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God - Mother, Father and Preacher
« on: November 05, 2016, 12:26:51 PM »
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  • Brahma (Guru) is the preacher, Vishnu (Shri) is the Mother and Shiva (Prabhu) is the Father. Therefore, Lord Datta is the complete expression of God.

    The father and mother in this world are not harsh to their child due to blind love. Due to this, the child is spoiled. The preacher here is harsh without love as we see the harsh punishments given by the teacher. The teacher here is not worried about your failure in real sense. The teacher teaches the student only for the fees. Hence, these three here are partially or totally defective.

    God is your real father, mother and preacher (if you take the word ‘Matrudevo’ etc., as Bahuvrihi samasa). This is the correct sense. The reverse meaning (Karmadharaya samasa) is wrong in taking father, mother and preacher as God. God has both the paternal affection and the harsh treatment of the preacher required to mould the soul towards highest position.

    You should not judge God by rating the fruits. He gives apple to one person and banana to other person. The cost of apple is Rs.50/- and the cost of banana is only Rs.2/- . You pray God to give costlier apple in the place of cheaper banana. The banana is given to you because you have the problem of indigestion and banana will cure it. Your body is not resistant to cold and hence, apple is not given to you, which increases cold. The other person has resistance to cold and has less blood. Apple will not harm him and increases his blood. Hence, the doctor (preacher) gives whatever is suitable to the patient (student). Its cost is immaterial.

    For your case, banana is the costlier fruit and apple is cheaper fruit. The same is vice versa to the case of other person. God will give that much money or wealth to you beyond which, you will be spoiled with ego and bad ways.

    So, whatever is present with you is sufficient and will do good to you. Even an atheist is treated in the same way. If a son scolds always his parents, will the parents become angry with him? They pity him more and will also give to him whatever is needed. They try to change him slowly. All this analysis shows that you need not worship God at all for getting more fruits since you are already given the best needed fruit to you.

    A father, who is really interested in the welfare of his son, will send him to jail if he becomes a criminal. A father, who has blind love to his son, will hide his crime. Similarly, God, as a real father interested always in the welfare of the human being, will send him to the hell for betterment of his qualities through inevitable punishments. Hell shows the greatest love and concern of the divine father towards his children. Hence, hell should not be treated as indicator of the revenge of God towards sinner through punishments. The sole aim of the punishment is only to reform the sinner and not to revenge against the sinner.

    The love of these worldly parents and worldly preacher is always blind and limited to this life only. The love of God is in the perspective of long range to uplift the soul to the highest position irrespective of the duration of time.



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