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Author Topic: Param Pujya Shri Ranchhoddasji Maharaj.  (Read 3766 times)

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Offline Vikram_Rana

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Param Pujya Shri Ranchhoddasji Maharaj.
« on: August 22, 2008, 05:26:58 PM »
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    Param Pujya Shri Ranchhoddasji was an ageless saint. He was a Divinely reincarnation and an ardent devotee of Lord Ram. He traveled all over the country on foot and spent many years in meditation, leading to self-realization. In a way, he spent all his life showing the right path to the people lost at the cross roads of their lives.

    Our Gurudev was a messiah with a vision and a missionary zeal. He was a pillar of strength for the depressed, distressed and deprived human beings. He strongly advocated that there was no greater religion than a service to the humanity. To give a material shape to his spiritual convictions and also to show light to all those who were groping in the darkness, he spearheaded the concept of voluntary service for ameliorating the lot of humanity.

    His pioneering efforts gave birth to the concept of organizing free Eye Camps and relief works during natural calamities in the early fifties. This work has continued since then in an ever increasing and effective manner. His endearing spirit and dedication to the benevolent task attracted thousands to become followers of his ideology. They flocked to the service camps and became his ardent disciples. Their concerted efforts metamorphosed into an institution and with the blessings and inspiration of our revered Gurudev. With Gurudev as its founder, Shri Sadguru Seva Sangh Trust came into being in 1968.

    Gurudev left for His heavenly abode in the year 1970 but His soul is very much amidst us - always guiding and inspiring us at every step, leading us from darkness to light.

    Philosophy Of Life

    Human life is for experiencing peace. What is life worth if there is no peace? Woeful life is no life at all. It is not wise to waste life in hankering after ‘Bhogas’ (sensual gratifications). Life is not for pursuing selfishness and sensualities; it is for experiencing happiness and joy by reigning in the senses and rising above selfishness, delusion and attachments. No one’s greed, craving and lust have been satisfied until now, nor will yours ever be.

    The ideal conduct of humanity is to have an ever kind heart, to keep the senses under firm control, to earn through just and righteous means, to love and be faithful to one's family, to do charity and render service commensurate with the capacity of one's body, mind and resources, to have a high sense of duty and to give no room to selfish thoughts in 'Parmartha' (doing good to others).

    Our life should be such, that no harm or suffering is caused by us to any creature. No one should be hurt. Then only will others shed fear of us. Consequently, we will also experience fearlessness. The ideal form of human society is one in which there is preponderance of fearlessness and happiness.

    The beauty of human life shines forth only where there is a feeling, engendered by love, of doing good to the maximum number of people, what ever be one's capacity of the body, mind, money, speech or thinking.

    The immutable law of action and reaction (cause and effect) is that one reaps what one sows. We sow a grain, and reap the harvest of several grains. If you want to be happy, distribute a portion of your happiness amongst others.

    There is no other way except to develop large-heartedness and catholicity.

    The human body of one who does not conduct himself well and does not help others, is a waste.

    It is because of God's grace that you are able to perform good acts. Understand it well and surrender them to God.


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