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Offline Kavitaparna

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Know who you are and why you are here....
« on: September 14, 2007, 06:27:29 AM »
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    "Demolish the wall of difference that separates you from Me; and then the road for our meeting will be clear and open. The sense of differentiation, as I and thou, is the barrier that keeps away the disciple from his Master, and unless that is destroyed the state of union or atonement is not possible, "Allah Malik" i.e. God is the sole Proprietor, nobody else is our Protector. His method of work is extra-ordinary, invaluable, and inscrutable. His will will be done and He will show us the way, and satisfy our heart's desires" - SSC.

    The Following Word of God - Lord Sai has been elucidated in simple terms by Lord Meher.

    Ocean of

    The infinite God, in His original state, may be compared to the ocean. When the ocean is completely still, it cannot know itself as might, since it is bereft of all movements. In order to realize itself as a mighty ocean, with all the immensity of its stored-up energy, there must come into existence some movement within it. Now the wind that creates a stir in the ocean of God is the impulse which God has in His original state for realizing the fullness and immensity of His own infinite being. This wind creates bubbles of different dimensions in the ocean. They correspond to the innumerable forms of evolving life from atom to man. [Various species that we see around]

    The highest bubble [a soul encapsulated in human body] is perfect in consciousness and may be compared to a boat. It is the human body. The driving force of the evolution is the same as the original impulse to attain self-knowledge. But it gets wrapped up in diverse impressional dispositions. [Like I am limited, I am my Body, I am not a Soul]

    The average man occupies the boat of his body, but he has no control over the driving of the boat. In the boat his hands and feet are, as it were, tied down by his accumulated impressional dispositions. He cannot himself drive the boat as he pleases. But he finds that the boat of his body is driven hither and thither by his ingrained impressional dispositions [Our day to day activities without surrender] As he breathes, he adds to the wind, i.e., he creates further new impressional dispositions. It is not himself, but these freshly acquired dispositions, which have the determinative power for driving the boat. [The life lived without good surrender due to being a mind slave]

    If the man has good actions to his credit, the wind of his impressional dispositions leads the boat to a Boatman [like Sai] , who can not only freely guide the boat on the surface of the ocean, but even knows all the ins and outs of the ocean. It should never be forgotten that it is the ocean itself [GOD] which becomes the man in the boat [People], the boat [Life] and the Boatman [Sadguru like Sai] .

    The moment the man drowns himself in the ocean he gets lost in the ocean, like a sugar-doll; and he realizes "I was and am the ocean, though previously I knew it not."

    However, in order that the Boatmen should be able to discharge their duty towards the bound sailors in the surface-boats, the sailors have to give themselves over to the Boatmen. The surrender must be complete.
    This complete surrender of body, desires and ego-mind is something symbolized in the East by offering to the Master a coconut.

    When the Master enables the soul to get at its real essence by shedding its sheaths of bodies, it may be said to have the innermost water of the coconut. The Master now takes that water, which is the essence of the coconut, and mixes it up with the water of the ocean itself, by showing that it is not any different.

    This is like drinking the water and making it unite with the ocean of life, which the Master is. The water has not been destroyed; it has become united with its source. The lover and the beloved have become one.

    The soul has now gone back exactly to the state from where it started, with the only difference that it now knows itself to be the mighty ocean of Truth, whereas in the beginning, it was unconscious of this fact.

    We're here to enable the divine purpose of God [Unmanifest] to know itself.
    Jai SaiRam.

    - By Saidasan


    Offline Kavitaparna

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    Re: Know who you are and why you are here....
    « Reply #1 on: September 14, 2007, 07:42:14 AM »
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  • Om Sairam.

    Lord Meher uses ocean because ocean symbolizes infinity to the limited human eye. It is not to be taken literally. God (Unmanifest) is unaware of its infinity. It yearns to know its infinity. The thought of yearning is what Meher calls Lehar.

    God’s original state – unaware of its own infinity is compared to a deep sea cos it is still.

    What is this 'wind' and from where and how does it come. Can we call it Maya ?
    If we can call it Maya, it has to necessarily originate from the God - ocean.

    God-Sleeping state is compared to the deep Sea because the God is Calm. Wind is needed in the deep sea to cause movement or Action so here Meher Baba uses it as an example to state God-In-action state i.e. when God begins to manifest itself.

    You can call it Maya but I don’t prefer it as it is overused and can give different meanings to diff people.

    The objects of Maya are Gods manifestations in its own quest. I’d prefer to call Maya A state of mind that cannot discern the Truth.

    I see God as an amalgamation of Form – whatever was its original form, Thought – impulse to know itself, Mind – when there is thought there should be mind which is Universal Mind, Energy and intelligence – to manifest, evolve and sustain its various forms.

    And this wind - the Maya, continues to control all the species, teasing all the species under its influence.

    It is the influence as well as the one that is getting influenced (species) to continue its Quest. The concept of teasing arises when you believe you are a Separate Entity and live disconnected. This is beautifully explained by Meher -
    It should never be forgotten that it is the ocean itself [GOD] which becomes the man in the boat [People], the boat [Life] and the Boatman [Sadguru like Sai] .

    Jai Sai Ram

    - by Saidasan




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