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Don’t Mind Adharma if Incarnation Demands
« on: January 30, 2011, 10:45:44 PM »
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  • Don’t Mind Adharma if Incarnation Demands
    O Learned and Devoted Servants of God,

    [January 30, 2011] Be it worldly affair or be it spiritual affair, your goal is to please the Lord in human form only. The path is not important. Only the goal is important. The ultimate goal is to please God in human form. Hanuman pleased Rama in the worldly affair, which is the search of His wife and getting back Her finally from the demon. This is a worldly affair and also a personal affair of Rama. It is not connected to the welfare of the society also because Rama told that He will go back without killing Ravana, if His wife is returned. Thus, it is not only worldly affair, but also a personal affair. Still, Hanuman served Rama even at the cost of His life in the war since His ultimate aim is only to please the Lord in human form and the path is immaterial. Similarly, Krishna asked Arjuna to fight and kill even his grandfather in the interest of establishment of justice in the society. This is worldly affair but not personal of Krishna. If Arjuna was in the place of Hanuman, he will not be interested since Rama was highly selfish by declaring that statement. Since Hanuman was a devotee of higher order, He could recognize Rama as the Lord and served Him keeping the ultimate aim as the pleasure of the Lord only. Even though the affair of Rama was highly personal, but still, it is justified. Since justice is there, Hanuman was safe in supporting the justice even though He took the risk in serving the personal affair. Arjuna was very much safe because the advice of Krishna to fight is not only impersonal, but also justified. In the case of Hanuman, there is 50 percent risk and in the case of Arjuna, there is no risk at all.
    The disciples of Shankara, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad etc. were still with more safety since they served the Lord in human form to propagate the spiritual knowledge in the society. This service is neither worldly affair nor personal and it is very sacred because it is spiritual work related to the welfare of the society. All these devotees should be appreciated since their ultimate goal was only to please the Lord in human form whether the path is worldly or spiritual or personal or social. In all these cases, there is lot of safety because the service is related to establishment of justice and there is no trace of injustice. Here, the word ‘safety’ means that even if the human form is not really the Lord, there is no harm because it is only a matter of supporting individual or social justice or sacred spiritual knowledge. In all these cases, the recognition of the Lord in human form need not be very serious. Even if the recognition is a failure, there is no danger otherwise, since there is no trace of injustice in the service.

    If you take the case of Dharmaraja and Gopikas, the Lord asked them to follow injustice to please Him. Dharmaraja was asked by Krishna to tell a lie. If that lie is uttered, his own teacher Drona will be killed, which is the greatest sin and its punishment will be very severe if Krishna is not God. Dharmaraja could not take risk because his faith in the Lord was not complete. Even though He praised Krishna as God many a times, there was some trace of doubt in the heart of his heart and therefore, he could not take the risk of going to hell. Similarly, Krishna expressed His love to Gopikas through mischief. Gopikas were sages in the previous births and most of them had complete faith in Krishna as the God. Therefore, such Gopikas having complete and real faith, danced with Krishna in the midnights cheating their sleeping husbands. They also did not object Krishna stealing the butter from their houses, which was the basic livelihood especially for their children. Both these activities were serious sins and if Krishna was not God, Gopikas will go to severe hell. Gopikas did not have even a trace of doubt in Krishna, but Dharmaraja had a trace of doubt.

    Hence, Dharmaraja did not do the sin but, Gopikas did the sin. Dharmaraja was just a scholar of scriptures and recognized Krishna as God through theoretical knowledge. Gopikas were sages and realized the God through practical penance. Penance means realizing God through practical knowledge and to prove the faith in practical situations, which are very serious, causing lot of trouble and pain. Such practical standing in testing situations is penance. The penance, which you understand, is only theoretical in which one sits closing the eyes and chants the name of the Lord or gains knowledge through continuous study of scriptures. Dharmaraja was an example of theoretical penance, whereas, Gopikas, who were the sages, were examples of practical penance. Krishna was pleased with Gopikas but at the same time, if Krishna is not God, Gopikas will be severely punished in the hell. Their faith in Krishna conquered such fear and hence, did even the sin to please the Lord.

    But, in the case of Dharmaraja, his faith could not conquer the fear and hence, went back from doing the sin. Gopikas did not go to hell for doing this sin, but, Dharmaraja went to hell for not doing the sin. Of course, this is true if the human being is really the Lord. Therefore, the devotees should not do sin in the service unless they have complete and real faith in the human form of Lord, since the risk is very high. Of course, it is an acid test for a devotee and unless the devotee is of highest order like Gopikas, the devotee will fail due to the fear for the punishment of the sin. The devotee also should be careful in this acid test because there are several false human incarnations, who exploit the devotees in this line. These false human incarnations are many in this Kali Yuga. Such false human incarnations rob the money of the devotees acting as Krishna stealing the butter! They also cheat the female devotees in the disguise of Krishna. Hence, the devotee should be very careful and unless the faith is in the climax, the devotee should not take such risk and go to hell.


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