appasaheb Kulkarni wished to pay Fakir Rs. 10 who had visited his residence during his absence, and Baba got it fulfilled by approaching him again and demanding the full amount - Chapter 33.

    Similarly we had seen another instance of Shama. In this case Sai Baba manoeuvred to get Shama's long-pending offering to Saptashringi Goddess fulfilled - Chapter 30. Mr. Cholkar was treated lovingly as Baba was much pleased to note that His devotee gave up sugar and drank tea without it until his vow to offer sugar candy to Sai Baba by visiting Shirdi was fulfilled - Chapter 15.
    Talk Less :
    Sai Baba's principle was to talk less. He never gave any lengthy lectures, but gave His devotees suitable experiences by narrating suitable stories.
    For spiritual advancement, observing silence for some time everyday is good.
    Baba Himself practiced this by spending some time twice a day in Lendi Baug till the end of His life regularly. Talking too much consumes a lot of energy and time, hence even in day-to-day business, it is advisable to avoid unnecessary talk.
    Repeat God's name :
    In speech, Sai Baba's mot important advice was about repeating God's name. He Himself used to repeat 'Allah Malik Hai' (God is Lord) constantly. He was fond of making others chant God's name continously day and night for a whole week. This is known as Nama-Saptah.
    Views of Hemadpant, "The efficacy of God's Name is well-known. It saves us from all sins and bad tendencies, frees us from the cycle of births and deaths. There is no easier sadhana than this. It is the best purifier of our mind. It requires no paraphernalia and no restrictions. It is so easy and so effective".

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #68 on: May 15, 2012, 04:02:39 PM »
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  • Shirdi Sai Baba's Philosopy about Human Births

    According to Hindu scriptures, there are 84 lakh types of births in this world. The souls go on taking births and rebirths in various types according to their merits and demerits. But when merits and demerits are tallied, they they get human body to rest and are given a chance to work out for their salvation.

    In chapter 8 of Shri Sai Satcharitra, it is written "Four things are common to all the creatures, viz. food, sleep, fear and sexual union. In the case of man, he is endowed with a special faculty, viz. knowledge, with the help of which he can attain God-vision, which is impossible in any other birth. It is for this reasons that Gods envy man's fortune and aspire to be born as men on earth, so as to get their final deliverance."
    So Sai Baba, advised us not to miss this rare opportunity by only engaged in satisfying senses only. Devotees who take real interest in spiritual matters are loved by Sai Baba and it is His efforts to remove any obstacle from this path for the ease and happiness of His Devotees.
    In chapter 41, we had seen how He blessed B.V.Dev for his wish to read Jnaneshwari and guided him in this matter by appearing in dream.

    In chapter 16 & 17, Baba said, "So many people come to Me, and ask for wealth, health, power, honour, position, cure of diseases and other temporal matters. Rare is the person, who comes here to Me and asks for Brahma-Jnana. There is no dearth of persons asking for worldly things, but as persons interested in spiritual matters are very rare."

    When thought seriously why Baba used to call so many persons to Shirdi, it would not be wrong to guess that He wanted His devotees to go ahead in spiritual matters and for this He resorted to many different ways. He used to say, "let My man (Devotee) be at any distance, a thousand koss away from Me, he will be drawn to Shirdi like a sparrow, with a thread tied to its feet.

    We know how  Nanasaheb Chandorkar was pulled to Shirdi by Sai Baba. But later it had been seen how he became nearest and dearest devotee of Sai Baba, who constantly looked up his spiritual interest. Even examples of Lala Lakhamichand (Chapter 28) and Ramlal Punjabi (Chapter 30) can be reffered as to how they were called by Sai Baba by appearing in their dreams.

    Again in Chapter 28 Sai Baba demanded Khichadi (rice cooked with dal-lentil and salt) in Burhanpore lady in dream and called her and her husband to Shirdi. Even when devotees give up worshiping their family deity or saints, Baba made them visit Shirdi and reminded them. This example can be quoted here : The father of Bhagwantrao was a devotee of Vithoba, and used to make Varis (annual trips) to Pandharpur. He also had an image of Vithoba at home, which he worshipped. After his death, the son stopped everything - the Vari, the worship and shraddha ceremony etc. When Bhagwantrao came to Shirdi, Sai Baba on remembering his father, at once said, "His father was my friend, so I dragged him (the son) here. He never offered naivaidya (offering of food) and so he starved Vithal and Me. So I brought him here. I shall remonstrate him now and set him to worship." - Chapter 4.

    Another instance of son of Harishchandra Pitale can be taken up here. Pitale took his son to Shirdi who was suffering from epilepsy. On hearing kirtans of Dasganu he was inspired to go to Shirdi as last hope to save his son. Baba cured the son by mere glances, but he was benefited in other way too. On returning Baba gave him three rupees and reminding him about the two rupees given to him by Akkalkot Swamy earlier, persuaded Pitale to start the worship of Akkalkot Swamy again.

    Also we are familiar with incident of Sai Baba forcing Vishnu Sahasranama to Sham, His pet devotee who as reluctant to take it fearing Ramdasi's quarrelsome nature. Thus the efficacy of God’s name is well-known. It saves us from all sins and bad tendencies, frees us from the cycle of births and deaths. There is no easier Sadhana than this. - Chapter 27.
    « Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 04:13:51 PM by subhasrini »
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #69 on: May 16, 2012, 06:28:54 AM »
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  • Shirdi Sai Baba's Philosopy about Cycles of Rebirth

    It is well known that Sai Baba lived in Dwarkamai - a Mosque and dressed like a Fakir. But He believed in Hindu theory of rebirth. While in course of conversations, He used to refer time and age supporting this theory and also gave some practical examples.

    In chapter 36, after lunch, when Shama was drying wet hands of Sai Deva with towel, the Latter pinched former on his cheek. Shama feigning anger said, "Deva, is it proper for you to pinch me like this? We don't want such a mischievous God who pinches us thus. Are we Your dependents, is this the fruit of our intimacy?" Sai Baba replied, "Oh Shama, during the 72 generations that you were with me, I never pinched you till now and now you resent my touching you".

    It was experience of Durandhar brothers on their visit to Shirdi that Baba commented thus : "We are acquainted with each other for the last sixty generations."

    Another instance can be taken here. Nanasaheb Chandorkar, an intimate devotee of Sai Baba, was serving as a personal assistant of collector in the year 1887. Baba sent a message to Nanasaheb Chandorkar through Kulkarni of Shirdi when he went to collector's office for government work to fetch Nanasaheb with him. Nanasaheb did not believe the words of Kulkarni. So Baba again sent the message, but Nanasaheb did not turn up this time too. Baba not minding Nanasaheb's negative attitude again called him. This time Nanasaheb came with some of his collegues and sat before Baba and asked, "Baba why did you call me?" Baba answered, "There are few men in this world. From those people I call you only, hence there must be some specific reason behind it. We are related since past four births. You do not know this, but I know, so I called you. Do come at your convenience now onwards."

    Some dervishes brought before Baba a tiger suffering some agony. The tiger breathed last and the dervishes were much dejected and full of sorrow, but on mature thought they came to their senses. They considered that as the animal was diseased and nearing its end, it was very meritorious on its part that it should meet its death at the feet and in the presence of Sai Baba. It was their debtor, and when the debt was paid off it was free and met its end at Sai's Feet.

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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #70 on: May 17, 2012, 04:52:49 AM »
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  • One noon Mrs. Khaparde brought a dish containing Sanza (wheat-pudding), purees, rice, soup, and kheer (sweet rice) and other sundry articles to the Masjid. Sai Baba, who usually waited for hours, got up at once, went up to His dining seat and removing the outer covering from the dish began to partake of the things zealously. Shama then asked Him - "Why this partiality? You throw away dishes of others and do not care to look at them, but this You draw to You earnestly and do justice to it. Why is the dish of this woman so sweet?
    Sai Baba then explained - "This food is really extra-ordinary. In former birth this lady was a merchant's fat cow yielding much milk. Then she disappeared and took birth in a gardener's family, then in a Kshatriya family, and married a merchant. Then she was born in a Brahmin family. I saw her after a very long time, let Me take some sweet morsels of love from her dish." Thus, by narrating the lady's tale of many previous births, Baba probably explained to His devotees how a soul can progressively rise from an animal form to a human form and then to a Brahmin birth on account of virtuous deeds. One more example regarding Baba's Omnipresence : The nephew of Dadasaheb Kelkar (Rao Bahadur Sathe's father in law) got a vision and he came to Shirdi for Baba's darshan. He was appointed in Kopargaon. But instead of concentrating on his job, he often used to come to Shirdi and served Baba whole-heartedly. So Rao Bahadur Sathe, many a times, complained Kelkar and requested him to consult to Baba regarding this matter. Baba said, "Let he be dismissed from job and let him serve here." So no one could say him anything. Baba received sweets, fruits, etc from many devotees. He made Babu eat them lovingly. In the year 1910, Baba said to Dada Kelkar, "Take care of Babu". After few days he was down with fever and breathed his last at a young age of 22 years. Baba used to remember him often. Baba had prophesied his next birth by saying that "Chhotubai would be his mother". When Chhotubai came Shirdi with her four months old baby boy, Baba said, "Babu where had you been? Were you fed up of me?"
    The above examples convinces us regarding the theory of rebirth and also make us realize how Sai Baba cared to look after His devotees from birth to birth. While talking about rebirths, Sai Baba always said that these births, whether happy or full of miseries, one gets according to one's previous deeds only.
    For example, see how , Chapters 46 and 47, after narrating the past and present lives of two goats and frog and snake, Sai Baba concludes, "The moral of the story is that one has to reap what one sows and there is no escape unless one suffers and squares up one's old debts and dealings with others." That is why Sai Baba advised His devotees to always act honestly and with integrity, keeping one's conscience awake to what is right and what is wrong.
    In Chapter 14, Hemadpant has quoted the precepts recommended by the Upanishads. The Brihadaranyak Upanishad says that the Lord Prajapati advised the Gods, men and demons by one letter "Da". The Gods understood by this letter that they should practice (1) "Dama" i.e. self-control; the men thought or understood that they should practice (2) "Dana" i.e. charity; the demons understood that they should practice (3) "Daya" i.e. compassion. To men Charity or giving was recommended. Thus to men charity or giving was recommended. In order to teach devotee lesson of charity and to remove their attachments for money and thus purify their minds, Baba extracted Dakshina from them.

    Moreover giving importance of human birth, Baba has said, "We get human body as a result of merits in past births and it is worth-while that with its aid, we should attain devotion and liberation in this life. So we should never be lazy, but always be on the alert to gain our end and aim of life."

    The last wish or thought that a man has at the hour of death, determines his future course. Shri Krishna has said in Gita (VIII-5-6) that "he who remembers Me in his last moments, comes verily to Me, and he that meditates otherwise at that time goes to what he looks for." We cannot be certain that we can entertain a particular good thought at our last moment, for, more often than not, we are more likely to be frightened and terrified by many causes. Hence constant practice is necessary for enabling us to fix our mind on any desired good thought at any or the last moment. All Saints, therefore, recommended us to always remember God and chant His name always, so that we may not be puzzled when the time for departure comes. The devotees on their part surrender themselves completely to the Saints, fully believing that the all-knowing Saints would do needful in their last moments. Such examples in Sai Satcharitra are of Vijayanand Sanyasi, Balaram Mankar, Tatyasaheb Noolkar, Megha and a tiger. All of them were fortunate as they breathed their last in presence of Baba. Thus Baba ensured a good rebirth or complete escape from births by such dealings.
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #71 on: May 18, 2012, 08:17:13 AM »
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  • Sai Deva knows Past, Present and Future

    Sai Baba is Omnipotent. He knew Past, Present and Future of all. Here are few incidents which proves Baba's all pervasiveness regarding Kaal (time). Baba has said that due to relations of past births, we are here together. The following examples also show how Baba pulled His devotees on account of Rinanubandh.

    1. Nanasaheb Chandorkar was serving as a personal assistant of collector in the year 1887. Baba sent a message to Nanasaheb Chandorkar through Kulkarni of Shirdi when he went to collector's office for government work to fetch Nanasaheb with him. Nanasaheb did not believe the words of Kulkarni. So Baba again sent the message, but Nanasaheb did not turn up this time too. Baba not minding Nanasaheb's negative attitude again called him. This time Nanasaheb came with some of his collegues and sat before Baba and asked, "Baba why did you call me?" Baba answered, "There are few men in this world. From those people I call you only, hence there must be some specific reason behind it. We are related since past four births. You do not know this, but I know, so I called you. Do come at your convenience now onwards." Nana replied in affirmative, "Okay I will come."
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #72 on: May 20, 2012, 10:08:35 AM »
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  • 2. The nephew of Dadasaheb Kelkar (Rao Bahadur Sathe's father in law) got a vision and he came to Shirdi for Baba's darshan. He was appointed in Kopargaon. But instead of concentrating on his job, he often used to come to Shirdi and served Baba whole-heartedly. So Rao Bahadur Sathe, many a times, complained Kelkar and requested him to consult to Baba regarding this matter. Baba said, "Let he be dismissed from job and let him serve here." So no one could say him anything. Baba received sweets, fruits, etc from many devotees. He made Babu eat them lovingly.

    In the year 1910, Baba said to Dada Kelkar, "Take care of Baba". After few days he was down with fever and breathed his last at a young age of 22 years. Baba used to remember him often. Baba had prophesied his next birth by saying that "Chhotubai would be his mother". When Chhotubai came Shirdi with her four months old baby boy, Baba said, "Babu where had you been? Were you fed up of me?"
    « Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 10:13:43 AM by subhasrini »
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #73 on: May 22, 2012, 09:56:08 AM »
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  • 3. Professor Narke who was a lecturer of Agriculture College of Pune had good fortune to stay in Shirdi in the year 1913-14 for a long time. During his stay, one night Baba gave him Darshan in a dream. A poor labourer was standing besides Baba. Baba said, "He is your friend of past birth. He roams according to his karmas". After two days of this dream, Narke was sitting in Dwarkamai with Baba. At the same time a wood cutter came with a bunch of firewood. No sooner did Narke see that wood cutter he recognised him that he was the same labourer whom he saw in dream. He was thinking thus, "Is he the same whom Baba referred as my friend of my past birth?" While he was thinking this, Baba said, "Go, purchase firehood from your friend for two rupees". Narke said, "Why to give so much amount for this firehood?" Baba said, "Because, he is our dear friend of past birth". Due to this the question arosed in Narke mind calmed down. Baba clarified his doubts and Narke gave him two rupees.

    4. Once Balakram and another devotee were present and Baba said, "Balakram and this person used to meditate in front of each other's caves". I know this person when he was small like a rat. When he was not well in his childhood, a fakir told his mother, "He will get well soon and he is very fortunate".

    5. For Chandrabai Orkar Baba had said, "She is my sister from past seven births. Wherever I go, she finds me out and comes to me."

    6. One day Mrs. Jog brought breakfast for Baba in morning. Baba said," Today one buffalo will come to your back door, give Puran Poli with lot of ghee. She prepared Puran Polis accordingly spread lots of ghee on it and sent to Baba for Naivedhya and saw a buffalo standing at the back door. As per instructions of Baba she gave Puran Poli to buffalo. In no time buffalo sat down and died. Mrs. Jog was in dismay now. She was frightened and doubted that some poisioned thing must have been mixed in ingredients by mistake. If buffalo's owner turned up what will she answer him, she was thus and ran to Baba who calmed her down saying, "Do not worry. The buffalo's owner will not come. That buffalo's only desire to eat Puran Polis was left and I fulfilled its wish through you. Now it is fred from buffalo's womb and will take birth in superior womb."
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    Re: Allah Is Sole Protector Says Shirdi Sai Baba
    « Reply #74 on: May 23, 2012, 03:54:55 PM »
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  • 7. Baba was once returning from Lendi, when He saw a flock of goats. Two of them attracted His attention. He went to them, caressed and fondled them and bought them for Rs.32/-. The devotees were surprised at this conduct of Baba. They thought that Baba was duped in this bargain, as the goats would fetch Rs.two each, at the most Rs.3/- or 4/- each, i.e., Rs.8/- for both. They began to take Baba to task for this, but Baba kept calm and cool. Shama and Tatya Kote asked Baba for an explanation. He said He should not store money as He had no home, and any family to look after. He asked them to purchase at His cost 4 seers of 'dal' (lentil) and feed the goats. After this was done, Baba returned the goats to the owner of the flock and gave out of the following reminiscences and story of the goats. "Oh, Shama and Tatya, you think that I have been deceived in this bargain. No. Listen to their story. In their former birth these goats were human beings and had the good fortune to be My companions and sit by My side. They were uterine brothers, loving each other at first, but later on, they became enemies. The elder brother was an idle fellow while the younger one was an active chap and earned a lot of money. The former became greedy and jealous and wanted to kill his brother and take away his money. They forgot thier fraternal relations and began to quarrel with each other. The elder brother resorted to many devices to kill his younger brother, but all of his attempts failed. Thus they became deadly enemies and finally on one occasion the elder gave a deadly blow with a big stick on the latter's head while the latter struck the former with an axe, with the result that both fell dead on the spot. As the result of their actions, they were both born as goats. As they passed by me, I at once recognized them. I remembered their past history. Taking pity on them I wanted to feed them and give them rest and comfort and for this reason I spent all the money for which you reprove me. As you did not like My bargain I sent them back to their shepherd." Such was Sai's love for the goats!
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