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Offline nimmi_sai

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don't forget to be ......
« on: April 06, 2008, 06:23:10 AM »
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  • Kindness is a generosity of spirit that comes to life when we give of ourselves, and our time, to be of help to others without expecting anything in returnThink about how you feel yourself when somebody else shows you kindness.  What greater reward could there be than to regularly give that feeling to others through small but thoughtful acts?  And the best bit is that what you give comes back to you in even greater quantity. When you are kind, you not only get an immediate payback in terms of a feel-good factor, you will also receive kindness from others, and in completely unexpected and unrelated ways.

    It is so easy to find ways to be kind to others - here are just a few ideas:

    say something supportive when you instinctively feel someone needs to hear it
    offer help without being asked for it; smile encouragingly
    swallow your criticisms; listen without judgement
    let mistakes slide instead of assigning blame
    make small sacrifices for the benefit of somebody in greater need
    Oh yes, being kind to othes is a sure-fire strategy for boosting your own happiness. 

    But don't forget to be kind to yourself as well!

    om sai ram

    Surrender your problem entirely to God.
    Be humble.
     Forgive all your enemies.
    Have faith. Do not doubt.
    Thank God in advance and praise Him.
    Pray from the heart.
    om sai shri sai jai jai sai


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