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Re: DwarakaMai Sai
« Reply #30 on: January 14, 2010, 04:06:06 PM »
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  • 09 Mighty words of Shri SadGuru Saibaba

    Shirdi Saibaba said, “if a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes,increase his devotion.And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds,him I shall beset in front and back and on all sides.Those devotees,who are attached to Me,heart and soul,will naturally feel happiness,when they hear these stories.Believe Me that,if anybody sings My leelas,I will give him infinite joy and everlasting contentment.It is My special characteristic to free any person,who surrenders completely to Me,and who worships Me faithfully,and who remembers Me,and meditates on Me constantly.How can they be conscious of worldly objects and sensations,who utters My name,who worship Me,who think of My stories and My life,and who thus,always remember Me! I shall draw out My devotees from the jaws of death.If My stories are listened to,all diseases will be got rid of.So,hear My stories with respect,and think and meditate on them,assimilate them.This is the way of happiness and contentment.The pride and egoism of My devotees will vanish,the mind of the hearers will be set at rest;and if he has wholehearted and complete faith,he will be one with supreme Consciousness.The simple remembrance of My name as “Sai,Sai” will do away with sins of speech and hearing.”
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    Re: DwarakaMai Sai
    « Reply #31 on: January 16, 2010, 08:00:35 AM »
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  • Sai Baba as Sadguru

    There are many so-called Gurus,who go about from house to house with cymbals and Vina in their hands,and make a show of their spirituality.They blow Mantras into the ears of their disciples and extract money from them.They profess to teach piety and religion to their disciples,but are themselves impious and irreligious.

    Sai Baba never thought of making the least show of His worth (piety).He had no Body-consciousness but He had great love for His disciples.There are two kinds of Gurus (1) ‘Niyat’ (appointed or fixed) and (2) ‘Aniyat’ (unappointed or general).The latter by their advice develop the good qualities in us,purify our hearts and set us on the path of salvation;but contact with the former,dispels our sense of dualities (sense of difference,)and establishes us in Unity by making us realize “Thou art that”.

    There are various Gurus imparting to us various kinds of worldly knowledge but he,who fixes us in our Nature (self) and carries us beyond the ocean of worldly existence,is the Sadguru.Sai Baba was such a Sadguru.His greatness is indescribable.

    If anybody went to take His darshan,He without being asked,would give every detail of his past,present and future.He saw Divinity in all beings.Friends and foes were alike to Him.Disinterested and balanced,He obliged the evil-doers as well as the pious.He was the same in prosperity and adversity.No doubt ever touched Him.Though,He acted through the body He was not in the least,attached to His body or house.”Though,He looked embodied,He was really unembodied ,i.e., free from gross existence.

    Blessed are the people of Shirdi,who worshiped  Sai as their God.While eating,drinking,working in their backyards and fields,and doing various household jobs,they always remembered Sai and sang His glory.They knew no other God except Sai.

    What to speak of the sweetness of the love of the women of Shirdi!They were quite ignorant but their pure love inspired them to compose poems or songs in their simple rustic language.Letters of learning they had none,still one can discern real poetry in their simple songs.It is not intelligence,but love that inspires real poetry.As such,real poetry is the manifestation of true love,and this can be seen and appreciated by intelligent listeners.Collection of these folk-songs is desirable and by Baba’s wish some fortunate devotee may undertake the task of compiling and publishing these folk-songs,either in the Sai Leela magazine or seperately in a book.
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    Re: DwarakaMai Sai
    « Reply #32 on: January 19, 2010, 06:09:02 AM »
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  • Goal of Life

    The life of this Saint is naturally sweet.His various doings,eating,walking and His natural sayings are also sweet.His life is Bliss Incarnate.Sai gave bliss to His devotees as a means of remembrance.He gave them various stories of duty and action,which ultimately led them to true religion.His object may be,that people should live happily in this world but they should be ever cautious,and achieve the object of their life,viz.self-realization.We get human body as a result of merits in past births and it is worth-while that,with its aid,we should attain devotion and liberation in this life.So,we should never be lazy but always be on the alert to gain our goal of life.

    If you hear the leelas (stories) of Sai daily,you will always see Him.Day and night you will remember Him in your mind.When you assimliate Sai in this way,your mind will lose its fickleness,and if you go on in this manner,it will finally be merged in Pure Conciousness.
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    Re: DwarakaMai Sai
    « Reply #33 on: January 19, 2010, 06:14:49 AM »
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  • The Instructable Power of Maya

    Baba’s words were always short,deep,full of meaning,effective and well-balanced.He was ever content and never cared for anything.He said,”Though I am a Fakir,have no house or wife,and though,leaving all care,I stay at one place,the inevitable Maya teases Me often.Though,I forgot Myself but she cannot forgot Me.She always envelops Me.This Maya (illusive power) of the Lord (Shri Hari) harasses even Lord Brahma and others,then,what to speak of a poor Fakir,like Me? Those,who take refuge in God,will be freed from Her clutches with His grace.”

    In such terms Baba spoke about the power of Maya.Lord Shri Krishna has said to Uddhava in the Bhagwat that the saints are His living forms and see, what Baba has said for the welfare of His devotees,”Those,who are fortunate and whose demerits have vanished,take to My worship.If you always say “Sai,Sai”,I shall take you over the seven seas believe in these words,and you will be certainly benefited.I do not need any paraphernalia of worship - either eight-fold or sixteen-fold.I rest there,where there is full devotion.”
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    Re: DwarakaMai Sai
    « Reply #34 on: January 19, 2010, 11:52:11 AM »
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  • Baba’s Dress and Daily Routine

    In his young days,Sai Baba grew the hair on His head,never had His head shaved.He dress like an athlete.When He went to Rahata (3 miles from Shirdi),He brought with Him small plants of Marigold,Jai and Jui and after cleaning them He planted and watered them.A devotee by name Vaman Tatya,supplied Him daily with two unbaked earthen pitchers.With these Baba Himself used to water the plants.He drew water from the well and carried the pitchers on His shoulders.In the evening,the pitchers were kept at the foot of the Neem tree.As soon as they were placed there,they broke as they were made of mud and not baked.Next day,Tatya supplied two fresh pitchers.This course went on for 3 years,and with Sai Baba’s toil and effort,there grew a garden.On this site,at present stands the big mansion-Samadhi Mandir of Baba,which is now frequented by so many devotees.
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    Re: DwarakaMai Sai
    « Reply #35 on: January 21, 2010, 11:05:00 AM »
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    The Dwarkamayi   Is  veritably  the VAIKUNTH  on earth of  SHRI SHIRDI  SAIMATH.

    It was   at   this   place,  where  BABA  stayed for an
    uninterrupted  period of  more  than 60  years   and which has  attained great importance.

    After BABA'S  arrival  at Shirdi with Chandbhai Patil's
    marriage  party, BABA resided here In the Dwarkamayi  till the very end of  HIS   life.

    Here  HE  solved   problems   of  the   people,  ushered their sickness and worries.

    Here HE showed the various forms of God to the devotees  and
    proved that GOD  is   one. 

     It was here  BABA explained  in length Chapter 34 of  Bhagavad Glta to Sri  Nana saheb Chandorkar. 

     It was here HE  gave lessons  of  KORAN  to Abdul.

    Just before HE   passed   away.  HE Instructed Lakshmi  Bal Shinde what  Navadha Bhakti (9 types   of devotion)   means,He explained the meaning  of  each word to Lakshmibai after giving her 9 rupees.

    It was here that BABA lit the Dhuni and which remains   perpetually lighted uninterruptedly.

    The  ash In this Dhuni  is given   to all devotees.

    Here  BABA's Midday and Dhup Arati were being sung and BABA used  to distribute  prasad  and udhi to all  those  present. 

    It was here that BABA ground the cholera in the form  of  wheat  Flour.

    It was  here  that HE  gave  a clear consent  and blessings   to Sri Annahsheb  Dabholkar (Hemadpant)   to write His biography.

    Here  BABA explained  the importance  of  having   a Guru,   the  importance  of   giving dakshina.

    It was here  that  BABA  lighted  lamps with water and it was here that  BABA used  to sleep   on a bed of   rags.

    It was here  that HE prepared food in a big handy and lovingly distributed It   to His devotees. 

    It was here that  BABA granted salvation to  A tiger.

    It was  here   that HE   put HIS hands   in the Dhuni (lighted fire)   and saved  a blacksmith's child far away.   

    It was here that BABA doused the fire  that raged ih the Dargah of
    Nagpur’ s Hajrat Tajuddin Baba when the  latter beseeched HIS help.

    It was here  that HE (Baba)   proved that HE had control  over nature by stopping storms  on two occasions.

    It was here that BABA went into Samadhi for three  days on Margarisha Purnima of 1886.

    It was  here  that  BABA showed Himself   as LORD DATTATREYA  on Datta JayantI  in 1911.   

    It was here that BABA meted out justice at  times very severe to those devotees who would just   refuse  to mend their ways.

    BABA used to say often "Our Justice  is stern.

    Even  if  a child Sails  athwart the womb we have  to cut it.

    It was here  that BABA, blessed devotees  and rewarded each according to their faith  in HIM.

    Hi is Dwarkamayi  is a witness  to many many more such  noble activities and incidents   during  BABA's   lifetime.

    Every   Inch of  space  in this holy  place vibrates with  life  if only one has faith. 

    The serene silence  at night here is so soothing that  one literally feels  himself relieved  of  his  burdens   and offloading them at SAI's feet.

    This Valkuntha of earth-the Dwarkamayi Is supremely holy  and  sacred.

    A mighty Avatar spent His entire lifetime here   and today HE  rests   in peace  and silence & the Samadhi Mandir.

    But,   the holy Dwarkamayi  Is still throbbing with HIS  divine presence.

    His  oil  portrait placed In the Dwarkamayi   is  so  lively   that one  feels  BABA  is  still sitting   and looking at  him.

    A fakir that BABA resembled outwardly, HE was  none but Incarnate.

    The beauty of   these wonderful saints   is  that they  appear so quietly in a remote unheard of village  and after fulfilling their earthly mission leave as quietly  as they come.

    It  is  then  that their fame begins to spread like wildfire as  they become spiritually active from their tombs.

    BABA as already mentioned is  an Apantaratma.

    HE will  therefore remain eternally active from HIS tomb to help and protect HIS devotees   and   all   others who   place their in HIM.

    1.What can the snake do to Dwarkamayi's children? They look on amused when  the snake appears.

    2.We have no need to fear. Strike, let Me see how you can strike and kill.

    3.This is not it Mosque. It is Dwaraka.

    Those who seek refuge in her will never be harmed.

    4.As soon one climbs the steps of the mosque sufferings due to Karma are atan end and joy begins.

    That Fakir(God) is very kind and will relieve your troubles.

    5.When any one enters this Dwarka Mayi his goal (object) will be achieved.

    6.This place (Dwarka Mayi) is for Tarana i.e. saving them and NOT marana i,e. killingthem. _   SHRI SAINATH.

    Before BABA's arrival  in Shirdi,  the  Dwarkamayi was an old mosque  in  a dilapilated condition.

    BABA turned it into Dwarkamayi.

    It was the desire of Gopal Gund, land Surveyor of  Kopergaon to  repair this masjid  after he started  the Ram-Navami  Urs Fair  in Shirdi   every year from 1897.

    However, this  work of   repairing  the masjid was   not   assigned  to him but for Nana Chandorkar and the  pavement work for Kaka Dixit.

    Initially,BABA  refused  permission to have  these  Jobs done but on  theintervention of   Bhagat Mhalsapathy,  HIS consent was obtained. 

    The work of   restoration of   the masjid together with the Sabha Mandap was completed   in 1911.

    How fortunate is this mosque where  BABA chose  to stay In Shirdi.

    For decades and centuries,  this mosque may have  been left  unused  and allowed   to decay.

    When BABA first stayed  In this mosque,   it was so dilapilated that  one feared if the walls of the roof  would  crumble down
    on him.

    The  masjid bore  the full   brunt  of   heat,   rain and cold
    and made   it  useless  for inhabitation.

    It was a  wonder how  BABA spent a good  60 years   in  this  mosque  when one could  not  live  there  for a single day.

    It is believed that BABA Himself   in some   earlier lives  had connection with  Shirdi   and  even of   this  Dwarkataayi mosque.

    Shri  Sainath  being a God  incarnate.

    His actions all resemble some   past links  and  what HE
    did   always  had  a deeper meaning beyond ordinarly human intellect. 

    It was   only  the saints   and God  realised  souls who could understand  BABA and realise His   greatness   and His   actions.


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    Re: DwarakaMai Sai
    « Reply #36 on: February 10, 2010, 07:51:43 AM »
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  • I get angry with none. Will a mother get angry with Her children? Will the ocean send back water to several rivers?

    Sai Baba the compassion incarnate said this words. Sai Baba sometimes used to get angry. His body would be seen burning with rage and eyes red like hot charcoal at those times. But sooner or later it was disovered that Sai Baba's rage was towards the ill effect on any of His devotees. The devotees would be free from the ill effect that might have hurt much. A little more on Sai Baba's anger. It shows that Sainath's anger is also out of compassion and ultimate good for His devotees.
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    Re: DwarakaMai Sai
    « Reply #37 on: February 17, 2010, 06:27:12 AM »
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    Our love for Lord Sainath should be whole-hearted.

    Then it will banish the feeling of loneliness and gradually diminish our dependence on human relationships.

    Ultimately, the companionship of Shirdi Sai alone is dependable.

    It is right that we love others, but our reliance should not be on human beings, but on Sainath.

    Anyone else we cling to, we lose.

    May be it is because the Lord wants us to know that if we wish for Him, our attention to Him must be single-minded.

    It is wonderful to pine for the one divine beloved of our souls; wonderful to utter Sai Name.

    Then He is sure to respond.In Arabia, there was a great saint know as Ibn-Al-Arabi.

    Once he sat down facing the Kaba. After a long time he turned round happily and demanded his supper,

    which he received and ate very heartily. When he was asked aobut it, he told : I declared to God that I

    would neither eat or drink till the man imprecating me was pardoned.

    I recited “LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH’ seventy  thousand time till God pardoned him.

    Whether it is agreed or not, that fact is that Allah who is the MALIK of ALL CREATION has always listened to the

    prayers and demands of the saints and pardoned the sinners.

    The saints intervene on our behalf and pray to the most merciful  Allah to forgive us and in turn Allah very gladly

    grants their request. Shri Sai Baba was one such beloved saint.

    Sai Baba has clearly told that the person who thinks that Baba is in  Shirdi only has not at all understood him.

    Baba’s mortal body has disintegrated into its original constituents like air, ether, water, earth etc.

    But the real Baba who is the great invisible force still continues

    to help people in mysterious ways even after His “Mahasamadhi”. He is active as before taking care of His children.

    Sainath is the divine channel through which the beloved Lord’s wisdom and mercy flow.

    Like a mother bird that pushes the fledgeling out of the nest so that it can learn to fly, the Gurudev Sai Maharaj forces

    the devotee  to establish his own relationship with Almighty.

    For the same reason, Sainath takes away from the devotee every human

    support to awaken awareness about Him, until the devotee comes to

    the ultimate realization :

    “Sai is my strength.

    Sai is my Friend.

    Sai is my beloved, my only one.

    When He is absent from me, I am bereft of everything.

    I am a beggar.

    When He is with me, I am filled with love and joy ;

    I am filled with courage and strength.

    Dear Sai brothers and Sai sisters:

    If we go to human beings to find divine solace, divine comfort,

    we may for a while receive a little happiness and contentment, but

    sooner or later the Lord takes those props away.

    We have to rely on Sainath alone.

    He alone is ever lasting, so He wants us to be strong in our faith

    in him.

    courtesy Shivajyoti M.Nanjappa  :)

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    Re: DwarakaMai Sai
    « Reply #38 on: March 08, 2010, 10:20:32 AM »
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  • When the merciful father is the wrath incarnate, it will be for a purpose.

    When Sapatnekar sought Baba after losing his only son to throat disease,

    Baba tested him for a long time before giving him the best comfort of his life, His Company!

    Had Sapatnekar known earlier about the omniscience of Baba,

    perhaps he would not have belittled his friend's faith in Baba during his younger days.

    When Haji Siddiq Falke, proud of his pilgrimage to Mecca did not recognize the Supreme in Baba,

    he was made to realize his mistakes soon.

    Completely grounded by Baba's impossible questions, Haji opened his eyes, realized his misconceptions about his

    own spiritual experiences and was enlisted in Sai's darbar.

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    Re: DwarakaMai Sai
    « Reply #39 on: April 08, 2010, 07:19:21 AM »
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  • DwarakaMai Sai!

    A devotee should always, every moment, remember his soul relationship with Baba and feel affinity. The more we will remember, the closer we will feel with Him. This remembrance is like the life force of all other aspects of devotion, so it is of first importance.

    Remembrance of any of the names, leelas, virtues, abodes, and the associates of Shirdi Sai can be done singly or collectively. So, while doing the chanting or while listening to a chant or while remembering a chant in our mind we should feel the synonymity of Blissful sweetness of Baba with the name, and, at the same time, think of any leela, or feel and imagine the presence of Baba near us.

    Bhakti is the selfless remembrance of Baba. It is accompanied by the feeling of affinity and a desire to increase longing. Such a devotion purifies the heart of the devotee and qualifies it to receive the Grace of Baba. The practical and best way of Baba devotion to increase the longing for the vision of Shirdi Sai is to remember the Divine relationship and to meditate on the form and the leelas of Shirdi Sai Baba affectionately.

    Baba devotees who have read Shri Sai Satcharitra experience this all the time when they chant His name and meditate on Him. It brings up nostalgic moments as if we are in Dwarkamai and He, the graceful and handsome Sai, standing on the edge of the Masjid and distributing
    Udi to each and every Bhakta, with a view to his welfare.

    He, Who thinks of the world as an illusion and Who is ever engrossed in Supreme Bliss before Him, we humbly prostrate ourselves.

    Om Sai Ram!!!!  :)
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    Re: DwarakaMai Sai
    « Reply #40 on: September 21, 2010, 07:21:42 AM »
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  • Nine forms of devotion.

    1. Shravana listening to the praise of lord or chantings of lord.

    2. Kirtana - singing the glories of God and Saints, devotional songs and bhajans

    3. Smarana - remebering the God or Sadguru wherever we are what ever we are doing.

    4. Padsevana - resorting to the feet of Sadguru (Thou art the doer i am the machine) surrender with heart soul and mind.

    5. Archana (Worship) Worshiping the God or Sad Guru

    6. Namaskara - Bowing to Sadguru and giving the self to Him

    7. Dasya service serving the guru with bhava of a dasa a divine servant who serves his Sadguru

    8. Sakhyatva (Friendship) looking to Sadguru as a friend and always remembering Him as the best friend.

    9. Atmanivedana (surrender of the self)

    If any one of these is done with totality with Faith and Patience and as Sai Baba had said in the earlier story
    "In this spiritual path, you have to put in your best exertion as it is very difficult"
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    Re: DwarakaMai Sai
    « Reply #41 on: September 22, 2010, 09:57:28 AM »
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  • The Protecting Arms

    There was a judge who used to come to Shirdi; he asked his wife and child to stay with Baba and left to go home for a couple of days. He said to the boy when he took leave, "This is God Himself". After some days the mother left for Manmad with the boy.

    Buzz up!There, they fell in with a kathak who was reciting musically some Pur"nic story. Within a few minutes, they heard him revile Sai Baba as a mad man and a cheat; the child could not stand it any longer. He tugged at the sari of his mother and forced her to return to Baba. Next morning, they approached Baba for His blessings and He asked them why they had returned. The incident of the kathak was duly reported.

    The boy heard every one addressing Baba as the Lord. Remembering the harsh words of the kathak, the boy wept, But Baba pacified Him humorously, "I am only a man. What the kathak said is true; I am mad and I am cheating people of what they consider very valuable, but what I feel is useless". Then, even as they were talking, one Mr. Patel came there and related how Baba had saved his child from a serious accident.

    Baba told him, "Yes, I held him when he fell, with My Four Hands". Patel shed tears of thankfulness, but the boy cried out, "Ah, I told you, You are God, You have four hands like Vishnu". Baba laughed, He took the boy inside and gave him a vision of Himself, as having Four Hands.

    That boy stayed on in Shirdi for 26 years after this and left only after Baba 'left'. He then took sanny"sa and became a great sage.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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