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« on: May 04, 2006, 08:16:50 PM »
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  • Do not wait until you are past middle age to practice this sadhana of Namasmarana.

    There are some parents who tell their children that they can take up religious practices in their old age. But a straight plant means a straight tree; a bent plant can never grow into a straight tree.

    So the sadhana has to be followed from a tender age.



    Offline ARUN_REDDY

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    « Reply #1 on: May 05, 2006, 08:25:14 PM »
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  • The Mother principle is highly sacred. The mother fosters the child in the womb and goes through all travails to protect the child. There is no greater love in the world than maternal love. For every person the first preceptor is the mother. It is from the mother that a child learns to speak its first few words, take its first few steps and learn the first lessons in good conduct. That is why the ancients accorded the highest place of honour to the mother and declared: "Mathru devo bhava" (Esteem the mother as Divine).


    Offline ARUN_REDDY

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    « Reply #2 on: May 06, 2006, 07:26:03 PM »
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  • By constant contemplation on God the mind should be turned away from mundane desires. That is the way to transcend the dualities of pain and pleasure. Man has to wake up from the sleep of ignorance and realize his divine essence. When worldly desires are reduced, bliss will be experienced. Along with the control of desires, men should also get rid of Ahamkara (ego). Men today are filled with fear because they have no confidence in themselves. A bird can brave a storm because it has faith in its wings. But man succumbs to the slightest reverses of fortune because he does not rely on the power of the Spirit. People must rely primarily on the power of the Divine. With confidence in the Self, they should devote themselves to good deeds. This is the purpose of life. Every step you take must bring you nearer to God.


    Offline ARUN_REDDY

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    « Reply #3 on: May 07, 2006, 07:54:11 PM »
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  • Good qualities can be acquired only by practice. Though it may seem difficult, like moving an object uphill, yet the effort has to be made. Sadhana (spiritual practice) must be done with full faith and without any room for doubt. Cultivate love for God. There is nothing greater than that. As your love grows stronger, the Spirit in you will shine brighter. Spiritual growth calls for restraint on desires. In addition, you also have to get rid of attachments and aversions. The three great enemies of man are Kama (desire), Krodha (anger) and Lobha (greed). Desire destroys devotion, anger annihilates wisdom, and greed poisons every action. These three vices are deleterious to Sath-Karma (good deeds), Upasana (devotion) and Jnana (spiritual wisdom). The only way to get rid of them is to burn them in Prema-Agni (the fire of Divine Love).


    Offline ARUN_REDDY

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    « Reply #4 on: May 08, 2006, 07:46:46 PM »
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  • If you wish to lead an ideal life, you have to follow the example of the Avatars (Divine incarnations). Avatars may appear in human form, but you should not equate them with ordinary mortals. In physical form, both may appear alike. But there is a fundamental difference. You should not mistake the cotton fruit for the mango. When man strays away from the path of righteousness, God comes in human form to reform him. Birds, beasts and insects lead lives according to their specific nature. It is only man who has given up all righteousness, forgotten his divine essence and degraded his humanness. The Avatar has to protect the good, reform the erring and punish the wicked.


    Offline ARUN_REDDY

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    « Reply #5 on: May 09, 2006, 07:13:54 AM »
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  • YOU MAY NOT get a chance to partake in some gigantic scheme or service through which millions may be benefitted;

    You can lift a lame lamb over a stile or lead a blind person across a busy road.

    That too is an act of worship.

    - BABA


    Offline ARUN_REDDY

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    « Reply #6 on: May 09, 2006, 07:56:42 PM »
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  • Self-realization should be the goal of human existence. It has to be reached through three stages: Self-confidence, self-satisfaction and self-sacrifice. Man should regard himself as the master of the body, the senses and the mind. He has to use the intellect to experience his oneness with the divine, the cosmic all-pervading consciousness. The flame of Prajnaana (constant integrated awareness) which is in everyone is covered by the ash of worldly desires. When the ash is blown off, the fire of Brahman (Absolute Divinity) reveals itself in all its glory.


    Offline ARUN_REDDY

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    « Reply #7 on: May 10, 2006, 07:43:13 PM »
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  • Giving up narrow ideas and feelings, people should show compassion towards their fellow-beings. Compassion is the hallmark of Bhakthi (devotion). No one can hope to please God without showing Daya (compassion) towards his fellow-men. A loving heart is the temple of God. God cannot dwell in a heart without compassion. There is nothing greater in the world than Prema-drishti (feeling of universal love). They alone are good who see the unity in the apparent diversity. Men have to realize that they are sparks of the Divine. They have to develop sacred thoughts and lead ideal lives. They must seek to promote the welfare of society.


    Offline ARUN_REDDY

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    « Reply #8 on: May 11, 2006, 08:24:01 PM »
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  • Developing attachment to persons and possessions is the cause of all sorrow. By reducing attachments and developing love for God, one can reduce misery and experience more happiness. The more one loves God, the more the bliss one experiences. Men are plunged in misery because they hanker after the physical instead of yearning for God. If men transform their desire for material objects into the desire for the Supreme they will enjoy immense happiness. All that is necessary is to see the Divine in everything. This is true devotion. Work will then turn into worship and every act rendered holy.


    Offline ARUN_REDDY

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    « Reply #9 on: May 12, 2006, 06:40:21 AM »
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  • Do not wait until you are past middle age to practice this sadhana of Namasmarana.

    There are some parents who tell their children that they can take up religious practices in their old age. But a straight plant means a straight tree; a bent plant can never grow into a straight tree.

    So the sadhana has to be followed from a tender age.



    Offline ARUN_REDDY

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    « Reply #10 on: May 12, 2006, 06:13:27 PM »
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  • Man should realize that the five basic elements which constitute the fundamental stuff of the universe are common to all mankind. He should see the divine in every human being. This is the purport of the prayer: Buddham Sharanam Gachchaami, Sangham Sharanam Gachchaami, Dharmam Sharanam Gachchaami. The meaning of the prayer is that for the sake of upholding Dharma (Righteousness), one should use one's Buddhi (the enlightened intellect) and engage in service of Sangha (society). Man has been endowed with a body essentially to pursue Dharma.


    Offline ARUN_REDDY

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    « Reply #11 on: May 13, 2006, 07:46:39 PM »
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  • Truth does not simply mean abstaining from lying. You have to take truth as your very essence, as the foundation of your life.

    You should be prepared to renounce everything for the sake of truth. The world conducts itself in the fear of this truth and is always subservient to truth.

    If there were no truth, man would be afraid even to live. Truth confers fearlessness on man. It is truth which protects the entire world and makes it function.

    It is truth that drives away fear. Truth is such an important quality that only when it is being faultlessly observed by an individual will he be able to attain divinity. Character is the life-breath of truth. Virtue and good behaviour are important to character.-BABA


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    « Reply #12 on: May 14, 2006, 07:48:27 PM »
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  • You walk amongst the jungles of life, Wrapped in attachments, worries and sufferings.  I come and meet you in this confusion.  You do not recognize Me in My disguise.  I offer you My help and My guidance,

    To traverse this difficult path.  But ego blinds your spiritual eye,  and you move on alone and lost,  Until later with My grace and your repeated prayers,  I arrive again !  This time you see a glimpse of My divinity,  and you begin your following.

    Your faith strengthens,  And your dependence on Me grows.  When all of a sudden, all seems clear !  You now follow Me, amongst the jungles of life,  Detached, contented and blissful.  Your eyes only see Me,  Your heart only beats My name,  With your love for Me, and with My love for you,  We merge into the light of oneness.

    It starts with Guru and disciple,  Continues to become God and devotee,  And ends to be God and God. - BABA


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    « Reply #13 on: May 15, 2006, 07:34:56 PM »
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  • Transcend anekathwa bhava (the feeling of multiplicity) and cultivate ekathwa bhava (the feeling of oneness) - that will end strife, grief, pain and pride. See all beings as manifestations of the same Divinity. Feel that the reason you are able to talk and walk, think and act is due to the God within. Differences that strike you where you cast your eyes are illusory; you have not yet developed the vision that makes you comprehend the unity which underlies the apparent diversity. The fault lies with you, not with the world. The world is one; but each takes it to mean what pleases him most. Each sees it in his own way and hence, it appears as if it has multiple facets.


    Offline ARUN_REDDY

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    « Reply #14 on: May 16, 2006, 06:38:36 AM »
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  • When you have determination to reach God,  It must be accompanied with patience.  Without patience it will only lead to frustration.

    Be patient and love God,  Simply for the reason of pure love.  Do not expect His Grace.  Grace comes only when He wills,  and only at the right time.

    It will pour abundantly one day.  But in the meantime, you must work hard on Your faith in Him,  Your determination to reach Him,  Your patience and perseverance and  Your sincere love for Him. God gives all, and expects nothing.

    You too are God, learn to give, give, give .........




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